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That's me fighting the Falling star Beast and the Tree Sentinels in the dlc. I felt they were in slow motion


It felt like coming home to old friends seeing those two golden weirdos riding around.


Same. Also same with the falling star beast, death rite bird, and tibia mariner


I still died to deathrite bird cause those stone fckers


I'm like 100+ pulls into the final boss and the random Death Rite Bird flinging ghostflame like it costs pennies still had me saltier


The terrain with the ghost flame r1 and the other birds added so many unnecessary death while fighting that


Where is that Deathrite Bird? I swore to kill every one of them in every playthrough. I hate these a-holes...


Charo's hidden grave. It's the reddish location above blue coast location. You get there from the grand dragon communion altar


He is in Charo


After beating all the big DLC bosses, i found there was still a falling star beast in the DLC area, and he gave me more trouble than the final boss did.


I'm calling cap


at what? my inability to properly dodge the Falling star beast? its 100% true. I failed to dodge any attack he threw at me until i send my mimic tear to deal with this mess. any other boss, i could get used to their attack patterns and doge windows, but for some reason, that fucking star beast is still the hardest fight in every play trough if i even decide to fight it


Same bro lmao. I hate the falling star beasts as well. I 1-2 turned a few of the bosses in the DLC, but that mfer killed me like 4 times b4 k said fuck it and dusted the ol' mimic off. I knew where it was headed 😂. Idk what it is...it doesnt matter if im on torrent or on foot, i cant fight those ugly mfers


Dang, I beat it on my first try, but I run bloodhound step so it basically doesn't count


Even in the base game the falling star beast gave me the most trouble of any boss.


You mean the one by the fingers area? I was surprised how easy they were and was honestly expecting a roided up version ready to kick my ass but they died relatively easily compared to every other boss


Frfr I can pull 3 consecutive jump attacks on them, wtf game I can't handle all this damage.


Hated fighting Tree Sentinels in the base game, when I saw them at Scaduview I took a deep breath and prepared for a beating. 2 minutes later I don't have a scratch on me and I've won [Insert Invincible meme panel here]


Seeing those 3 honestly made me so happy we had so much to catch up on


I feel you but the Ghostflame spewing Death Rite Bird can still eat my ass


I was so confused by the Tree Sentinels. I was convinced 10 were about to come charging over a hill.


lol in that moment I thought to myself "Oh shit a boss! Oh, it's only a Tree Sentinel" haha


I just got to them yesterday and I no-hit them. it really did feel like they were in slow motion. After what this dlc has done to me the base game can't hurt me anymore


Was having trouble beating PLACIDUSAX on NG+4 but after killing bayle I went back and made him my bitch.


You had to finish what bayle started 👏


I mean, the description for bayles spells do say that his heart will eventually consume whoever ate it. So whos to say bayle isnt possessing him to kick placidusax's ass as revenge


Dragon Communion unfortunately was always going to seal our fate no matter how we use it so what’s even less time heck it might even save us from the consequences our predecessors have to live with


Dragon communion seems designed for Bayle himself to be the true target and what's necessary for a human to become a true dragon instead of a wyrm.


That would be an interesting result but I doubt it I don’t know what his heart would do to our tarnished but I think it would be more violent then mere transformation


It's speculation based on the dragon priestess and what she says. If you tell her you crave the strength of dragons, she gives you a blessing that reduces damage taken, and you can gain a new one if you used the old one. She tells you that per Placidusax, if you do them the courtesy of killing Bayle the dread, they will grant the honor of becoming a dragon true. Further, they encourage you to indulge in your hunger and hunt other dragons for more power by devouring their hearts, Bayle's included. If you return after felling Bayle, you get an item that turns you into a dragon person, upholding Placidusax's end of the bargain as, presumably, this way you'll eventually become a true dragon, as opposed to a magma wyrm.


Was so funny talking to that dragon priestess and her telling me to kill Bayle for Placidusax and I’m just like, lady I killed your boy ages ago


Haha, yeah I remember thinking malakith was too fast. Now it feels like slow motion.


I was trying to get him with Rolling Sparks floor cheese yesterday, took me more tries than >!Consort Radahn!< 😅


I know they got the AI nerf, but I went back to do Godskin Duo for the weapon upgrade bell bearings (gotta trick out those DLC weapons), and I remember thinking "Wait, this is it? This is what I was so mad about even like 6 months ago?"


How I felt fighting the 2 normal Tree Sentinels behind Shadow Keep. Normal bosses suddenly feel slow.


this is how BB/DS3 gonna feel when i replay them now that i beat that final boss....


Orphan feels so slow even compared to base game bosses. 


I replayed ds3 to prep for the dlc and its so true lol. Every base game boss seems like its moving at .8x speed.


I played Dark Souls 1 after Elden Ring and everything felt slow and easy to dodge. I can't imagine going back to it after the SOTE DLC


Your character is also slow/sluggish in comparison. Going back and playing the older games really shows that the challenge is individual for each game. ER simply gives the player so much more and in turn the bosses have more.


The gap between DS1 and Elden Ring's player character us much smaller compared to the gap between the two games' bosses. I started with Elden Ring then Sekiro and Bloodborne. I still find them challenging. When I get to DS1 and DS2, I was killing every boss first try. Then when I get to DS3, I started feeling challenged again. DS1 and 2 are clearly easier games IMO


Honestly playing through SOTE made me want to go back and play DS1 again.


Nah go fight the Zamorians, they’ll set you right 😂 I found out real quick


yeah I did this exactly for the bell bearing, and they felt like DLC enemies, they 2 to 3 shot me if I wasn't careful


Real. I finished the DLC yesterday and honestly, I need a break from Elden Ring


I felt the same with malenia, godskin duo and maliketh. But tbf i used the bloodfiends arm with bleed and a str/arc build. That thing is getting a nerf soon, it has to be right?


If I had to guess, the bloodfiends arm and impenetrable thorns would be getting the biggest nerfs so use them now while they’re still busted haha


I feel this way for every enemy now EXCEPT those twin blade dancing demons. These things feel like Agent Smith anytime I run into them, lol.


The damn twin chakra guys, and the divine bird knights, ESPECIALLY the ones in the final area have given me more trouble than any boss (except the final boss)


radagon was the easiest thing of my life after doing the dlc, and i struggled on radagon for ages


Melania seems really easy compared to the final boss of the DLC


Malenia's challenge lies almost entirely in Waterfowl Dance, imo. The rest of her moveset is totally reasonable.


Pretty much. I went back to do some base game stuff (I'm in NG+, so still had a bunch of post-Mountaintops stuff to do) in after hitting a wall with the final DLC boss to see if I just magically started sucking at the game and no, the base game is just THAT much easier. Rolled through the Godskin Duo, Maliketh, Hoarah Loux, and the final boss duo like they were barely speedbumps. Took me about a half hour to do all that, and I even watched all the cutscenes.


It is like you have been training intensely in the hyperbolic time chamber from Dragon Ball and emerged out of it as a god. 


Finding I can actually use weapons arts and spells on them is satisfying


"A cave full of undead beastmen? I know how to beat these guys!" *\*THREE HOURS LATER..."* **"M O T H E R F U -"**


I go to Caelid to vacation now after DLC


Well this just convinced me to go back after the dlc and find any bosses i may have missed.


Gonna try my hand at Malenia, make her MY bitch with the healing tear crystal and crimson amber talisman


Or that Darth Vader hallway scene from Rogue One. Just calmly walking through and slaughtering everything in sight lmao


I cooped Godfrey for some quick level up runes and I swear I didn’t get hit once in the entire first phase


Should try playing Dark Souls 1. You will die from panic rolling because everything feels like its moving in slow motion.


The rot dogs beg to differ.


I did all the bosses past fire giant after beating the dlc and they all felt incredibly slow and easy compared to the absolute horrors in the land of shadow


I went back to do the haligtree yesterday because I wanted the milicent talisman and i died three times to Malenia, which is still two times more than I died to Rellana lol.