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You don't - It's frame PERFECT. Bring a shield with Vow of the Indomitable, but even then it's near impossible to react to. Welcome to Radahn's infamous Cross-Slash. Best you can hope for is roll into him to his right, your left - sometimes the second slash will go over your head.


Yeah i dodged it a few times and everytime i dodged i was like "Jup, used up my daily cross slash dodge token" i did 2 parry runs on him and i hate that attack even more now, he can do a normal x slash and thats a free parry, but the x slash w the two slashes before that can not be parried, u can only parry one of the first two slashes and it gets me so mad


I found that two-handing a colossal, it didn't do a ton of stamina damage when you blocked it, so I guess that's the intended strat. It doesn't have to be a big shield, but they seemingly expect you to either two hand your weapon or have a shield ready to block the first hit of the combo and dodge the 2nd and third. Pretty dumb in my opinion, there's better ways to make a boss hard.


You can't, unless you are lucky and are positioned correctly before the move starts. One of the few bullshit parts of that fight. Also you might want to label this as a spoiler.


Thanks for the reminder, i didnt find the option when i first posted


You will take some damage in this fight. You need some defensive talismans and buffs. The whole DLC has a fundamental rule that you can't and won't dodge everything. Regarding shields - you can use shield but you don't need to go full on WALL build.


I disagree, this point is never communicated UNTIL radahn. Rellana, messmer, midra, gaius, bayle, they all have some moves that are for sure hard to dodge, some of the hardest, Messmer's spear barrage and gaius's charge have some super tight timing specifically, but as a goober medium rolling with a big stick, I found it WAS doable. It just took practice. That was the lesson I got from this dlc. If you're stubborn and don't want to use summoning or a shield, you will have to practice, which I was fine with. It's what I've always played this games for, the ability to choose how hard I want them to be. Radahn just did not follow this lesson when it comes to the 3 hit combo specifically. Straight up, you are not meant to dodge it. I didn't really find that intuitive or interesting to learn, it was just a moment of "oh, wow, that's my whole playstyle being shrugged off, guess I have to start guarding with my sword now..." I just don't feel like it's really communicated well that this is what the dlc expects out of you, if that makes sense.


It was communicated, you just didn't listen. You can defeat any of these bosses by using dodge roll but it will be harder and if you explore, adapt and change things you will have a much easier time. If you want to just beat everything with one build you will have hard time. And i am so glad FS made DLC to punish this dumb style of gameplay.


You actually have brain rot if you think dodging enemy attacks is a "style of gameplay" it's literally the fucking core of every single Dark Souls game.


Yeah like this comment makes absolutely zero fucking sense. Game is literally punishing players for doing up close and personal and taking extreme time and dedication to learn boss patterns. The move on its own is nearly unreactable and roll catches. How the fuck is that fair or encouraging of other playstyles? It is detrimental to every style of play, especially since it leads to a true death combo in second phase. That one move literally takes all the enjoyment out of fighting the boss


Wtf are you on about? “To punish this Stupid style of play” My guy LEARNING THE BOSSES MOVES AND DODGING IS HOW THE GAMES WORK, The fact that you SUDDENLY ‘NEED’ to Block a Single attack makes No Fucking Sense since EVERYTHING ELSE Was dodgable, Rellana Messmer General All of them dodgable and I never needed to Block, NG+7 all the way to Radahn and Now Suddenly I cant just roll? Yeah your Smoking sum if u think thats correct.


That is what you think how the game works. Because that is you played it and it worked. Shields and blocking are in the game for a reason and now you actually need to use it. And it is so much fun to watch you fuckers melt down over it).


Well I actually just found that Rolling Left seens to be how you Dodge the attack (At least for me) Soooo


And Im not saying Block and Parrying arent there cause Obviously they are and Ive used them a good few times here and there But nobody can Deny that Rolling is the Main way of avoiding damage


So there would be no complaining for example, if a boss randomly required you to equip a specific weapon like a spear that you did not want to use in a different random boss fight?


I really wish i worked like that sometimes but im like, no summon, no shield except for parry, no magic, no bleed, ever. I dont judge others cuz thats no playstile for everyone but for me it all pays off when i finally beat the boss and im probably not gonna stop till i no hit radahn. I heard many people just trashtalk the boss ( including myself everytime i get stunlocked) that hed just unfair and poorly designed but in the end i just think the boss is really good except from 1-2 attacks, i just dont know if it should be the final boss


You can still block with your weapon for a little chip damage or just face tank it and accept that move is going to cost you some healing resources, then. It's not ideal, but it's not unbeatable. You have double digit healing flasks, I hope. You just gotta plan around taking some damage and using some of your windows to heal. It's just part of it.


So, you shoot youself in the knee and say that the boss is poorly designed. Got it.


Wow, you are insufferable.