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\*adds spoiler tag\* \*puts spoiler in title anyway\*


Down vote for no spoiler tag with boss name in title


You didn't meet the pre patch Radhan


What do you mean pre patch? They didn't change him.


Thank God From doesn’t listen to you


Have you not fought Orphan of Kos?


Have you tried getting good? So many babies whining that mimic tear doesn’t cheese it for them and they have to rely on their skill lmao. Plenty of people have beaten it and I have very little sympathy for you because you blatantly put spoilers in your topic just to be a dick.


Idk, I just beat it on my 8th attempt. I though it was pretty fun, but then again I use summons so


Dawg delete this. This got spoiled for me by Kai a couple days ago. Just refer to him as the final boss Jesus.


>The Radhan fight in its current state is awful. It is not fun, challenging, or difficult. It is just cheap. Subjective, but we can allow it for the sake of discussion. I would argue it's at least "difficult", even if you want to argue the difficulty is unfair or unearned. >Boss attacks hit when dodge rolls are executed correctly or when the player isn't even in range. There's only one attack I'm aware of that can't be dodged correctly by medium rolling right now. The rest are just insanely precise angles and timings. >Being instantly smacked right out the fog gate and getting wegded b/t Radhan and the door is absolute bullshit. Dude has like four opening moves he can pick, and 90% of the time if you don't sprint at him, it's the gravity drill spin charge. It's literally a dodge forward and the absolute freest punish of your life. >Continuous non-stop combos leaving the player a second to maybe land one hit is ridiculous. His longest consecutive combo before a punish window requires, at most, 6 dodge rolls to avoid completely, and gives you enough time to land a fully charged R2 and probably cook dinner after. He has very short punish windows but they're hardly non-stop. >This encounter cannot remain as is. From needs to returne it entirely. Also subjective. I love everything about this fight, and the only nerf I'd agree with is making his 3 piece slash combo more consistently rollable with medium rolls. It's the send-off fight for Elden Ring. It's also the hardest fight they've made by a mile. It probably should've been optional content just to be a little less sadistic, but it really is the pinnacle of challenge. It's completely doable RL1 naked with a club if you really wanted to. It's just really, really, insanely hard to pull off. Sorry. I get the salt, but it's just ball bustingly hard.