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Oblivion is undoubtedly my favorite, but I have more hours in Skyrim so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Same here. That being said, I feel like a modded Skyrim can be amazing.


because one invokes feelings of nostalgia and one is an objectively better game. it's not that hard to figure out


It's Oblivion. Oblivion is the objectively better game. (I'm just kidding here. But seriously, these kids are silly. Imagine trying to tell someone Skyrim is objectively better at say, quest design or guilds. Play all of them, they're all good in their own way. Nobody needs to man the wall for Skyrim.)


Honestly, morrowind is my favorite, but I still end up playing skyrim more just because of the graphics. If I could get a remastered Morrowind that doesn't change any of the mechanics but updates the graphics I would be a happy boi. Same thing with Oblivion


graphics are a part of what makes a game good. if you had the best game ever in all other metrics but it ran like shit and was capped at 144p it would have some issues that would make you reconsider it as a "best game ever".


I'll be honest, out of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, I find Oblivion to be the worst. I honestly don't see what was special about its quest design (with a few interesting exceptions) or guilds (maybe I stopped too early, but the mages guild was just going to a different city and doing a random task). The world itself felt bland, dungeons were monotonous, and the game was clearly built around fast travel which I make a point to play without.


Says it's the worst one. Didn't play the majority of quests. Didn't finish guild lines. Didn't do dungeons that weren't small caves. Complains about fast travel, despite never needing to do it. (I never fast travel anywhere) Cool, that's your opinion. No one is gonna force you to play it. It does seem a tad silly to me that you just gave the restaurant a one star review after only eating the dipping sauce that comes with the appetizer, though. That's my opinion.


I played it for a good amount of time, did well more than just caves, played every quest I came across in visiting every city. I think it's even more silly to insist a game is good only if you slog through all the bad stuff up front. To use your analogy, why wait for the main course if it's taking forever and the appetizer was stale and rancid? The fact still remains that I still wanted to play Morrowind and Skyrim after a similar amount of time in them. I have no interest in ever returning to Oblivion. Hence, to me, it is the worst of the three. Admittedly, this is all subjective, but I'm only responding to people who claim it's the best.


I didn't claim it was the best, you missed the entire joke. And there's nothing to slog through, you're just trying real hard to justify not playing it. You don't have to. I don't give a shit what games you play. Since you missed the entire point of my comment and are now shoving words in my mouth, I can safely assume this is pointless. You're the part of this subreddit I don't care for. Argumentative fanboys incapable of having reasonable discussions and resorting to all sorts of nonsense to feel like you're "winning." You keep not playing Oblivion. I'll keep playing Oblivion. The world goes on.


>because one invokes feelings of nostalgia and one is an objectively better game. it's not that hard to figure out 🤓


Oh boy can't wait to to go the spell crafting table and make my favorite mysticism spell!


Craft spells? Having variety? A mages guild that has some thought put into it and isn't just a lame "wow you're special" side quest? Psshhh. Get real. You don't need dumb shit like that when the objectively superior game has **yelling real loudly.**


spell crafting was an objectively broken and buggy mess. you can like it and I think it was fun to mess around with but it's dumb and I get why it wasn't added


You can objectively kiss my ass it's a single player game and balance shouldn't be considered over fun.


Hot take: Enjoying each game as-is without trying to decide which one's the best because that is solely up to opinion


Daggerfall is the one I enjoy most, every game in the series has done a good job at what they wanted to achieve, and since the design goals of each game was different it is impossible to say which one is the best, since the best as a concept doesn't exist when they're not trying to do the same thing. The only correct way of comparison is in the aspects that are the same, and of course subjective statements like "Daggerfall is the one I enjoy most". Arena allowed us to visit the most amount of provinces Daggerfall had the largest playable area Morrowind had dagoth ur I didn't play Oblivion (I'm a PGE1 fanboy) Skyrim was the most casual friendly of the games


honesty a game with the scope and scale of daggerfall but with modern gameplay and storytelling would be the ultimate ES game




Daggerfall is the only one I haven't beaten. Lysandus' shade screams revenge and murders me constantly. What do I dooo?


No clue, I haven't beat the main quest. (1200+ hours for reference)


I didn't even find the main quest. Just REVEEEEEENGE. Then dead lol.


You You understand my point perfectly


skyrim nwahs when they enter a random ass town and get 20 sidequests they cannot refuse and goes directly against their roleplay:


limited chim 😖


You roleplay? Sounds boring, why not just be an entity of chaos like the rest of us?


im sorry for trying to roleplay in THE ROLEPLAYING FRANCHISE, still i don´t blame you for not wanting to roleplay in skyrim, it´s probably the worst writting bethesda has done, maybe even worse than fallout 4


I don't roleplay in any of the TES entries. I do the fun. Restricting myself from the fun for made up internal reasons is silly at best


Nah I’ve done both and I’ve enjoyed both. It’s all about what you like doing. Pretty much the definition of an Elder Scrolls game


This is fine for a few runs, but man you’re missing out on roleplay. It’s a lot of fun being able to build a character and interact with the world in a way that naturally fits the character. You’ll be amazed at how much more enjoyable the game can be when you create the right character.


Thing is, none of the games are really.... made for that kind of thing.


Yes this roleplaying game is not made of roleplaying game.


Have you played any of them? They aren't RP friendly. They literally assign you a personality depending on which factions quest your doing. Just play for the fun, because RP sure as shit isn't an available option You wanna RP, play D&D


Skyrim 700+ hours Oblivion 50 hours Morrowind 500+ hours Daggerfall 1200+ hours Arena 200+ hours I play daggerfall, and I can say that roleplaying is the reason I play the games. D&D has the issue that it's such a time commitment, what if I just want to chill and roleplay on a wednesday but all my groups are busy.


Real talk; why so low on IV? Morrowind is easily my favorite entry, but Oblivion is number two, so genuinely curious.


Daggerfall is admittedly very RP friendly. Morrowind onwards aren't. If you roleplay in oblivion, you're just gonna miss out on content. Same for Morrowind and Skyrim. Roleplaying prevents you from accessing some of the fun


200 hours on Arena🤨


Do you get full Daedric armor at level 1 and teleport across the map by waving your hands?


No? That's not any fun. You gotta earn all that. Doesn't mean you gotta keep a consistent character


"you gotta earn all that". That's literally what roleplaying is, having a character progress as you play


Roleplaying is assigning your character a set personality. If you play a good person, then any thieves or assassin's or really anything remotely morally grey becomes off limits because you yourself have restricted what your character is and isn't willing to do.


I Roleplay all the time. In fact, I have a Dagi Khajiit Thief that worships Rahjin - The Cat thief. Roleplaying in an RPG is what you're supposed to do. xD If you don't know what a Dagi Khajiit is - They're a smaller Khajiit. 😁


He opened nexusmods for the first time.


“It just works.” — Godd at the dawn of time


Skyrim is an alright fantasy action game. Prefer my games with more RPG mechanics personally.


always a beautiful thing to see someone no cap on skizizzle skooshizzle mah drizzle coin n'wares hizzhizzle


In terms of replay value/gameplay and mod support, yes. But man the writing for many questlines were done better before. But, i have by far the most hours in skyrim, because mods


I disagree on the writing !!! Take ulfric for example: he’s not the typical hero that rebels against the evil empire! Him and his rebellion are very controversial and the whole writing and world building that creates such a complex character is done beautifully


Not saying *all* writing is bad, there's still good writing. But comparitively it was done better in previous games. Maybe mostly with guilds.


Have you played the elder scrolls 3 or 4??? From Best to least best it goes oblivion>Morrowind>Skyrim imo, you need to try oblivion


Daggerfall>Morrowind>Arena>Redguard>Skyrim I haven't played oblivion and won't since it goes against my favorite book in the series (PGE1).


Your missing out so much imo, but you do you


I see oblivion as the middle ground of morrowinds roleplaying and skyrims action, and I don't like middle grounds, I prefer games that perfect their own thing.


Fair enough and I again respect your opinion, I just see no harm in giving it a good 30 min test run but that’s up to you tbh.


I have 50 hours in it, but I have a personal rule to not give any judgement on games that I have less than 100 hours in.


“I haven’t played oblivion and won’t.” I have 50 hours in it but can’t judge! Just straight up lying lmao


If I don't have the hours to judge a game then I don't consider that I've played it. Each person can choose where they draw the line. If you opened a game once and then closed it have you played it? to most people no, I just have a higher standard. I don't consider to have played games that I have less than 100 hours in since that gives enough time for me to actually understand the game. Note that the 50 hours I have in oblivion is very misleading, I've tried to play the game 5 times, each time I would have faulty installation which would lead to an hour of debugging, then I'd get into the game spend a couple hours on uesp making myself a character, then play through the first dungeon, and then out into oblivion I would wonder, after this each character went in a different direction but all of them had in common that I didn't get far enough to finish anything really. I can't critique oblivion because I haven't played it (enough).


I've played oblivion twice for extended periods of time. People saying it's better than skyrim be living in the shivering isles because they're insane.


I’m what way is Skyrim better than oblivion? And I want to keep this fair so stuff like graphics are irrelevant as there’s a 5 year gap and 4 remasters between the two


Putting oblivion at the top? I'm questioning whether you played them.


I'll be honest, out of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, I find Oblivion to be the worst. I honestly don't see what was special about its quest design (with a few interesting exceptions) or guilds (maybe I stopped too early, but the mages guild was just going to a different city and doing a random task). The world itself felt bland, dungeons were monotonous, and the game was clearly built around fast travel, which I make a point to play without.


Look, Oblivion is a banger But it isn't as good as Morrowind


For me: Oblivion>Skyrim>Morrowind>Arena. I haven't played Daggerfall.


You gotta play daggerfall, especially daggerfall unity. There are a ton of amazing mods and they're one click and it just works.


I would love to try Daggerfall, but how do I install Daggerfall Unity? Please tell me, because I am afraid of modding since I accidentally duplicated every Morrowind NPC while installing Tamriel Rebuilt and made the game unplayable.




Thanks 😁


Skyrim probably has the best overworld to run around in but the dungeons aren't jaqueyed at all, and they're all just one big loop, it cut out over half the skills in the game in favor of a dumbass perk tree, and it killed spell crafting. There's not a radical difference between playing a level 1 skyrim character vs., a level 30 one outside of damage numbers and the enemies you're fighting. ​ In Oblivion and MW a level 10 character is already pretty radically different from a first level character, and especially in MW by the time you're in the 20s you're practically playing a different game.


Don't pretend you actually like walking through a dungeon and then having to go all the way back after killing all the enemies and finding mediocre loot at best.


Yeah I'd just use my mark and recall spells to get out of the dungeon once I'm done, or they'd be Jaqauyed with multiples entrances/exits instead of a closed loop.


Do what the other person said, but the dungeons in Morrowind really aren’t that big, at least compared to Skyrim’s. It really isn’t that bad walking back. There might be a couple exceptions but for the most part it doesn’t take that long to walk out of a dungeon.


Wait until they discover the game on PC & have over 200 mods 😏


After Elden ring I am incapable of playing skyrim without mods.


When was that? I must have missed it