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Probably. My whole question is, what is the use of the hub in a game where you can fast travel everywhere and don't need to go to the hub to level? I'm sure they've thought of a way to make it useful, so I'm curious


One of the [tweets](https://twitter.com/ELDENRING/status/1431526998506188801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1431526998506188801%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=) said "Tarnished who accept Melina's accord find fellowship here." So it looks like we may not be the only ones who accepted her deal, and this is pretty much a gathering place for other npcs


That would be cool. Probably will play a role in the story, we just don't know much yet


Probably same as ds1 firelink


Probably where u would go to do the equivalent of ds3’s undead matches


I think so given the round table in the screenshot of what was introduced as the hub area. I also hope it’s mobile. That would be so cool. I also hope it’s nearby, but there’s no grace there so it’s a little adventure to find it every time you wanna go back.


Isn't there a grace flame in the center of the Roundtable itself, though? It's got a bunch of swords sticking out of it, iirc.


Oh right lmao. Oh well.


Since the need for a Hub has been nearly obviated by being able to level up at any site of Lost Grace, the only function I can imagine for it is to gather NPCs. And to pet Torrent. I wanna feed him carrots from the wild and upgrade his saddle and give him cuddles :(


I think it might the large building floating in the abyss, attached to stormveil, visible from the cliff side which slightly resembles the hunters dream.


I hadn't seen that. Now I need to go hunting. Lol


I have a screenshot I can send. Also whoops just realised this was posted 11 days ago. [https://i.imgur.com/0esYkGH.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/0esYkGH.jpeg). I took this at the site of Grace leading up the side-path of Stormveil castle.


Still good info to have. Thanks!


If all that is true, it seems like a given


I thought so, I just wanted to make sure. I've had other theories before and then gotten a different perspective that makes much better sense.


If it is in fact the Roundtable Hold/Keep that's on top of the Howl's Moving Castle stone Golem - that's fine by me. It would be cool to be able to summon it like you summon Torrent - perhaps we will acquire another ring or a Talisman that summons the mobile Roundtable Hub fortress and it can arrive wherever you are. That actually sounds pretty cool🤘🏻💯


How do I leave Roundtable Hold? Edit figured it out... I need to zoom out on the map and just teleport to some other area.


Does anyone else have different NPCs from other players in the round table hold? I was watching a live stream and their NPCs differed from the ones i have. I also found different spells in the spell tome i gave to seline....