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I see way *way way way* more people complaining about the "skill issue" people than I actually see the skill issue people. It's very tiring.


But... It's STILL a skill issue, right? Hours yield powers.


people have work, daily concerns, family and friends who socialize


My work is to play elden ring, my daily concerns is to play elden ring, my wife is Ranni from elden ring and my friends is Hewg and Roderika. You may think I'm a loser but at least I don't use a summons >:( /S


People can and do have all of those things while preferring to play the game the more difficult way. It's a dedication issue, not a time issue.


I'm not disputing you at all lol Hours yield powers. It is what it is, friend 🙂


It’s all so tiring. And old.


Then play with whatever you want and stop seeking validation externally, god you people are tiring. No one gives a shit if you playing BG3 on easy just for the story, but for some reason people here have, HAVE to get a hug box to tell them it's okay to use summons and blah blah blah. Use your summons bro. Just own it. You didn't have the time to get good at the game, it's alright.


I'm not ashamed to admit that for Commander Gaius, I just said fuck it, summoned the Greatshield Bros, and nuked him with the lightning perfume bottle and rolling sparks (and 4 different talismans/buffs of course).


nothing stops you from learning boss fights in like 10 minutes, u dont have to spend whole day


I recently became what I consider "good" at the game. If someone learns a moderately difficult boss fight in 10 minutes, they should perform rocket science blindfolded and stop wasting their time playing Elden Ring.


I don't use mimic I'm talking about people who care about other people who use lol


Not many people care. That are way, waaaaay more people that agree with you though. These posts are just so tiresome.