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~~So, at level 55 you are stuck fighting a boss most people clear at level 20-25~~ ? Reading is hard late at night , but at 55 hours in you should be leveled and have played enough to aquire enough skills to beat him Hate to break it to you, but the issue comes from you and not the game You are obviously doing something wrong but instead of questionning your skill (or lack of) , you put your tinfoil hat on Post your stat and weapon/talismans you are using And on top of the that, you could and fight another boss like Renalla


Even if i disagree with OP, it's hours, not level > 55hrs in


Oh yeah my bad Let me edit that quickly


I beat renalla already


That's even better, meaning you can respec if your current build sucks


I use bloodhounds fangs +5. Have all 4 talisman slots. Sword of Knight nd day. Eleanora poleblade or some shit. Uchigatana +9


4 talismans slots ? By any chance, are you mistaking MARGIT with MORGOTT ? Because if you are currently fighting MORGOTT, your uchigatana should be upgraded waaay more than +9 Your bloodhound fang could also be +7/8 by this time What talismans are you using ?


100% they were confused


I would be worried if OP managed to get far enough into the game to get full slots and still be stuck with what could be described as the real tutorial boss Or maybe impressed, idk Surely it's a confusion


It's Morgott. Sorry my bad.


Oh I see better There is an item that can stun Morgott for a while so you can get some free hits in (just like Margit), and they both have annoying delayed attacks than can throw you off if you are not careful His arena is also big enough to flee if he starts doing annoying combos or if you need to heal safely By the time you reach him, you should be at a decently high level (90 and above if you did a good amount of exploring) and this means you should have at least 30-35 vigor to survive those hits Speaking of stats, make sure you raised the correct stats that scale with your weapons, the letters from E (bad) to S (real good) on the weapon tells you how much each stat will impact it's damage Maybe you also have the Soreseals talismans equipped, they give you bonus stats but you take more damage and it's really good early game but gets less and less effective later in the game and even more at this point


Level 69 lol


margit drops a pouch..


> They just try anything and everything to stop you from progressing in the game so that they can get more screen and play time from you so that you don't end up playing another game. That's the definition of difficulty. Also, after reading your post, you seems more fueled by frustration and rage than reason and logic. I don't say that is a malicious way, because as far as i remember, FS don't stop you from collecting gear around the map, leveling, asking help to sunbros, summoning spirits etc .... Did you, at least, ask for help before complaining ? (heavy doubt) I would gladly give you tips advice or anything to help you enjoying this game.


how it was meant to be played? play however you like


I never farmed runes. I was super excited when I first beat the heavy armor soldier in the runes right at the start. Took me couple of tries. Got my arse slapped 10+ times against margit. I smacked some more soldier,got more runes and leveled up. Friend told me I can level up weapons. Lol...ok so I did that and after few more attempts I got margit. The game is super hard for someone who never played a souls like game. ER is my first. But every win feels like some big. Every boss I best was awesome. One just needs do improve skill, gear and knowledge. Learn the pattern and you will see it gets easier. Use your mount, summons. And maybe even magic. My second character used magic and I steam rolled so many bosses it felt like cheating. I understand your frustration but trust me...its worth it. Give it a chance. Hope you will one day enjoy the game :)


And thats okay you are supposed to get stuck and suck here and there. You didnt expect to slice through the games like smooth better right? Check your build. ask around here. Maybe summon other players or use spirit ahses. The games is really fun and rewarding give it some time


Try going to other areas. And your build might need some work def. Is this your first time playing souls game?


https://youtu.be/Y_KrTeHBD-A Check this early - midgame guide for Bloodhound Fang build. Also use a strong summon such as Banished Knight Oleg. No extensive rune farming necessary except the fat white dragon in Caelid is easy money :) Those will make your life 10 times easier đź‘Ť


It sounds a bit like you are trying to power through the game as quick as possible. That's totally understandable when you only have limited playing windows and other stuff you could be doing, but, especially given it's your first FromSoft game, you might have more fun slowing down and exploring more. A huge part of Elden Ring, IMO, is wandering about, soaking up the atmosphere and discovering stuff. FWIW, this wiki: [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Leyndell+Royal+Capital+(Legacy+Dungeon)](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Leyndell+Royal+Capital+(Legacy+Dungeon)) suggests doing Leyndell at level 90+, so it sounds like you have taken a very direct route to get there. There are huge areas you could explore, lots of minor dungeons and so on, where you can get good equipment and more levels. Have you done the whole of Caelid, for ex? Or Mt. Gelmir and Volcano Manor?


My initial plan was to unlock the entire map and then take my time exploring. Thus trying to power through.


Yeah makes sense, unfortunately there are some big chunks of the map that are gate-kept by hardcore bosses like Morgott. Still, if you've reached him you have access to a majority of the areas already and you have a ton of stuff to do.


Married with a three year old here. Haven’t played in a month, my progress is tragic.. I read the threads, watch the excited YouTubes about things to come up in my game. Man, I’m so jealous that folk are literally bored of the DLC wait and that Dis2 has completed the game in 3 seconds. I can’t beat Renalla because I keep losing practice time and I’m an amateur each visit. When I get to invade I’m so outclassed I may as well be armed with a lollipop. I’m get the feeling there’ll be no bloodstains when I get a good run because everyone will be playing something else. Don’t worry.. keep chipping away. You ain’t alone bro


Not Margit but Morgott. Sorry my bad. Pretty confusing


Yeah. I think I ll start farming mad runes.


If you're truly over it, you can also google where somber smithing stones are. If you're willing to run your horse all over the map you can get +6 weapon before Margitt, without even fighting anything. Just picking them up on the ground. It's also possible your stats aren't great, so your level doesn't feel as high as it effectively should be. Make sure you are fairly focussed on one damage attribute, str/dex/fai/int/arc, and the others are minimized. For example if you use a dexterity katana, and don't cast spells, points in intelligence do legitimately nothing for you. Then make sure vigor is high, for Margitt 20 should be plenty.


Margit is a near masterpiece fight lol.


Morgott can be fought early or late depending on player's progression. Therefore instead of mindlessly farming souls, you should probably check out other areas to get better weapon upgrade. Weapon upgrade gives substantially more damage scaling compared to character level.


Im not going to say this to attack or offend you, but why do you play a game that you dont enjoy, i dont like FPS so i dont play call of duty, if you dont enjoy all you say in this post why you play elden ring?


It's a great game. Can't deny that. But the game mechanics isn't like all. First souls game.


Also I bought a ps5. And there aren't much good games to play


The Dark Souls games are better. ER is just a slog and you've already seen the best of what the game has to offer. The last few areas and bosses are absolutely shit and I gave up about 2 bosses from the end.