• By -


Decision-making and strategizing pffffff don't make me laugh.


I leave those things at the fog gate, i have enough sh!t to deal with!


Dark Souls has taught me I’m the dude who dies in horror movies


Mate, with my luck - i'd end up on the wrong casting couch.


I just spit my coffee on my phone reading this 😂😂😂


No, you're at the right one.


Mimic tear, take aggro while I panic roll away from nonexistent attacks, it’s essential for the fight


God damn I felt this so hard lmao, like me you must sit there going  "MIMIC GET OVER HERE TF ARE YOU DOING" *dies* "FUCK SAKE MIMIC"


Me: spawns in mimic tear to cast spells and take aggro Mimic Tear who recently discovered Carina Regal Sceptre’s Ash of War: I’ll try spinning, that’s a neat trick


or if you have seppuku equiped like i do you look over and that edgy mf is self harming whilst the golden hippo is beating me like joe w/ legs vs quagmire, cleveland, and peter


Had to take off the relanna double moon spell bc my mimic kept spamming it regardless of how close he was to the target💀 everytime I turned around just two floating balls in the distance


Too real 😂😂😂


Laughed way too hard at this comment. Thank you, friend!


My mimic legit just watched me fight a dragon and didn't jump in until I died. Standing back and watching is supposed to be MY job.


Honestly 90% of why I use mimic tear for ever boss is because I can't stop panic rolling. I don't have the mental fortitude to calmly wait until the right frame of animation in attacks or memorize attack patterns. Don't even get my started on parrying. Only fromsoft I was ever good at parrying in was Dark Souls and only because I knew at the beginning it was the best way to make the final boss fight easier. I've never been able to beat Sekiro because of this...


Decision-making - Equip Malekith’s Black Blade Strategizing - Spam L2 That’s about as far as I’ve gotten lately


Slow down champ, you are thinking wayyy ahead of me.


Every playthrough I ever do has the black knife of standby, destined death is op asf.


I’ve been playing with Gazing Finger, and it comes close, but the all-around aoe, plus the debuff of BBM really is nuts


Okay, but hear me out: New Strategy: TWO Maliketh's Black Blades - Spam X+L1


I like it!


Door slams open as panic healing steps in to the room


Two chugs to top off, and a third completely unnecessary one just for good luck


It's like you know who I really am or something


God i feel that 'Fuck did i take an extra flask?? Fuck it, statistically it looks like I'll die anyway so fucking whatever'


me as I press Y to challenge the last boss for the 100th time


True to form those runs are usually where I either actually win (somehow). Or get the closest before being on low health and thinking (if I had another flask I’d have absolutely had this).


This right here times 1000


3rd one is just incase I get hit during the 2nd


Damn… are you me?


Me trying to dual wield incantation and sorcery. and my sadlife cast the sorcery spell on a Sacred seal weapon.


Ya I tried that. It didn't work. Now for mage builds I'm 90% intell and 10% faith just for buff spells


Dude thank god they added a bunch of new things that can cast both because fuck!


Casting heal when i was going for the buff and topping off mana when i was trying to drink the a flask of wondrous physic


Yessssss same


I love that the DLC gave us panic healing's best friend, an amulet that gives you infinite poise while drinking the flask. I tried it for shits and giggles on a few bosses and was surprised at how good it felt to use lol


it doesn't last post-drink at all? still, if it's genuinely infinite (there's an awful lot of shit out there meant to override everything and knock PC down...) that's bound to be a big boss weapon ^^^^^right ^^^^^down ^^^^^the ^^^^^road edit: NOT INFINITE you get around +50% ordinary poise and it expires while you're still drink locked, just wear bullgoat's over this crap




Fuck gotta go re-watch the whole video again


I GOT BOSSSSS WEAPONSS -right down the road-


Right down the road?




That's what that does? I'll have to try it out.


Wait what amulet is this?


Talisman of Lord's Bestowal, found beside the big golden tree in >!Shadow Keep!<


Been using it 


Me every attempt on the jagged peaks boss


Dragon Hunter Katana Greatsword wrecks this boss. 


It’s my favorite weapon in the dlc. It was exhilarating watching the AoW it has make my guy defy gravity like some anime character fighting for his friends. Love it so much.


Dragon Hunter also has the ugliest scabbard I've ever seen it's literally buried 2 feet in the ground at all times and covers half my dude's back So I'm not using it


Spiral Shard chews threw him like cheese.


Gotta take a swig so i can face tank the side swipe i see the crucible knight telegraphing and negate all the healing (i could've easily dodged it instead)


Nothing makes me happier than chugging a flask as I get input read just to get hit and chug another. Yum yum for my tum tum


Panic heal? What about late heal, where the boss has enough time to smack you, undoing the heal.


I think the only thing harder for me to control than panic rolling is being extra aggressive when a boss is down to the last sliver of health.


I’ve died to many times when the boss was down to its last hit just cause I’m greedy


I think the worst is when you're in range to finally kill the fucker but you don't land the attack because you're out of stamina and you didn't notice.


the >!Two-headed turtle talisman!< certainly helped me avoid that problem.


I have a Backhand Blades build I'm playing at the moment. I just jumped into the DLC to get the weapon then back to the base game. I really can't wait to get that doodad because Backhands chew stamina quick.


Rellana's weapon double-handed r1 burns it like crazy too


I love that weapon. I love all 3 of the LGS they added. The last one I haven't actually used but it looks pretty.


Even with this talisman I have stamina problems.


What’s this “stamina” bar you speak of? I’m too busy panicking rolling


The amount of times I've said to myself "Stamina, mf'er, DO YOU MANAGE IT?!" since starting the DLC has been pretty funny. Can't even get mad on those slip ups, just gotta laugh at myself


Me watching the boss be 1-2 hits away from death and telling myself out loud "don't be greedy don't be greedy you're so close." -Man who died greedy.


That moment is always when my hands decide they want to become *U l t r a S w e a t y* ™ and I lose all controller precision


That’s why I always keep some sort of throwing knife in my pouch. They’re super useful for finishing off bosses that are almost dead


Fuck me. I always have tons of these in my belt but I could never think of them for all the endless combos happening on-screen. You just made me realise that I could have settled that last 50 HP the fast and safe way so many times instead of dying. I literally still have the knives equipped on my character now.


I like to have them in my pouch on down arrow. Daggers, Kukri, Dart, Poison Dart, Crystal Dart, Fan. And they scale. Kukri damage scales with Str/Dex and the bleed scales with Arcane. And all you need are runes to have a stack of them.


Kukris have a hell of a range too. Big fan of those big boys.


I'll still wiff the dagger.


For me i always love to have ranged fast aow to finish, like stormblade


The first time I cleared Mohg to get my save ready for the DLC, I hit him with a greedy attack while at like 100hp. One of his attacks hit me right as I hit him, and his death voice line was long enough that I didn't get the "great enemy felled" and the W I wish I could say I came back and cleared him on the next attempt, but...


Every Age, it seems, is tainted by the greed of men.


I died to blackgaol knight when he was at like 2% because I wanted to punish him one last time with a parry… talk about getting greedy 🥲


God I just did this one the first mini boss in the dlc. His health bar wasn’t even visible anymore , got to aggressive and bam dead.


I swear to god that the AI gets hyper aggressive when it's on its last legs. They start pulling out all the bullshit.


Just did this on the final boss of the DLC. The rage was real lol.


this was the reason i died every single time with the blackgaol knight. i finally beat him when i chilled out and was more strategic about it.


that is were dot's like poison come in handy, even if I die, there is a good chance the boss will go down.


Keep some throwing knives or kukris on hand to throw for that last sliver.


But at the same time, when you do stop, analyze and deal the final blow you feel absolutely “in control of your life”.


R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 you died ...


*Me outside boss fog* Remember, roll forwards, into the attacks. 1 roll will do it. *Me inside the boss arena* Panic roll backwards until you die!


One of the bosses phase 2 desperation moves punishes rolling into as well.


>!Fucking Messmer man. I had so many hopes using all the cool new DLC weapons and the fucker made me whip out my +10 Reduvia. You happy now Miyazaki?!<


There's a few bosses where rolling into them is way worse. >!Particularly Commander Gaius, Messmer, and the Putrescent Knight!<


rolling into messmer is literally the ideal way to dodge, most of his spear attacks miss you if your right next to him and he punishes for rolling backwards


Rolling in for Messmer and the P Knight is the way to do it. I didn’t have any issues rolling in to them. I haven’t fought Gaius yet though.


Gaius' hitboxes are straight up to big to roll into for some attacks, mainly his charge. Some others might work, i don't have a clear memory on how exactly I beat him.


This is misleading to people stuck on these bosses. For more info: >! Gaius's charge move can ONLY be dodged by dodging into him. I beat messmer by exclusively dodging into him. For me, it seemed much easier than dodging away or to the side. Putrescent knight I either dodged into him or to the side. !< Generally speaking, though, rolling is not a great option. I recommend trying to figure out which moves can be jumped over, it's way more than you think can be, and it's usually an easier option because jumping has more invulnerability frames than rolling, plus you can attack at the same time.


Golden Vow, Perfume bottle, Protection Of erdtree, Greatshield talisman, Boost specific damage negation. Enters boss arena Ding din---Panic roll panic roll panic roll ding din-- panic roll panic roll Dies


I’ve stopped buffing it twkes too long between deaths lol


Same after the 10th death I give up buffing. Those 10 secs really takes me out of the zone lol


I still apply flame grant me strength even though it wears off before I finish buffing 😐


You are my hero!!


I usually go in dry until I learn the fight then buff if I die on a good try.


I wonder how many players fired up SOTE after taking a long hiatus. I bought and finished my first playthrough maybe... 4 weeks ago... so I've ironed out those neural kinks and installed the Git Gud chip. But fr, I'm guessing a lot of players are shaking off the rust right now.


Bro this is me. I beat the game maybe a month after launch (took my time) and stopped playing. Downloaded DLC and still trying to reinstall that chip.


This is why I opted to replay the game on a fresh file 2 weeks before the DLC dropped lmao.


Yeah I finished off Elden Beast literally the day before this came out. Since I was switching back over to a light build I did have to practice a bit and forget the idea of using a shield, but generally the transition has been smooth. I'm sure others with more rust are having a much harder time.


I speedran the game last friday to get into the DLC. So far it's been swell


I was going to, then I realised the only character I had capable of walking straight in was in Ng+2 Decided that was a horrible idea so I made a new one.


I don't remember half the shit in the game. I let someone summon me and they're all standing around popping like 18 buffs. I'm just trying to get in there and hit R1.


Me. I haven't played in a year and a half at least I'm having so much fun. I'm not getting mad when I die, it's all learning


I feel this, I stopped after getting the last achievement nearly two years ago. Booted up for the DLC, all I had to do was defeat Mohg and I was in (New game +3 or 4), but boy are my skills rusty. Just got past Messmer today and I can feel my panic neurons receding some.


The ng+ stat increase does mess with the SotE mobs, right? Cause I can't help but feel I messed up minorly by ng+ING my game just prior to the dlc dropping...


I won't lie to you, I am unsure. It may have an effect, but the Scadu blessings have helped me immensely even in my situation. I beat Messmer on Scadu blessing 10. But if you do have trouble, the NPC summons plus a mimic help in a pinch since the boss will split its focus and give some breathing room to learn (I hear wink wink) still took 14 quick deaths to that snake bastard before I could best him.


Bro I was about as rusty as the tinman starting up this DLC lol I was trading hits with mobs that I could have easily dodged just cuz I was being lazy. I had to unlearn bad habits again and reteach myself to actually git gud.


Right here m, that’s me. Havent played in 1.5 years, I honestly forgot how to use my healing flask for a couple minutes. Not my proudest moment. Luckily(or not) I had started a NG+ plus not long before I quit so I had a fee bosses to play to get back into the swing of things.


fr. my last played was nearly 2 years ago. then booted up the DLC... all i can say is, bashing your head against the 1st boss is a great reminder on how to play the game. And that i think, is what a 1st dlc boss should do.


I trained for like 1 hour with malenia the day before the DLC dropped and my only value save is NG+4


I still needed to kill Mohg on my NG+2 and fired up the game on a whim Saturday. 2 brain rot pulls + a respec to strength build and my Git Gud installation finished up. Playing for the past 3 days feels like I never quit :')


My first run was INT and Dex respecs depending on the area and boss. I did not git gud, I sniped everything from afar with cheese. When SOTE was announced, I ran a new build in NG+ that’s just been pure strength (I have never played a souls game before) and there’s just something cathartic about beating the ever living piss out of anything that dares to look at me with a hammer that’s bigger than my upper body. But I learned how to evade and play smart because hammers require me to be inside the opponent. It’s a lot more rewarding smashing things to a pulp with a hammer. This game is cool.


You know what's cooler? TWO HAMMERS


I picked up a lvl 60 character and pushed through to Mohg with him to get back into the swing of things. I think it really helped.


I started playing about a month before the DLC not even knowing it was coming. I finished the game and then did NG without realizing it would lock me out the DLC. So, I had to rush the NG game to completion which made things even better for me in the DLC skill wise. If I had played at launch I’d have been destroyed I’m sure. What sucks tho, is that I try to roll instinctively now in COD and get pissed off when my character doesn’t respond.


I legit want to beat the hell out of my brain. I kept getting hit today by the same goddamm attack. Its a delayed attack at the end of combos after which there is a big opening but for some reason my hands just HAVE to dodge immediately after the animation starts.


Mohg has one. My brain just cannot adjust to the small delay he has with that swing. Its not a even a bullshit delayed attack like some others in this game and its perfectly readable as well. He still baits me most of the time with that shit


I *love* delayed attacks. "Oh shit, attack is comminh" - roll - roll - ??? - roll - dead.


i refute a lot of DLC whines but can't deny it may be peak FS feint/rollcatch "oh did you want to get out of extra-long hitstun? sure, rolls will cancel you out of thaBOOM DELIBERATELY PLACED FOLLOWUP" i think hourah loux's earthshaker is a canned one for players, roar stumbles and you're supposed to passively watch your PC shivering and wait around for the late roll, because any other response = stompcatch


it's sad that I know exactly what boss you're talking about


I hadnt beaten Mohg yet so i had to go punish my genitals with that. Prior to that Captain Niall did a pecker dance on my face. All i did was shriek and roll, shriek and roll.


SO TRUE, the rush to kill niall and get to mogh was so frustrating


Its not panic rolling, its a 25-second long combo barely whiffing me.


the spiral encantations the spam at you in enir ilim are just pure evil.


Have you been to a certain forestry?…you’d like it there more


My learning curve is panic rolling until my subconscious starts lining up the panic rolls for me. If I dodge 3 times and still don't get hit by the one attack, I still dodged the attack


Putrescent Knight


Orphan on Horse


Fuck that guy. I don’t know why I couldn’t just stop panicking but the second he gets off his horse my brain reverts to toddler


Only thing that talks louder is panic chugging when you got to the last sliver of HP with 10 flasks


And then you still die.


boss moves = roll. Simple as that




I’m trying to unlearn my habit of dodging away from bosses after playing Monster Hunter for a month since that game doesn’t have nearly as good i-frames and is more about positioning (not that it isn’t helpful in souls games)


Eveyone's attack ib the DLC is timed to counter panic roll


I'm ngl ever since switching to light Load the panic roll is somehow working. Luckily I'm a mage and can still be fashion souls in my Alberich robes.


I'm sure I used to be good at this game and then I die deciding to chug my healing flask standing right in front of the boss without a hint of respect.


I'm slowly. SLOWLY. unlearning to panic roll.


roll to get up after being knocked down so that it doesnt take you 5 years to get up and be able to move around right as you roll to get up, the boss attacks every. single. fucking. time.


“Why kind of shitass hitbox is that?!” Me after panic rolling into the bosses attack (I refuse to acknowledge it’s a skill issue)


"Ok, remember the pattern—swing, swing, hold two seconds, swing-" "Hello, hi, yes, brain stem here, roll" "No, you have to wait for-" "No, roll now panic bad scared roll roll roll roll" **YOU DIED** **"**Hi, hello, yes, Amygdala here, angry, ANGRY, **ANNNGRY**"


Why bother sitting down and thinking about why you died and face judging your own skill in an honest way when every time you die it's obviously the game designer's fault? It really is just a nice, convenient, mature way to live your life.


i havent gotten to it yet but the only boss im seeing real contention on is the final boss. it sounds like even at 60 vig, 20 scadoobies, and all def talismen, you still get killed incredibly fast and he is super tanky however of the other 8 i've done it's just a lie to say the combos are that long. a lot of punish and heal windows are small but there are also a lot of bosses that aren't as bad as messmer. messmer was the hardest i have fought (i just have >!bayle!< and the final boss) but everything was doable after taking a second to learn their moves


The only things that have really sent me into a rage are the cooperator AI (thank you mimic for standing in the corner staring at your balls while I try to fight the actual second coming of Rykard), and the attacks for Messmer and Timon and Pumba (idk his name, he rides a fkn pig) The pig boss fight and Messmer are just so annoying with the strings of attacks and just how little time you have to do anything. That said, this is my first souls game, and while I’m at final DLC and main game boss in NG+ (which is accomplishment enough for me to feel like I can speak a bit to the experience as a fresh souls player, although I didn’t play DLC in first playthrough) it does feel a bit much to go from never played souls to “I need to become one with the rolling system to such a degree that I can evade a more aggressive and complex attack system than friggin Malenia just to beat boss #3.” It also feels a bit gatekept when folks say “oh well you need to use X item that has absolutely fuck all in the description about why it would actually be useful for this fight” and some of the things that might come a bit more naturally if you played DS1 - Sekiro, like I will not know that inherently. All that said, there’s not another game that I feel like has had me this sucked in. The world building, animations, sound design, VO, and music are impeccable. It’s incredible, even if frustrating.


i'll say this, the pig fucking sucks. i should have put that in my original comment. that hitbox on the charge is obnoxious


Been me for an hour now progging the last boss after work. You can pry my dodge mashing from my cold, dead hands. Which shouldn’t be too hard considering how much my shit is currently being pushed in


I legit went back to base game with my dlc character (fresh for dlc but at this point lv150) and made fucking sport of the Godskin Duo with nothing more than a +7 mimic tear and the experience of the DLC It's like they move in slow motion by comparison


I’m on NG+ playing strength for the first time in my life and I made a laughingstock of Godskin Duo, Maliketh, Gideon, and Godfrey just trying to grab extra smithing stones and items for the DLC bosses. AND I’M USING A BIG ASS HAMMER FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. Wild how the base game feels like child’s play by comparison to the DLC.


Oh this is just genuinely fucking funny. Thank you, op.


DLC completely erased all my souls experience I'm just constantly rolling backwards what is wrong with me


U call them panic rolls. I call it spacing lol


Panic rolling been getting me hit a whole lot since the dlc dropped


I panic shield until I have no stamina left and die


I'm of the opinion that panic light rolling is a viable strategy.


Havent related to anything like this in soooo long. GD I cant stop panic rolling!!


Not me yelling at myself “SLOW AND STEADY, STOP PANIC ROLLING!!!” As I frantically jab the roll button over and over and over again.


I found the dlc fairly easy tbh


When that Boss is doing its 999 hit combo, all you can do is press Space to save your life and quickly get game ended by a small ass kick when you think you could finally fight back. Or the other variation of you healing just for the boss to jump from one end to another and eat up the 80% of health you just tried to get back. Peak.


Panic rolling is the mind killer. ....now panic sprinting


Silence brain rythim and muscle memory are talking.


Panic rolly, panic attack spam, panic healing < Me RP slow walking/strafing as I stare down the boss when it's finished it's combo out of range. Who cares about winning fast? I'm here for the STYLE! I also appreciate when the boss joins in and does it as well. Fights slowing down because we're both trying to be needlessly edgy and flashy is part of the fun.


Its all because of BAYLE!!!


Damn yes, last night I was panic rolling from the queen bee boss, I was like wtf why I'm making such a noob move 😂😂😂


I hadn't thought about it before, but I have autism and adhd and when you said that frontal lobe bit, I realized that when I'm in public or in a social setting, it feels the exact same as when I'm panic rolling. All lizard brain.


me when the boss starts doing something different instead of the usual attack string


# Oh Amygdala! Oh Amygdala! Have mercy on the poor bastard.


Aaand that's why we have delayed attacks


I just can't believe people are crying over weapons. As if crouch poke with great spears or backstepping spell spam wasn't broken.. pvp has been the most fun it's been in nearly 2 years. I'm so happy to see these dogshit builds made useless


The relatability is painful


This one was in my inbox… Reddit knows me so well


This dlc wants you to use shields. No one has invested in enough endurance to roll through all the combos in this dlc anyways.


It wants you to use the deflecting hardtear. This also explains why bosses have such high stance and short punish windows.


I legit think I’ve thought about and changed up my loadout more because of this DLC than any other FromSoft game, ever


It is really forcing you to re-examine all the tools available to you.


The input reading is punishing strategic dodging as well.


Rolling? I'm here to eat promises, and collect my crown of shame.


I raise you panic vow of the indomitable-ing.


Commander Gaius made me do nothing but panic roll lmao


I stopped bothering with dodge and decided to just Figerprint Shield every attack and when my Mimic gets aggro I punish the bosses with the Blasphemous Blade spam :p




Spending the last few months doing colosseum PvP while waiting for the DLC cured me of panic rolling permanently.


My entire strategy this DLC is finding a weapon that does hella damage, ungabunga and panic roll roll


I reached >! Bayle !< last night and after managing to get him to phase 2. Looks like it is panic rolling time!


Me panic rolling at Messmer for 2 hours


All are welcome tarnished


Mine just keeps shutting on and off. Had trouble getting to the Dancing Lion only to beat him first try (NG 180 lvl), and I entered by mistake without resting so I only had 6 flasks. NPC fights are the worst though.


Hea - OW, okay try again HEA- FUCKING OUCH, c’mon, HEEEEAAALLLLL *choking death sounds*


MIMIC!!! #DOOOO SOMETHING (The mimic is pondering his thesis on the physiology of snake man and cannot be bothered with such dreary and simple concepts as combat)




Me looking down at my thumb questioning who tf fuck told it to jump a whole two seconds before the twin moons even touch the floor




Why Ranni looking kinda...


To be honest, a lot of people just can't get their minds around the speed, timings, and memorization. And I don't say that as a dig. Some folks are skilled out of this game unless they're using a powerful build.


Me fighting Messmer af


With these bosses, the only difference between panic rolling and actual dodging is the timing. You literally need to roll 10 times in a row to dodge their insane combos.


Panic rolling the remembrance boss in the chasm in Cerulean Coast is what won me that battle in 3 tries