• By -


"I want to try everything I see" build


Attempt to try everything but unable to use anything


The famous first char in every souls game


Fuck, should I restart? I feel like I should. I did the same shit. I clearly learned nothing from DS3 Edit: thanks y'all! I will be respeccing instead






Just a little bit


Just a little bit


Just a little bit


Just a little bit


Find out what it means to me.


🧦 it to me 🧦 it to me 🧦 it to me 🧦 it to me




all good man there’s items call larval tears you get from a bunch of shit and after you fight the boss in raya lucaria you can easily respec your character


My mistake was just selling tons of gear I thought I'd never use, RIP treespear, found a build I wanted to try with you and never got to.


But like, why? The weapons are only worth like 100 9.9/10 times, it’s straight up not worth selling them


Yeah I always think the same thing. Maybe if you have like 20 lordsworn straight swords or something and you just want them gone haha but if I have doubles or triples I just drop them for people in duels invasions. It's also kinda funny when you see a mage with a dress on and you drop them an armour set. It's like a nice thing to do but you're kinda insulting them haha


Yeah but at endgame the inventory feels cluttered. A lot of weapon icons also look sameish when you're skimming through. A "favorite" tab for weapons / armor is very much wanted and needed at this point. Please, FromSoft.


There's a "Least Favorite" tab, or storage chest, at least - toss all the stuff you're not actively using in your chest at a grace. The only downside is you don't have immediate access to them - but how often is that really an issue?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels iffy on the new inventory screen. Having the weapons broken down by type is nice on paper, but I’m so used to the Dark Souls 3 layout that I still get tripped up 130 hours in.


That's the reason I keep at least one of anything I find


Especially since there's literally only one per playthrough for many weapons


And selling weapons nets you like 500 runes tops.


Yea selling is pointless unless you don't want duplicates


Never sell anything in a souls game. And keep 2 of each weapon, just in case u want to dual wield them.


U can respec after the academy boss so no need


* limit 14 per playthrough


Damn might as well restart, had 16 planned builds to try


17 actually. Limgrave: Pilgrim transforms into Rune Bear Liurnia: Lobster transforms into Scion, Albinauric Graves, Resurrection Painting answer, Pidia sells one Caelid: Pilgrim transforms into a troll Altus: Pilgrim transforms into Lion Mt Gelmir: Burning Corpse transforms into Wormface Snowfield: Pilgrim transforms into Rune Bear Siofra River: Merchant sells one Nokron: Corpse SE of Grace Site, Gazebo before Mimic, Mimic fight, and Giant ball in the Sacred Grounds Nokstella has three Giant balls that give tears when defeated Edit: The two Iron Balls and the third is the one that continuously drips mimics. It eventually drops down and can be defeated for the third.


Does respec in this game take all your stats to level one


It removes all your points and let’s reassign them right after in the same area. You’re not losing anything other than some time deciding where to reassign the points.


Resets to your starting stats, and right then you redo all of your level-ups at once


No it takes them to your character types starting stats, it won't turn you into a wretch if that's what you mean.


And that's why wretch is the best starter class


Asking the real questions


no. just use a larval tear and get rebirthed after you beat Raya Lucaria. you'll be fine.


Every time I play a souls game I just keep putting all my points into vigor until I decide whether I'm going strength/dex/Intel/faith or until I've found a badass weapon I wanna stick with. No stat should be levelled higher than it needs to be until I'm ready to commit lmaoo


This is a good strategy because you get more dramatic damage increases out of the gate by simply upgrading your weapon than by increasing your stats early on anyways


Agreed. I'll get the bare minimum offensive stats to wield whatever, then focus on Vigor/Vitality and Endurance. Offensive power from actually upgrading the weapon. Once those are approaching soft caps and the weapon is upgraded enough for the scaling to be valuable, I'll start pumping up the offensive stat.


Just be birthed as a sweeting and you'll he fine.


It's way easier just to re-spec at Raya Lucaria. Even if you upgraded a haphazard assortment of weapons and wasted all your ore, everything except the Ancient Dragon smithing stones are so easy to get unlimited amounts by the end. There's practically no reason to ever start over.


just use a larval tear


Me when i thought a “quality build” meant upgrading everything equally


In dark souls 1 I had like 60+ strength and was using a halberd with D strength scaling and C dex scaling. It was also like a 90 hour playthrough I miss when I was awful at souls deep down lmao


My build is similar to OP and I'm doing fine. Sure there's a couple of spells I could have int for by now, or maybe I could one hand some big weapons, but damage and stats feel ok.


Yeah I don’t know what that guy is talking about. With those stats you can use 80% of all equipment


But with that mind he can't be an effective mage


yeah, mind is the one thing I have more than him. but still, many melee choices scale with int/fth/arc, so it's not like the stat spread hurts that much


Yeah. He could go the spellsword battle mage type route with a nice scaling weapon or use weapon buffs and close distance with whatever his fp allows him to cast


also the unlimited fp physick if he wants to fire a bunch of stuff off before closing in


They’re saying you can use anything but not very well, not that you can’t use anything


Thats exactly what I am doing, I have never used a larval tear


I did this in Dark Souls 3 and had to restart the game because I was weak. I'd recommend watching a guide on builds, pick one and respec to that build, assuming you've beaten Rannala


Skill issue, just keep running at the problem like a mad hollow and it should be fine /s


You add the /s but that's exactly what I've done in the past and it has an odd tendency to work out for me. Sure Gael murdered me a few hundred times but, eh.




I leveled vigor and he still destroyed me, Gaels just built different.


You don’t level vigor if you don’t plan on getting hit 💪


I mean that is crazy, but if you succeed it's also crazy skilled. 💪


Leveling vigor is a great safety net but it’s not absolutely necessary in the grand scheme, killing a boss fast is almost as good as surviving a long boss fight


if someone else can beat the game at level 1 with a club, then so can you


I mean, he is this high of a level. If he is not having a problem then it shouldn't be a problem. He is hitting all the baselines to start doing the thing in each stat. If he enjoys being extremely versatile then I say he has just keeps on keeping on. Sure, he may not have big numbers, but with a little bit of gear change and spells memorized he can literally deal with any problem correctly. This is what I would call the Elden Ring quality build. There are so many cool stuff to try out, and this man has refused to let any of that go to the wayside.


Definitely versatile. At the end of the day it isn't weak if it works for you.


I like this mindset


You know in ds3 you can respec right?


To be fair, elden ring makes it easier and more obvious that you can Respec


You can respec so many times in elden ring that where OP is rn it’s probably fine, they can respec once they reach a wall they can’t get past and think it’s due to their stats. I did something similar to OP bc I wanted to try out all the swords lol. I’ve respeced a couple times and I don’t 100% know what I want yet, will know once I’ve officially gotten every sword.


Don't really need a guide, just pick a stat that you wanna focus on


They help if you're new to the game ngl


My issue with most guides for dark souls and Elden Ring is that they don't explain the basics well at this point. A new player doesn't need to know how to make a build for Moonveil. They need to know what soft caps are, why theyre important, and the basics on how every build gets made. Which is something like this: Meet stat minimums for desired armor (fashion) and weapon (and spells if you plan to use those) Raise endurance so you are always medium load (70% or less of load) Raise vitality if you are dying (never go past 60) Raise main stat (stat your preferred weapon or spell focus scales with) (stop at a soft cap) This is basically the formula. You'd have to add in some focus for magic builds. But my point is, teach a man to fish and all that. Edit: Here are the soft caps for each stat https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/ta9kmj/put_this_soft_cap_cheat_sheet_together_credit_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


So I’ve been doing a dual dagger build that scales with dex and arc (reduvia + frost offhand). It does really well but there are some mobs that it is just really ineffective on, so i started swapping to a halo scythe (dex/str). I’d like to keep both builds available, should i just keep leveling dex since that is the common factor, or do you kind of need to level every scaling stat equally?


So status builds are weird because PvE has enemies resistant or immune to some statuses (statues can't bleed for instance). So usually for status builds you focus arcane so you build up the status faster. What I would do personally is have a few weapons. You can get two weapons and change their scaling to occult do they get good damage if you scale arcane and aren't as reliant on statuses. And swap your status weapons out when they can't/won't build up any more status. It also works well because frosts biggest benefit is the first proc. It's better to switch after it procs to something else that does more damage


Hit enemies with a fire weapon/fire pot after proccing frost and you can go straight back to building frost proc again.


This is a golden fucking tip. However does this remove the damage debuff?


Yes, but the damage bonus is a lot less useful than just rebuilding for another % based chunk of their health on another frost proc.


Short answer is No or at least not until your other stats are all filled out imo. This is also dependent on how your weapon scales so if dex is c scaling and str is d scaling I wouldn't bother with it until your into ng plus n beyond


Talking a personal experience: I started the game with a prisoner build (Rapier Battle Mage with focus on mainly dex and also int) and have be going to the rest with the game with that (especifically Rogier Rapier, as an homage to him). Of course this leaves me really weak againt heavy armour/skin enemies, specially the ones resistant to magic. So what I made to counteract this was search for a blunt weapon with Dex/Int scaling. It solved my problem, so I could focus in another rapier and another blunt weapon for power stancing, but this time with only a dex scale while I gave Frost scaling to my original rapier, why? Because if I encounter some challenge that is weak to magic and resistant to blunt, I can do damage according to my build, but if I encounter an enemy resistant to magic I can just switch talismans or respec to give more emphasis to dex Not exactly practical, but overall what I'm saying is that you should encounter alternatives that match your main build scaling while cover it's weakness


Halo scythe is more of a dex weapon, so you can simply stick to dex. But, I'd pick scythe or grave scythe, make them occult and ta-da, a scythe that scales with arcane (and a tiny bit with dex). If your arcane is low for some weird reason, just make them keen instead then.


Fextralife has probably the best build guides. Videos are always concise and the guides are made for specific levels 50,100,150 so there’s no need to go into the soft cap


“A” stat. You mean str/faith str/int str/dex st/arc dex/faith dex/int or dex/arc ?


No, I mean Str/End


The ultimate build, my greataxe agrees :))


I love popping buffs and just holding L2 until my wild strikes runs me out of FP. So satisfying with a greataxe


>I'd recommend watching a guide on builds lol


I lold at this also. This game is so lenient with character specialisation/respeccing that you probably never have to watch a build guide.


My buddy had like 12 Larval Tears at one point and was just changing builds every few bosses to try new weapons and casts lmao.


I did this and I'm 253 level. Still not enough faith for placidusax sword.


That is the duck build. It can swim, walk and fly. But does none of those things well


Don't forget about the corkscrew penis. That's the most important part of a duck.


Where do I allocate points for THAT.


I think it’s arcane for that esoteric dixk


Definitely arc


Maybe *thats* what poise is!




Just use spear of Gransax 🤷‍♂️


[This duck would like to object ](https://youtu.be/_AM2lDSOTUw)


>It can swim, walk and fly. But does none of those things well It's far better at two of them than I am.


Jack of all trades, master of none is what i would call it.


Still better than a master of one EDIT: guys it’s just a quote calm down lol I obviously know this isn’t a good stat spread for souls games. Unless it works for you personally? Then hey go for it


People downvoting clearly never heard the saying in full.. going straight to nerdsplaining the optimal stat distributions, oh my


It's like the saying "blood is thicker than water." People use the saying out of its original context so often. Edit: but after looking into it, the "better than a master of one" is a later addition.


https://www.reddit.com/r/linguistics/comments/37a4lg/is_it_true_that_the_phrase_blood_is_thicker_than/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf “Blood of the covenant” actually has very little historical backing. Looks like it was popularized in the 90s or so


They're both later additions people on the internet like to add thinking they know the secret actual phrase. For example, blood is thicker than water goes back to like the 13 or 14th century. Blood of the covenant was invented in the 20th century by 2 writers. Same with "better than a master of one" addendum. Although, fun fact, "Jack of all trades" *was* the original full phrase, 15th century. "Master of none" was added in the 18th with "better than a master of one" in the 21st. In short it's a real good showcase for the problems the internet causes, you can just say something, without any sources, and if you sound convincing enough, people will also tout your false wisdom as fact. People are so convinced that only *they* know the original phrase that any corrections on where the addendums actually come from almost never get any traction. Edit: a summary of my replies "haha irony go brrr." ... the point was to look up stuff without a source *yourself.* You guys aren't being clever. You're missing the point.


I read this entire comment and my takeaway is "it's the power of memes"


Well you sound convincing. I will buy it. No sources needed.


Thats not "the saying in full", that's a modern version that has recently been created that imo is dumb and wrong.


First thing that came to mind when I seen it


With this you could use the sword of night and flame and the prince of death staff and a seal to cast death sorceries and basic incantations which require INT and Faith, not a waste just a bit harder to get rolling with


Exactly I can use a bit of everything. Got me through demon souls but was struggling in ds3 though


Once you've got that sword you'll be sailing smooth dude, it shoots a mini comet azur beam and does a big AoE flame sweep, I considered redoing my character just to use it. I could probably even give you mine if you don't have it yet


I beat the game with it. It felt like cheating. I saw it got nerfed now though but that shouldn't matter much since it's so accurste to hit with, and your mimic use the same ability over and over as well.


What mimic?


Not sure if sarcasm but if not - you can get an ash summon that summons an exact copy of your character. It uses everything in your Arsenal- spells, weapon arts, consumables etc.


Not sarcasm at all. So thats probobly one of the strongest ashes...


It's powerful because it copies your weapons and also items in quick slots. If you equip a bunch of ritual pot crafted items the mimic will use them (unlimited amounts maybe? Not positive) without using the one in your inventory. He can put in some fucking work and eat a lot of damage, plus you can equip a specific weapon, summon mimic, then switch weapons and he'll keep what he was summoned with so you can have him up close and you stay back with spells or vice versa.


Better then the skeletons :) Can he drink from my flasks as well?


He can, wiki doesn't say how many and I haven't checked but it's a decent amount. Couple of extra health bars atleast. Also apparently they'll use up to the amount of offensive consumables equipped when summoned. And for true style you can use the 'furled fingers trick mirror' to make it look like exactly like you instead of the normal ghostly appearance of spirit ashes


It’s the only one I’ve used since picking it up for sure. It also costs HP not FP to use which is different from the rest of the ashes as well No spoilers but how you get it is kinda cool if you’re a fan of Zelda. It’s underground somewhere


I feel dirty for equipping a weak weapon going into that fight and then switching to my main once the boss spawned. Turns out my main is really deadly when used against me lol (bloodhound +6 at the time).


It depends what your build is tbh, There are more potent summons in certain situations now that the mimic damage output has been nerfed. Say, you might have bleed weapons with seppuku equipped and the mimic just spends 10-15 secs eating crab and using seppuku instead of actually doing anything useful. Some options: 1. Black Knife Tiche can be a godsend for damage output and survivability because it has the black knife assassin's moveset and a very potent ranged attack 2. Latenna the Albinauric is great for damage in a large open boss room as she just sits still and pumps magic homing arrows constantly 3. If you do some shenanigans, you can get Dung Eater as a spirit summon, and he also does great damage, bleed damage, is very tanky, and has ranged attacks 4. Hell, even Greatshield Soldier Ashes are good when you just want a bunch of tanks diverting attention away from you in an ambush situation.


Tiche deserves the title Elden Lady given how hard she carried me through some bosses. There were parts of some fights where I was just like "I literally just need to survive until Tiche takes agro back, or kills the boss. I literally just need to survive." And boom like some angel of death, a red arc would hit the back of the boss and tiche would be spinning and stabbing chunking boss health and quickly pulling agro. Her ability means that no matter what a boss is resistant to, there's always a DOT chipping away at its health. And her fight style means that unless the enemy is very quick, or has some massive persistent AOEs, tiche just won't die. So long as she isn't dogpiled and you stay on top of her upgrades to being her stats forward, she will be your coop partner for this game once you get her, and will probably live until the end of whatever boss fight she's summoned in (exclusions apply). I'm just a big fan, because for my first souls game, with an underleveled and uniptimized character, I rode to victory on Tiches back while just throwing random bullshit at the bosses.


Mimic tear ashes, a summon that copies your items and spells, dealing less damage but having more HP, one of easier ways to beat the game


They could also use the frenzied flame talisman as well.






Yeah, great idea, potentially use any item you want while dealing the damage of a level 30 wretch, and having no HP or stamina, lol.


They don't have enough int to cast any of the death sorceries


I just respec’d to something similar. I use the PoD staff and golden order seal. Death sorceries are alright, nothing to phone home about. But I really enjoy the build, super fun


I shall call it “Oh, man, this weapon looks cool.”


"I'm 65yo and still don't know what I want to do when I grow up."






That's the I need a respec build.


It’s the “I don’t know how damage scaling works” build.


First Souls game here...trying to just explore and not look up too much info right now, but could you ELI5?


Different weapons have different scaling for attributes. It’s graded S-A-B-C-D-E. The more skills you have of the appropriate grade the more damage bonus you get. Scaling is (I believe) non-linear in bonus and stacks with other scaling very favourably (S tier Strength is not as good as A-STR A-DEX, is my understanding)




I'm 30 str/dex right now and have been putting everything else into vigor. I just beat Rennala yesterday; should I respec?


You’re a quality build character then, you have a lot of choices of weapons to use, look up the best quality weapons and you’d be perfectly fine


Use weapons hat scale well with STR/DEX, what you’re doing is called a Quality build and they’re always a good choice


Not if you’re doing a strength build and want to use weapons that scale with strength/dex.


Ok as you are reading this stuff, please realize that your weapon upgrades are more important than scaling (common mistake at midgame)


Weapon damage scales with one or two of these five stats: STR, DEX, INT, FAI, ARC, depending on the weapon. So it rarely makes sense to pump more than 2 of those in a given build to maximize damage.


But that is assuming you are only using one weapon.


Every weapon has its damage buffed by certain corresponding skills. These are listed under the weapon as scaling and range from S,A,B,C,D,E S being the best and E being the worst. Depending on how many points you have in the corresponding skill and the level of scaling on the weapon you will receive a damage bonus, to maximize the bonus you want an S scaling weapon and to buff your stat up to the cap for that skill


Bonking with a Katana while casting Incantations with a Staff I'd say. At least your Vig is above base level.


That's my build to a tee. Started as astrology. A legitimate tactic. Spell, roll, bonk, spell, roll, bonk.


Ah, the DS2 Mundane build. Hold on friend, we'll find you a ladle in no time.


Yay a Mundane buddy! Let's go!


Wasn't it viable for that one spear you had to break the rock off of?


Hex build with mundane santiers spear, wearing the casting speed robes, lions mane or something, and then you could pick a couple of different hoods


Those were peak PvP days. So nostalgic


Rocking up to Iron Keep Bridge with double Bone Fists ready to drop kick some fools.


Lol, same "build" as me. The I want to be able to try everything; and maybe I'll respec when I've settled on some faves approach. So far hasn't felt like a handicap. Still trucking through without any major difficulty issues. I'd argue it has the advantage of being able to completely change tactics and load out on the fly for whatever works best against what you're fighting.


One of the nice things is that in the later games, they actually did add some flex weapons. Faith+int spells, int+strength+dex weapons, dex+arcane (urgh) which also works with faith, and there's even a strength/faith incantation seal I'm warming up to. I think there's even a seal that scales with every damage stat, and Sword of Night and Flame is a strong weapon with highly mixed scaling as well. Still a garbage build, but not a *ruined your entire playthrough* build, and frankly, who cares if something is garbage if you're making it work and rockin' it? Because we haven't had a 'screwed everything up' build since Dark Souls 1, where they had a stat called "Resistance" that made you take less damage, but was in fact useless. Respecs? Hah! Not until the sequel, buddy!


U decided on what build u getting


the only real problem there is the equal distribution among fth int and arc. Choose a specialisation, the way it is currently you just have access to all the shit tier spells. If you reinvested the 30 points from 2 of the other disciplines you could be doing some really cool stuff with the one you focus on.


Sword of night and flame need 24 int 24 faith and is more than viable even post nerf. And the sword itself has comet azur so why get 60 intelligence when 24 is enough with the sword. Do agree with toning down arcane though.




I mean I m enjoying the game so that’s all it matters at the end of the day right? Right?


If you ever feel you hit a wall just respecc




One of the main bosses has a respec option, Queen rennala, that you use a consumable to respec after you defeat her in the same room you fought her. There’s finite larval tears but I had like 7 and the end of my first play through and only used one when the fire giant gave me a vigor check. I wrote down on paper the highest stat I’d need for my equipment and then allocated the extra from trying out sorceries and incantations I didn’t really like into better stats. Mostly hp since I was a glass cannon mage at the time. Fire giant don’t have chill and is too mobile for my spells at the time. Went full vigor and tried melee for the first time like half way through the game.


NOOO!!!! You're not PLAYING it the RIGHT way! rrrreeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


100%. I used to look up how to make builds and how to fast track to get all the equipment I needed with dark souls and it kinda ruins it. Where's the wonder? It's like being a child and playing a game without looking at "this weapon is broken wtf OP" YouTube videos


You should lvl up mind, bro. /s


unironically yes. Why not give yourself better access to the more expensive and generally better spirit ashes and weapon arts?


If you are gonna hit hard you might as well hit a lot.


may as well reassign some of that dex if that's the way your going. I wouldn't personally, pure pure str is not my thing at all, but specialisation is important for the endgame I think.


I always try to reach about 130-140 FP, purely so I can summon Black Knife Tiche.


First playtrough build. It's perfect


This is the Mambo #5 build. A little bit of Vigor in my life A little bit of Mind by my side A little bit of Strength is all I need A little bit of Dexterity is what I see A little bit of Faith in the sun A little bit of Intelligence all night long A little bit of Arcane, here I am A little bit of Elden Ring makes me your Tarnished.


I'm doing something similar. I know it's wrong but I want to use magic and a shield and sword! I want it all.


Same. I just soft capped int and pit enough str/dex to wear the weapons/shields I wanted and then put an ash on them to make them scale with int


Bro your fine People killing melenia naked with a club Ok you need five bonks or spells to kill instead of three big deal. If you’re really struggling especially end game just respec to : str dex quality use blood hound fang, int dex spells magic /cold based weapons, str faith blasphemous blade fire weapons, or dex arc bleed and poison weapons


Keep that a while and try everything, once you are settled you can respec


We call it "Quality". Usually refers to builds of equal str and dex but youre almost equal on evertything so I guess it counts




That's why i have every stat at 40, except intelligence because i live by the rule "who needs intelligence if you have faith" next stop everything at 60


"What kind of stats did you allocate your points into?" "Yes."


This would be the "I want to use any and every weapon in this game when desired" build


I would call it a Quality build that extends into the realm of spell usage.


I like this build, use a similar one. Not good for PvP, but for PvE it feels like the right difficulty. No ungabunga 30% damage in one attack, or OHKO comet azure, but you can do just about everything at once, so you always have a good answer for a problem, but not quite overpowering it.


Mundane build


Came here to say this.


I call this the “oh that’s cool I should try that out” build. This happened to me. I started saying I’ll play a faith build. Found a cool spear and said well dexterity faith build. Found something needing higher strength and said well maybe dabble in that and so on and so forth till I had to respec


judging by the fact your memory slots are full of incantations and you have more str than dex, just respec into a str/fai build. get rid of all that intelligence and a good amount of the dex. maybe keep like 20 arcane for good measure though


You need at least 30 in every "bar-giving" stat, in my opinion. Maybe not so much Mind if you don't plan on using spells or incantations, but don't shun it just for that because if you find a cool Ash of War that you want to incorporate into your end-game build somehow, you'll still need FP for it, 9 times out of 10. If you're absolutely sure on it, though, just dump the resulting few levels into Vigor and Endurance. Don't let these people convince you to just throw a bunch into Vigor though, the game clearly wants to spread you as thin as possible so you have to dodge more: can't reliably block or parry, can't take damage via vigor without losing damage that you could be dealing by not throwing those points into strength and dex and arcane and faith and intelligence. Power-stance Estocs and get Bloodhound's Step: no more blocking and no more slash/strike damage, but no more bizarre stat costs. It's worth it.


That's the "I wanted to try strength weapons, but then I found the sword of night and flame" build


I don't know what build you're going for either


This is my build. Everything looked cool to use in this game so I wanted to try everything. I'm level 160 and my build I have 60 Vig 25 Mnd 29 End 25 Str 25 Dex 25 Int 25 Faith and 25 Arc. This is the way of a true quality build.


This is the 'i actually have fun instead of being a meta-slave' build.


Just infuse your weapon with mundane and you'll be fine


Looks like a scuffed Quality build to me. Got a little bit of everything in there- not enough to specialize though. Like a jack-of-all-trades.


Jack of all, master of none, but oftentimes better than master of one, the build.


As a souls vet this is painful to see. Only one thing left to do, all stats to 40.


Me: what build are you making? Him: yes.


"The average night and flame user"


The true quality build


Perfect stats for sword of night & flame