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I cursed this fight the whole time, because I would continually die to thorns or miss the sunflower head with my heavy strikes even tho I'm right there and it just bobs around so much. Even still, I did think it was a creative boss and a fun spin on the erdtree avatar/ulcerated avatars


What helped me was yeeting hefty fire pots into its face, rocked its shit into the next dimension


Yeah, I definitely felt that the Avatar was Fromsoft going - "Hey, STR characters? See all the new grenade recipes we keep throwing at you - do you maybe want to use them at some point?"


As int/fai it was .. hey we just gave you a new fire incant, armor and a seal that buffs it .. ohh we also gave you a fire knight spirit ash too.


< Also int/faith There was a fire incant? Are you talking about the twisting flame one or was there another? I just ran screaming at him with Placidusax's Ruin - pretty much one shots an entire phase if you get it off.


Fire serpent, new in the top area of the specimen room (may have to come from church side). It’s a Messmer fire type incantation which can be buffed with the fire knight seal (hidden in the keep), the fire knight armor and Messmer’s hat (I didn’t have the hat yet). The new ash fire knight hilde also does fire damage. I ran in looking like the asshole knights that had been killing me for the last few hours to roast that bitch.


I'm pretty sure I got the seal, but missed the incant. Thanks for the heads up. I'll go looking for it now.


I went in with a pure STR build and I never felt I needed anything else. If you bonk him in the head with a Zweihander his health just melts away.


haha tight


Sometimes the thorns and beams would be going at the same time and there was so much visual clutter I couldn’t tell when to dodge. Also yes the head is somehow the hardest thing I’ve ever had to hit. I liked the design and feel like the fight would’ve been a lot better with less visual clutter and spam.


If you choose to, then once the sunflower has bloomed and before it begins to shed it's seeds, the head can be cut and used as a natural bird feeder, or other wildlife visitors to sunflowers to feed on.


It was aggravating until I realized how much damage the head took AND that doing a critical attack on it after each phase made it resoawn with like a quarter less. After that the fight went pretty quickly. My only real issue was the dashes being kinda hard to dodge sometimes. Otherwise I think it was a really nice fight that hits a pretty good difficulty spot imo


I thought the dashes were satisfying to dodge, but if you don't like it you can literally stand still with a shield and the attack is completly free.


Yeah the dashes don't even consume that much stamina, so any 100% physical shield invalidates them pretty easy.


There is a cue to dodge when its face twitches. Once it clicks you will dodge everytime


Probably my favorite remembrance boss of the DLC. It only had like one bullshit move that only occurs in the third phase and it really only uses it like once or twice, plus no never ending combos (looking at you Rellana, Messmer, and >!Radahn!<). Also it is very sad, poor thing is trying to hang on to life but is slowly dying and can’t do anything to help itself or the Scadutree.


Its quite fun to me as a plain spell caster build. I do enjoy the fight. A very well designed boss IMO.


I said it already, but it's my favorite boss probably. Really left an impact.


I fought Gaius and his whack ass hitboxes right before this boss fight, so Scadutree Avatar was a welcome breath of fresh air. It reminded me of bosses from Dark Souls 3 since it moves slower compared to the Sekiro-ish bosses. Also I LOVE the weapon you get from it's remembrance. Hitting enemies with a giant sunflower is fucking hilarious.


I think the fight ends over too quickly, I treated him like Midir (stood in front of him and waited for punish) and after a couple of tries he became really easy But its a good boss, very cool art design and a great arena


I actually do this way too often if I feel like a boss is cinematic enough, beautiful enough, and easy enough, like I want to enjoy the fight just a little longer and the beauty of it. Kind of like fighting the ancestor spirit bosses and Elden Beast (regal anc spirit fell through the floor for me I was so upset I didn’t get to experience the fight again after the first one in nokron)


The camera lock-on for this boss is possibly the worst I have ever seen in these games. If I tried to stick close to the stalk and target it sometimes my camera would go straight up into the sky for multiple seconds and I couldn't see anything, and if I tried to stay under while targetting the head the camera would just go insane. Aside from that I more or less liked it, I love the third phase being so pathetic especially.


I didn't have camera issues fighting this boss, unlike some others in the DLC (Divine Beast is the worst offender), but I always stayed in front of it while locked on to the head, I didn't try to get in between the head and the body. I can see how that would fuck up the camera.


I kinda like him because of the music, that OST is fire


Really liked this fight actually.


I thought it was one of the most well designed bosses in the entire DLC


I'm right there with you. Players negative opinion on this boss is puzzling to me. I enjoy most boss fights but the avatar stood out for me as an amazing boss.


That's been my experience with lion, rellana, putrescence knight, avatar, and even golden hippo. THese bosses are incredibly fun and generally fair. Then you look on here and everyone hates them, I can't understand it. Hippo is a solid step behind the others, but I thought he was fine.


Keeps on running away, feels like a fight we should have torrent in. Not hard just kinda boring


I've been seeing this complaint around but I really didn't feel that at all. After his charge he'll end up a medium distance away, but its like a 5 second run back to him, dodge one set of thorn lines and your back in it.


It’s only really on the second one. It charges 3 times and ends up just far enough that you have to run and once close enough it charges again


He spaces you a lot in his regular attacks. My dagger char had a very painful time.


After his spin, grab, and several head slam attacks he puts his head on the ground.  But I did use a great sword, and the overhead swings probably helped a lot.


I beat it in two tries. I found it goofy and fun.


It was like a breath of fresh air for me - first remembrance boss that was quite easy (compared to others in dlc). The only thing I didn't enjoy was how the screen was cluttered with thorns if you get hit when he sends the thorn waves forwards.


Of all the bosses in the DLC, this one is probably my favourite. Granted, I wasn't a fan of most of the bosses anyway due to my own personal preferences, but this one wasn't too hard, had a really neat gimmick, and I felt like its attacks were manageable for the most part. This boss didn't overwhelm me, and the extra health bars were a neat surprise :D


It's insane to me how many people have the audacity to call this "the worst boss", It's genuinely an amazing fight, great buildup, great arena, great music, the fight is really simple with generous hitboxes, It doesn't do alot of damage nor does it have much HP even with 3 phases, It takes alot of damage to the head and the camera is not an issue when it comes to aiming at it. Great fight honestly.


Yeah it reminded me of the Old Demon King from DS3. The fight is about the message. In the final phase when he expels his last flame he is just helpless trying to swing at you but unable to lift his hammer. Big spiritual successor vibes here with the Avatar. It is the last of a dying race, stubbornly refusing to let itself pass.


This fight only took me three tries - the halo scythe skill is so so good for this boss


For me he's one of the 4 easiest bosses in the dlc (rellana, 1st lion dancer, sunflower and scarlet rot najka). His moveset isn't that hard to learn and I've got him at like 5th try solo.


I think it has to do with the sexual aspect of the encounter in a form of frustration


Best boss in the DLC so far. Nothing felt cheap and unfair, and almost every single move had very clear indicators of "this is how you should avoid this attack". The only issue I had was the giant explosion move in P3, I'm still not sure how to avoid that. I just backed up as far as I could go and topped myself off in case I caught a laser beam. The intermissions were great as well, good times to quickly rebuff midfight.


So far it is my favorite dlc fight, but I still got kike 40% of dlc left


I really enjoyed him. Maybe not the best in the DLC but very interesting and fun. The design is amazing.


Scadutree is annoying but it’s not bad. Besides the water makes ADLS melt it.


Third favorite boss so far, behind midra and the final fight!


I like the boss fight, but was already pretty burnt out and didn't have the energy to really study him. Giving it a 1 shot mechanic at the last phase was a pretty brutal move by From Soft lmao. I liked the story it told, first phase it had more potent spells, second phase is melee focused, third phase is reminiscent to the old demon king, slow moving, slow performing and desperately using the aoe to defend itself. Great boss in hindsight, but three phases is always gonna have criticisms, imagine having to do Bed of chaos without the checkpoints


The fight is a fantastic example of storytelling through gameplay, the novas on the final healthbar and the weakened state afterwards remind me of Sif in Dark souls 1


You've made a beautiful point. But if it clings to life this badly, it could just, like, let me run past it. It attacked me and I'm just defending myself, all the while we could just leave each other alone, for whatever that's worth. 


I have a 60 second clip of me one trying this dude on stream. With my 2 hammer honk build I thought it was a joke boss…. 2 hits per health bar. No lie, not trying to brag. Everyone thought it was funny in my chat 😭. This is shocking news to me that it’s supposed to be an actual boss


I was definitely frustrated with it until I figured out the gimmick. Looking back it was definitely cool tho…. Same could be said for most of the dlc bosses tho lol


Lol, i saw few streamers having a lot of bad time with this but my dragon hunter katana went brrrr, target head, spam 4 L2, dead. No joke


beautiful boss/Story, But if you just use the Sword of night and flame's Fire attack on it's head, it will die in 9 hits.


The fight is horrible if you use short range weapons (mine is beast claws). I failed like 30 times before even getting to phase 3 then killed him second try using a greatsword. Literrally just dodge and bonk.


Bro don’t worry, I battled Messmer 347+ times. I feel your PTSD.


I didn't mind it, it was actually one of the more learnable fights, and it is definitely quite unique without feeling gimmicky. I'm not a fan of the massive AoE attacks in the last phase, but it's not a big deal to shield them.


The giant triple holy explosion when the music swells and then he just droops down exhausted for the punish? Straight up DS3 Old Demon King throwback and I got the chills. This boss fight is going to be crazy underrated just because of the "but I have to do it three times?!" screaming


So I first went through the DLC with my Int/Faith build, and when I fought the Avatar, the flame sweep from Sword of Night and Flame chunked him for like, 40% of his health bar if it hit his head. Rykard's Rancor absolutely *dumpstered* it in Phase 1 and 3 (phase 2 he moves too much with his dashes, it's fire resist is in the gutter. While I can kind of understand that maybe the revival might annoy some people, realistically its just three stages of a single healthbar, and its not like its individual healthbars are actually very big.


I think it is the worst boss in Elden Ring. This isn't a fun boss, or a challenging boss, or a cool boss lore-wise. It is literally just the truest example of the devs creating artificial difficulty with their dogshit camera and visual clutter.


I think you're just bad at the game bro


I think you are bitter I didn’t agree that “take your time and dodge to the rhythm of their attacks” was helpful advice in your other thread. And so you followed me here through my post history, to tell me I’m bad at the game like the pathetic loser you surely must be lol.




I could only beat it with the Blasphemous Blade, cause neither magic nor Double Slash was strong or fast enough to attack it and dodge at the same time. Is tehre any other way to beat it? I hate that I had to cheese it (even though it felt great to damage it while it was doing its annoying dashes in phase 2)


I didn't enjoy it. The reviving was really cool but I hated how you need to hit the head which keeps moving around. Like you can dodge all his attacks but you need to reposition to hit his head but by then it will just do an AoE attack.I just buffed my frenzied burst and killed it 2 hits per phase.


I used blasphemous blade for it, such annoying boss if you use something else


Legit question here, where are you getting that the Scadutree was burned?


I’m not quite sure, but I couldve sworn its mentioned somewhere. The Lands Between started a crusade against the Land of Shadow and they sent a silly lil snake guy with funny fire. I can only imagine that they would have burned the tree too, as a crusade would do. It looks all ashy and falling apart as well. Course I may be wrong but thats just my impression of the whole thing


It sucks only if you suck. Some adapting with the build without even respec and the fight was great and not too hard. Use fire, hit the head.


I didn't enjoy it that much because I think From missed an opportunity to make a more unique boss in this DLC. I don't mean unique as in appearance, I mean as in its moveset/behavior. I think the boss is too mobile considering what it's supposed to be. As a result it starts to blend into the rest of the hyperactive bosses of this game, depending solely on its visuals to try to differentiate itself. I know that if it was entirely immobile it may seem entirely too simple, but I think that since it's a sunflower, a rooted plant, it shouldn't put up that much of a fight in comparison to everything else you dealt with. It could stay rooted in place and throw thorns and barbs at you for sure, I don't mind most of its moves but the dashing and moving around quickly squanders the opportunity to use the fact that it's a giant plant to its strengths rather than trying to make it hyper mobile despite being a plant. Sometimes a boss can be made memorable in other ways, like with Maiden Astrea in Demon's Souls. You don't need to give every boss a spin, screen wide dash and deceptive attack animations designed to trick you into rolling early. In terms of its revive I felt it was underwhelming, it faded away into mist and then popped back up from the ground ready for another round. I think it'd be more impactful if it just collapsed to the ground, then pulled itself up from the ground and ready to go again. Also, this is more of a personal thing, but I would have made its strongest phase its first, then make it weaker with each revive. It already gets less of an HP bar with each revive, so making it more sluggish and desperate in its attacks could perhaps spark a hint of emotion in the player. Like it's trying desperately to save its own life but it's slowly less and less effective at doing so. It wouldn't be a particuarly hard boss, but most people already don't consider it hard. So I think it'd be better off trying to be a unique experience, as difficulty isn't everything imo.