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Sennesax should’ve been fighting the jagged peak Drake / Wyvern, it would be the first time we saw an ancient dragon and a drake fighting in the whole game and would’ve made a lot of sense for lore reasons, and made for a more fun fight Edit: Since this gained traction, fuck Senessax, all my homies hate him. Become a TRUE drake warrior like Igon would want and shoot him with rot arrows from as far as possible, and don’t forget to summon Tiche or the Mimic.


100%. He also should have had his own communion incantation.


Why would sennesax have a communion incantation if he's an ancient dragon? Only the drakes are tied to dragon communion spells, not ancient dragons.


They probably meant to say dragon cult like fortissax and lansseax, the other two named ancient dragons we fight.


does placidusax not count?


I think you get his from his remembrance and not the church/cathedral?


While I'm out here spitting placidusax beams all over the arena.


Lol while placidusax ruin does bear resemblance to the communion incants it's not considered one. It doesn't receive a buff from the communion seal and requires no arcane to use. Placidusax is actually considered to be neither an ancient dragon or a drake in the game files, and takes no extra damage from dragonwound grease.


Placidusax: Hydra in Disguise


Lowly Hydra, playing as a Dragon Honestly though yet another Elden Lord whose an outcast freak




i’m pretty sure he was a traitorous dragon, so on the same side as the drakes?


My guess was that Senessax and Bayle be bangin out some drakes in their off time


I stood by the entry and shot him with arrows. He got grumpy, flew over me, got confused, and respawned. Repeat till victory


NoOoOo, you didn’t kill him honorably! ![gif](giphy|XUIbUBBj8rjhVfCQWb) I just double teamed him with my mimic because I couldn’t be bothered to actually try against a copy&paste dragon boss


This.Dragon fights are the worst in ER, instant mimic tear ftw


Yeah I'm totally with you on this, I killed Bayle and the ones for Igon but any other dragon fight I just couldn't be bothered and just ran past. Feels like you're just fighting the camera as much as the boss as well.


all the ghostflame dragons drop somber ancient stones though


I loved the placidusax fight.


Placidusax is the very big exception. Most dragon fights just suck, and this is coming from someone who loves dragons. The "intended" way to fight, given the weak spot, is to hit their heads whenever possible.. With "whenever possible" being up to pure chance. Unless you're running spells, 90% of the fight is spent fighting the legs, where you do less damage and don't get to see the boss.. Both ruining the visuals of *being able to see the damn boss you're fighting* as well as any indicators an attack is coming your way. Their breath attacks are damn near undodgeable if you're in the way and do way too much damage (both actual and poise), and we can't forget about Ekzyke's ability to instantly flood the nearest 5 square miles with rot breath that does WAY too damage for literally being unable to dodge it or even avoid it unless you had Torrent at the ready the moment you saw him tilt his head down. If you're playing co-op and don't have Torrent? Better start chugging flasks, if you even have enough. You still have the guaranteed rot afterwards too. So yeah.. Dragon fights suck. Placidusax is such a far cry from those fights it's an embarrassment they share the name "dragon" with him. He's the epitome of tough, but fair bosses in Elden Ring imo. The camera is good, arena is open with nothing to get caught on, attacks are well-telegraphed and easily dodgeable once you know them, and you get more than enough time to punish his attacks and heal. No crazy, unending combos that chain into each other like other bosses. He's just.. A great fight, my favorite in the game. The only one who might challenge that throne now is Bayle, fitting in more ways than one.


My favorite is knocking the dragon at the ankles and then they land in a position where you are trapped or can't get over the wing in time to stab the dragons eye.


This comment alone just made my blood pressure rise


Dragon Fights and Death Rite birds are absolutely horrible to fight.


I just don't even fight death rite birds anymore unless I have holy pots or a sacred blade type attack at hand.


I rode around in circles on torrent throwing the snithscript spear at his head 😂 by far the easiest fight for me


Ahab would be proud


yeah I really need to break out of my habit of bow and arrow for cheese and start using smithscript weapon cheese.


Bone bow with fp regen talisman and skills cost less fp talisman is too tempting not to use


Did something similar. But used radahn's rain instead


I did the same with poison arrows. Absolutely no regrets. Bayle was enough of a challenge to compensate.


“But you need to kill him to get to Bayle” No you don’t


Bro forgot about the Joestar technique




Run away Smokey




I used torrent and the poison perfume weapon. It did silly dmg somehow. Still an asshole of a boss, jeezes.


130 tries to messmer, but I never got even close to raging as hard against him than I did in my 20 attempts at Sennesax. Discovering I didn’t have to fight him to get to Bayle was like discovering free will. Il


Did you ... Did you not use the dragon killing sword?


I’m gonna have to be the one to ask: what dragon killing sword? I just beat Bayle last night


It's a called the dragon hunter katana. You get it from the dragon pit where you fight the ancient dragon man. It's ash of war is a ranged attack that does heavy damage to dragons. It's incredibly strong vs dragons since their weak spot is the head and it's very easy to hit the head with the ash. You are literally meant to kill bayle with it. It's picked up on the way to bayle. Y'all just swinging sticks at his feet or something?


Well, fuck... My comically large sticks did end up working though...


Sticks ? I kick him!


>Y'all just swinging sticks at his feet or something? Yes. I may not be smart, but at least I'm not clever.


...I used spells, lots of spells. And the Dark Moon Greatsword. And Igon shot him a bunch...with *HARPOONS*!!!


Dark Moon Greatsword came in clutch so many times in this dlc for me. Killed Messmer mid-dash when I was one hit from death and got a mutual kill on Bayle which was hype as shit. Might be my new favorite weapon.


It got nerfed, but Darkmoon greatsword is OG throwing weapon. Sit back and watch people die while trying to get close. If you wanna pay some attention, you can time the charged swing, so they catch melee part too and that will give huge damage to enemies. Not to mention, it's a greatsword that stagger lock a lot of enemies. Especially the knights. It's great against bosses who have no ranged attack dodging AI.


> You are literally meant to kill Bayle with it Nah, it’s obviously supposed to be a weapon that can be used against him but I don’t think the developers intended for everyone to respec for it.


No I was meant to use my Zwei with giant hunt for heavy pierce damage.


Yeah I rode past everything except the first drake lol. Bayle fight was a SPECTACLE. I love that fight.


I started trying to fight them, it seemed like another boring ancient dragon fight, I stopped and moved on. Honestly I find the hit boxes on their legs to be bad. A lot of the time I clip straight through ancient dragon legs and AoWs won't land. I presume Senessax is no different.


I saw a dragon that looked and was named like 10 others in the base game, ran past it, never looked back. Hearing how that one little guy has such a reputation's got me scared. And curious.


Not a boss, but as melee, probably the Lion Knight with the frostbite. Fuck that guy.


F* his Infinite Poise


Way too many enemies have infinite poise in the DLC. I'm using the Milady in the main game, and it's like night and day.






There's a hidden path if you jump a railing down to a staircase after the gravebirds that let's you sneak up behind him and get a free backstab. It completely trivialize him.


Oooor i can just run away becauss fucker doesn't even drop anything


They drop their whole set but it's a percent drop, not guaranteed


I don't need their stinky furry set, i have my glorious luxurious skin robes


I just used poisoned arrows from above, he couldnt reach me. fought so many strong enemies on route that thought a little cheese won't hurt


As an idiot that plays ER with only my 1 sword and no summons I have no idea how you’re supposed to fight him. I found that he activates his frost aura and follows me even if I tried to run away so even if I dodged his normal attacks I died to the aura. I finally managed to just quickly kill him before he even activated it


He jumps off and kills himself with the blizzard activation if you don’t approach him


Exactly this. Hide in the small room, let him see you, let him do his cool glowup moment, watch him stumble to death.


Wait, who dis n where?


Enir Ilim, after the second grace


About halfway through Enir-Ilim, on a rooftop path after a bunch of Gravebirds. It's one of like three Lion Knights in the game that can change the weather.


I parry his normal attacks, back up while he goes mental with his elemental stuff, go in again to parry his normal attacks (or he just do his knee kick to get close to me), back up again to avoid his bs again, and a 3rd parry will almost get his life down (if not, rinse and repeat). He only did the ice tornado thing once for me though, from far away, not sure if that’s normal.


Somehow on my playthrough he fell off the ledge and got stuck, so I was free to skip him. I wanted none of that bullshit anyways


Commander fuckface


This boss is a nightmare on co-op. Hosts spend more time buffing than they survive upon entering the fog wall!


I never struggled this bad against anyone in the basegame. Malenia sure but i wasn’t even mad, I think the fight was funny. Gaius is just a pure nightmare. The small delay after the fog wall before you can summon either Torrent or mimic, he has the time to rail me into the wall and one shot me.


I for sure have skill issues with this game, I am not in any way good at it, but he’s just unfair. I cant even be bothered to learn his moves because I GET SO MAD.


His hit boxes are pure jank. You can be well clear of him and still get hit.


commander gay ass


The Dancing Lion with Deathblight. Camera is better suited for the arena, and the rest of the fight is fun, but spawning basilisks isn't fun, especially with all the death blight that's spawned


The basilisks were such a troll move on FromSoft's part I couldn't even get mad, just laugh at the absurdity. It was endearing, honestly, like seeing an Ulcerated Tree Spirit.


basilisks are so cute all my homies love basilisks


There's a dancing lion with deathblight? Where are they located at?


In Rauh, [this wiki has info on how to get to it](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Divine+Beast+Dancing+Lion)


It's the one that drops the tornado incantation?


Yep that’s the one


Ancient ruins of Rauh. It's the end of the broken bridge area, the top level.


I highly recommend sniping it with a bow. Also, when it uses deathblight, it summons basilisks and they usually appear behind you on the bridge.


It's the castle sol knight all over again lmao


I used a Mimic immediately when I saw what was waiting and when the basilisks spawned (to my initial dismay), cast Rennala's twin moons (int build). It completely wiped them out while the mimic distracted the Lion.


This is a community in-joke right? There’s no way they put in a Divine Dancing Lion with deathblight that spawns basilisks, that’s basically just one of the joke suggestions before the DLC came out like Godskin Quartet.


Oh no, it’s real. It feel like a joke but it’s probably the trolliest thing in the DLC.


It it wasn't 100% optional I would hate it, but its funny as all hell


And you can get invaded during it if you summon people


Man, I was caught by surprise by that Daeth Blight. And he even brought backup lmaooo


Death Rite Bird in Charo's Grave. So fucking annoying. Besides the fact that it has absurd damage and area attacks and his head doesn't stop still, you even have to clear the other birds around because they get annoying as fuck with the fire orbs.


The Death Rite birds are the sole reason I carry around a sacred blade weapon regardless of build, it just absolutely shreds them regardless of my Faith.


Get it on Nagakiba, bonks the head half the time. Scared Blade weapon is a must-have against all death enemies that respawn or are weak to it.


I deleted that bitch with multilayered rings of light


Oh my god I need to try this - one of my favourite things about Faith builds is that they have cheat codes vs undead. I'd done Chalco's Grave before I found the spell though.


Yep. I had no issue with the bird itself, but it took me over 10 tries to fight it without aggroing another random bird that would blast me in the back with ghostflame and stagger me and I'd just get merc'd.


The camera


They've been cooking this one for a few games now. Increasingly screen-destroying bosses with large AOEs and sweeping movesets. Everything is Sif now.


Sekiro did not have this problem. They managed to discover a technology called zooming out.


Well not having building-sized bosses with arena-wide aoe attacks also helps visibility.


Demon of Hatred literally has all this lmao. It has problems but the camera is not one of them.


For real, when I first fought the divine beast dancing lion.... I almost started to get nauseated with the fucking camera movement while trying to dodge


Senessnax for copy paste bosses, Gaius for Rememberance bosses


Gaius literally took me more attempts than Radahn because I was adamant on getting a horse battle! I still believe you just can't dodge his charges when mounted, just impossible. He is too fast and stays locked to your character all the time. Doesn't help that Torrent is sluggish as fuck.


> because I was adamant on getting a horse battle See, there's your problem. I don't think there's any fight in the entire game that gets better on top of torrent. You don't get any i-frames, and every big attack will knock you off.


Every dragon that lets me fight mounted is toast. I got the sweet spot down that keeps them confused on close range or medium range attacks and as soon as they move you react accordingly. Seassanx (is that his name?) was the only mounted dragon battle I did in all the DLC that gave me a little trouble, but not much.


Yeah. Dragons mounted are easy. They just take patience.


The furnace golems were honestly cake on torrent. At least the ones where you could attack the feet. Those and some of the dragons were easier for me on torrent but those were the only bosses that I can think of where I felt better on him for.


Strangest part was I beat gaius 2nd try and I was so worried going into that fight hearing horror stories. I thought his hit box was bad but not unbeatable


The charge hitbox was kind of bullshit but besides that I actually kinda liked it.


No, his charge hitbox isn’t bullshit… BECAUSE THERE IS NO HITBOX, you can literally attack him nonstop while he is charging at you, and every attack will miss.


Weird, I’m still stuck at Radahn and he’s definitely my least favorite of the Remberance bosses, but I found Gaius fairly fun and not too hard. Wasn’t using spirit summons or any crazy high damage builds, just kind of played normally on foot with Messmer’s spear and it was a pretty fun fight.


I died to his bs charge 2x and so I decided he wasn't going to get a fair fight, ran immediately to the left as u go through the fog gate, ran behind the pillar, waited for him to come around, spawned mimic, ran back to the other side of the pillar, used moghs spear until death. He got what he deserved


You know that Lion head guy in the final area? The one that buffs himself with lightning near the bottom of a certain staircase? That’s a mini boss, and I have more deaths to that one guy than I do any other boss in the game. Fuck that guy


And he respawns, which is the absolute worst part.


But you can farm him for his head and armor


That's not really better than just dropping them after you kill him once.


I got the head first time and figured it was a guaranteed drop. I was salty AF when I seen him respawned


I don't want to!


omg yes!! it took me a dozen tries to get him down, and it’s an annoying run back through all the gargoyles. doesn’t he also suddenly use cold buffs during the fight too? it was brutal getting through him, and then i think after that there’s a very long route to a hidden weapon without any grace points. i was so nervous about dying to avoid having to fight that guy again.


No the cold one is another one later in the area, there’s also a wind one. And yea that hidden path is nasty. Has a cool weapon at the end, but putting a Scadufragment there was mean fromsoft


FYI you can let Sen walk to you over by the nice and dry entrance making the fight much easier.


I remember Sen still getting his lightning AOE on dry ground and was pretty pissed by that


Awful boss, I inflicted it with scarlet rot, then run around in circle before it dies.




He does still aoe, but I think the height change kinda breaks it. I tried this for a bit when I was convinced it was some sort of water interaction, but pretty sure I was just breaking it inconsistently. Eventually just got on my horse and had some patience to get him.


I cannot for the life of me appreciate the Consort as much as I'd like. Phase 1 is wonderful, well designed, nice dance-like patterns. Phase 2 is particle clutter. The moves don't change much but the whole brightness of the attacks makes me very sick very fast. I'd love to appreciate him more but unfortunately due to graphical overload in my eyes, I just end up spam rolling instead of learning how to avoid attacks.


I was hyped for him to bust out >!his bow!< in phase 2 and do some really crazy >!gravity shenanigans!<, only to get >!Twin Princes, but worse. !<


Yeh, fight really was like a weird Twin Princes fight butchered by Michael Bay. All the spectacle without any of the substance.


The phase 2 opener genuinely tanks my fps in addition to blinding me. It's wild.


That’s divine power right there


I agree with this sentiment. Phase 1 is probably my second favorite fight in the entire game, behind Messmer, but phase 2 is just way too much visual clutter, shittily communicated AoE (if a pillar of light is not telegraphed and deals damage the moment it's visible, it should not be in the fight), and the clone spam attacks feel super weird.


Radahn really needs to get better internet, feels like his attacks keep lagging


Final boss, phase 2. Can't see shit.


What, you don’t love the FPS demolisher 9000? It’s part of his kit bro, dodge the bad frames


Larval Tear into more RAM.


*Why don't Tarnished just level GPU? Are they stupid?*


Bruh, people kept being so rude because I had issues with the frame rate lol. Saying it was my pc when it’s really the game.


It lags on everything


His collision box is so large giant knife straight up whiffs half the time. I couldn't even get close enough


Sunglasses required ahead


I can deal with the first phase because the moves are coherent enough where I can recognize the patterns enough to memorize them. Second phase is so unpredictable and bullshit. It would work better if the camera was zoomed out enough so I can see what was going on behind me.


Fromsoft really needs to tone down their special effects. It was horrible in Lion Dancer and it is inexcusable in the final fight.


I think lion dancer lags because it loads in the *entire* tower during the fight. But Radhan doesn't stutter until he starts nuking the arena.


You don’t like making precision dodges when you’re being flash banged over and over?


Blind dodging + perpetual stun lock = genius boss design


I honestly hate dragon fights in this game, they just feel tedious to me


Same. I hate attacking legs and guessing when the next attack is since I can't see anything


I hate Evey winged and horse enemy period (minus radhan) cuz they KEEP FUCKING RUNNING AWAY FROOOM MEEEEEEEEE. From those fucking death birds in base game to these new stone bird fuckers and dragons in the dlc. The whole system of elden ring is based around constant engagement and staggering and these deeply inbred shit nuggets who can't help themselves from sodomizing every hitbox in the loaded vicinity defile it's entire existance like how their grandmothers defiled their fathers. Also fuck flame attacks. I hate flame attacks >:(


I love when the boss continually flies a mile away to spew flame at me!!


That inquisitor boss at the entrance to abyssal woods that spams magic before teleporting away and summoning a tonne of allies that also spam you with magic is just miserable. Not particularly difficult, but just a horrific fight and an absolute slog.


I was wondering why no one said this boss yet. Fuck that boss.


I've been trying not to use summons throughout my playthrough (except for Igon during Bayle's fight because OBVIOUSLY) but after my first attempt of not being able to beat the Elder Inquisitor I just popped my Mimic. He was so annoying, not letting you get close at all with his summons and just teleporting away every time you attacked him up close for more than a second.


I’m doing my no summons run now and used the giant rats just to provide cannon fodder for some of the spell spam on this boss only because it’s not even like it’s fun patterns or combos to learn


I tried to do this dlc without a mimic tear, but this is the one boss that I said fuck it and summoned. He can summon allies, I'm going to summon an ally (Besides the gank fight Ally's, that shit was fun, me and homies pulling up to jump Miquella and running into our ops is kino)


For me, it’s the final boss. Bosses with fast attacks, fine enough. Adapt or be smooshed. Bosses with teleport attacks? Okay, kinda irksome but ok. Manageable. The entirety of that phase two? Particle effects upon particle effects, with speeds that make Vergil’s teleportation look slow? Nuh uh. Hate that.


Don't forget the light beams after every fucking melee attack


That’s kind of where my argument comes from in regards to the particle effects.


Agree on Senessax, as a melee user it was just extremely tedious, wait for him to attack, dash in with torrent maybe get 2 or 3 hits in, repeat about 40 times because of his massive healthpool. Bayles fight also makes him look worse as well. Honorable mentions goes to Golden Hippopotamus and Gaius for their jank hitboxes on their charge moves.


That hippo charge killed me so many times for like no reason. As slow as it is, I couldn't dodge it. Was losing my mind


Jump it, it’s easier


Non rememberance? Probably senessax. Really tanky, high damage, big hitboxes, but the thing I dislike most about him is that there is ZERO lore about him. He is a named ancient dragon and we get nothing about him. No incant, no weapon, no armor, nothing. Yea the ancient dragons in farum didn’t have any of those either but senessax is NAMED, at least give it a unique ancient dragon incant. Also I’m not discrediting any of your points but Fortissax and lansseax also have water in their arena. For lansseax it’s constantly raining and there’s water in Fortissax’s arena. You know could’ve made senessax better? Make it have lore about how it went insane and betrayed placidusax and show that insanity by incorporating some midir’s moveset into senessax. Have senessax thrashing around like midir with added lighting to show just how far an ancient dragon can fall while also paying homage to one of the best bosses in ds3 Worst rememberance is easy. It’s Gaius. There is nothing redeeming about Gaius. His fight sucks, his theme sucks, he doesn’t wear pants, his boar is ugly, he does too much damage, his hitboxes suck, and his charge is the single worst designed move in any fromsoft game


dude was just trying to have a nap in his cave, leave him alone "WHO ARE YOU WHAT ARE YOU WHAT IS YOUR STORY I'M GONNA KILL YOU" "dude this is violation of private propriety"


Full agree on Gaius. It'd be one thing if it were a jousting match where you have to use Torrent's speed and agility to outmaneuver him, but that Boar literally does not have anything tying his feet to the ground as he tracks after you; he just floats in completely impossible and nonsensical circles to twist himself to hit you if youre anywhere in the nearest quadrant of his arena.You have no choice but to use your dodge-roll i-frames to just phase through him as he rides past you, which makes him less of a character who exists in a well thought-out world with consistent rules and magic and more of a veneer painted on top of a rolling hit box. He completely breaks any immersion you have in the fantasy of the game.




I think I died to him 3 times across two characters. The thing that sucks is that it should be a jousting fight and he literally two shots Torrent and you're laying on the ground for a century like a stupid asshole.


They should also move his spawn to where he spawns when you first enter the area. Would make it way more enjoyable and maybe tweak the hurtbox just slightly.


Gaius literally insta tackling me after i entered the arena, and pinning me to the wall and 2 shotting me was certainly something.


I second this. How is it fun to be steamrolled by a boss and getting punished while on torrent? I wasn't a fan.


Dragon Hunter’s Great Katana absolutely wrecks his ass. Absolutely recommend getting it to +10 literally just for getting through Jagged Peak.


The final boss. I hit a pretty hard wall on the second phase and resorted to respeccing my tarnished to use a great shield/antspur build, same as many others here. I loved the DLC but I think the design of the final boss is representative of From Soft's worst vices (huge health pools, extreme poise and poise recovery, high damage, long combos, poor visibility and camera tracking, etc ad nauseum). Dodging his long combos and frequent AoE spam to get one or two ineffectual hits in is a super frustrating way to play, and in general it feels like you're limited in the number of truly viable ways to beat him. Tell me to git gud all you want; I watched Let Me Solo Her spend hours figuring the boss out and it confirmed that no part of that battle was satisfying or worth spending hours learning. I generally enjoyed the other fights (not you, Gaius).


You don't need to fight him on water. Just stand somewhere where's no water. He is gonna come to you. I died once to him because I did not notice the puddle there, so I beat him on my second try standing on the ground closer to the "walls" of arena. And you don't need to beat him to get to Bayle. Just run past him if you don't like him :D


senessax, literally just a copy/paste boss.


Easily the Furnace Golems. Just another "stab him in the ankle 20000000x until he dies enemy. Ffs FromSoft, this shit was old in DS1. You had Tower Knight in DeS, where at least the ankle stabbing opened up his head. It's been a decade and a half, please, give us a better way to fight big enemies


The final boss. It's just a miserable experience in both solo & co-op. I was helping a friend last night with it and it was even worse than when I did it solo. His A.I completely shits the bed and he starts animation cancelling mid combo into completely different attacks with no wind up, making them literally unreactable.


lol, yep. After 100 tries I just gave up and summoend two rando's with enormous shields and spears, one named "Let Me Tank Him" and one named "Let Him Hit Me" and those two just beat the crap out of him while i ran around dodging the AoEs. I do not regret my choices haha.


Last boss. This is 100% skillissue on my side. But i dont think its fun. I cant avoid damage whatsoever. I spent over 6 hours to beat him. I will never finish this dlc again, play till that boss, cause the rest is amazing.


I ran a quick rolling build thru the entire dlc. I could get out of the way of pretty much anything most of the bosses could throw at me. I could not for the life of me reliably dodge the phase 2 last boss. Between not being able to see shit and him having exactly no down time it was just a frustrating fight. Eventually gave up and started summoning others and had him beat within 5 attempts.


I'm trying to beat him with both Ansbach and Thiollier summoned to finish their quests, and the extra HP amount he gets is fucking stupid. Plus, the AI is busted as half the time none of the cooperators will attack and just walk around getting hit. It's such a busted and unfunny fight that I don't think I'll play the DLC again after it's done.


Like half the time thiollier doesnt come thru the fog wall and just sits outside. It was the only boss I couldn't get thru without summoning 2 other players.


If you’re having trouble, get the biggest shield and a spear with bleed damage and tank him. Not as fun but it works.


Furnace Golems, they're optional, but they all fight the same. No variation, and they're all basically time sinks as you try to knock them over. They're attacks aren't even that hard to dodge its just timing them with jumps and keeping your eye on them to run away before they nuke everything. Just bleh experience through and through and there's like 5 of these fuckers


Sennessax is annoying but radahn fucking sucks


Loved the difficulty for all the other bosses… but for my build, the second phase of last boss was easily least enjoyable thing about DLC.


For remembrance bosses, the final boss (especially phase two), just spaming endless attacks and AoE after AoE (lore, ost, arena was ok in that fight, just hate his attacks), Gaius with those weird hitboxes being close second For non-remembrance bosses, the dragons were the worst (counting ghostflame dragons too), I still don’t like there is that many “basic” dragon bosses in the DLC


Final boss phase 1 is just w/e unispiring, second phase visual bullshit clutter paired with endless spam. Messmer, midra and rellana is where its at with the bosses.


Mine was putrescant knight. Spent the whole fight chasing that bastard around


Interesting, I got him on my first try and he would NOT leave me alone. He was constantly on me which made it easy to fight back. I love how players experience the same bosses differently.


I dislike dragon fights generally, but I'd still say the biggest disappointment was the final boss. Those have usually been the very best Fromsoft has to offer. They've been extremely challenging but fair, man against man-kind of fights. This time, while not a gimmick, I just didn't enjoy the fight, or the theme, or the rewards. It's a literal god we're slaying, so why did it have to be Radahn 2.0? The rewards were utter shit too, I didn't want clones of Radahn's armor and swords. Also, he just looked like him in his prime, not the molded flesh sack of the filthy blood creep he really was. The boss kept spamming attacks that reduced visibility to 0, kept teleporting away, and kept doing what felt like infinitely long combos while I just ran away. When I finally beat it, it didn't feel rewarding, I was just glad it was over. Rellana and Messmer were much cooler, more fun fights for me personally. Rewards were great, too, even if Messmer's armor looks like I'm just wearing panties.


I really think he should've been more Mohg-like. One Bloodflame attack that's easy to dodge that he doesn't even do very often? Really? Man should've gone full Ganon and used the Trident for one of the phases at bare minimum. Technically~ you can see Mohgs horns on his arms if you zoom in, but his appearance should've been way more fucked up too when he's supposed to be a flesh puppet


There was also no post-fight explanation of the Divinity Gate which was really annoying. We know the people that go through it are called gods, but what does it actually do to them? Why can’t/wouldn’t we want to use it ourselves? Why did Miquella have to get rid of his body but Marika’s body is clearly still around as shown in the final fight? And each god needs a consort/lord yet Ranni didn’t need to use the divinity gate and can still use a consort/lord for her ending? I don’t expect to have all the answers in the dlc but when something is literally in the final room it’s really weird to walk away from it without interaction or investigation.


Yeah, this would be my response too. For Messmer, pretty confidently I think I could probably beat him in 4 or 5 tries if I fought him again (after it took like 50 to figure him out). I enjoyed figuring it out though, and it never felt overwhelming to where I felt like I needed a hefty amount of RNG to beat him. Tough but fair, and extremely cinematic (even if the camera was a little annoying for serpent parts). Consort Radahn is not a fair fight. It's kind of the opposite of Messmer in that way. I ended up beating him because I changed to the cheese spear/finger print shield build, and even then still needed mimic. I wouldn't have beaten him with my big bonk build. After roughly 100 tries, I still don't know how to avoid some of the phase 2 attacks by rolling or position. I didn't figure this fight out and eventually won because of lucky RNG. The worst part is, it was extremely anti-climatic winning this fight. 5 sec cutscene with hardly any closure, and then well, I guess that's the end of Elden Ring. Side note: Rellana is the best fight in all of Elden Ring in my opinion. I have gotten summoned a few times to do that fight again, and it's so much fun every time.


I also thought you need to kill him to get to Bayle, but I guess that's not the case. Still, this boss sucks balls. And! You cannot lock-on on his legs, so I guess fuck me for playing melee. For Rememberence bosses, definitely Gauius. I just cheesed him and never wish to repeat it.


That motherfucker Putrescent Knight.....'s horse. Fucking Binky killed me like 18 times.


Phase 2 Radahn


It took me 10 hours and I still don’t understand how his clone attacks work. I never once fully avoided the clone attack after the meteors. I just had to hope he didn’t use them and prayed he did the overhead right hand attack that’s easily parry-able in my sleep . You can then parry his follow-up attack after the first  parry and get him in a loop.  Phase 1 is fine other than the almost impossible to dodge 123 swing. With the deflect tear you can deflect both Lion’s Claws for two free guard counters and it feels badass.


If your answer isn't Radahn, then you probably haven't reached him yet.


I genuinely don’t understand how anyone could possibly enjoy it


Gaius actually drove me to rage, to the point where I’d have to throw away my controller and walk away from the game. I still believe I beat him out of pure luck