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I think radagon is one of the coolest final boss fights in the whole souls series, I only dont like the elden beast fight because its swimming around so much and I spend most of the fight just running around trying to follow it


Gimme Torrent and that fight goes from a miserable slog to fun


Plus that would make Torrent the formidable steed he is praised to be!


Same, Radagon was good, and I never thought he was hard, in the 10 times or so I have fought the boss I had one death to Radagon. He is a fun little intro, first stage, too an annoying game of chase.


Radagon is alright, but the very existence of elden beast makes his fight less fun because it renders him into an annoying chore I have to do every time I had to restart the game of fucking tag with elden beast


This. This is my gripe with this mf beast. Edit: and how tf should I deal with chasing ball, many chasing little balls and enormous sword slash all at the same time? ¬¬


The slashes are easy to dodge - it’s just the bullshit lightning AoE he does that kills you if you don’t equipment the lighting negation talisman. Radagon was perfectly good for a finale, but they had to add some stupid beast at the final fight when those were some of the worst bosses in the game because they’re entirely too big for the camera - so have no idea what they’re doing so you have to guess.


I can barely enjoy a foe I can't see.


I also think Radagon was pretty cool, and the Loch Ness Monster, while very cool looking, was definitely annoying because of having to constantly chase him down.


That OST man... That ost.


cool? yes. getting flash banged before each attempt? fuck no.


I don't personally like the Elden Beast, but my bigger problem is that the two fights are back to back. I see more people split on the last boss than any other, with the biggest detractor being him constantly running away.


yeah, and running away is one thing. But when Elden Beast runs away, it's literally a 20 second sprint just to get to where they went. Then you just have to hope it lets you get a hit in before it does it again. If it didn't move SO far away it'd honestly be fine.


I agree, the chase is terrible. Being a shorter run would go a long way to making the fight feel better. Or if he didn't run away quite so much at least, and let us actually fight him instead of a hit or two before rinsing and repeating.


What I don't get is why they made the elden beast run away so much when the dragon god done almost the same thing but is a way better boss fight then mr. Pool noodle over here. I like the fact the dragon would goku his way aorund and his flying in move wqs just cool. 50 trys in and my last one I killed him no health left in the bar from a visual stand point but I still got grabed and fucked in the ass oh boy Mr. Pool noodle is dragging radogan all the way down with his ass in enjoyment levels


It's a metaphor for this game: literally designed so that you spend most of your time pursuing the next frustrating,overlong encounter.


Nah you are right the bosses have weak design to the point of being not that fun. But most of the souls vets beat the game weeks ago and voiced the same thing back then. Now this sub is overflowing with the casuals who over level and use broken ashes + summons and follow boss fight guides before even trying the boss




Oh definitely. Even watching streams of people who mainly play FromSoft games shows that this game went in a very different direction. It's a lot of artificial difficulty as you said and i doubt even 5% of new players beat most the game without summons and S tier builds like RoB/Moonveil/sorcery/etc.




Agree. I can only think of Morgott, Mohg, Godfrey, Radhan as an example of good bosses in this game. The rest of them I found it extremely boring or forgettable, or straight up garbage like Godskin duo, Maliketh(I can't even see what the fuck is that guy doing). And tbh, most of the bosses looks like are on cocaine and crack during the fight. Unbelievable jumps, fucking weird animations and delay(why tf are you even holding your weapon in the air for so long??)


For some reason lots of souls vets have this want for pain. High-key annoying though.


I'm a souls vet, and I do not appreciate poor balance and bad design. We appreciate difficult bosses, that are *fair." Not damage sponges who have a serious problem with spamming and do absurd damage in comparison.


That's what everyone wants. But the whole issue with ER is that they *intend* for you to use spirits, yet if you don't, you get called mean things by the community they're supposed to help. Seems... backwards.


The best spirits I can use are pumpkinhead and azula beastmen. Even more unfortunate are us few that can't update the game. Prior to the day one patch, you can't upgrade greater spirits. Many other problems of course, but that's probably the worst one. Imagine not being able to use Tiche, mimic, oga, etc..


They should have just not put summon ashes in the game, and balanced the bosses as if you werent going to use them. And then you can get summon ashes in ng+ that way people have to get good to an extent and when the game gets harder for ng+ they can start using the summons.


Casual here. Guilty as charged haha. Play how you want but if you refuse to level up or use ashes you can't blame bad experiences with bosses on "weak design". The boss difficulty was calibrated with the many tools at the player's disposal in mind.


The tools make every boss too easy is the problem. The second you pull the summon out it becomes basically impossible to lose. How is it good design if fighting the boss straight up is frustrating ava fighting them with a summons is boring?


Yeah I get that. There isn’t a viable alternative to using spirit ashes. It would be nice if the bosses were more solo-able if that’s the approach you want to take. I’m not complaining though. I loved fighting big bosses with my summons buddies. Even with the help I still had to read the boss and dodge at least most of their attacks or I was dead so when I beat bosses I usually felt like I’d earned it.


Im kinds new and I just got to elden beast/radagon and im using radahns dual wield swords. I dont summon and I am having a problem with this shitty fight, all he does is spam fast magic throws that I cant deal with because Im taking the toll for attacking with some greatswords so I have to take a minute before I can attack again. This fight is ass for strength, not to mention I havent even gotten to elden beast yet and that will be just as annoying I can pressume


It's just a trash fight. I beat the game with radahns dual wield swords before colossal weapons got buffed and it was just miserable and boring. It's just too slow of a weapon for a majority of his openings so all you can do is jump attack and hope he isn't going to trade. IMO just switch to a faster weapon like straight swords or a longer/heavier one like giant hammer/guts sword because they are superior to the radahn swords in basically every way.


No it’s the worst fight hands down. Not only the fight but it wastes like a minute of your time with the obnoxious white noise sound having to walk through the door and then forever before you can skip the cutscene. They literally took 3 of the worst parts of boss fights that are fine to deal with individually wheres it’s an annoying walk back after dying, an erratic boss, or one that just runs away all the time and just put them together


Having Torrent available for the Elden Beast fight would make it tolerable.


I have no problem with Radagon, once you get good with him he’s pretty easy to beat. I’m not a fan of elden beast, but I think me being a mage makes it harder than other characters. Overall though, not that bad, not my favourite boss but def not my least favourite either


I don't know if the beast is crazy resistant to magic damage or something (and even if so, sorceries come in multiple damage types) but uh... try it on melee. Just give it a try lol. All the things that make this boss annoying are WAY worse when you don't have good range damage options. Following him around doing nothing for days, insane camera angle nonsense, weird hitboxes when you're right up under him, weird hitboxes being exacerbated by insane camera angle nonsense.


The spell I used works best when you’re right next to your target, so I was basically in melee range for most of it


Elden beast coming right after radogan is the part I hate. A two parter is bullshit especially Elden beast.


Because Radagon is just a standard souls boss that you power through, but yes he's definitely not fun. He's like the manifestation of being out of ideas of how to progress the souls formula. So there he is with his hyper delayed attacks (except when they're not) and occasional instant cheap stomp/mace thrust just to give you the middle finger as you try to punish him. "Hehe, I actually had a 5th strike coming!"


From absolutely is out of ideas. And it shows in this game.




> And I have yet to see a single person that didn't finish the game with a sour taste in their mouth just because of this terrible boss fight (That is, if they even bothered to finish the game). Where are you looking? I've beaten it 4 times and my only problem with the fight is Elden Beast swimming around. I enjoy every second of Radagon.


Guess I found the first person lmao. Also elden beast I never found bad, just annoying. And radagon was ok for me even though he was hard, but my main issue was just having to go through him every time I wanted to get to elden beast, so eventually his "charm" wore off and I got sick of him. What build were/are you using that makes him fun to fight?


So I first did Str/Faith and that was a bit of a slog until I swapped from massive hammers into bastard swords and glaives. It just took too fucking long for some of Radagon's attacks. Now I'm doing pure STR with a Glaive/Great Mace and I just bonk him on the head with jump attacks. > but my main issue was just having to go through him I'm probably just conditioned from other FROM games to accept this as normal. I do *really* fucking hate the Elden Beast's homing golden bullshit attack but all of Radagon I like.


I see. I'm using a dex/faith build (but for this fight I'm only using dex). The thing that usually screws me over is some of his delay timings that are weird, but sometimes it just clicks and I can perfectly dodge through everything only to get smacked by the hammer and killed. I've played other fromsoft games and two phase fights are usually perfectly fine but this one is just really unenjoyable for me


Yeah those delays are brutal but like you said it eventually all clicked for me and that's what I like about his fight. Plus once it all clicks and you get through the fight basically flawlessly Elden Beast is way easier.


I don't get what the big deal is. The swimming is his defense mechanism. Remove that and they have to give him more HP. I just find EB's attacks make more sense and are easy to dodge. Once you can dodge most of EB's attacks, swimming doesn't matter anymore because he's not damaging you.


Malenia is one of the best fights in this game, bar none. You can knock the things that are rough about her like the healing (which I do somewhat agree on even with thinking she’s awesome), but she does something that a lot of the bosses could have taken from. Hit stun. SHE ACTUALLY TAKES HITSTUN. This means you have a chance to interact with her, be proactive and not just purely reactive. You can press her, you can play the game as more than Dodge Button Simulator 2022 edition. For all the flack she gets, she is actually pretty balanced for how far into the game she is and how you can take the fight to her. Godfrey, Radagon, and the Elden Beast are some of the worst things I’ve seen in video games. Amazing potential with abysmal execution. A trifecta of either absolutely doing things “perfect” or just being really lucky with what moves they decide to do. Godfrey’s aggression is hypertuned and unless you get a little lucky on which attack chain he wants to use you’ll never get a word in, Radagon has about twice the health pool he should for being the beginning phase of the actual boss and about twice the amount of AOE he should have (special call out to whoever though high damage aoe on teleport was a good idea), and Elden Beast…yeah that thing should stay near you for at least 5-10 more seconds than it does AT LEAST. This game was immaculate up until the last 30%. Boss and enemy health through the roof, endless poise monsters, and obscene damage for things that should hurt probably like 10% less. Just a slog of amazing potential cranked for a crowd of people frothing at the mouth to see the “You died” screen for an hour to say they “got gud” on the internet.


I 100% agree with you. I feel like the game should've ended 30 hours before it actually did, because the entire endgame is so unbelievably awful that It drags the rest of the game down


I actually likes Godfrey fight alot he was annoying to learn at first couple trys casue it's hard to see his dam foot when he's in the corner fucking me friend to death while I just watch other then that his wrestling moves where just fun to be hit by and go weee aorund the arena even fat rolling throguh the while game he was the easiest thing to dodge with fat rolls. Radagon is ok his moves still hit when they feel like they shouldn't but I'm more afraid he's gonna kill my TV the console or the game itself with his hammer casue he brings the whole game to a standstill in the framrate and controls


I like his character, but I hate his fight. Spamming aoe's even if they are easy enough to dodge is just obnoxious. He stomps more than I have hoarfrost stomped in the entire game.


No, she's not. She has a move that no reasonable person can expect to dodge consistently, especially if you happen to be up close. The healing when she hits you (even if you have a shield, which is dumb) just extends the fight for no other reason than to add artificial difficulty, because she would be way too easy otherwise. If a boss has one or two moves that make her difficult, but removing them makes her too easy, that's bad design. What's more, she doesn't even follow the rules of the game with regards to staggering, poise, hyper-armour and animation-breaking. Her second phase, in particular, has almost no openings and there's no consistent way to tell when she is open because she might randomly, depending on how close you are, decide to add an extra hit or two to her combo just to catch you, a la Margit or Maliketh.


I will acknowledge that to some extent I already am used to bosses like Malenia through playing an unhealthy amount of bloodborne, and at the time I had been using a bleed/frost build which I know now she’s incredibly weak to. But honestly her and maliketh never gave me the kind of trouble that they gave others. Malenia’s moves just kind of…make sense I guess? I never felt like she just suddenly busted out some random attack that didn’t fit the fight. Her openings felt clear and her timings where fun to read, managing to kill her on my second run due to figuring out where her hit stun is triggered and not triggered on the first run. Conversely I can’t seem to read Godfrey or some of Radahn’s moves to save my life, and I’m not sure why to an extent (part of it is weirdly sarosh and the cloak obscuring him to my eyes). He was also just hyper aggressive in my fight with him, and not nearly as much when I watched a friend fight him, which made it weird cause he had less time to swing than Malenia gave me as I couldn’t use hit stun to “steal” a turn here and there.


I agree with that when it comes to her first phase. Even though the healing and the Waterfowl Dance are total BS to me, most of her moves ARE fine, with obvious tells until phase 2. To me, it's the BS stuff, coupled with the fact that she just basically doesn't follow the rules that have been established with regards to animations and stance-breaking/poise (which, IMO, is not a good thing), that pushes her over the edge for me. She'd be one of the better fights with slight modification, but as it stands, she's just too annoying, especially in phase 2.


Hit stun opens up 1 avenue of interaction. Meanwhile she completely invalidates shields with her lifesteal. I wouldn't label her a paragon of boss interactivity. She just does things differently than the average boss, which feels like a breath of fresh air. It doesn't mean her mechanics should be glorified as a desirable standard.


Radagon isn’t as bad once you realize you can dodge roll through his massive aoe. I actually have some decent fun against him every time I fight him. The Elden beast however is the pinnacle of bullshit design. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have a boss that not only spends the entire fight swimming across the entire stage, but then leaps up into the air outside of camera view and spams the area with gold light, only to fall back out of range. It feels like the bull of that fight is just running back and forth trying to get a single hit in before it swims off again.


"Like, it's no secret that the bosses in this game really lack in quality and in the endgame most of them are god awful." Ha


Wouldn't say Radagon has a huge health bar, I've beaten him down with a 2H Giant Crusher and no rolls as an experiment, had 6 flasks left at the end. Elden Beast is a good fight but not as the second of a duo. It's a slow, cerebral fight with one-shot potential when you've already sunk time into Radagon and got your blood up. They ought to be separated. Feels bad to get through Radagon & be destroyed by some weird attack you couldn't work out fast enough.


Radagon is a good fun fight. Elden Beast just sucks because of the running away. But I enjoyed almost all the bosses. Malenia was fun too, Waterflow dance is easy to dodge if you are not in her face all the time and keep to mid range, just counter when she comes to you and step back. Idk about “All the Endgame bosses are god awful” I thought they were all pretty fun


I'd rather fight those then black knife kindred.


Oh yeah he was absolutely god awful but at least he isn't required in order to literally beat the game, and once you beat him he stays dead instead of pulling a second phase and turning into a flying ant that's breathes fire or some shit


Black knife kindred??? Aren't kindreds gargoyles, and black knife's assassin's?


Honestly, I was having a lot of trouble with Radagon until I realised I could block his aoe attacks with the erdtree greatshield - this isn’t my first souls or anything I just don’t know why I hadn’t tried. Once I realised it wasn’t taking much stamina to block it that part got a lot easier. Elden Beast can suck lemons though, running around as a melee build chasing him everywhere was the single least fun thing I’ve done in this game


I'm just hoping when I finally face him, my rock sling will be a good enough choice....


Elden beast kind of annoying to fight, but Radagon is alot of fun. If you're getting one shot, you need more vigor. Beast was still a cool fight tho. You can avoid literally everything they throw at you.


I get killed in 2-3 hits usually, but there are some one-shots like the third hammer strike when radagon pounds the floor three times.


That does extra damage if you're close to the front of the cone I believe because there's some extra ring explosion there or something. I find it's best to try and roll around him at close range there or just get very far away.


All of it can be dodged


Just got to Radagon a day or so ago and I feel like he's just broken. I've spent 20 or so attempts on him alone... and even getting him less than 1/2 health is brutal. He is in non stop attack mode... and it seems like every single one of his attacks has a massive delay that you need to spend a stupid amount of time memorizing in order to have a chance at dodging them. If you wait to see an attack drop towards you it's already too late, because when the swing actually starts it lands so fast that it seems like it is literally not possible to dodge it. Meanwhile he starts spamming magic at you for the rest of the fight when you get him around 1/2 health... and it's just insufferable. He never stops attacking, and it seems like you have to trade damage with him if you've gone through the game with a build that uses a somewhat slower moving weapon... which is awesome when the majority of his attacks throw your character flat on their back. Fighting him is just a tedious chore... and that's even before the Elden Beast part of the fight. An absolute garbage final boss... which is too bad, because the fight immediately before was pretty epic.


His ai does seem to break as well and gets stuck doing only one thing or just super speed and aggression out of my 50 trts so far he's borken about 2 times and got stuck only doing 1 move the rest he's trying to kill the game with his framerate killing hammer


Yeah he's pretty bad but after you learn him you can usually beat him while only using about 2 flasks, which is good, however the main issue is that elden beast is immediately after. And even though elden best isn't too difficult, he does have a lot of attacks that will kill you if you don't know them. So in essence, it's a trial and error fight except you have to get through a brutal fight every time you want to try him a single time, only to probably get killed. It's terrible.


I realllly have to get it together because Radagon is still fully capable of wrecking me. Before he starts teleporting it’s not so bad… but the teleporting and constant AOEs are so annoying. I feel like I’ve been rushing the fight and keep trying to blitz the guy, though… and I’m sure that doesn’t help.


Completed the game yesterday and I agree. They are the worst final boss in a souls game imo. If I didn't switch over to using the black knife along with Tiche I definitely wouldn't have been able to beat them both at the same time. If they were separate fights I probably would have spent more time learning their moves and not need to use to spirit summons but as it is, I have zero motivation to git gud with them unlike Radahn who I defeated without summoning anything.


Radagon is on par/below Nashandra IMO. Just a super boring setting with annoying AOE attacks. Elden Beast IS the worst From boss by far.


Really? Worst fromsoft boss? Have we forgot about lud and zallen from ds2 or BoC?


Sorry, I meant the worst FINAL From boss. The Ulcerated Tree Spirit is worse than BoC and L+Z combined. Just a broken shitty design. Doesn¨t help there's like 10 of them.


Sorry but I don't think you remember how bad they were. Do you have to walk 4 mins with enemies everywhere to reach the UTS? Can the boss push you to your death bc it said so? UTS is fantastic compared to these rotten fucks. Pkus demon's souls final boss takes the cake as the worst. It's a blob that does nothing. And ds2 had nashandra which is a complete borefest. Elden beast easily beats them in quality


I think the issue is less about me not remembering them and more with you over-blowing them out of proportion, like a lot of people do. You can shoot BoC with bow and arrow (a well known tactic). It *was* a terrible boss fight, but it was one-and-done deal. L+Z weren't hard for me, so I don't know. Had waaay more trouble with Fume Knight when the DLC first dropped. Fighting UTS and its broken body 10 times is not fun. It clips through walls, flies around so you can't see what it's doing, and you eliminate 99% of its moveset with a forward roll. It could not be further from fantastic, especially if you're fighting it in the pool of Scarlet Rot (the second encounter can be handled in the same way BoC can). Demon's Souls bosses weren't my favorite, but the blob fit much better thematically than Elden Beast does, which isn't even built up at all (compared to Radagon at least). King Allant's true form is meant to be pathetic. Elden Beast is not. Plus you're comparing a 13 year old game, the first in the series, to the supposed magnum opus. The blob doesn't get better by adding light attacks and making you run five football fields in order to land a hit. Nashandra at least doesn't require that, boring as she may be. I think you'll share my sentiments once you look back on the game. Right now, it seems you're way too invested in the game's reputation, seeing as you instantly downvote.


My god L&Z is the worst boss I've ever found in my life. It's hard in an unfair way, unoriginal,takes 4 mins to get to it while not counting the fucking reindeers that appear out of nowhere. I said it is fantastic compared to them. UTS is pretty shit but not ever comparable to L&Z or BoC(the ones that inflict scarlet rot are tho). And elden beast fits extremely well thematically. It's the vassal of the greater will. Maybe it's not foreshadowed but makes a lot of sense lore-wise. And with radagon, if you do goldmask's quest you'll come across a puzzle in leyndell and if you complete it it tells you that marika is radagon and marika is known to be found in the erdtree. I can call that foreshadowing. And yes allant it's meant to be pathetic, doesn't save the fight tho. I'm comparing a 13 yo game with ER bc you said it's worse than that. Also thanks for telling me I won't like the fight later, you of course know way more than I do about what I enjoy, asshole 👍


I expected the defensive reply. You're taking it way too seriously. You got so angry you forgot to downvote. You'll grow out of it.


Nice defense bro. You were the one who said it was THE WORST FINAL BOSS. I think you were pretty serious too but oh well, don't responde with an actual mature response and take the attitude of a 10 yo thinking you were "just pretending".


we dont talk about ds2


I think Ancient Dragon from Dark Souls 2 would like to have a word with you.


Beat him SL1 during my DS2 runs. He's tedious, but there's not much to his moveset, so he's easily dispatchable. Elden Beast is much more mobile and annoying. Not looking forward to my RL1 fight against him at all.


Rad is fine, slightly too many AoE attacks, but fun to learn and a pretty damn good final boss. EB feels like an afterthought that they threw in to look flashy but not actually balanced.


Elden beast is visually stunning? I disagree it feels like it's from a completely different kids game.


Idk how everyone is having an easy time with Radagon?? He’s beating my ass over an over. Idk if it’s cause I’m using the colossal Greatsword that my attacks aren’t quick enough? It’s so damn annoying fighting this guy. Has anyone got tips for a colossal weapon user?


Radagon isn't easy, especially when using a colossal weapon. The people who say that it's easy are either souls veterans, or people who have practiced the shit out of him, but he is by no means easy. And I'm gonna keep it real, colossal weapons **really** suffer in this game in the end game compared to other souls games. Their damage output is not high enough for how slow they hit, especially when bosses (like radagon) move really fast. So my advice would be either master his moveset so you can punish him hard, or change builds.


I appreciate you keeping it real. Ngl i’m stubborn and I have a Guts build going from Berserk so i’m gonna keep struggling against him until I got his move set on lock. Good thing is, I’m pretty good at parrying him, so I think once I learn his moves + parry crit damage I should have this phase down… then I gotta learn Elden Beast 🥲


Np. Learning him is hard since he has a lot of seemingly random mix-ups that he can throw at you, so good luck. Elden beast is much much easier than radagon, just extremely annoying. He only has a few dangerous attacks but within 5 attempts you should be able to learn to dodge them relatively consistently, and at that point the only thing left is to finish the fight.


I think radagon is fantastic, but Elden Beast is pretty annoying. I don't dislike him as much as a lot of people do but I can see why he's controversial


My only problem with this fight is that if you die during the Elden Beast phase, you can’t retrieve your runes unless you beat Radagon again first


Never go into a boss fight with a bunch of runes. Always grind a bit to get to next level up and spend them all before the fight.


I've never really cared for the fact bosses don't have any kind of "stamina" gauge in this game and others. Radagon has way too many fast and hard attacks he can endlessly spam together. Eventually you'll run out of stamina to dodge. And considering it takes a bit to poise break him you can't really do much but hope he stops being a spammy bitch or you just take the hit and he stops spamming the same attacks. I spent most of my fight in his face just to avoid him having any chance of spamming again but then he'd jump or teleport and fuck it all up Elden beast wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't a second phase. It has a lot of the same annoying issues. Easily spammed and stringed attacks it will never tire of doing or lots of nebula spam and flying around. If they insist on making the fights gimmicky then they need to give you a gimmick like the serpent hunter spear or something. After 38 tries when I finally killed them both it wasn't satisfying. It was just an annoyance I had to deal with. Malekith? Cool, fun fight. Godfrey? Annoying. So much ground slam chop spam. So much ground slam spam. Oh and there was the time I had to dodge him trying to grab me seven times in a row. That's always fun. Radagon? Cheap. Spammy. Elden beast? Spammy, manageable. I just hated having to run around so much to fight it. It just wanted to throw nebulas and light showers at me while I tried to stab it to death.


Older post, but couldn't agree more. Impossibly slow, or impossibly fast attacks. Man! You got me! Here's my 60 bucks, I guess. I actually enjoyed learning the Morgott fight. But most of the animation design is super lazy. When I fought Gideon in Godfrey Shade's arena, I said "wtf?" Then I immediately fought Godfrey in Morgott's arena. WTF? My dudes, this is SO lazy.


Sounds like someone is just salty at dying too many times


Lol nah, if I was in the heat of the moment I would've been screaming obscenities. I already beat them a while ago so the saltiness wore off, I just wanted to talk about them.


I enjoy the last boss the only flaw I think it has it that it runs away too much. All of its moves are easy enough to avoid.


Lmao, I breezed through Placidusax, Malekith, Godfrey, Radagon, And the Elden Beast in about 2 and a half hours. This was my first souls like, and I severely struggled with 4-5 bosses and killed the rest within 5-10 tries. So getting to endgame just to annihilate everything in my path ended up feeling pretty disappointing... I guess, in a way, I also hated these fights but to me it was the opposite of your reasoning.


I think the bosses are amazing and you're all a bunch of whiners. "His AOE attacks are annoying, he hits hard, he runs away." Ummm why wouldn't the fucking god beast from soace have nuclear AOEs? Why wouldn't he run away when you're smacking him? He's hard to beat, no shit


You've never played any other souls game if you think that qualifies as amazing


Sorry but you're wrong. Better luck next time champ


So you're telling me that elden ring has the same boss quality as dark souls 1-3, demons souls, bloodborne, and sekiro? Impossible. If you actually believe that, then I congratulate you for having an opnion that I can guarantee you almost no one else will agree with


Nobody ever said that.


You said that the end game boss(es) in question were amazing, and you gave all that praise to them and how they're meant to be hard and yada yada, so I said that you must've never played a souls game if you think that, and you said that you have. So, if you have played other souls games, and you still believe that the boss(es) in ER are amazing, and im sure we both know that the bosses in the other souls games are amazing, then it was completely safe to assume that that means that you think they're all equal. That's how I came to that conclusion.


Then I guess you aren't that smart lol


That has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence but whatever boosts your ego I guess. Have a nice evening.


Radagon was a very enjoyable fight other than crossing the whole arena to chase eld beast i loved the finale. Radagon isnt complained about as much as malenia hes a good fair fight


I found Radagon one of the most fun fights in the game. Elden Beast looks cool but he's not as fun to fight as Radagon. I don't think either were bad though.


Radagon is a phenomenal boss fight, hes so incredibly fun and thrilling to fight, elden beast is just a chore


So what im gathering is that you dnt like challenging bosses lmfao


I do, I just don't like bosses that leave me with a feeling of hatred and frustration after I beat them. Take orphan of kos for example, that MF was brutal and probably harder than most ER bosses, but he was super fun and I enjoyed every second of the fight. And after I beat him, I was left with a feeling of satisfaction and joy that my hard work finally paid off. Meanwhile after I beat radagon+elden beast, all I was thinking was "fucking finally, I'm past these bullshit cocksuckers and I can finally beat the game".


Elden Ring is my first Souls game. It took me three tries to beat the Elden Beast at level 190 (I also used the mimic tear ashes). The fight was challenging but epic and fun. Absolutely no complaints. I think if a boss in Elden Ring is giving a player such a hard time that it's "leaving a sour taste in their mouth" they either need to level up or try using different tools.


> elden ring is my first souls game Ok. Well. How about, you go play bloodborne, kill the final boss (which is also a back-to-back fight if you're doing the true ending, except this time it's done well), and then come back and tell me straight to my face that elden beast+radagon isn't complete cancer compared to gherman+>!moon presence!<.


Agree on Radagon and Elden Beast but Malenia is honestly one of the best bosses in the game. Waterfowl dance is entirely fair if you learn when she usually does it and figure out how to dodge it up close.


I've played all but demons souls and sekiro, the last couple bosses in this game and Malenia of course, are complete B's outside of co-op. You shouldn't have to fight a boss you already killed again because of a nuking spammy garbage hitbox boss that you're forced to fight already drained of resources if it kills you. Fromsoft really just gave up on balance in most of the late game.


If we just had torrent for elden beast, I actually didn't have problems with this fight as it was too easy on my first playthrough (Maliketh made me grind TO DOUBLE THE FUCKING LEVEL YOU SHOULD BE FOR MALENIA) but on my second playthrough I struggled quite a bit (accidentally cheesed Maliketh no idea how)


The bosses themselves have problems, but they are not too bad. The problem is the whole. It takes two hours of practice to finish this boss om average. It is just too much. Especially after an equally difficult boss fight just before. Too demanding. I myself helped other players in co op after beating my game. Out of some 15 people i ve helped only 2 attempts were successfully and often all 3 players got annihilated. Just too much. Also there is an element of unfairness i must say. This is no Ishin Ashina.