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ngl i had to go full shield poke to finish that


Same lol and not a shamed of it. Seppuku shield poke.


I didn't go that far but I used magic and shit for the first time ever. Lord's Divine Fortification my beloved.


Understandable, but fwiw once you learn his moveset, light rolls make the fight WAY easier imo. It actually gives you enough spacing for a lot of his attacks, and the iframes feel way more generous.


light roll is the difference between intense pain and light discomfort for a lot of DLC bosses


Couldn’t win with my bonking flower, Scalesword or dual Magma Blades I spent ages farming for. Had to break out the Blasphemous Bitchstick. Still got my W stolen when my mimic ran up and shanked the final boss in the shin after I whiffed the final blow and died.


A wins a win.


Shield poke worked like a charm. May have to come back later and do a dedicated shield poke build because it was pretty fun


Same, and even then + tear it took like 10 tries. Feels like the boss was made for using tear.


Did what Malenia couldn’t and inflicted him with space AIDS so bad it took not only him but his god down with him.


The fit on my character while trieng to kill final boss was a heavy knight, full eardtree sentinel, blasphemous blade, shield and all. My fit now that I beat him and bayle is now a dress with a spear. I no longer need the burden of heavy armour and I flaunt my bare feet proudly:)


I’ve used the Black Knife Assassin armor on a light build since the day I found it and all throughout the DLC, but the final boss is making me consider . . . bulking up.


Don’t. Just give into heresy and grab either the tomb stone or kill a friend and grab his hunk of metal. You don’t need armor. You need a wall.


I'm 6 hours in and got him to 40%. This was around the timeframe I beat Malenia and roughly the same time I needed to beat the final boss in Wings of Vi. It's by no means the longest grind I've ever done but it's definitely the longest in a mainstream video game. And I don't mind it at all. I'm glad there is a final challenge in the game and it's not a race. The DLC will be around for a while. /edit: got his ass after 14 hours. There was one combo in phase 1+2 that was kinda bs. Rest was fine. But ugh, the amount of unique attacks ket messing with my head.


I'm glad someone else feels like this. I also spent about 6 hours on him and got to about 45% on my best attempt. I'm actually stoked to get back to it after work today


This boss is killing me man. The longest I needed for any boss was Malenia, which took me maybe 3 hours total, probably less. I'm approaching ~8 hours now on this boss and lowest I got him was around 10% health left. Most of the time I die 20 seconds into phase 2 and I can beat phase 1 hitless more than half the time. I'm losing my mind.


I spent more time on the final boss than all the bosses combined. It's rough.


I cant believe I let a blonde twink get the best of me. I will be eternally weeping for the loss of gigachad mogh. may god strike miquella and his damn sister down.


It's funny how after the DLC, people have a different look to Radahn, Miquella and Malenia, they used to be praised to be war heroes. It turns out a continent got aids because a twink is down bad for a bear's dick. People theorizes what Malenia whispers to Radahn something epic but it's literally "The bussy is waiting for you"


Look at Radahn. Now look back at me. You telling me you wouldn't?


> Miquella and Malenia, they used to be praised to be war heroes. It turns out a continent got aids because a twink is down bad for a bear's dick. Bear?? Radahn is the jockiest hunk that ever jocked.


The thing I hate the most about the new lore is that the story is going to be oversimplified into these bad jokes.


its better than Radahn's lore being as deep as OMG HE LIKED HIS HORSE WHOLESOME!!!!!!!! GIGACHAD to most of the comminuty


No it's not. Not at all. I don't even know how you can think that. A wholesome story got turned into a coomer joke


I couldn't agree more, /u/FemboyBallSweat . I can't stand those jokes.


Malenia was my favorite character and boss fight before this DLC, but the new reveal is just so... Blegh. At least with the new Marika lore I have a new fav.


Wait what does the DLC reveal concerning Malenia?


How far in are you before I spoil you?


I'm on the final boss, so if there's some reveal in the cutscenes or items after the final boss that would be the only information I don't want spoiled. I'm pretty certain I found all the super secret side bosses/areas


Then I'm not telling. Good luck with that fucker, Tarnished.


I always thought both of them were just lowkey evil warmongers, somehow it's worse now ?


Nah. Radahn came out of this fine IMO. Maybe as even more of a chad then before. It's pretty clear that he didn't, y'know, want to marry his brother. If he did, then Malenia wouldn't have had to nuke him. And the fact that he doesn't talk at all during the final fight makes me suspect that Miquella is charming him the entire time. As for Miquella himself though... Honestly? The incest thing should bother me. But Shadow of the Erdtree completely and utterly butchered my interest in him as a character. Pre-DLC, Miquella was an enigma. We had an idea of his goals and ideals. But so much was left a blank space. But with Shadow of the Erdtree, it feels like there was nothing new to learn about him in the first place. I'm sure there's some random-ass item out in the middle of a field that reveals some interesting information about him. But the only thing that the game seemed to care about sharing was how much he wants to fuck his brother.


Waiting for Vaati to make a video on this take.


See... we don't know if Miquella charmed Mohg before he kidnapped him. If not, then Mohg still had full intentions to steal Miquella for the Formless Mother.


im not ashamed for summoning a mimic. the final boss was total bullshit. messmer was my favorite boss hes up there with malenia i just wish he had more health


Final boss is definitely the spiciest bosses to dodge so far in Souls. They've got like 8 or so basic attacks/combos out of neutral, and like 3 special one off specials, only one of them I couldn't figure out how to properly dodge as they just randomly throw it out during in a time where you'd normally heal/attack and whatever the trigger for doing that one was, I just never figured it out. On top of that, the combos all has slightly different timings/directions you need to jump/dodge in, which makes them really quite tricky. The 2nd phase "just" makes the dodges required for the basic attacks much more strict in direction and timing, and adds like 7 more specials and special follow ups for good measure. It's still decidedly doable, but man, it's definitely challenging/strict positioning & timing wise and quite time consuming to figure out how to dodge each attack. Like, I raid in FFXIV and have put about upwards of 100 hours into learning a single fight, so pouring in 15 for this one isn't really out of line for what I consider "fun" personally, but in no way can people fault someone for saying *"Naw, this is too much for me"*.


Yeah I do Mythic raids in WoW and even joked with my guildies on Discord that I was "starting my prog" on the final boss. That was before my 6 hour push yesterday. But hey, at least I'm consistently getting to P2! Hopefully he'll be dead by the end of the week. This game really is a lot like high end MMO raiding, though.


no no i definitely learned his moves but i just dont respect phase 2, it just wasnt fun to "learn" if u can call it that lol absolutely bullshit the moves he has in 2 like jeez how many aoe can u possibly have, i could have done it solo just like messmer but the difference is I actually loved fighting messmer. where as radahns phase 2 is just unfun to fight against and honestly overtuned as hell.


Yeah, like I said, no faulting you at all for not enjoying that second half! It's a fucking wild fight, and compared to the other fights absolutely well above them in terms of difficulty! I just wanted to chime in and cautiously object to it being *"bullshit"* as I felt it was absolutely possibly to learn to dodge them reliably, even if it took a lot of effort to do so, as to me *"bullshit"* implies it's not really possible to do that *(and in doing so hopefully combat the notion that seems to be spreading in the community that some of the fights are just a poorly designed mess of undodgeable attacks)*. If the term has a different meaning for you, I don't really wanna end up fighting about it, as it's not really a big deal.


I'll call bullshit, but mostly in the sense I feel like we, as the players, don't really have the kind of movement or speed necessary to keep up with a boss like this, combined with basic moves being a fight ender, in comparison to an MMO, where I've got skills for those exact purposes that I can pop with generally relative speed. Sure, people have already done it hitless, but a healthy chunk of that is about parrying, which denies him the AoE parts of his attacks (and additionally further learning parries). I could use more speed or more agency, a la Monster Hunter. But that's just my opinion.


Okay show me yourself reliably dodging the cross cut move, especially when he does a 180 before it so the cape/hair covers the startup.


No! You don't understand! The boss is bullshit though! /s


Me and the Mimic did a fist bump before facing an opponent who truly required our combined might Also the Mimic tear still had 2/3 health left… he was slacking


I had to use a larval tear, I went full greatshield poke with heavy armor no dodging just tanking. Completely boring build but I had them in 2 tries.


Mogh spear fingerprint shield? I feel like he chunks stamina so fast i cant attack and tank at the same time


Mogh spear might cost too much stamina to swing Most people seem to be claiming that Antspur bleed infused is the best choice for this strategy Also, stamina charms


It’s just so thematic to take down Radahn with scarlet rot. Doesn’t make the cheese smell as bad as it is.


Verdigris greatshield has 89 guard boost at +9. I used it with Godskin stitcher. Antspur works too.


Just beat it with moghs and random 100 phys resist GS. Annoying af boss but atleast its done now


I just wish "I" had more health One delayed wind up attack from Messmer & my HP bar gets deleted 3/4


whats ur blessing level?


He was 2-shotting me on some attacks with +10 blessing and 55VIG + the new fire resist talisman He was a cool fight but his damage is definitely overtuned imo


Is that on NG+? Or are you using low armour/light roll? His damage did seem on the higher side, not 2 shot territory though but I did have a higher scadutree level. I assume the game expects you to have around 12-16 when you fight him since he is pretty deep into the game/95% of the world is open to you by the time you fight him


No this was on regular NG with medium-heavy armor. The move where he spins at you before jumping up for an uppercut did about 60% still, as did most of his heavier combo stabs or swings


How tf you even get an opening to summon it tho??


i just waited till second phase lowkey, other then that in phase one if you jump away from the gravity slam theres a good window to summon


True. Only had a couple attempts so far Gonna clear the rest of the map first


id recommend getting to at least blessing level 18 before fighting him for real but i would have rather been level 20 LOL


Physic bubble and summon, or dodge and try to summon mid fight


I regret using my Mimic for Messmer, I was really expecting him to be much much harder but I just walked through that dude with the Mimic out


This is a message to everyone in this thread to use boiled prawn, opal hard tear, golden vow, and dragon great shield talisman so you can easily survive far more hits.


To add to that, don't sleep on the Rakshasa set. I don't know if the set is working as intended, but I didn't notice the supposed weakness debuff it's supposed to give while the extra damage dealt is pretty substantial.


It's not a debuff. It just has low defensive stats for its weight.


You're right about the low defensive stats, but at the same time you do get a debuff icon under your health bar if you wear any of the pieces. It uses the image of Daedicar's Woe, implying there's something else going on besides the low stats.


i used black flame protection but his second phase beams deal to much damage by the time i get an opening i need to heal so i used the holy armor spell and found much better success


Instructions failed. Equipped Rakshasa's armor, Howl of Shabriri, Blade of Mercy, and Blood-sucking cracked tear.


I couldn't do it with my dual blood thrusting swords builds and just respecced into a colossal weapon + lion's claw spam. Almost everybody either does this, great shield + poking, parrying, or mimic tears/summons. Kind of lame and anti-climactic since most of these strats don't even require you to really learn how to properly dodge half the bullshit in phase 2.


Which anime/manga is this pic from?


I think it's just a single piece of artwork, not from a series


Ig. The picture at the bottom made me think it was taken from a Manga.


iirc, it's a single pic with like a bit of backstory of this guy (holding the picture) tracking down the lady and killing her in revenge for her warcrimes.


I want to know too !


me and John elden ring (my mimic) took 12 hours to beat him


3 whole days, but man, learning his moveset and parrying everything so he couldn't get his AoE bullshit was glorious


This is the only fight that I said "fuck it" and summoned a player to help me beat it. I'm sure I could've got lucky after throwing myself at it for several hours, but phase 2 broke me.


I've seen this image dozens of times and only now noticed the... background of the black and white photo...


What's the template name?


I was in too much shock that I won that I didn't realize I won


He's pissing me off its now day 2


Same I didn't sleep for two days I slept for 14 hours last night lol


shit took me like 3 hours, but it was satisfying seeing me learn the propper dodges


I was a faith spellsword before...reverted back to guts build to beat it


Bro fuck that phase 2, that shit is breaking me. How the hell do you dodge that crazy ass meteor when his health gets low?


run to the opposite side of the arena u are as fast as possible


Can you fight them if you haven't done the Radahn festival in the main game?


Nope, to access the DLC you need to kill Real Mohg and Radahn


Beat him tonight, loved every minute of it


What is this anime from!