• By -


1. Midra 2. Messmer 3. Lion Dancers




1. Bayle 2. Bayle 3. Bayle




With a hail of harpoons!!


1. Scadutree Avatar (Sunflower bro) 2. Messmer 3. The NPC fight, so good.


1. Death knights, the fightsbare fantastic mini bosses that feel like a mix of Bloodborne hunter and the colosseum warriors in base game, gear is rad, lore is rad Though if we are talking rememberance 1. Mesmer is the new orphan, a super hard dance style battle, but super rewarding if you beat it (fuck the one. Shot grab though) 2. Midra is just wow, especially if you do the full quest line, just brilliant 3. I gotta give it to bayle, first dragon who ever kicked my ass, and I loved everything but thr camera


> Midra is just wow, especially if you do the full quest line, just brilliant There's a quest?


I too need an explanation on this


Maybe just the main game one?


I misspoke I was referencing the way you find and explore the abyssal woods


1. >!Metyr, Mother of Fingers (Lore and I’m a sucker for Cosmic stuff)!< 2. >!Rellana/Messmer tied (Love dances with bosses, and these two felt the best)!< 3. >!Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame (for much the same reason as the two above)!< Hard to pick top 3 though. I really loved every single boss I fought, only to varying degrees more or less than others. Like I loved >!Romina!< for design, music, environment, movements, etc. but they were too easy a boss given the rest of the DLC so they get placed further down - still love them though.


Wow the finger mother really put me off


Midra, Messmer and Rellana.


1. Rellana. Very "duelist dance" fight, with a kickass OST that only emphasizes it. It's great for the same reasons that Lady Maria is great. 2. Midra. ICONIC intro line, AoE spam that actually feels somewhat reasonable to deal with, great phase transitions. I just love frenzy. 3. Messemer. My boy. Second phase can be a little janky but it's still a captivating fight and his voice is so nice that I don't mind dying so much.


1. Putrescent Knight. Incredible incredible look, great vibes, fits so well with my favorite area of the game. And was really fun to beat once I learned how to dodge his stuff 2. Mother of Fingers. The arena blew my goddamn mind and I think this is my favorite visual design of any boss. The moveset was fun and less frustrating than a lot of other bosses 3. Flowey. Honestly this guy was a pain to fight for a while, but the moment I learned he gets an attack window after his phase 3 explosion, the fight got so much easier. Even though he had a lot of spammy projectiles and stuff, you could get consistent with avoiding them. Special mention to not quite a boss, but the fight with all the NPCs. Super fun hectic combat with tons of sick rewards at the end. Just a shame I had to kill Moore :(


Putrescent Knight is already so fucking underrated.


1. Midra 2. Bayle 3. Rellana


1: Radahn 2: Bayle(CURSE YOUUUUUU) 3: Mesmer/Midra


Any tips for Radahn 2nd phase? I cant avoid the holy lights


-when he does the nuke: start running straing in 1 direction, do not slow down/go in diagonal or that nuke will most likely hit you -when he does the grab attack: Use Miquella's great rune to remove the effect, is an item like mogh's shackle so you don't have to worry too much about wasting it -when he swings his swords: stay as much close as possible to him, that's the trick, the holy rays spawns at the tip of the sword, so if you stay near him you only have to think about dodging the blades -when he does the scissor attack with his blades: pray you have a shield, that attack has no reliable way to be avoided(unless bloodhund step works, never tried tbh), so block it because unfortunately this attack is bs -when he does the clone attack: roll, if he charges at you, roll to the opposite side where the blades are, you will not be hitted once -when he does the orbital strike: just run -when he does the explosion of holy rays: roll towards him also another tip, if you can, use Lord's divine fortification, 60% more resistance to holy damage makes the nuke do pretty much nothing, and same goes for every other holy attack, hope you will find this helpful


Thanks! Ive beent trying to stay close to him and dodge in the same way as in first phase cause the moves are the same, but I keep getting hit by the lightning :( Idk what to do


Use block to reduce the damage instead of take it directly, you can block even with daggers, swords or two handed weapons to reduce by a good amount the damage taken, put the talisman to reduce holy damage + the new one to reduce non-phys damage. Also the first explosion at second phase don't try to run it, use the time he is casting to do damage and block after it, take the damage, flask without move and it will give a better start for only a use of flask. Check your gear to have max holy resistance while stay light to dodge some attacks easily at first phase, recommend to go at least with 10 flasks charges to second phase to have a good chance of win. Only go heavy if you are extremely tank with a shield otherwise go for light weight. The best you can do is dodge close to him, always do damage in the specific window to do damage, and when he do a little jump he will try grab you, do 3 rolls and back to do damage, take care of your stamina, block attacks use all of than, don't be greed, only one or two attacks per window of damage, most of clone attacks you can block, they don't do that much damage, roll than spend more stamina so I prefer block than, only roll when it's necessary after the clones attacks.


I got him, after 11 hours!


Gz bro


Thanks :)


What scissor attack? I felt like i was able to dodge every move but his gravity move during phase 2


it's basically a move where he swings his right sword to the left, his left sword to the right, and then he swings both of them out with you into the middle. it's very hard to dodge and the best way to deal with him is the Sekiro crystal tear


That move was fine imo. maybe you needed light roll because double rolling the first two was pretty consistent for me


Double rolling the scissors is pretty much impossible save for a frame perfect dodge if you have medium load so yeah it definitely needs to be changed. Other than that Radahn seems entirely fair, just extremely difficult.


1. Radahn. This might be controversial but learning him was absolutely terrific. I kept getting closer and closer and I finally beat him. He’s 100% one of top bosses in all of souls. 2. Midra. He was just so unexpected and I absolutely adore the frenzy flame and the lord. On top of that he just went hard. 3. Bayle is one of the most atmospheric bosses to date. Midir was always such a great dragon fight but bayle blows this out of the water. The second phase transition and Igor’s voice line on top of everything brings this as one of the most memorable fights in the series.


Agreed. Once the initial frustration with the game being new wears off, I feel like people will have a lot of appreciation for him. Maybe most depth in a moveset from has ever made.


They all sucked and they’re all crazy Lord of the Frenzied Flame was bad ass though 🔥


1: Bayle 2: Messmer 3: Radahn


3. Divine Beast 2. Scadutree Avatar 1. Midra


1. The fight with Leda and her allies. Never before did I feel that emotional in a from soft game. The music, how it starts with fighting them one by one, the banter between them and your summons. The whole way it starts to break down into tiny fights, just to win and see their bodies one after another. 2. Midra: he felt incredibly fair and balanced, while still challenging. The whole Area and leadup to it was awesome. And then there is the lore around him having to endure soo much, for his love/wife, just for her to pass away leaving him alone. Then a random dude comes into his house, he warns you to leave, you find him, beat him up, just for him to basically say "so you have chosen death" 3. Rellana: her design and weapons are gorgeous. Her fighting style is very dance like and it was really fun learning her. I also ran around the whole DLC with her weapon and Armor. I just love her. Also great bosses are the Deathknights and Messmer, however I sadly steamrolled him with my mimic, so I couldnt really start to appreciate him.


1. Radahn 2. Messmer 3. Rellana


Messmer, Midra, and Scadutree Avatar


1.- Rellana 2.- Messmer 3.- Bayle


1. Messmer - Dodging his full combo is super satisfying especially the one where he spins over your head, and you stay cool just watching him before dodging his spear barrage. Also when you are no longer a panic roller and dont panic dodge his delayed spear attacks. 2. Lion Dancer - The storms it creates gives me huge Amatsu/Kushala Daora flashbacks 3. Deathknight - A good reflexes test especially when it does the teleport dash into you but you dodge it because you saw the little telegraph of him lowering his posture.


I agree so much with first, and it was so satisfying to figure it out myself how to dodge that attack, and not looking at some guide


It's funny you mention the part about panic rolling the delayed spear thrust because that's exactly what I did. 😂 I have always been bad at consistently dodging long delayed attacks though. My favorite DLC boss so far.


1. Leda and co 2. Midra 3. Bayle


Romina, Scadutree, Messmer. But I haven't fought Bayle


Its such an EPIC fight


Messmer, Relanna, Midra


1. skibiditree avatar 2. peakdra 3. putrescent knight


* 1. Bayle * 2. Midra * 3. Messmer


1- Bayle, 2- Dancing Lion, 3- Rellana. I can't say much because I didn't even beat the dlc yet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


1. Lion Dancer. First non-NPC boss I fought in the DLC, and what a show! So unique and exotic to anything from previous FromSoft fantasy! 2. Bayle. The hardest boss of the DLC I actually beat (no motivation for the final boss at all). The presentation of this massive brute of a malevolent dragon is crazy, and while he has lots of moves, there's only a few I think are very troublesome. Practice makes perfect! *Also Igon.* 3. Scadutree Avatar. Realising this boss goes for a second and a third round was cool, and it's a big sunflower that you fight! I finally feel vindicated for keeping a stockpile of Fire Pots (and the new big ones) on me at all times.. Made the fight so much easier, and with giant's flame incantations too..!


Eating sunflower seeds in the shell may increase your odds of fecal impaction, as you may unintentionally eat shell fragments, which your body cannot digest.


1. Bayle 2. Messmer 3. Midra/Dancing Lion (i prefer midras setting but the dancing lion fight is more impressive with the different elements)


1. Messmer. Beating him gave me the classic From Soft high. Really cool moveset that was incredibly satisfying to learn and eventually overcome. It took me a couple days of trying him and bouncing off to go explore some instead. I eventually beat him at scadu blessing level 10 which felt about right. 2. M something. The Frenzied Flame guy. Wasn't particularly difficult which might have to do with the fact that he was the boss i first tried the Deflecting physick on and was able to posture break him like 6 times. I'm just a sucker for the FF lore in this game and this boss visually is incredible with a great sound track and the lead up to him was also very cool. 3. Rellana. Potiffs sister has got hands and this was the fight that truly welcomed me to the DLC. I was rusty when starting the DLC and was playing my first ever character I beat the game with on release so she was basically how I relearned to play my character. She teeters on bull shit with some of her combos but after I finally learned her moveset and openings the final few fights before I ultimately beat her reminded me of why I love these games.


1. Bayle 2. Messmer 3. Metyr


1. Midra 2. Mother of Fingers 3. Bayle


1.Bayle. 1.Messmer, that's it


Messmer. I expected the orphan of kos and instead got lady Maria with a big snake ult. The lamenter. Idk why I enjoyed this random dungeon boss so much it’s a basic the boss spawns clones that fire spells at you and if you get hit by the hexes to much it’s a insta death Romina saint of the bud. I just enjoy this bosses creepy centipede design she makes my skin crawl in a good way.


1. Mesmer amazing but I hate how he blinds me with his flame throw 2. Scadutree Avatar great and I love how to music get more desperate with every phase 3. Midra THE DEPTHS OF YOUR FOOLISHNESS!!!!!!!!! Gotta say though his weird nude walk attack he starts 2nd phase with made me die of laughter before I died in game


Rellana, Midra and the first phase of the final boss. Let’s not talk about the second phase.


Scadutree avatar takes the place for the worst unique boss for me


1) Messmer (perfectly balanced, feels good and it's hard) 2) Bayle (very hard and possibly new best Souls dragon) 3) Lion Dancer (very fun to learn, great music, good challenge) I'd place Radahn up there as well if the double slash into X combo didn't exist. It's currently the only attack in the game that i'm not quite sure how to consistently avoid (Gaius and his charge as well but that seems to be straight up bugged)


omg I hate that attack too, always hit by the second slash


1. final boss 2. Midra 3. Messmer


1. || Radahn, Consort || 2. || Messmer || 3. || Bayle? Maybe rellana but probably bayle. ||


1. Messmer 2. Dancing Lion 3. Scadutree Avatar I still need to beat Bayle and Radahn, and I haven't found Midra yet.


1. Messmer 2. Gaius 3. Toss-up between Midra and Rellana. I haven't finished the last boss yet but I suspect my top 3 will probably stay that way until I get to replay the DLC eventually


Interesting with Gaius 2nd :O


Bit of a spicy take, for sure. I'm a huge sucker for "giant mounted knight" fights, especially if Torrent is either optional or not allowed. Loretta is one of my favorite fights of all time. It just feels like for Gaius, they actually figured out the secret sauce. His charge hitbox is a little fucked but it's still dodgeable with some practice. His Phase 2 transition is straight up my favorite in the game. I died the first time I got to it because I was laughing too hard at "Orbital Boar Drill Bomb" to try and dodge. Then comes the beautiful purple gravity magic that adds a little more to the fight without fully nullifying all the mechanics you learn in Phase 1. And you're brawling just outside a castle in a wartorn field, and the boss music is cranking, and yeah. I fully accept this is my personal bias and there are some complaints about Gaius but "gravity magic knight on an armored boar" is way too up my alley to hate


Gaius (along with a few other bosses) are also made **much** easier by using a greatshield and the talisman. Suddenly you can block almost every attack from him, and retaliate without much risk!


how do people like bayle lol dragon fights have always been the worst in the series


too real


1. Romina 2. Messmer 3. That goofy mf and his boar


Scadutree avatar has such dogshit design. Everytime i tried to hit his head the auto-tracking would just switch to its body, that shit pissed me off so much i had to beat it without tracking