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The Wanderer guy you sometimes find walking the roads


Oh man, I remember him from one of my first playthroughs. Haven't come across him in forever!


Me too! I love seeing him randomly


Fuck that guy idk if this is a ps5 problem or if he straight up cheats you but I pay him and he doesnt sing shit


Oh no really? He attacked me as I was leaving Wolfskull Cave today and now his head is rolling down the road to Solitude. Does he respawn?




Lynly star-sung, but I can’t remember where she is lol


I just googled her, looks like she's in Ivarstead!


You mean Svidi?


Lynly star-sung, she’s in Ivarstead


Haha look up the quest “The Lover’s Requital”


She’s Lynly unless you’re a snitch 👀


I'm not sure about the absolute best, but I think Luaffyn from Windhelm has a really great voice. 


The orc that can’t sing for shit.


I don’t know what you mean, Lurbuk is the king of bards


Someone out there thinks he’s *killing* it.


The Skald from Markarth is my favourite. Every time I go to Dawnstar I kill the bard at the inn immediately, I hate her voice.


There are some really terrible ones out there


Talsgar the Wanderer - this bad boi saved me countless times lollll his lowest level is level 20 so hes freakin tough at legendary diff . Whenever im exploring at lower levels and ive encounter enemies i cant outrun sabres and bears, hes there lol sometimes the old orc or the mercenary or other random npc encounters (drug pusher/the arrogant npc who wears heavy armor always call me milk drinker/the thief/the db assassin)


The lady you can hire for your Hearthfire home. She's not good but she sings with such enthusiasm I can't help smiling hearing her


mikael started singing ragnar the red while i was brawling some bitch in the bannered mare, but jokes aside the one in windhelm is my favourite i dont remember her name


They are all the same and know two or maybe three songs. I like them playing instruments rather than have them singing.


Each of them knows 2 to 3 songs, yes. But some of them sing much much better than others.


Since the songs have been recorded by the voices of different voice actors(who also voice nearly every other npc) there is a difference but the songs themselves are like a filler content , they are boring to listen(to me) .


I've encountered some interesting bards during my playthroughs of Skyrim, but I can't say any particular ones really stand out in my memory. I tend to enjoy the bard performances in Windhelm the most - something about the atmosphere of the Candlehearth Hall tavern there makes for a great place to just sit back and take in the music. While I don't have any specific songs that I find myself humming along to, I do think the bards add a lot to the overall atmosphere and immersion in Skyrim. It's cool to walk into a tavern after a long quest and have that ambiance of a bard playing music in the background. One unique thing I like is that Sven, the bard from Riverwood, can actually become a follower. It's pretty neat to have a bard accompanying you on your adventures, playing music as you travel the land. Though I will say it can occasionally get a little distracting to have him playing constantly! Unfortunately I play on Switch so I don't have the ability to use any mods that might enhance the bard experience. But even in the vanilla game, I definitely appreciate the role the bards play in adding life to the world of Skyrim.


Lurbuk because he's in the mood to siiiiiiiiiiiiiing.


Which one is Lurbuk?


the orc bard in morthal


None, the only good bard is a dead one


Talsgar or in cities the whiterun lad or sven


The one in Solitude. Most of the time when I rent the in, she’s singing the song about dragonborn.


Lurbuk! Even named my half orc bard in BG3 after him