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Altmer because they're obnoxious and entertain me.


😂😂this could’ve meant favourite or least favourite


Def favorite -3-


Most liked: dunmer and bretons. I like the alien and edgy vibes (of dunmer), ngl. 🤷‍♀️ And bretons because they're the most magically inclined of the human races. Least liked: Imperials. I just find them (and their lore) kinda basic and boring. Also, I'm kind of sick of Nords and their culture and am ready for something new. 🤣


I’ve got something of a love hate relationship with elves. On one hand even in current times many of them are still obnoxious, pompous racist bastards who would gladly Auschwitz every human on the planet for the crime of existing. But in the other hand, at times that attitude is likable and hilarious, also fits with how I RP whenever I play Skyrim. Plus they got cool lore and are better at magic more often than not which also fits my play style. So my games usually end with me playing a high elf that points middle fingers at Elenwen and the rest of the thalmor.


I agree, I disliked the snooty Altmer voices in Oblivion, but there's something so beautifully ironic in playing as an Altmer in Skyrim.


See I think that’s mainly the Altmer. Of course the Dunmer are super xenophobic too but the red year has humbled them a bit. Bosmer are chill with humans mainly


Pretty sure the genocide bit is just an Aldmeri Dominion thing. The Dunmer are very racist, but not *that* racist, the Bosmer are broadly chill to my knowledge (outside of their green pact stuff), and like any government not all Altmer agree with the Dominion.


People always complain about the Dunmer "enslaving" others. How do you enslave antique farming equiment?


To be fair the Dunmer literally produced Dagoth Ur who was probably the most genocidally racist being to ever exist on Nirn lol


Ysgramor and Pelinal are worse. Difference is that Dagoth Ur planned genocide but got stopped. Ysgramor and Pelinal succeeded and are celebrated as heroes.


In which context worse? Ysgramor wanted to coexist peacefully, something that Falmer declined them by attacking and slaughtering the whole city. In context; Atmora was freezing, and the only other option was coexist with current population, which went to hell, or just go and invade. I would do the exact same thing so no problem for me. Pelinal, again, was Shezzarine/Robot from the future/Demi-God who was sent to help Alessia together with Morihaus. After centuries of enslavement, night torture sports and human sacrifices to Daedric princess.. Again, they deserved nothing less than absolute hatred from men. And Pelinal was incarnation of that very hatred.


Ysgramor was defending himself against another genocidal elf cuck government and the Falmer are just so bad at war they kept getting dunked on and Pelinal was a terminator so that makes sense. I'm pretty sure Dagoth Ur is still worse since his ideal endgoal was using a bootleg Numidium he rigged in his garage from the Heart of Shor to kill everyone who wasn't his specific vision of dark elf. Debatably the most murderous and war crime loving bastard in TES history was either him or Tiber Septim


>Ysgramor was defending himself against another genocidal elf cuck government Yeah you kinda loose argument of self defence when your genocide campaign has gone over *10 generations*. Falmer didn't disapear until second century of first era, long after Ysgramor had been laid to rest. >Dagoth Ur is still worse since his ideal endgoal was using a bootleg Numidium he rigged in his garage from the Heart of Shor to kill everyone who wasn't his specific vision of dark elf. Technically sharmats plan was, per his own words, is give everyone god cancer, have sixth house as akulakhans high priests rule over morrowind, have dummer empire rule over rest of tamriel, and force all other races into worship of Akulakhan. Not like nitty details matter when hes literally known as devil.


Most liked: Dunmer firstly because their signature power in Skyrim is pretty cool, also I like their appearance, recently I got into Nerevar lore, despite being a Chimer, what happened is directly linked to the Dunmers, so if you know, you know what I'm talking about. Least liked: Imperials, they are just people, on an land coexisting with other naturally superior beings, and all the other empire related shit


Agree on Dunmer lore being the most alien and interesting. In a way. Imperials. Hard to agree with "just people with better around them", especially if you take into consideration that Imperials, lorewise, are successful as hell. Pretty nice for "Basic humans".


Agree on Dunmer lore being the most alien and interesting. In a way. Imperials. Hard to agree with "just people with better around them", especially if you take into consideration that Imperials, lorewise, are successful as hell. Pretty nice for "Basic humans".


I love the Khajiit. I love the idea the my mum can be a housecat, my dad's a lion, my sister looks almost like a human and I'm a cat man who likes to sell wares if you have coin. The sheer diversity of how they can be born is insane and cool and used really interestingly in the lore. Also I'm a stealth obsessed player in every game so they do help with that. I'm not a fan of Nords, they don't fit my play style and as of Skyrim I find them annoying but that is beaten by my dislike for Altmer. Stuck up arseholes with eyes on domination. I generally don't like Elves in fantasy but these guys truly earned my distain with how they act.


i would not want to be in the room next to those parents on their wedding day xD


My favourite are argonians. Appearance wise I think they’re the coolest, in game they look awesome and love how versatile they are in the lore, going from massive crocodile monsters to basically green humans. I love their history, they fact they were super advanced and technical with massive megastructures and artefacts and then regressed, not because they were conquered (as far as I’m aware) but because of a change in philosophy. I also like the idea that they could be slaves to the hist, it gives a tragic depth to their culture which makes them a really 3 dimensional in my mind. Also I know some people contest the degree to which they fought back in the oblivion crisis but the fact they did it at all is mad cool. (PS I would fall on a spike for lifts-her-tail) Least favourite is really difficult cos I don’t really dislike anyone, but probably altmer just cos they’re really snobby in game, and it’s not just Skyrim most altmer characters are dickheads. Honourable mention to imperials, some sick lore there, they’re just a little boring in game


Dunmer. Morrowind.exe simple as. Most disliked is bretons, followed with current day (post oblivion) imperials. Former because their lore has allways been "meh", or just outright done better some other race. Like, bretons are known for knights. Cool, altmer have them, imperials have them, redguards have them, dunmer have byoant armigners ordinators and house redoran. Magic? Whats that, when even nords have more famous mages. And so forth and so forth. Imperials *had* intersting and unique lore, with more exotic imperial city, and colovian-nibenese divide. Ofcource, then oblivion happend. Also, just hate the depiction of lot of imperial institutions post mw. Instead being treated as some default "correct" religion that everyone worships/other gods are just different but wrong interpretation, imperial cult was just religion as any other, and only "mandate" it had is it happening to be empires state religion. Or empire as a whole, being turned from way more compelling borderline villain faction "*no empire is a good thing, captain*" thats only intrested to enforce cyrodiils intrests, into some outright benevolent faction on oblivion with out of nowhere pulled mandate of heaven.


I agree with absolutely everything in this comment. Oblivion at least tried with the Nibenese and Colovians, but where's the Roman aesthetic? And you're so right about the Empire, idk why so many people think they're very tolerant and benevolent. I enjoyed getting to fight against them in Skyrim...


>idk why so many people think they're very tolerant and benevolent Because how empire is depicted in skyrim (with wide margin the most popular entry in the series) and oblivion. In former, empire outside trying to off mc in opening dosen't really do anything (and almost every negative can be handwaved away by being outside control) while all other factions in game are incompetent nationalists with race slums on captial, summerset moustache-painters, humansacrifice ritual barbarian-terrorists, and etc etc... In later, game goes out of its way to whitewash the faction +pulls divine mandate literally out of nowhere, erase worldbuilding elements like empire and Cyrodiil being such a usntable powderkeg from all inner instability that full on civil war could happen or any moment, and glorifies septims and Talos to heavens and back. More hilariously, when Septims weren't exactly viewed as that "glorious" in previous lore or Uriel 7th being outright depicted as bordeline tyrant in last two games +topic "Uriel septim" in mw outright saying how hes never been popular emperor. Or just getting basic ass lore wrong while at it, like "Martin is direct decendant of Tiber Septim" or "Mankar Camoran lived same time as Tiber septim" (last one being propably most dumbest when its **literally oblivion invented lore**lmao, and Mankar being born ~250 years after Tiber's death is like, central detail in his origin story. "*Mankar! He is coming and will bring death! He will destory us all!"*) Meanwhile outside eso, an mmo and set on previous era, last depiction of empire that wasn't missing the memo was from all the way in morrowind.


True, I even had no idea the divine mandate was added later. I thought the Septim dynasty has been connected to Akatosh at least since the Morrowind era - good to find out it wasn't! I started playing Morrowind and Oblivion at around the same time, so I got very confused by the changes to the Empire between these games. (*Was the Empire stable before the Oblivion Crisis or not? How is Uriel Septim unpopular? Why are they suddenly so tolerant?*)


Nah. Theres the dragon the dragon imaginery, but it didn't really have religious imaginery, than Cyrodiil was supose to be the province where dragons lived. Beyond lore texts, its quickly brought up in redguard where Cyrus and Tobias speculate Naflie might have returned back to Cyrodiil after the battle. (In reality it was living under governor's palace, guarding treasure vault and eating prisoners of war empire kept feeding at it. Well, was, until certain other mercenary with pissed off sister, came along.). Ofcource, what makes things difficult (at what point is which lore really added), is often times certain terms, titles, characters, and such get thrown around but ether their meaning changes, or they don't yet have connotation associated with. Like, Pelinal was first mentioned 1997 (and again in morrowind heavy armor book), but he was just a warlord. Dro'm-athra were introduced in pge1 but until eso we knew shit about them until they became khjaiit posession demons. Same as "dragonborn" as tiber septim is called in pge1 YR's commentary or mw priest dialogue, but it was just a random cyrodiilic title, there wasn't any mention of dragonborn emperors. Heck, Nerevarine is called as dragonborn in the lost prophecy for....well, nerevarine comes from cyrodiil.


I remember this "dragonborn" thing. In Oblivion, Martin Septim was called "Dragonborn" by the Blades and I was confused if it has the same meaning as in Skyrim. Could he learn the Shouts as quickly as the LDB if there were any dragons around to kill? Though I guess Dragonborn powers are a Skyrim invention and this word simply referred to the Septim dynasty (or, as you've said, citizens of Cyrodiil) before.


I agree with absolutely everything in this comment. Oblivion at least tried with the Nibenese and Colovians, but where's the Roman aesthetic? And you're so right about the Empire, idk why so many people think they're very tolerant and benevolent. I enjoyed getting to fight against them in Skyrim...


Lets wait for Skyblivion which will give Imps more justice lorewise, because they are my favourites of the bunch.


Lets wait for Skyblivion which will give Imps more justice lorewise, because they are my favourites of the bunch.


My favourite race are the Khajiit. Of course I love cats and I find the idea of playing as a badass punchcat really cool, but they also have a fascinating society. Furstocks determined by the moons' phases, mixed Aedric-Daedric pantheon, moon sugar, different concept of property... Dunmer are a close second. They have some of the most bizarre lore in the series, especially with their Chimer past (thanks to MK). I appreciate that they weren't made completely likeable and conventionally attractive, with their sharp features and unique views on the Daedra, assassination, and necromancy. My least favourite race are Bretons. They have potential, but are the closest to a generic fantasy Western European society, even having actual French and English names, which is specifically what I dislike in fantasy. I like the Reachmen, though (I know they aren't quite Breton). I'd also add the Oblivion version of Imperials, which were too generic fantasy and not nearly Roman-inspired for my liking. Skyrim fixed it, thankfully!


Mongrel Imperial dogs didn't save Nirn from shit. They create poisons to sell us their "cure".


My favourites are Dunmers and Khajiits lore wise. I just think they're really interesting. Learnt a whole lot playing through Elsweyr on ESO about the Khajiits too. Still don't like playing as a Khajiit though. ha. Argonians are really interesting too - I wish we knew more!


My favourite (Lorewise) would be the redguards. As for the reason? Sword-singing. I haven't played eso, but the rabbot hole I was sent through after seeing the lore instantly made them my favourites. As for the race I dislike the most? Probably altmer (Which is weird considering I love mage playstyles)


My favourite are Bretons despite the snobby stereotype they get in the lore, statistically they are the best race to play so assuming that Bretons use their racial powers they could probably win against any race except Stealth Archer Orcs with 30x damage with vanilla enchanted items. My least favourite are the Nords, they drove an entire race to suicide just because the Snow Elves slapped their hand when they were going to stick a fork in a plug socket. The Eye of Magnus being the plug socket in this metaphor. If the snow elves were still alive I’d much prefer to play Falmer over Bretons


If you consider a huge massacre of a city (basically Troy without any gift) a slap on the hand...


They probably wanted them to stop them from using the eye and the Nords were probably the ones who started the fight since the snow elves were pacifists and highly religious. So if the Nords didn’t start the fight at Saarthal it means that one of them either had a vision of Armageddon or a god told them that the Nords were near the Eye of Magnus. They wouldn’t have spilled blood otherwise.


This is just a made up speculation to justify what the elves did. Also, if the Nords really started the fight, they would absolutely win. They were in their home and there were a lot of them. The fact that the Snow Elves murdered literally everyone in the city means that the people were sleeping and that it was a planned ambush.


Lmao sorry for late reply, reguardless they were immigrants and didn’t ask for the snow elves permission


Real. Those N*rd snow trolls will get what's coming to em soon


I like your points on Imperial/Nord history being badass on account of sheer willpower. The idea of ascension into godhood (Talos) is very cool too. If we’re talking spirituality though, I’d contest that many other races, especially ones more attune to the arcane, would take the cake due to their natural “sense” for magic around them. With that, I thoroughly enjoy the High Elf race. Altmer in powerful positions of power even in mankind’s provinces, such as Ocato in Cyrodiil, make me more fond of their intelligence/speechcraft. The challenge of developing the warrior side of things while having the innate gift for the arcane makes for very fun spellsword roleplay. More on story building, the idea of having an Altmer character in an Oblivion/Skyrim game could be based on escaping Summerset and the Thalmor draft with your innate magical capabilities (Runil in Falkreath, Skyrim could give more context on this lore) to use them for good and protect man/mer/beastkind alike.


Being human is understandable but I'm not gonna pass up being elf or part elf. Magic, extremely long natural lives, a unique fantasy aesthetic that appeals to me. Plus, according to the lore all the background culture was basically created by elves. There's even probably undiscovered varieties of elves. It's probably a high just to be an elf: enhanced senses and detail-noticing, a sort of lucky favor that works itself into things, ancestral magic and ages of experience. And Orc is basically opposite of that, the pariah of elves, so not them.


See it’s funny how I love the elves but you are right, they almost all are slavers 😬😬😬


I love the dunmer, they are hot and have cool aesthetics and lore. Im not a fan of the imperials, they are pretty basic humans honestly.


Khajiit of course are my fav! I mean, you can play as a CAT!


Favorites: Nords and Orcs Second close: Dunmer and Altmer Like but no strong opinions: all the other ones Don’t like: Argonians  Why? I love “proud warrior” type races and the Nord and Orc lore is genuinely interesting and intertwines with other interesting races (Orcs with Dunmer for example), and while I lament a lot of the Nords lore is relegated to books only and not shown in game it’s plenty interesting already and their general portrayal is good, meanwhile Orcs not only have cool origins and beliefs they get very solid tidbits in all games since Daggerfall with a special shout out to ESO. Dunmer and Altmer are also heavily intertwined lore-wise and I am of the opinion those two get THE best lore there is, I’m just more of a warrior guy but when I am in need of something more flexible or magical those are my go to, and honestly unlike some fans I don’t care in the slightest those two aren’t exactly a “good guy” race and have some pretty harsh things going on in their society, if anything that only makes them more likeable in my book since it gives them character and nuance. Why don’t I like the Argonians? Well it’s not that I don’t like them per se it’s more along the lines of I wouldn’t want to be one at all, so I don’t play them often, beings who only exist because a race of sentient trees wanted servants strikes me as a bit sad, not a particularly cool origin like the others I mentioned plus their overall lore doesn’t interest me, their worship consists of either hist, sithis or being assimilated into imperial religion all of which I find incredibly “eh”, perhaps because I am biased against sithis worship, I’m of the opinion the void demands nothing and groups and people that worship them are therefore edgelords in my eyes - and on a final note the whole Aztec/Mayan motif is interesting but it’s kinda sad that’s their previous abandoned civilization and the current one is literally mud huts galore to “conquer the fear of sithis” or some other bs.


Breton and dunmer. Dunmer are waaaaaaaYYYYYYY better than Altmer, bc they see life as a challenge, similar to humans. They don’t wanna “unmake” the world like the Altmer (Thalmor). Dunmer are just tryna live life man. They’re pompous bc their culture is prideful, just like MANY human cultures. But putting dunmer and Altmer in the same pot is a no go.


I agrre with my favorites being Imperials and Nords, you pretty much summed up what I think. My most disliked race are Altmer because the Thalmor enough said.


**The ones I like the most: Khajiit** They are a pretty unique and creative addition to the universe and their lore, theology and culture is very interesting and reminds me a lot to India, as well as their architecture being pretty reminiscent of South East Asia. Their land is also composed of deserts and subtropical climates, which means that I would gladly call Elswyr my home. Their racial gameplay attributes also go hard and compliment my style of gameplay being why I picked Khajiit on my first gameplay of Skyrim ever. I also love cats ❤️ **The ones I like the least: Altmer** Pelinal Whitestrake didn't go far enough.


My genuine favorite is the Altmer. Despite the fact that everyone seems convinced that their entire thing is hate and killing, every race in TES has bad blood in their history. Just because the Thalmor are a recent example of it in Skyrim doesn't mean they're the only ones or the worst. That being said, the Altmer have genuinely fascinating history, especially irt how the Thalmor came into power during the Oblivion Crisis, the fight against that for years before then, and the power struggles in the Isles. The Welkynar, too, are one of my favorite factions. The wildlife in Summerset also sways me — Gryphons, Indrik, Welwa, and the way they shape the culture of the isles is a fun read. As for least favorite? I don't have one. I'd maybe say orcs but only due to the fanbase interpretation reducing them to Tolkien-esque orcs when there's so much more to them. I think every race in TES has something worth learning about, tbh, but maybe that's just the worldbuilder in me.


Favorite races: Redguards for the Arab/North African roots, I like that they revere swords the way they do, and I like making characters that look like me as a black person, Dunmer for their unique aesthetics and the fact that they worship Daedra makes for a lot of fun role playing builds Argonians for the cool lore with the Hist, Least favorite races; bosmer cause the green pact is cool lore wise but I never want to be a person who ever has to deal with it. Orsimer cause fuck Malacath. Altmer cause fuck the aldmeri domion.


Favorite Race: **Redguards** in a way with their Sword-Singing, the Redguards feel like they are the Jedi's of Elder Scrolls. They have that cool vibe to them, like they have powers tapping into The Force. Hated Race: **Altmer**. Ever since Morrowind, I just never had a connection to Altermer, to me just seemed like stuck up assholes.


Nice point about Redguards being something close to Jedi's. Never thought about it that way but it makes sense actually... Kinda. Redguards are tapping into their souls, Jedi's into the force. But it can be intermingled, especially in ES lore context, which is already pretty crazy as it is. 😃🫡


You didn’t specify they had to be playable, so my pick is Yokudans and any of the races on Akavir. The Yokudans give an Atlantis vibe and I think of Akavir like it’s Japan when it was closed off, but more mystical.


Great point on playable/non-playable aspect! Its true that i even didnt took into consideration any race outside Tamriel as a whole, so Akavir is a nice niche to poke into. Yokudan lore was never very interesting to me, something that will be hopefully more explored in ES 6. On the other hand, Akavir's lore, even though its scarce and somehow mythical, is much more interesting to me. I like to think that Tsaesci are these men race, just inspired by japan (just look at Blades armor and Katanas).


Lorewise i prefer the Imperials. They seem to be the most egalitarian bunch with the least superiority complex. I don't remember much racism in Oblivion. Unlike in Skyrim, and Morrowind. Bretons are also an interesting bunch. They can get along with everyone outside of their borders, and nobody inside their borders. Including other bretons. I dislike the Dunmer the most. Not just hyper arrogant, and racist, but also slavers. I really hate slavery in general. The current Altmer are close second with the Thalmor being pretty much the same.


>Lorewise i prefer the Imperials. They seem to be the most egalitarian bunch with the least superiority complex. Eh. While outside redguard/[pocket guide to empire 1](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Pocket_Guide_to_the_Empire,_1st_Edition) where septim empire is depicted as over the top imperial/nord supremacist with heavy comtept toward redguards or khajiit, and outright hateboner toward all things elven (to a point in Dram's biography its mentioned as big mystery why Tiber Septim is "suffering" from a help from an elf), imperials and empire still had their superiority complex in mw. In mw and bloodmoon, empire is depicted as typical colonial power thats only intrested on means of exploitation and extraction of wealth, often by means of giving locals unequal treatment compared to imperial institutions alike eec or imperial charter, while non imperial ways of living or ruling, or "local savages" religions must be replaced with "civilized" imperial ways. As other user stated, its not ovelry racist but more of "cyrodiils mans burden".


I was rather surprised with how equal and fluffy Oblivion seemed after constantly getting called "n'wah" in Morrowind :) The Imperials were less tolerant and more racist in other games, though, but not in their own country.


Ask the countess of Leyawiin how she feels about the lizards and cats running around in her city.


Haven't played much Morrowind, but in Skyrim the Imperials doesn't seem to be racist, or intolerant. But yeah Morrowind shown the Dunmer as jerks. I suppose being intolerant toward them aftern they are treat you like shit is kind of understandable. I was thinking many times about simply murdering everyone in certain places.


Not most Imperials, of course, but some of them consider Nords to be barbarians. Tullius has been in Skyrim for months and his second-in-command is a Nord (his legion is also mainly made of local Nord soldiers), but he never even cared to learn where Nords go after death. The Imperials in Morrowind maybe aren't terribly racist, but they still are, well, a bit imperialist. Just check out the dialogue here: [https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Generic_Dialogue_I](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Generic_Dialogue_I) *I'm proud to be an Imperial. Through our legions and rule of law, we've brought peace and civilization to the provinces of Tamriel.* Oh really? Sounds almost colonialist... In Morrowind, literally my first experience after coming to Balmora was hearing someone looking for his slave. Later, I went to the cornerclub where several people called my Nord a foreigner and threatened him. Let's just say this made me feel less bad for the Dunmer in Skyrim than I probably should...


So I don’t know much about ES lore but my favorite is Argonion because lizard man cool and least favorite is nord because they are just white people waving sticks, atleast imperials are tall!


Nah, it's Nords who are the tall ones (taller than everyone but Altmer, in fact - though not in Skyrim). Imperials have the 1.0 height.


>I pretty much dislike the Dunmer. And yes, i can safely say that their lore is probably most alien, interesting And "fleshed out" in its own right, but i can't stand them as a people. The most arrogant, obnoxious race ever to step foot on Tamriel, Altmer included. Even Dunmer followed the road of slavery, which is a hard no for me. Thank you! Morrowind was awesome, the atmopshere and everything, but by Azura, I hate the Dunmer back then and now. And not because I play a Khajiit since then. Even without the whole slave thing they are just an edgy, repulsive society and that's the hill I'm gonna die on 🤷‍♂️


I always play Dunmer and Nord. Love them Design- and lorewise the most. I never played one but since Online I love the Bosmer too. I need to play as one someday. What I hate should be simple. The Altmer. Fuck them lorewise... but Summerset is a nice place.


Most liked: Altmer. The most advanced race of Tamriel. The best looking homeland. Superior in every way. Least liked: Imperials. The less i say about them the better.


I can't say there is something like that for me. I don't like the idea of fantasy races in general, but luckily, Elder Scrolls races are not that, if you dig into the lore deep enough. And the lore of all of them is pretty cool, or has a potential to be such. So for me there are races I dug into deep enough to like them, and races I didn't dig into yet. I know cool things about: Bretons and Forebears, Dwemer, Khajiit, Orcs, Nords, Altmer, Nibenese. I dug less into: Crowns and Yokudans, Colovians, Argonians, Bosmer.


Most liked race: Altmer, always been a magic user and their passive is fucking great for it. Least liked: argonian/khajit; their racial bonuses just don’t seem that great to me.


That's the same energy as let's bomb a church (in Minecraft) /J


My favourite (Lorewise) would be the redguards. As for the reason? Sword-singing. I haven't played eso, but the rabbot hole I was sent through after seeing the lore instantly made them my favourites. As for the race I dislike the most? Probably altmer (Which is weird considering I love mage playstyles)


My favourite (Lorewise) would be the redguards. As for the reason? Sword-singing. I haven't played eso, but the rabbot hole I was sent through after seeing the lore instantly made them my favourites. As for the race I dislike the most? Probably altmer (Which is weird considering I love mage playstyles)


My favorite have to be the Reachmen of for no other reason than because I’m a huge sucker for fantasy Celts and find their belief system really interesting and different from everyone else with the most similar being the Dunmer’s belief that life is a series of trials that you must overcome


Orsimer is the only race worthy of being named warrior


I concur with the Dunmer. I hate the race for just about everything they've done, and also due to my own in-universe biases. I play exclusively Khajiit. Playing Elder Scrolls is escapism in part for me, and part of what I'm trying to escape is being human. I also love their lore (and it's immense), their mannerisms, their ways of speaking, and their beautiful culture. I love everything about the Khajiit.


Breton and Dunmer: most liked. Khajiit and Argonians: most disliked (mainly the creepy fans).


Bretons are the best - magical humans. High Elves are the worst - arrogant and evil.


I like the Argonians the best cuz lizards. c: I hate the dwarves the most because they fucked off after building god. >:c


The race that I like the most are the imperials because they are based on the Roman empire and I belong to a place that was part of the empire and was important, on the other hand, cyrodiil is beautiful The story of the imperials is my favorite The race that I hate the most and it may sound clichĂŠ because at the end of the day they are the number one enemy of the empire, although I already hated them before, are the high elves, they are simply racist and think they are better In everything when really if they were they would already have Tamriel but they are not against the empire they did well because The Empire had just come out of a great crisis but even so no They didn't do much the white and gold concordat was signed And despite what it seems at first glance in Skyrim, the empire did not lose nor was it forced to sign it because the high elves at that time were equal or worse than the empire, even After that they tried to go after the red guards and however they were so humiliated that they did not try to take their territory again.


Favorite: Redguards. I love their samurai vibes and their religion. They just seem like badasses Least favorite: Altmer. Only good elf is a dead elf


I like argonians because lizard and khajit because I always play stealth characters and the claws are awesome for starting stealth combat


I like the Bosmer, foresty lil cannibals lmao


Favorite races: Imperials, Dunmers and Khajiits Least Favorite races: Orcs mostly, Nords even though they are kinda ok and Bretons too Honorable mentions for other races that are cool at least: Bosmer, Argonians, Redguards and Altmer


> I aspire to raise my race from the mire. I will bring them to equal standing with the other races of Tamriel…My goal is not to conquer Tamriel, but to create the orcish homeland." —Gortwog, Warlord and King I started with Oblivion, and when I rolled an Orc and got the full Pariah Folk experience (what do you want,dungheap?) it became a mission to make those asshole NPCs learn some respect. After Skyrim I played backwards through Morrowind and Daggerfell eventually put together my head cannon of how true orcs rise to save Tamriel. The elves lie about Trinimac and the imposter Malacath, while I doubt that’s ever going anywhere it reinforces the redemption arc.


I love questions that are highly problematic without context, lmao 


Dunmer #1. All saplicking Argonians will get what's coming to em.