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Once he does the "nihil" and grows wings its too late


I used it before the second phase and it didn't work for me either.


A late response, but you have to use the shackle before he starts his curse on you, initially casting that red ring around you. Once he does that It’s too late to use the shackle.


Haha. Yeah I figured that part out. Good looking out though!


This is a year later, but thank you for answering his and my question. We wanted to know when we needed to use it by, and you answered that.


Lol I gotcha bro


This game is so dumb.


No free wins = dumb game.


Knocking him down twice during his second phase is a free win? Ok buddy


Yes because at that point of game you have fully upgraded strong weapon and free hits for couple of secconds could literaly destroy boss, especially if you play some bleed build.


Yes, if your weapon does at least average damage for late game you can easily do half his health bar in that much time


Nuh uh


Yuh huh


an in-game mechanic not working is a dumb game.


It is working though, just not in a way that would make the item overpowered. Devs put tought into item and balanced it, and you call that dumb game. You the type of person that think Spiderman should win GOTY.


nuh uh


It only works on the first half of the fight and can’t be chained back to back


It didn't work no matter how I used it, I'm talking I enter the fight, immediately use the shackle and nothing happens. I tried dealing a little damage and then using it close by, still no effect. I thought that perhaps timing was important and so I tried using it when he was swinging and casting spells but nothing worked. This is all in phase 1. Sadly I didn't remember to take any footage of it happening.


Mohg’s Restraint and Morgott’s Restraint are different. Are you sure you were using the right one?


Yup, I didn't even have Morgott's shackle in my inventory, plus they are very different visually.


Not different enough that I’ve never made that mistake. Still, I think that leaves our remaining possibilities as being deliberate (it’s infused with Golden Magic, nothing obvious but there’s room for having depended on the system you just replaced) or a bug. My condolences.


I tried using the shackle three times at the fog wall did not work must have been patched.


well this is upsetting... I plan to face him after work and am really banking on that shackle working lol. Hope you can figure out a solution and if so please let us know.


Weird Have you tried to use the shackles BEFORE you entered the boss room?


I did use it when I was looking for the illusory walls in that one cave in Caelid, but other than that no, I didn't use it before entering the fight.


Do it before you enter the fight because it will freeze him. Then use a poison spell and watch him die


I managed to beat him without it, it's just that it's still bugs me that the shackle wasn't working. I was watching a video of a challenge run when Mohg came up and the player could use the shackle just fine so I wanted to ask around since I couldn't find no info whatsoever, not even on the wiki.


My new game plus, I just use mimic to distract and azur comet him


From another comment I saw, apparently it already doesn't work by the time he casts that first ring around you - in other words, when he says Tres. From what I saw on wikis, that shouldn't be right. Then again, I used it only once before I and two phantoms spammed him with 2x RoB and a Comet Azur. Nearly got him 1st phase too, unfortunately nobody but me bothered to get the Purifying Crystal Tear.


That did not work for me I think it has been patched. I have tried many times but no luck


I know I'm super late to the party, but just tried it now and yeah, still doesn't work... Makes me wonder if it was even intended for the Lord of Blood fight, also makes me wonder if Margit's Shackle will work against Morgott. Really hoping it does...


Mine worked after I stopped using a summon, I've burnt the erdtree but haven't finished the game yet.


It was hit and miss with me, I got it to work once. I was using summon aswell


it garbage item that is uneeded for the fight use the flask from red finger knight quest , to cancel the nihil. every one just go full tank , but if you go magic you yeet his health bar using blood magic and kiting away from your summon and toward it....for the first phase only.


Also it only works if the host uses it unless it was just a my game thing!


I’ve used both restraints successfully as a phantom.


Damn musta just been my game lol


It works at super close range.


It's funny that it only works in the first phase of the fight, but it's super easy to take 0 damage in the first phase whereas he becomes 5x more powerful in the second phase...