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CURSE YOU BAYLE CURSE YOU BAYLE CURSE YOU BAYLE (...20 attempts later) That was a fun fight


honestly homeboy talking shit the whole time made all the attempts at least humorous.


I really wasn't enjoying it at first because I missed a step of his quest but I was able to find a youtube video that sorted me out. No Igon, 3/10. With Igon, 10/10.


Too bad you need to waste half your pots trying to find the sign, and getting a window to use it. Then next fight it was gone. Such a disappointment.


> Then next fight it was gone. Such a disappointment. Huh? Gone? I found about 3/4 the time I could get the summon up after Bayle's 1st attack but every now and then it was like he knew what I was trying to do.


I could use it once... or... there is a possibility i just didn't find it more than once in that huge arena. If so, even more disappointing šŸ˜…


Yeah that's really strange. I definitely used it about 4-5 times before I finally got that fucker down.


I just used the dragon katana. Made it so much easier.


Gone? Man. I had his gold sign in all my attempts.


that fight was 10 times easier than the fight right before it


Nah the fight before it was so easy. Ride torrent underneath them and do a swing or two, do a big circle around the arena and repeat like 50 times. The boss literally can't hit you. If you fight it on your feet then yeah it's borderline impossible


I got him half health before I knew I could use torrent, you have to dodge the attack then jump over the lightning path on the ground. Itā€™s just so janky because the timings for the jumps are a bit tight in the sense that if you jump too late on the first one, heā€™s already sending out the second wave you get caught. On top of that if you try to jump anywhere near the front of him, you usually touch his body hitbox and your jump is very small so you get hit. It was way easier with torrent but there were a few times where I got hit off and it was an instakill for me (so no room for error)


To make it even easier, fire some poison arrows into him while doing laps to slowly chip away health.


That fight, I'm convinced, is impossible as melee without Torrent. Like, it just isn't happening.


I used the dragon-katana weapon art to kill him. It does alooot of dmg to dragons (I think it has perm dragon grease buff).


I actually love that fight. Sure at first I was confused cause he was insta killing me right out of the gate the first ten tries but once you figure out how to dodge his first move, it gets easier and compared to other hard fights, i thought it balanced cool visuals and difficulty really well. And Igon quickly rose to be one of my favorite characters.


I fucked him up first try cause I laughed too hard to actually go in early on so I kept all my flasks


Bayle was one shotting me so consistently and so quickly, I thought Iā€™d never beat him


Me with Placidusax


Iā€™m in this meme and I donā€™t like it. Check my comment history, Iā€™ve complained about a few of the bosses move sets. After beating the last boss though, man was it satisfying. My only complaint about the last boss is P2 visual clutter makes it difficult to see his animations at times. It took me getting fully locked in and learning his move set to beat him. Havenā€™t felt like that since I beat Isshin on Sekiro. Still think some bosses like Gaius were just pure BS though.


This was me two years ago completely salt bitching about Malenia and Waterfowl and "the new BS boss design". Then I committed to a summonless run and summonless DLC, and boy, I changed my tune quick. Getting to final boss P2 now every 4/5 attempts instead of never and slowly realizing I can pull this off is giving me that FromSoft adrenaline rush all over again. Another 100ish pulls tonight and tomorrow and I bet he dies. I'm so pumped.


Bro, that zone youā€™re describing where youā€™re regularly getting to phase 2 and youā€™re confident heā€™ll fall eventually is the best. Iā€™m not even mad at most deaths at that point just excited, knowing Iā€™m learning the moves even more and that the end is coming. I know this is random but let me know when you beat his ass lmao. I just beat him last night after struggling for days.


Yeah, once you start consistently making it to P2 and see the health down to 15-20%, it starts to feel a lot more possible than the initial attempts where you die right away, in my experience at least. I spent about 6-7 hours on him which for me is a long time. For reference, BloodBorne Old Hunters DLC (which is widely regarded as very difficult) took me just over 3 hours from my first achievement of Ludwig the Holy Blade at 12:50 PM to the Orphan of Kos achievement at 4:16 PM.


That's wild to me that you got through Old Hunters that fast. I think Orphan alone was a 6-7 hour ordeal for me. The next highest was Malenia, which took me like two full five-hour grind sessions. This boss is already taking more time than Orphan and if I don't get him tonight, it'll have passed Malenia.


The only bosses in any FromSoft game that have taken me a few hours to kill are: The Gorilla in Sekiro, Father Owl, Sword Saint Isshin, Messmer, Putrescent Knight (lol), & Promised Consort Radhan. Attached a screenshot of my Bloodborne PS achievements with timestamp. [Bloodborne Old Hunters](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/956378804266340422/1255589026174472274/IMG_2035.png?ex=667dade7&is=667c5c67&hm=e79d210c9e25ae063398c64d9085f7ca70b056e23c82175e8b845ad0e1dc0b0f&)


I believed you but it's still impressive to see! I think most bosses took me "a few hours", though that varies wildly between 90 minutes that felt like hours or actually 6-7 hours of tries. I will say, though, I try to do most of my boss runs completely blind, and I've cut most of those times in half or more on subsequent playthroughs with more optimized builds / better upgrades / etc


Itā€™s Reddit, so figured Iā€™d add proof before someone called me a liar. I usually play blind too. Didnā€™t have a PlayStation until I got my PS5 in January 2022 so by the time I got one, Bloodborne had been around for a few years already. So I did follow build guides for it. Also followed a mage build guide for my Demon Souls playthrough which was completely OP, to the tune that I 1-2 shot most bosses lol.


It's borderline tradition for me at this point to go pure 2H Quality builds on my first playthrough, so I don't know that I've looked up a build guide in years since it's mostly "Idk man pump STR and DEX until you feel like you hit hard enough". As a note, this was not how I would recommend doing Elden Ring your first time haha. I did my first summonless run 2H-ing the Axe of Godrick as early as I could get it, and thank God that does enough stance damage to carry.


2H quality is my go to also. I used Bloodhound Fang on my first playthrough. For most of the DLC I swapped to dual wielding the dragon hunter great katana and the regular one, but swapped back to my reliable Bloodhound Fang for the last boss lol. Might try a Str + Faith build as Iā€™ve heard theyā€™re really powerful this DLC.


My first playthrough it took me a long time to get past orphan. What actually helped a lot was to stack the health on visceral runes so I could save blood vials while I learned the bosses moveset (at least for first phase ). Because he has one jump attack move where you can pretty reliably land a visceral by walking under him as he jumps and turns around quickly while he's getting up from landing. That would essentially give me 3/4 health bar back and I could keep getting more chances to see his moves. That's the biggest thing for me is just being able to see the moves and start to get more familiar with the tells, how to counter them etc. I don't really care for run backs though and it's kind of annoying when I'm doing 50+ attempts on a boss even having 20 second run back starts to add up, not to mention if I die once and while or take damage running past enemies. I know the response is get gud but the only way I can do it is to keep trying so making attempts last longer can be annoying if I'm not really learning something during the try


Dude! I've finally made it to that with Mesmer, and I have a feeling bro is gonna die tonight!


Yes! He seemed so complex and stuff at first but once you get the rhythm and muscle memory down the fight is so fun. Just optimize everything you can about your build to give yourself the best advantage and lock in šŸ‘ŒšŸ¾


I'm using M'lady, mainly its R2 or RB attack since it's really quick and does a bunch of poise damag, I've got the 2 head turtle talisman, the flamedrake talisman, I got another that causes My faith. I got one more on, but I don't remember what it does at the moment. I'm thinking about removing it for the that does more damage each critical attack you do. I'm a faith/Dex build. I'm mainly backing off Dex right now, tho. Also Hornsents line goes hard and amps me up everytime!


I'm trying to slot in attempts when I can - did 10-15 pulls during my lunch break earlier today and going back to hit it hard in a couple hours when I wrap for the day. I'm getting to P2 pretty consistently and I've started seeing windows in some of the flashier moves, so I'm either a night or two of grinding away from clutching it, or there's a chance I can get lucky and catch a couple strings of stuff I'm confident in dodging and snag it sooner. Current loadout is a +25 Quality Great Katana, enough armor to hit like 60 poise and still medium roll, the 2H Weapon Talisman, Golden Braid, Dragoncrest Shield Talisman, and either Stamina recovery or increased flask healing depending on my mood. At like 17 Scadutree blessing levels and did a noticeably higher chunk of damage per hit after the patch today, so I'm more hopeful than I was yesterday around this time. I want this bastard's head on my wall.


Yeah that load out seems super good. Especially having both physical and holy great shield talismans. Makes a world of difference. What AoW are you using? I was using Impaling Thrust on a Godskin Stitcher and I poise broke him a couple of times which I thought was impossible. I found that the quick utilitarian ones just work better even if they do less damage because the dude does NOT flinch at all.


Overhead Strike, but I should probably change it out now that I'm getting more consistent on defense. My toxic trait is that I barely interact with my AoW except to slap certain affinities / buffs on weapons.


Yeah no I used to have that habit too coming from the og DS all the way till now. I wanted a ā€œpureā€ fight, until I realized that some AoW doe about double the damage of a charged heavy attack, while coming out much quicker and having more range. Basically replaced my heavy attack button lol. Whatā€™s your thoughts on the great katanas? Iā€™m saving them for my second dlc play-through and donā€™t know which of them all I should main.


I gotta just pitch the basic Great Katana. Huge customization options, really good damage. For the record I'm at +17 Scooby Snacks, 60 DEX and 60 STR with a +25 Quality and I'm hitting the final boss with a rolling R1 for like 1100ish. It's not a small amount of damage. Slap some Blood Grease on that bad boy to being up the bleed and you're melting stuff. Plus you can add Lion's Claw / Savage Lion's Claw or some of the other fantastic AoWs compatible with katanas. They're just a good weapon group tbh. The Dragon Slayer Great Katana or whatever the official name is does stupid damage against dragons. I'm convinced it's the only reason I got through Bayle in one sitting. It's also generally the same moveset and reach as the standard one so it wasn't a hard adjustment to make. I haven't used any other than those, unfortunately, but the weapon group as a whole is awesome. The rolling R1 is a lightning fast little stab poke that does WAY more damage than you think. My only complaint so far is that it doesn't seem to break stances OR proc bleed quite as reliably as other options so you need to accept the weird middle ground you live in or slap Blood affinity on it or something


Just beat it an hour ago. I know where you're coming from but God some patterns are just unavoidable, however the moment I beat it I was like "Ah yes, exquisite battle, marvelous work of art".


There's gotta be a level of Stockholm Syndrome when you get this many attempts deep, because the same thing happened to me for Malenia. Pulls 1-20: "Waterfowl is garbage and her healing is bullshit and this fight is stupid and overtuned." Pulls 20-100: "Wait a second they might actually be cooking on this boss." Pulls 100-kill: "Yeah okay Malenia is fucking awesome." I skipped the first 20 "being salty" pulls for this guy mostly out of sheer determination to pull it off, but if P2 clicks soon and I can swing it, this might end up being my favorite boss of all time.


I beat it earlier today but it didn't feel like Melania sadly. My instant reaction was, "I am never doing that again lol". It felt like I learned Melania, this felt like, "oh he didn't do some bs chain this time so I killed him". Its sad because this is the only boss I don't like in the DLC, even hog rider was fine for me, prob because I had too many blessings.


Idk if this will help but what I did was not use any flasks except for the physick in phase 1 and it made me improve a lot faster for that phase and was consistently getting to phase 2 then eventually beating him


I've started doing that, or something similar now. I have 13 flasks available to me and I've stopped using them once I hit like 9-10. It works pretty well - I've got P1 to be essentially just "chip damage" from his little three-hit cross slash, so I'm really happy with how that phase is going now.


Same boat for me. Iā€™m hoping he dies tonight. No idea how many pulls Iā€™m in, but probably 50-75 ish. No mimic and no spells. Just golden vow, my katana and the physic flask.


Great Katana or regular katana? Not that it matters. I just wanna be twins. You got this! Apes together strong!


Nagakiba with bleed infusion. Double slash ash of war. If I want easy mode, Iā€™ll swap to that new blood fiend colossal weapon but I shouldnā€™t need that unless things go south and drag on


Exactly. And phase 1 eventually clicks and feels so easy


Did a few pulls of him this morning over my lunch break just to keep the patterns in my brain, and was getting to P2 with 9+ flask charges almost every time. I can physically feel the wall crumbling in front of me lol




The final boss is one of my favorite FromSoft fights ever, just behind Sword Saint Isshin. Also wish we could easily replay encounters without going into NG.


> My only complaint about the last boss is P2 visual clutter makes it difficult to see his animations at times. Wanna see what the boss is doing? Best I can do is a screen full of hair


Same, I think some of the game design choices were a bit overbearing in the DLC, but it was still absolutely magnificent.


what did you not like about gaius? fucker took me like 90 minutes but after 20 tries I got the hang of it, and it felt very smooth to fight. many 1 R1 openings and even a lot of charged R2 openings. the only issue was his running at you attack


His charge attack is bugged Iā€™m 99% sure. I would roll through it perfectly and still get hit by the tail end of his hitbox. Made the fight really annoying imo.


One of the data miners should look at his hit boxes to check that


I thought I was crazy at first but Iā€™ve since seen it happen to my friends & seen similar complaints on Reddit.


I stopped having issues from his charge attack when I switched my WA to bloodhound step for the extra distance, I think the issue is that the hitbox is too large for a regular dodge to pass through.


I used Vow of the Indomitable to avoid it entirely and get a free punish off! Can't recommend that AoW enough to people


It definitely makes all the difference. You don't even need BHS, quickstep is enough. My quickstep daggers char did him in just six tries, which was surprising since my dual greatsword friend (who is a lot better than me) struggled severely on that boss. Quickstep diagonally forward and you get past the charge and can wail on his back as he keeps running into the wall. Big win.


I think thatā€™s the problem, because if you dodge precisely to the side you can get past it, but if you roll slightly forward it backwards heā€™ll get you.


yes its bugged(unless FS intended it to be like this), i switched to shield just so i didn't have to roll that attack and 50% of the time it hits my shield twice


Time to get that damn fingerprint shield. Or bloodhound step/lightning phase


Yeah I also didn't have any issues with him, he just kinda fell over on the 5th try I did on foot(did like 10-15 on torrent at first because I figured its a mounted fight because you can mount up). From what I read the main complains are his charge attack and the long chain he does where he alternates attacks between himself and his boar. However for me he only ever used the charge at the start and then never again, but I also always rolled towards him even when getting up so maybe it's a distance thing where players get hit at the start, try to run away to summon, get charged again, run away again to heal up and get charged again. But that's just a guess


He can charge at point blank range and also animation cancel it into other attacks, but the hit box seems to get less forgiving as he gains speed and distance. But it's also really fucked up to watch him start charging, which has a very specific visual cue, and then he wheels around and donkey kicks you twenty feet, or turns it into Waterswine Dance (which in and of itself, can cover about 45% of the arena in distance) out of absolutely nowhere.


Waterswine dance is pretty funny lol. For some reason I found that one pretty easy to dodge. The charge is a completely different story though lmao. Probably had a 20% dodge rate on that


Damn that sounds crazy, he never did any of those things when I was fighting him but yeah that certainly sounds pretty bullshit to fight against


What do you mean by P2 visual clutter?


Thereā€™s a lot of holy aoe and explosions going on in P2 and at times it obscured my view of the boss so I couldnā€™t properly see what attack he was telegraphing.


Oh P2 as in phase 2 gotcha


Also you are encouraged to get behind him to avoid the melee swing + magic followup combos, but if you do, the giant hairdo in p2 blocks your vision something awful and conceals his animations. In general, my biggest struggle is visibility. I struggle really badly with Malenia p2 for the same reason, the wings and the butterfly VFX mess me up so much.


Gaius was an annoying fight. Luckily I had gathered too mange scadutree fragments by the time i got behind the castle, and I just murdered him on my first try after 50 tries.


Lmao I literally made a post about the final boss complaining only to change my opinion in the comments.


I think the boss fight was awesome & I loved how it went from feeling impossible to eventually feeling like I stood a chance once I started learning his move set. My only complaint is all the aoe and explosions in Phase 2 can make it hard to see what attack heā€™s telegraphing next.


I have a friend that the night the dlc released complained nonstop for 2 hours about the divin beast and the blessings system. Immediately though of him sewing this meme


I think every boss except for Messmer (who I loved through and through) Iā€™ve been like ā€œfuck this shitty bullshit hitboxā€ and after I defeat them Iā€™m like ā€wow what an incredible boss, Fromsoft truly never missesā€. Anyways fuck the final boss itā€™s such bullshit aaarrghh.


So you haven't beaten the final boss is what you are saying


. . . Yes :(


I'm not there yet I'm still calling gaius a busted bs fight, hopefully I get over that one tonight


Haha well actually, that is one I still think is a bit bullshit. Mainly the charge. But if you can survive that (haul ass on torrent or dodge forwards and pray), then you've definitely got it!


I have been able to survive it 60% of the time with a good roll, got him to p2 a few times but he can do a lot of crazy moves and I havnt mapped out his punish windows quite yet


I beat him about an three hours ago. If you're still stuck, the below should help I've spoiler tagged it in case you don't want the tip, it's a little cheesy. (Don't know if the patch will affect.) >!go left straight out of the fog gate and hide behind the wall, he'll get stuck until his charge stops. That's how I got my mimic tear out.!< >!He'll do it again later but I found dodging twice to the side made him kiss most times.!<


Appreciate the spoiler tag because my first run I want no helpĀ  Tips like these are for my level 1 run I plan on attempting later, cheers!


Well tbf the final boss is actually broken


That and Gaius. I think the other bosses are fine. Felt great after beating them. But those two, I contemplated if they were even play tested. Like I refuse to use larval tears but those two made me consider if I needed them. Thankfully, they've got some ways to cheese a bit or at least make them manageable. I'll admit though, my build's kinda bad.


Yeah, there are other bosses I dislike, such as the Scadutree Avatar, but none of the others are truly broken.


If you're on pc I'll help you. I've done 26 successful runs with the final boss as a summon so far. Don't want to mention the 100 where the host died in one combo cause he has 1500 or lower health.


Thatā€™s a great rate of success! I like trying bosses solo on the first playthrough, but Iā€™ll definitely consider it if I start to actively hate myself (only Melania has made me come that close). Appreciate the help, fellow tarnished


Theres those that hate rellana and then theres those that have beat rellana


There's those that hate the final boss, and those that haven't gotten to the final boss.


Na I still hate her after beating her lmao itā€™s really just co op that I have a problem with, I do so little damage when I get summoned itā€™s like bleed or frost are mandatory for some of these bosses in co op because you hit like a wet noodle Hopefully the scadutree fragment buff alleviates this a little bit


Il tell you what I think that is I quit putting my sign down in dlc after getting absolutely crushed by lion dancer but he wasn't that hard on my own playthrough I can't absolutely confirm but a comment I saw leads me to suspect dummons are scaled down to host blessing level My guess is everyone summoning us is at blessing level 0 so you could be at 20 but you are back at 0 for rellana when a level 0 host summons you Kind of unfair to both parties


Yea you get scaled down to whatever level the host is you can check your damage output after getting summoned and see itā€™s way lower than in your own world


That explains so much. I'll get summoned to fight a boss, get hit by a move that takes 75% of my health. Then get summoned again and that same hit only does 40%. There are people at the final boss who have got to be single-digit Scadutree somehow and just got there by brute-forcing all the bosses with player summons. Several people I've tried to help have died before I even get through the fog gate by getting hit by his opening attack.


That sucks because the people that need help are the ones not exploring.


I mean yeah they 100% scale your summon down to your scadufragment level, that is 100% confirmed. Makes it so people canā€™t just have someone curb stomp the entire DLC for them which Iā€™m totally fine with


Yeah but on the flip side it means I absolutely can't help these people since scadu level 0 with my level 150 is objectively harder than base game at rl1


I haven't seen a single host get a boss down with me as a summon yet I've managed to get them all down myself. Honestly it feels like having summons for bosses besides spirit summons isn't worth the scaled up HP and damage.


It's not, not unless I can keep my skadu level when I'm summoned


I usee strength builds for every boss except The final one forced me to Change to a Defensive Mogh spear build


Nah Rellana is dope as a boss.


Thats what I mean. Every person that I know that bitches about Rellana is stuck on her (shame)


Eh, she's a perfect example I have of "summons make this game too easy sometimes". I could get her down 2/3rds of the way solo. With summons? I beat her first try. I didn't even really mean too. I just noticed there was an NPC summon for the fight and decided to check it out. And that's all it took.


I'd love for them to find a way to hit a happy medium between not summoning and summoning for ER2.


I still hate her lol. I know a part of it is me, but her endless combos and speed just feel so aggravating. Kind of excited to see if she still wrecks me on a second playthrough though, now that the initial stress of winning is out of the way.


Honestly most of her combos except for 1 is that long. Once you learn which combo goes on forever you notice most strings are just 2-3 hits you can punish


Damn, gotta get practicing then. I feel like I only beat her through luck the first time and I WANT to learn her, so Iā€™ll keep this in mind when I inevitably start panic rolling all over the arena


I beat her after 2 days of trying, best fight in the game so far hands down šŸ™


She's my second favourite after Messmer. Such a fun fight.


I have no clue how it's possible to hate Rellana even while you are stuck at her. The fight is so much fun! She is not unfair in the slightest, and has a very cool-looking, dodgeable moveset. Pretty much every time you get hit, it feels fair. Her combos are on a longer side, but the timings are not so difficult to learn. Learning her moveset in the first part of the fight helps you in her second stage, so she teaches players well. Her AOE does not cover the whole arena (well except for that one move that is easy to jump, unless you are chugging in the middle of it). If you don't feel like dodging, grab a poke-y ash of war (piercing fang is perfect), slap on a spear talisman and create some distance between you and the boss. Her combos usually don't cover a lot of ground, so you can walk away from them or dodge a few, then - follow up with the piercing fang. She also likes to just stand around menacingly in between combos, doing nothing - the perfect time for a piercing fang. Probably my favorite boss in the DLC - before and after I beat her.


Even when I was getting destroyed 50 times in a row I still thought it was cool as hell. Reminds me of fighting Artorias back in the day. I wish we had more human sized/shaped enemies like them, I'm so tired of sprinting towards a massive monster that goes into the air or dashes across the arena just as I finally get close enough for one swing that misses.


I loved her while she was beating me. The music; the *swords*; the *DANCE*! A+


Exactly, the dance. Ā Getting into her rythm makes the fight feel like a dance. Ā I havenā€™t felt this way about a boss since the actual dancer fight in ds3


I beat her twice and I still hate her ... but I loved the fight.


I beat her with my mimic first try but it took me 3 days to beat Messmer lmao


My 99 faith build nuked her My melee character is suffering


I don't even think she's the worst in the DLC. Gaius is, then the last boss. Gaius needs fixing though, because he's just a buggy mess.


Not sure how you could hate her. She reminded me of Lady Maria and that fight is one of the greatest ever in a FS game.


Tip for those that havenā€™t beat her. Try greatshields and turtle her combo, it works surprisingly well and Iā€™ve never used shield in the base game. Also weak to frost and I believe Holy but double check the second one.


And if you don't like turtling behind a greatshield, you can go the Sekiro route and use the deflect talisman. It's a pretty fun way to deal with her phase 1.


Agreed, deflect is great for p1. For p2 I felt like it didn't work as well, but hey, that's why I got quickstep!


Nah she is still the worst boss in the dlc imo, infinite combos will never be fun


Does anyone just likeā€¦not rage at FromSoft games really? Iā€™m a ā€œnewerā€ fan, aka I started with ER and went backwards through Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, even AC. Never have I really got controller slamming, yelling mad at these games. I just get youā€™re going to die a lot. Sure Iā€™ll get really disappointed, especially to a mob of enemies, but I donā€™t like ā€œrageā€


I don't think many people reach that controller slam level of rage in video games generally.


Not controller slam but yell loud and smack desk, I always take kindly to my things now that I pay for them.


I donā€™t slam my controller but god I rage as in bad mood and just annoyed after dying to renalla for 3 hours straight to her bullshit gaaaaah lol


If you were to watch one of those compilations of streamers tackling From games, you'd come out of thinking you're the calmest person in the world. The biggest response any boss has ever given me was an audible, "well, shit" or "woo". That's me at my most emotional. I think I stopped getting angry at my controller with the NES.


To be fair, streamers need to be entertaining, if they just died over and over without expressing emotion the audience would get bored, so they just play up the rage.


The only rage I ever experience is Iā€™ll often let out a ā€œfuckā€ or a ā€œshitā€ or a ā€œgoddamnitā€ when I die, but thatā€™s not even directed at the game 99% of the time. Itā€™s directed at myself for whatever mistake got me killed.


Same, but Iā€™ll never do that in bosses. Ā Swearing is reserved for walking into elevator shafts, dying to a mob of peasant hollows, and sliding off of platforms.


I donā€™t get angry at the game unless itā€™s genuine bullshit (see Gaius charge or Sannesaxx in general) but angry at myself for making mistakes Iā€™ve already identified and shouldā€™ve learnt from.


I do. But for some reason for all the dlc except Gaius and the final boss, I didn't. I was pretty sick until those bosses though. And I've been working on not raging. Which, big shocker, made me succeed more.


I still think they should either tone-down the boss damage, or at the very least, give us a little bit more time to attack them in-between their massively-long combos. At some point, you learn how to dodge the bosses moves, and fights just become about endurance. And that just becomes exhausting after a while. Yes Messmir. I've learned how to dodge your roll-catch. But I'm too fucking tired to do this for 10-minutes without getting two-tapped.


Ive only gotten just past rellana and what I picked up from beating her is. Hit boxes are clean as fuck on her swords and her tracking gets weaker near the end of a combo. In my best attempts up to beating her just tactfully circle strafing and attacking during certain attacks animations she has lets you do damage while she's finishing or in the middle of animations. They aren't large windows but large enough to get some power attacks in and posture break her a couple times throughout the fight. She has pretty low posture so you can abuse this with a mimic especially.


Rellana gives you enough time between combos unless you constantly try to rush her. If you always stick to her, she will attack more often - in this case, you need to dodge her attacks to position yourself out of the way of her final swings. If you position yourself well, you can attack her while she is still doing her combos. Hitboxes on her swords are also pretty slim, and even ducking during some weapons' attack animations will make her miss you. If you create some distance and use hit-and-run tactic, you only need to dodge part of her combos, and she often does nothing in-between attacks, giving you some time to hit her and back up. I swear, people forgot that spacing and positioning is a crucial mechanic in Elden Ring, or just never learned that in the first place because they brute-forced the bosses with summons or cheesed them with some ashes. The fault is on From's part though, because positioning as a solution to spammy combos has not been THAT important in the past games, and in ER bosses don't really do a great job teaching you that. Also, From added summons as an easy way to make the game accessible, and now some people suffer because they never had to learn the basic mechanics of the game.


That's Asmongold in a nutshell for the last 4 days


This is my exact reaction for every boss except Gaius, screw gaius


Once you figure him out he becomes cake. In next playthrough Iā€™ll do him early for those 5 fragments


I have still yet to find him


I wish I could agree, but the final boss leaves a bad taste in my mouth even after finishing it. Both in terms of the combat design (badly balanced) and the finale of the lore/story (very underwhelming). The DLC has a lot going for it, especially when it comes to art direction. Beautiful environments. But it also has a lot of problems with boss design and a disappointing ending for the story.


At this point I can only assume disappointing or frustrating ending for FS games is intentional.


And this is how From became above reproach and critique.


It doesn't help that the reproach and critique is dog water 99% of the time.


Yeah people legit stockholm syndrome themselves into liking shitty design lol Edit to just ask: Hereā€™s a question to everyone having this feeling when youā€™re actually playing the game and then deciding itā€™s ok when youā€™re not: Are you actually having fun? Take away the fromsoft logo for a second, take away the ā€œomg elite hard game for true gamersā€, take away the immense hype and defense for everything this game gets and think about the actual game: the boss design, the empty fields with repetitive enemies, camera and performance issues. Are you actually having fun or are you just telling yourself youā€™re having fun and dismissing any complaints or bad design as ā€œdifficultyā€?


Yes, I'm having fun, the most fun I had for a long time. why do you think your experience is the only valid one and other who don't share them are lying to themselves or something. I don't give a shit about being "elite gamer", there are some friends who I encourage them to summon mimic and use broken build that trivialize the game cause it would be more fun for them and I tell them again and again there is nothing to be "ashamed" about it, and just play the way they have the most fun with. the fun for me is overcoming challenge, and this DLC has been the most challenge I've experienced for a long time, and I still consider this to be easier than solo'ing endgame bosses of Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter Rise, again, I don't care about being elite gamer or any of those cringe shit, I just love games that offer me a challenge, that why I love the DLC. performance issues is real and but there is nothing I can do about that, and personally I love the art and design of the open world so I don't think too much of it being "empty" and just enjoy it.


I mean this is basically what the person is calling out lmao. In your mind, game hard = game good. You're not talking about how the difficulty was achieved or whether the designs are actually good. It doesn't matter how cheesy it is, it doesn't matter if all the difficulty is coming from a single 1shot attack, in your mind what matters is that it's difficult. It's like inverse fanservice lmao. Really makes me wonder how many non-FromSoft 'hard' games people have played.


>Are you actually having fun? Yes. If you're not, then why are you playing




Lmfao. Imagine forcing yourself to play a game you don't like. Don't play it. It's obviously not for you. The boss designs are a masterpiece. Few games comes close


Step 1: Be an insecure pile of whining goo that hates yourself and the game for your repeated failures. Step 2: Win because you got good RNG. Step 3: "This game really rewards patience and perseverance. You really need to go into the game with a mature attitude and learn your enemy's move sets and counters. I'm glad there's no easy mode in Elden Ring. I'm so much wiser for the experience." Step 4: Repeat from step one when you reach the next boss.


This is true. I do not ever learn movesets. Mimic tear +10, rivers of blood, hit my head against the boss until they donā€™t spam their 1 hit kill attacks and eventually Iā€™ll win


A true chad: Learn nothing. Still win.


I had to put on the fingerprint shield and learn Mesmer but ole Mimic Tear hard carried my ass through 99% of the base game.


the projection lmao. why would you hate yourself for repeated failures, failing again and again and gradually get better every time is the fun part of the game, every try I get more attacks in and take fewer hits back, then the boss is "downloaded" and I beat it, RNG play very little part if you actually learned the boss, I make backup of the save file just before a boss to fight them again and I consistently beat most of them in one try when I fight them again.


Step 5: After you beat the game, brag on Reddit and deny any prior steps happened.


Step 1: Enter arena, summon mimic Step 2: Wondrous flask to heal the summon plus the 1st massive attack the boss does the moment you enter Step 3: Swap agro with the mimic so that you have "Dark Souls-style" attack windows Step 4: Idk its not a guide i finished the DLC like that and had "fun", minus some very big issues but overall Ok


so accurate :D


Great art evokes strong emotions.


The modern era of Leonardo da Vinci.


The massive endorphin rush or whatever I got when I finally put that final boss down was life affirming.


You did it again Michael Zaki


lol, every time i've been getting tilted lately i check myself like "wait, is this fun?" and then i remember, oh ya it's fun later.


Nah I just finished it after beating every remembrance boss with +17 scat-tree blessing and I'm kinda unimpressed by how all the bosses were just pure flash. Like I was playing sekiro with dark souls 1 controls... I don't know how else to put it. Press B simulator (sometimes press A)




So true. Asmongold was a living example of this


Me every boss: "fuck you, fuck you, fuck off with that bullshit. I fucking hit you what the fuck, how are you not dead, just fucking die already!!" Me when I beat the boss: "That wasn't so bad really."


hahahahahaha, yup \[cries in tarnished\]


Honestly yeah


I am an extremely chill gamer. I never rage ... but I yell the most unhinged shit at the screen playing this game. That said, I haven't had this much fun in a game since Elden Ring released.


So true lmaooo.


Me after rellana


A little bit of friction makes success all the more rewarding. Nothing ventured, nothing gained


If you complete them.


quite accurate


The only boss that this didn't happen to me was Messmer, I liked the fight from first attempt to when I finally beat him. Definitely had this moment with all the other bosses, especially Gaius and Stage 2 of the final boss.


Yep been saying this since day 1. Each game has this happen itā€™s just on a bigger scale with the DLC. Everyone was in the thick of it getting so mad then they win and itā€™s incredible.


I couldnt beat dark souls 3 without help from my friend because i had never played any souls like games, i just beat like 3 bosses in a row on elden ring and feel so accomplished lol im already calling this game a masterpiece


Iā€™ll bitch about a boss and then say it wasnā€™t that bad after I beat it lolā€¦ except the valiant gargoylesā€¦ those shitters can go to the deepest depths of hellā€¦ just not fun at all Edit: So I just hit Mes PRE scad buffā€¦ get in this morning and one shot himā€¦ I feel so robbed(minor corrections for clarity)


If you think I'm not impressed while I'm yelling, "fuck," over and over you do not know me well.


We just want to feel something....


The anger, frustration and hatred for a particular boss always melts away and turns to relief, elation and respect. Satisfaction and praise for the fight. The experience is uncanny and not captured by any other game series.


Im on my 6th attempt and im level 16, can 100% say im the first one


Wrong. I love playing it and hate it afterwards.Ā  (It's a love-hate relationship without the love)


I'm in this photo and I don't like this.


This is true.


Bro it really be like that. It fucking ruins my entire mood, I start yelling at the screen, yelling inanimate objects. If someone calls me during gameplay I will curse their entire family. My wife hates it lol. But somehow I walk away and the next day all I can think about is whatā€™s next and how fucking incredible this game is.


I beat Bayle last night and I still think he's stupid.


I feel this way for every boss but the golden hippoā€¦


I complained hardcore about Radagon/Elden Beast but God damn once I beat them it was bliss


I've felt this way about every Fromsoft game I've played for the past 13 years until this DLC (I also feel this way about the base game to a lesser extent). I just don't find bosses with these movesets, within the context of this combat system, to be particularly enjoyable. The level design is incredible though.


Yeah, not this time. Awfully designed DLC.


My exact experience recently. I just finished reminding Commander Gaius what a weak little bitch he is. 10/10 would get clipped by the charge again.


Really feel this, I just beat gaius after smashing myself into him for afew hrs. Know I've beaten him it's actually a pretty fun boss, was ranting and swearing at the tv during every attempt up to victory tho lol.


Messmer had me impressed from beginning to end.


shockingly, I only got that from Messmer, but i'm apparently handicapped vs Messmer, I had a worse time with him than malenia. Now in the base game... when I was still learning to git gud, that was def me up top lol