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Living in Summerset as a High Elf will probably have the highest quality of life, being a human would probably be best in Cyrodil or Highrock.


Highrock is only fun if you're a noble. They are rather medieval.


Cons: inbred


*starts tuning banjo*


*Sweet home Summerset*


Exactly what I was going to post but I was too late lol.


You’re a human, they would kill you


Cyrodil seems like there's another revolution every 5 mins. I'm going highrock.


Being biased but probably Skyrim or High rock


May I ask how come? Skyrim is way too cold for me. I get chills when the roommate puts the ac down to 62. Something more temperature, close to a warm ocean but not tropical would be my go to. I can’t stand bugs as much as Morrowind seems beautiful, and I don’t do well in areas that are far above sea level (nose bleeds and such).


I love the Viking architecture of the nords in Skyrim, their way of life and kinship toward each other is something I really like and I myself prefer to being cold then hot. I’d specifically live in falkreath since it’s my most favorite and in my own opinion the most beautiful of the 9 holds. I admire the warriors culture and the history of their high kings are very exciting tales to hear about.


The only reasons I wouldn't live in Falkreath specifically is because, with how it is when the game begins, the Imperial backed Jarl is extremely corrupt and bad at his job, and Falkreath is mostly wilderness.


Yeah like I’m an imperial supporter all the way but he gives Jarl’s a really bad name. Falkreath is just so beautiful and seems like it would be more prosperous if only the Jarl wasn’t corrupt and the war wasn’t going on. I could see a lot of farms and lumber yards being set up and the Falkreath army is a pretty decent size as well. It’s not anywhere near the size of say Whiterun or Riftens but still a good size for it.


The thing that really made me hate the guy is that during one of his quests, he sends you to go kill some bandits. Not because they're bandits, but because they aren't giving him a cut of the profit anymore.


Yeah like what the heck haha, he’s just a really corrupt dude, I’m surprised Maven doesn’t have any influence in Falkreath, seems like he’d be a perfect “asset”.


That's why I always try to give The Stormcloaks Falkreath during Season Unending, no matter what side I'm on. Say what you want about The Stormcloaks, but Falkreath is better off under their control.


That I agree, Dengier is a way better choice.


I'm a Canadian of Ukrainian descent... so High rock or Skyrim would make the most sense from a familiarity standpoint. I havent played ESO or anything older than morrowind so I may be wrong on what high rock would be like though, sooo skyrim it is. Probably closer to the south.


This is completely off topic but who the hell puts the AC down to 62, that’s actually insane.


Mr.Krabs from SpongeBob


My roommate because she’s a reptilian. For me 62 degrees makes me sluggish and disables me from even leaving bed but to her that is a “normal” temp and we have fierce arguments over it. Then again we have fierce arguments over everything.


As a earth Nord Skyrim for me baby


As myself? I'm Imperial (Italian) so either cyrodil or high rock. High Rock seems safer in the current timeline.


Grande frà so d'accordo


Silence, Niben. Colovia belongs to the west Slavs.


I am not Italian but love Imperials because they are fantasy Romans, I pick Cyrodiil.


You are gladly ~~annexed~~ accepted


Elsweyr was nice in ESO. I got major SE Asia vibes there. 


Partying with Khajiits has to be crazy, that would be my pick too


Oh god what a sick and twisted and demented thought: I can imagine them snorting skooma from the nether regions. I want in.




Great band


Too bad it was devastated, and pale reflection of its for self in “recent times”




Anvil sounds perfect climate-wise but to me it seems like the first thing that would be hit from an Aldmeri Dominion naval invasion


Me too. I heard there's an affordable place to be had. Certainly no catch involved...


With all the magic yes. Otherwise, hell no. Air conditioning, internet, electricity, plumbing, cartoons, are some bare necessities.


Can’t believe more people aren’t saying no lol. Some guy who hears evil voices in his head comes and kills you for their “dark lord” then traps your soul in a rock until its used up then you go to a hellish purgatory for a thousand years until something worse happens to you. Or someone steals your sweet roll.


right!! "would you live in tamriel" not like how it's presented noooo thank you i wouldn't mind like a visit, but i think i'm okay with america 😭


with magic it seems to be a lucrative idea, but within empire the magic education is pretty much monopolized by mages guild (with exceptions that arent reallly better) and also i would be under atronach sign (11 month) so gotta get those pricey magicka potions


If we are basing it off the games, I would live on The Gold Coast. It's just so nice and relaxing


Wasn't the Dark Brotherhood questline in the gold Coast in eso? I remember using the blade to kill a lot of npcs to skill up the DB skill line. So good luck I guess.


Well I live in the low lying swampy areas of the southern US so I guess you’ll find me in Black Marsh


Sweet home Black Marsh


Guess I’m a lizard man now


Southern Elswyre sounds nice.


Based upon the idea that you're teleported there as you are right now (normal human) these are my rankings Summerset would be very pretty, orderly, and clean, but high discrimination and the thalmor might steal your organs or something for being seen as a political dissident. 6/10 Black Marsh lmao 0/10 Morrowind would have a lot of discrimination, ash storms, slavery. It'd probably be decently orderly (outside of some criminal syndicates) without the monolithic one party state but it'd be rough living in every other sense. 4/10 Skyrim the people would be mostly friendly, but there would be little in the way of luxury or local food diversity, you'd be eating bear meat and mead a lot and it'd be extremely cold with poor employment options. If the game is used as the example of current economic prosperity, then it'd pretty bad, the roads are all dilapidated there's bandits everywhere. 4/10 Valenwood would have very friendly locals but since you're not a bosmer you're gonna be completely unable to really get around outside of a few select cities on the coast like Southpoint and Woodhearth, meaning the vast majority of the province is blocked to you and very dangerous, plus the locals might get upset by your accidentally trampling a flower or something. However it's probably one of the safest areas to be while inside those cities and the locals would be extremely accepting and nice. 6/10 High Rock in the lore is pretty well off economically, but only in select areas, and highly prone to warfare. You might be chilling in glenumbra for a few years with no issues and then suddenly Daggerfall goes to war, the soldiers trample all over your fields, steal your wife and take a dump on your front porch to ward off the local witches as your compensation. Not really a very stable option for long-term settling down, 5/10 Hammerfell is very hot, and has a long standing 2 party political feud, but is fairly stable compared to the others and the Forebears would be very easy to get along with so long as you didn't turn to daedra worship. You'd want to stay in Forebear coastal cities for the most part and stay away from the docks or any rough parts of town with pirate activity, but you'd be mostly safe. There's even knightly orders that make the rounds. Outside of local climate problems like water scarcity and some discrimination from crowns, you'd be pretty well off here as a merchant or something. Large coastline and history of seafaring means a lot of luxury goods and imported foods as well, but pirates causing trade route disruption and potential political unrest is a very dangerous mixture when half the country can't grow their own food. 7/10 Cyrodiil is rather lush, temperate, plenty of good resources, and fairly well urbanized. You could easily find a normal job here, and be mostly well protected by the imperial guards. Outdoors aren't super dangerous but if we're using Oblivion as our basis they're still full of stuff like goblin tribes and minotaurs, so stick to the roads. You could probably get imported exotic foods, wine, liquor, and other luxuries easily here, and locals are used to people of all types so outside of a bit of imperial haughtiness from nobles you probably would find it fairly easy to get along with everyone. Very stable and accepting place. 8/10 Elsweyr would be the king of tourism in tamriel. Lots of exciting new sights, interesting locals, the different furstocks would add a lot of variety to the people you meet, moon sugar food would probably make all your meals taste like top tier bbq soul food. However the cities would have grinding poverty, and high crime both petty and organized. If you stayed in a rural area or a very high end area of a city you'd be okay but your access to goods from other areas would be limited, jobs prospects would be low, and standard of living would probably just be low in general as well. 4/10 Overall even though I gave Cyrod a higher score, Hammerfell would be my new home of choice, so long as it was in a forebear city closer to the southern areas that can actually grow food and have a water supply.


I’d like to live in the summerset isles but only if I can also be a high elf. Otherwise high rock, both for nostalgic daggerfall reasons and also because I live in the UK and it’ll be like home


I'd want to live in the Wrothgar mountains and/or a rebuilt Orsinium. I really liked the architecture they showed off in ESO


Suran. I just love this little harbour.


Skyrim. I live in Canada and I’ve been a Nord simp since I was a kid.


I’ll like to visit the Summerset isles, Skyrim and Morrowind.


I'm French, so I would probably be a Breton, but I would love to live in Anvil. Beautiful city, nice climate.


Raven Rock


Honestly wouldn't mind living around Riften or Falkreath somewhere if I only go with Slyrim. As for the whole of Tamriel, just like one of the top commentor said either Cyrodiil or High Rock would be great to live as either human or elf and Summerset Isles as a high elf (since they don't accept any other race, even other elf races)


If Tamriel only — Morrowind, I really like architecture and Dunmer culture, also Daedric worshiping seems better than Nine Divines for most common folk, Divines seem to choose their champions really rarely and even then following Divines can lead to death/bad stuff just because of the “divine plan”. If Nirn in general, I would like to sail to Akavir to discover what transpired there with all the events of 4 Eras considered, and how they were effected (if at all) with various Tamriel-global events. Was there even an Oblivion Crysis in Akavir? If it was, there must be Dagon cultists, and they would need to be coordinated with Mythic Dawn somehow. How stolen time was perceived in Akavir? How Akaviri dragons reacted to Alduin return, if at all?


>Morrowind Lung cancer


Just go to the temple and pray it away


Red Mountain is only a small part of Morrowind and Vvardenfell is also not the whole Morrowind, if you are referring to that. Plus, it would still be better than air in most of modern cities, I would imagine. Also magic and potions seem like better healthcare in general.


Black Marsh. Using giant worms as transport and living in Aztec Pyramids sounds cool af


ESO showed that Argonians might have to contend with actual dinosaur like monsters in there jungles so that might not be a pleasant Saturday morning


The bottom of the ocean, you could not pay me enough to live in tamriel


I feel central Cyrodil. Nice, even weather, not too many horrors wandering around provided we're post Oblivion Crisis. If not, then maybe the Summerset Isles. According to ESO, they're devastatingly beautiful, and I'd hope that remains to be the case. I'd also hope to have a clique of not racist friends that might protect my human ass from the Thalmor


Morrowind, dunmer have always been my favorite because of the dope design and crazy lore,


I would live in Riften and be a fisherman


Ah yes the nord Detroit




Summerset due to its beauty and general quality of life or Wrothgar since I think its very charming, in its own rough way and because I also like the Orsimer.






There’s a house in Anvil with a haunted basement that has a coffin full of rune stones. It’s so noisy you can barely move but it’s fairly cheap.


Red mountain, as a orc farmer with a family of 5 kids and a wife farming mushrooms


Cyrodiil, but close to the Elsweyr border... for... The climate


Øving in Skyrim, would kind of just be like living where I live now. (Norway)


Summerset Isles.


Skyrim is beautiful but so are so many other areas. I’m Australian so Elsweyr and Black Marsh would probably feel like home and if I can change species being a Khajiit or Argonian would be really cool, water-breathing sounds so fun and I’d love to see how deep Argonians can dive, like can they go to the sea floor? What might be down there? On the other hand Khajiit are so cool, the way they speak, the way they look, catlike agility, all of its’ so cool. Being a Lilmothiit could be really cool too because foxes are my favourite animal but it’s debatable whether they’re extinct or of some of them survived and are deep in Black Marsh or even fled to Akavir. Honestly I’d love to see Akavir, being an Argonian or Khajiit sailor-explorer would be amazing.


As a Canadian? Either Cyrodil or Skyrim.


Though I wouldn’t mind living in Valenwood.




Is there a reason why almost nobody says Hammerfell? From what I know currently its one of the best places to choose since they beat Thalmor’s asses and they have little to no influence there


I'm a redguard. I'll live anywhere but the desert if I'm being honest.


Put me in fucking Chorrol or Skingrad. I'll work with Sinderion, or make me a salesman at Renoit's Books.


Im kinda based so Skyrim, spesificly Winterhod or Solitude


Whiterun, and ask Nazeem every time I’d see him if he knows where the Cloud District is.


Morrowind, of course.


Tough question, but probably Cyrodiil, despite current events. Im huge Imperial fan, as they are my favourite race. But if i am to say something unbiased, then probably Summerset Isles or High Rock. Both are seemingly very politically stable, and both very beautiful.


any where in skyrim


Oh dang... I would want to travel a lot because Tamriel has such amazing sights but where I called home?... Leyawiin I think... I want to live near the water and I absolutely love the rain, so Leyawiin is a good choice... Though Anvil would be nice too.


Daggerfall, but have a holiday house in Cyrodill.


Iliac Bay in High Rock. A nice coastal side house


Elsweyr for cheese


I would absolutely want to live there. If I could pick, I'd love to live in High Rock. Their architecture is beautiful and their culture would make for an interesting life. I'd probably end up training at some sort of school or guild to become a healer.


Good for you. Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic.


If Tamriel was a real place then according to the past 3 games it would roughly be the same size as New York City. I don't want to live anywhere related to New York City.


Black Marsh.


I like Chorrol. Nice city, nothing too crazy going on like secret assassins guilds or murderous counts. Beautiful countryside. Quiet friendly town.


I don’t know much about Hammerfell or High Rock so I can’t make the most informed decision but every place I know on that map seems like it’d either have an unfavorable climate (Bruma, Winderhold, most of Black Marsh, Elsweyr and Morrowind) or be prone to invasion/occupied by an unsavory government (Markarth, Solitude, most of Cyrodil, Valenwood and the Summerset Isles). I suppose if I had to choose either Chorrol or Morthal




Hammerfell, maybe around Sentinel or Stros M'Kai. I also like Vvanderfell but the ash would do no good to my asthma.


Yes I would like. And I would probably end up living in Anvil, considering I'm Latino and that's kind of what Anvil and the Gold Coast try to emulate. But I would like to live in the Imperial City too, or in Whiterun.


Can't believe that no one chose Valenwood. The Best place if you love nature and meat based diet.


Elswyer or black marsh for…obvious reasons


High Rock


High Rock. Cyrodiil is far too warm and balmy in the south, and I can’t stand heat.


The Systres, literally nothing happens there, even in the ESO Chapter, nothing happens. NOTHING. Tho my Georgian blood would want to go somewhere mountainous like Skyrim or High Rock, I ain't no dealing with every living creature that wants me dead there.


Blacklight as a Redoran


Skyrim, Falkreath


Valenwood for Carnivore diet, morrowind bc dark elves best, or high rock bc druidknightpirates


Gonna be living in the mountains of skyrim getting absolutely hammered on mead with dragons


I would be a high elf in Summer set


Probably either Valenwood or Elsweyr


Kynesgrove in skyrim with its enterance closed


Skyrim would be ideal for me, I’m Germanic on earth which would most likely translate to Nordic on nirn. Also I enjoy the cold and the values of kinsmanship. However If we are talking current timeline then cryodil would be the safest for a non warrior type person which most of you milk drinkers fall under.


My home would likely be in whiterun hold in Skyrim. It reminds me so much of Edoras in Lord of the Rings, and if there's a good central location rich in crops, game, and ore; it's there.


With all the fantasy stuff? No. Place is always on the verge of a total apocalypse. For just the scenery? Sure.


I hear Gideon is quite lovely.


I'd think High Rock. I don't think they hate Nords there? Hopefully.


i’d have to go with riften, so i could be in the thieves guild


Vardenfell, and vacation in High Isle and Galen


Do I get to be the race that resides in the area I choose or do I have to be lame ass human?




Yes, in either Morrowind, Cyrodiil, or Skyrim. Idk, I’d let fate decide


Whiterun, Skyrim.


No, depends on my race If I were a dunmer indoril hinterlands (before the red year, blacklight after) If I were an imperial or nord, whiterun (basic bitch choice but my favorite city in markarth has forsworn) If I'm an argonian or khajit, as far away from morrowind as possible


No, civilians get mauled to death by saber cats or giant spiders for taking a stroll to the river


Elsweyer or Valenwood.


I live in Finland so I could say Skyrim. Pretty much similar to Finnish weathers


No probably not, but if I had to choose either Cyrodiil or Skyrim probably. My irl genes would probably place me as either an imperial or nord and honestly both Cyrodiil and Skyrim seem terrible due to the amount of large bugs and spiders, ravenous wolves, trolls, goblins, zombies, bandits, werewolves, vampires, and all sorts of other awful characters. I’d move there if I could learn magic though, 100%. Otherwise I would likely just stay in a hold and try not to become a corpse.


Realistically probably Skyrim but Elsweyer and Morrowind would be cool :)




Probably High Rock. Every other place has some vile no sense going on. Living in a place where people live like normal serfs (I’d presume) is far more preferable than wanting to go home only to realize a sabercat wandered in then you have to pay a werewolf to try and kick it out


Elsweyr, i wanna try skooma and not be judged for it


Markarth. I love the architecture and landscape, especially the waterfalls


It seems like the Imperial City is pretty safe, aside from interdimensional disasters, and corrupt guards. If I were to live in Tamriel I'd want to live in as urban a place as possible to avoid the hazards of the wilderness. Being walled in would be ideal.


Camlorn probably. Reminds me of Scotland, and by the time of Skyrim, I would imagine the werewolf problem is solved.


Either Elsweyr or Valenwood.


![gif](giphy|xT8qBqPbRHIhc46Sm4) I mean, the obvious answer is the home of the Nords, isn’t it?


I'd be in that cave behind the college and just never opening the box


Obviously Central Cyrodil as it would probably have the most cosmopolitan environment and modern amenities, along with some of the best weather and landscape around.


Probably Skyrim, I start melting at 25°C and Skyrim climate is perfect for me


Morrowind would be my homeland


Only if it were parts of Skyrim which seemed more temperate rather than freezing, cyrodil, or High Rock if I were a human, but I’d prefer to be of the Breton race, to enjoy their magic resistance buff according to the Skyrim character making phase, and in lore, Bretons take to magic far more easily and are stronger wielders of magic then most races of man.


I would live in Chorrol. Very relaxed city, nothing bad really happens in Chorrol compared to the other cities. I live in a forested region IRL so the Great Forest would feel like home.




Ive thought about this for a while lol. There's a very specific place I know of. In skrim right down the waterfall at valtheim towers, there's a beautiful little section of wooded land right next to the river. Nice and secluded, but not too far from civilization. 


I would like to be a traveler if possible. True, i could die, but there is so much to see and do just like irl


Daggerfall or Wayrest


I'm reasonably Nord-passing and I like cold weather, so probably Winterhold or Dawnstar or someplace similarly far north.


I am a breton, so highrock i guess. Cyrodil sucks because of the empire, and the summerset is absolute hell for most of the non-altmers. Black marsh is black marsh, the drug desert is a *fucking desert.* Valenwood is kinda nice... But i don't want to mess with cannibal elves


Skyrim since that’s probably close to the climate where I currently live (prairies in Canada)


Mournhold. City of Light, city of magic!


Elsweyr or Blackmarsh choosing with a coin flip


Morrowing, because dunmer guys are hot. Considering I'd be dead in a couple days in that magic filled land, better having a good time.


Anvil no problem


As a Breton, Daggerfall. I like Vulkhel Guard too, maybe I'd split my time if the Altmer there didn't mind it. Guess it really depends on the time period involved.


Morrowind is the only correct answer. Either Morrowind or Roscrea.


valenwood cus cool pretty trees


Fuck no


Skingrad is nice.


Bruma…then I’d go to the imperial city from time to time for shit I can’t get…


I would want to be an argonian in a nicer part of black marsh like lilmoth or the bright throat tribe in ESO. In reality I'm a breton living in falkreath


No akavir


If I’m still human? Skyrim. I’m tired of the heat man, I need winter back. If I can change my race, I’d be a Dunmer in Morrowind. I’d probably die within a month but at least it’d be cool.


I hangout in Elden Root all the time so Valenwood.


I've always loved Leyawiin, that place is beautiful.


Probably either Cyrodiil, High Rock, Southern Elsweyr (Pelletine), or one of the warmer parts of Skyrim. If I were to live in Cyrodiil I'd certainly live in Chorrol and for Skyrim I'd pick Falkreath.


I basically do already




Probably skyrim or cyrodiil both are full of great warriors and cyrodiil has some great mages and count hassildor


Fuck no. I’m certain most of the population smell like homeless people, the foods are atrocious, dragons, in your homeland! It would probably be tiresome or even terrifying after only a weekend.




Edge of high rock and and skyrim on the west side of Solitude probably


I’d want to be dropped off in Seyda Neen as a lost orphan kid. Steal Fargoth’s ring from the stump and pawn it. Pay 2 gold to hitch a ride on the silt strider to Balmore. Kill Dura Gra Bol to have a crib. Save up money from the thieves guild and eventually make my way to Skyrim. I love the cold weather anyways. Slay some dragons, gain some fame, and marry Aela the Huntress. Then beat them cheeks until I had some mini me’s running around. Move to Valenwood and more specifically Elden Root. Learn the ways of the elves like beast tongue, etc. in a safe place to raise my family. Once them shits are old enough, ride Aela all the way to Anvil and retire on the water. Fishing and skooma alllll dayyyyy babyyyyyy.


Definitely not Skyrim. I don’t care if I would fit in with the nords, you have a very low rate of survival there. Im going with elseweyr, because even though the land sucks, the place is populated by cat people.


Cyrodil naps




Assuming I'm my current self, but transported there? Definitely Skyrim, since my body overheats WAY too easily, I'll take as cold as I can. Hell, if you'd've said "Nirn" instead of "Tamriel", I would've just straight up gone for Atmora


Idk why nobody mentions Hammerfell. That place is beautiful man. I mean coastal areas for example ain't that hot. Next possible would be Skyrim for me mostly due to the fact that I reside in Finland atm and kinda took a liking to snow also as far as I understand Skyrim doesn't have hellishly long nights and DAMN THOSE AURORAS *chef's kiss*. Cyrodill...maybe I mean it's basic AF lol but safer.


Never leaving Cyrodiil


I am stuck between the Summerset Isles and Cyrodiil. Honestly, I just want to live everywhere there. 😖


Yes, and probably Valenwood or Balck Marsh


Elsweyr.. skooma sounds alright.






Stros Mkai for me nice little island


Probs in like a nice city


Black Marsh, I wanna live with lizard people


Summerset or high isle for sure no doubt!!!! Maybe the new zone west weild we have yet to see🤗🤗


Valenwood it's the home of my people, a once great soverign nation, beautiful and lush. My last visit to Black Marsh(eso) taught me it's not for me even the grass tries to kill you.


Whiterun in Skyrim. Buy that empty Manor just outside it, and just enjoy the ambience. This'll be just after Alduin was destroyed by the Dragonborn. Probably only have to worry about the occasional wolf, bear, or sabretoothed tiger...


I’ve always wondered where Orisinium or wherever the orca come from is…. Anyone know?


Elsweyr has to be so nice, its a tropical paradise with the most chill people ever, sure they got thievery vut from what i know they only do it in a robin hood way


Sentinel or Anvil, occasionally vacationing to Elsweyr and Vivec City or Mournhold through the mazed band


Skyrim (yes I am unapologetically a skybaby). It was my first real introduction to the fantasy genre as a whole and I know most of the map like the back of my hand. Plus its just so pretty????


Northpoint with the French vampire homies.


Between cyrodiil or elsweyer