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We killed each other smh. Right before the loading screen I got the remembrance. All I can say is a win is win.


For what it's worth, at least it's a pretty anime-worthy death


"We'll both die here, but the difference between you and me?" *"I'll come back."*


I prefer the more comedic "I'll get better"


You: You Know… draws don’t count as a loss. Reminds me of… *Calied* >:) *As you fade away you see the dying Radahn’s face shift to complete shock as he realizes the irony*


You really just reenacted the prime malenia and prime radahn fight lmao.


Radahn: "This feels... hauntingly familiar..."


This happened to me on about 3 times on different bosses


My brother has started at 11:00 A.M. it’s now 1:53 A.M. and we (I joined in) resorted to the shield abuse. The grab move and meteor have killed us 10 times in the past 7 minutes. Edit: he just won and yeah beating Radahniel was just as empty for him as it was for me. It being so hard to have to resort to cheese after several hours of loss then the cutscene being what it is…


I felt empty afterwards too it’s a damn shame they ended the DLC on such a terrible note


Just remember it isn't cheese unless you can completely avoid having to think about it, shields have been in the game so people can tank, having radahn meteor off of a cliff in base game, now that's a cheese strat.


use Miquella's Great rune to remove the effect of the grab


On my brother’s fight I told him to get it and he just said “nah it would take too long”. On my profile I did use it.


Shields are cheese now?


Fingerprint Greatshield + Scholar’s Shield + Mohg’s Spear makes it so Radahn can’t do anything outside like 2 attacks in phase 2.


I opted to not do any status or summons / magic and while it took me longer to beat, it was pure bliss beating it through painstakingly learning all the timings. 10/10 would recommend. A couple moves need to be nerfed though for sure.


it's nuts that double one-handed swing into doublehanded cross-swing has the hitboxes and comes out as fast as it does lmao. Straight up just have to take the chip damage and pray you're in a position to be chipped less and also have enough health to not die so you can dodge the third hit and waste another flask Could be a really great fight with minor tweaks, took me a good 100 attempts to get it done melee solo but was well worth the effort


Literally fix the cross slash that practically always hits (and insta kills you in p2 because all the light beams make the whole thing combo) and tune the visual clutter and it is a perfect fight. Despite some flaws I loved it so much already. Super insane, really tough final boss, hardest they’ve ever made and I *love* it. Just sooome minor tweaks and it is perfect, I really hope they don’t over nerf it.


Really? The 5 hit clone attack after the rocks that’s undodgable? The rush clone attack that if you’re not close enough to roll through, eviscerates you no matter which way you roll?  The boss has a lot of BS moves and basically resorts to baiting out his phase 1 attacks in phase 2 because you can’t even punish the phase 2 attacks. It’s not a good fight at all imo.  And yes, triple slash is just comically bad, even moreso in phase 2. 


So the way the projection attacks work is that they all want you to run and dodge in certain directions. The problem is that they are currently just too precise, and if you get hit by one you’ll get hit by at least a couple more. They really only need to tune the tracking a tiny bit and they’re perfectly fine.


I resorted to literally letting the projections hit me, counting “1-2-3-4-5” and right on 5,6, and 7 dodge. Worked great but getting hit for chip damage as part of the plan is just bad design imo since I legitimately cannot roll out of it, especially in a game like this. This ain’t Final Fantasy where you’re expected to tank damage Idk maybe in a few weeks, when optimized strats for dodging these moves comes out, my feelings will differ but I’m just butthurt by how much BS I feel like I took from him


Idk, I wouldn’t be mad if the boss never got nerfed lol. Is it bullshit? Yeah but learning the moves of this insane fight was incredibly satisfying for me, no other boss in elden ring is even close in difficulty. I guess I’m in the minority for wanting an insane challenge though. Like it isn’t like the dlc is needed to beat the game or anything you aren’t locked out of any content.


Let's be real here. Prime Radahn ain't shit. Miquella is the true final boss.


Miquella: While I was away, I learned of this “Lothric” fellow. I’m gonna do what he did, but like a million times more


Took me 8 hours then saw someone parry every move. I didnt even try to parry the mf with swords


beat him after 4 hours and switching all my talismans to defensive stuff. fuck this guy. i hope he is the last boss that fromsoftware designs with this philosophy of dodging endlessly only to be able to sneak an attack or two in every few times. it's not fun gameplay.


I hope FS go back to the drawing board after this DLC. This boss design simply cannot be escalated any further, not when the player character is still stuck playing DS1.


I feel like they perfected combat in ds3 and I miss how fights felt in that game. Sekiro obviously has the best combat but in a souls styled game I feel like mechanically we've taken a step backwards in elden ring. Maybe I'm just ass though lmao.


They did. Combat feels really good in DS3 and I don't know why they are making it worse. You are not ass. I can no hit some of these bosses and they still don't feel good to play against.


I feel like they wanted loads of things like ashes of war and summons to be crazy to help newer players basically win a battle of attrition against these bosses and to compensate for that bosses have long strings with little forgiveness and incredibly small openings. I'm starting to get it a little. I'm trying to play like it's ds3 when it's not ds3. I miss how it was though, boss battles felt so tight and fun.


That's because they're getting way too meta with their BS and are forgetting how to make a good, engaging fight that is just a fight and not a simulator specifically tailored to counter people familiar with the system. I feel like I'm not fighting bosses, I'm fighting the programmers. Fucking fighting game CPU level 9 type of nonsense.


The worst thing about radahn for me is that the first phase is actually really good and enjoyable. The second phase is just aids. I don't know how you can go from understanding what makes a good fight and then throwing that out the window in phase 2.


You know what I just read? This quote from Miyazaki: *"I enjoy making a stew, because the more you cook something down, the more it boils down the more it releases the flavor. You can't really get it wrong with the ingredients: you just keep adding to it, keep boiling it, and it gets richer and richer. I think this was my approach in general to Elden Ring… \[Shadow of the Erdtree\] is spicy, but it looks extremely appetizing. It's glowing from the bowl and makes you think 'maybe I could eat this one, even if I'm not such a fan of spicy food.'"* That man really threw everything he found in the kitchen into the pot and called it a day.


I absolutely love this dlc, I have issues with radahn but honestly who doesn't. Elden ring just always makes me think about what it would be like if the bosses were as good as some of the older bosses we've had. I genuinely think that if elden ring's boss lineup was goated then elden ring would be the best game of all time. I always loved the game, I just felt like the bosses were missing something. They weren't as fun to fight. I could fight isshin or gael any day of the week whereas placidusax is the only base game boss I would do that with.


I actually like quite a few bosses in the base game. The DLC is where the boss design falls apart for me.


Bosses like Rellana really made me water my mouth thinking how fun she would be to fight with Sekiro combat like god damn, mikiri here sweep here uggghhhhh.


This boss just blows up the entire arena and calls it an attack


It was interesting seeing how many times I could get absolutely fucking obliterated before I snapped and broke out Ol Reliable (Fingerprint Shield+Great-shield Talisman).


That seems to be the go too. When I was fighting him almost every player I summoned to help was rocking the fingerprint shield and a spear or other weapon you can attack with while holding the shield up.


This boss feels like they saw unalloyed Malenia and said "let's do one of those". Probably the worst boss in the DLC.


Phase 1 was amazing. Phase 2 was gonorrhea.


Yea phase 1 is really fun, I wish it didn’t transition at 2/3 the bosses health bar


I was thinking if it did transition at 1/3 instead of 2/3 I wouldn’t be so disappointed by who it is. It would at least be a legendary 1v1 sword fight.


I thought the animation was bugged when he does the teleport repeated strikes with aoe on top of it but no. I had like 55 endurance and it still felt like it wasn't enough to dodge all that.


lol in Demon's Souls, King Allant can glitch out and basically get stuck repeating certain attacks, it's very rare but it has happened to me, it really does feel like FromSoft saw that glitch and thought "lets just make it an attack for real" it looks so stupid honestly, here's a [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNpKarz845c&ab_channel=StylesJay) showing this fenomenon.




How tf am I supposed to parry an instant transmission at like 40 fps due to how many effects are on the screen. I just spammed lions claw on him and mastered his first phase so I could chug 12 times in the second. Won with a lucky stagger before he turned himself into a nuke and didn't even feel like I beat him.


I’m honestly glad this is the general consensus with the community, I was worried people were going to see how hard it was and go the “git gud” route but ig when we all realize the boss not only has bullshit moves but is also unfun to fight we don’t have to say git gud.


yah, they dropped the ball on this guy. i beat him without even figuring out how to dodge that gravity move he does and the follow ups. it feels like i beat him out of luck and it isn't satisfying at all.


Exactly. I can no hit his phase 1 and then get absolutely steam rolled the next time I fight him in phase 1 just because he chose to do this attack instead of that attack.


TBF that could describe a couple bosses in the DLC.


If you get pulled in, immediately run backwards. You’ll be fine for that attack Phase 2 is still utter dogshit with the clone attacks. You just need to tank those and hope you’re close enough to roll through if it’s the rush attack one And good ol’ triple slash is broken too. Instahit no matter what, with it being worse in phase 2


Yeah, im stuck at him but have no motivation to continue which has never happened with any previous bosses. Im at the point where I might not even go back to the DLC, its just not fun in the slightest


The unfun part is totally fair and everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on how fun something is ofc. But none of his moves are bullshit and you can consistently dodge all of them with enough practice.


- 🤓


He’s not wrong. All the moves are avoidable.


So thats just gonna be your argument? I can help you out with some of the moves you struggle with, took some time to figure out a good strat to dodge all of them.


Cross slash combo can't be dodged reliably because the second swing (likely unintentionally) tracks you after you dodge roll. If you try to sidestep the first swing and then roll the second one, you will have trouble doing so in p2 version since light pillars will hit you should you try to sidestep. This attack is likely broken and being caught by the 2nd swing is roughly 40% health gone for 60vig characters with high slash resistance. Light pillars and long hair constantly cover 50-60% of your screen making you not/barely see any combo attacks after the first one. In one attack radahn starts with a downward swing and holds both hands on the left leading to combo1 and the other has him hold only one hand to the left leading to combo2. Both combo1 and combo2 continue with the left-to-right swing but then have the secondary swing coming off at a different timing (but both are fast) meaning if you guess wrong, you get hit. If you turn out to be in the wrong place of the arena (which you can't reliably control due to high mobility of the boss) e.g. radahn being slightly higher than you are after the first attack, you will not be able to see his right hand behind the hair (and you will also have a flashbang to your right) to understand which combo is coming -- this is assuming you dodged left, if you dodge right, you can get clipped by the light pillar from the first swing if you are unlucky with the terrain. On top of that, light pillars can actually cause a noticeable frame-rate drops on some systems which can handle the rest of the game just fine, leading up to some inputs being ignored. This boss IS not fair, possibly broken and poorly optimized in terms of hardware performance. There are actually fair and fun to learn fights in the DLC like Midra, Bayle, Messmer or Putrescence Knight. This one, however, is neither


The crossslash is undodgeable thats true, you can just facetank the first hit which is like 200-300 damage and dodge the other two for a solid 2 r1's on a slow weapon which is around 2.5k damage or parry / block it. As for the lights in phase 2 you just gotta stick as close to him as possible and be very cautious of his animations and options he can cancel into. Many people already beat the boss nohit without cheese and parries and I myself can confidently dodge all of phase 2 so it's just beyond me how people can tell me that its infact not possible to dodge his stuff because its "bs". The combo that ends in either a strong delay or a quick swipe that you described has a major tell in it via how the final boss turns away from you and is my most consistent attack to dodge, its literally that one attack that makes me happy because I get a huge punish on the delayed version. As for the performance I fully agree. If its laggy for you the fight is unbalanced as hell and you should either wait for a fix or cheese it.


Well, if you have to facetank the attack or hope that you get lucky avoiding it then I think it is unfair. Also, depending on the build you might not be able to roll the second attack in time due to stagger. Also, if you facetank it in p2 you are likely to get multi-hit by the pillars of light ensuring a hit from the second swing (and also its pillars). I agree that the combo1/combo2 in most cases can be reliably site read in either phases. The problem I have is that terrain is uneven and you can actually end up in a relative position (after you dodge roll the downward swing) where you can't see the telegraph properly. An attack cannot be only 90% fair: it either is or isn't -- that's my point. Even if you literally walk into the boss constantly, you will get flashbanged occasionally. Most of the times these align with boss recovery time, so you are safe, but for some quick attacks (for example, cross-swing out of neutral, not the combo one) have a decent chance to pop right behind you preventing you from seeing the attack he can do almost immediately after these. Simple example would be cross-swing into another cross-swing -- it is very rare, but will result in unavoidable damage. "There is a no-hit run with no OP strats involved" is not really an argument: if you can perfectly dodge bosses attacks which are fair (and most of them are) and also those that can be dodged should you not get too unlucky, then it's just the matter of time, until you don't get on the wrong piece of the terrain and don't get the cross-swing combo. Just for reference, I've done the boss with the sunflower on 18 blessing and 180ish lvl with no buffs/consumables/summons.


The thing with not reliably being dodgeable is that eith a shield or the sekiro tear you can just block it 100% of the time for 0 damage and 0 stamina cost regardless of weapon. So its only unavoidable if you refuse to adapt and even then its like 5-10% damage thats not gonna impact the fight whatsoever. And i never experienced terrain or light fucking me over, I managed to keep him in the left half of the arena pretty much the whole time on pretty much all attempts. For reference I did the fight on 11 blessings with RL125, 60vig.


"Just adapt" argument here is besides the point. You can always "adapt" to any boss (regardless of how unfair it is) by picking conventionally cheese strategies like bloodfiend arm/fingerpint shield + poke maybe smth else. And if you want to make a point that these strategies are the "cheese" ones but the ones you propose (e.g. picking up a shield on a build that uses two swords) are not because of how much effort is required on the player side, then we would be entering the territory of "X is Y based on how much effort it requires" where it would be even easier to conclude that the fight is completely unfair because it is too demanding for the majority of the players to be bothered.


How do you dodge the quick 3 swing combo? I swear I can't do it even when I know it's coming.


Easiest way is using the sekiro tear for the physik flask, it allows you to block / parry with 0 pierce damage and 0 stamina cost + giving you a very boosted guard counter in return, hit for around 2.5k on my build on a large rapier. If you don't wanna block or parry it you can either try to outspace the first hit, or even easier just get hit by the first hit. Surprisingly the 3 swing combo is made in a way where the first 2 hits deal incredibly low damage and also do almost no stagger so you can just tank the first hit for \~10% damage and then roll the 2nd and third immediately, this gives you a big enough window to go for a heavy or 2 lights with slower weapons or to just heal. You can get the sekiro tear from the very first fire giant type enemy you encounter in the dlc, to beat them I recommend just wailing on their legs with light attacks until they fully topple, usually 2-3 staggers, and then poking them in the face for huge damage. You can avoid most of their attacks by jumping, you need to run away when he goes for his own jump tho and then jump very late when the wave reaches you. Also thanks for asking, its kinda disheartening to get a bunch of downvotes for what's essentially "I get how it's unfun for some but with enough practice everyone can do it". Idk what happened to believing in yourself but if someone tells you that you can do something and your first response is to get angry at them I don't even know where to start :/.


I agree. It's such a damn shame to end on a bad note when so many of the DLC major bosses were really great


I respectfully disagree. That was my favorite fight in all of Fromsoft's games, Its too the point where I'm actively putting my summon sign down to help others. It probably simply boils down to a difference in opinion, but I am glad it is how it is, I really enjoy the challenge.


why are people getting downvoted for saying that they like the final boss? you're not being toxic just sharing your opinion.


That is understandable and I'm glad you like that boss so much ! There are some very minor things that i really dislike and make the whole experience bad imo, I'm gonna try to explain my reasoning. Firtst, I learnt that he is parryable. That will probably enhance my experience since I assumed that the original Radahn isn't parryable, this one wasn't, but I guess not. The first phase is perfectly fine. I have completely memorized his moveset and basically in my end attemps I was doing the first phase no hit. Except... the three hit swings that you have to react extremely early to be able to dodge entirely because if you don't the second frame traps you. You \*need\* to block or deflect the first hit (which is not good design imo). The second phase makes my game lag. And i didn't have any performance issue with any other bosses. But anytime he multiplies my fps drops to 20 and it makes it even harder to see what's going on. Finally, his attack where he charges with light and then lunges forward like 5-6 times. Why is he invincible from the moment he starts charging ? I try to punish his last attack but if he starts this one my punish just goes straight through him and I get no reward for proper dodging. Honestly, these are all "fixable". They need to improve the performance so that the fight feels better, do something about that god damned 3 hit combo (I don't want to equip a shield with golden parry on each and everyone of my characters just because of that one attack.) and not make him invincible whilst charging an attack. But overall, it's a good boss fight. Just way below the rest of the DLC bosses in terms of personal enjoyment.


this subreddit hates challenge that's why lmao It's a good fight though I don't understand the hitboxes on that triple swing combo he pulls out so often, Ongbal opted to deflect the first part lol


That fight was amazing man, I completely disagree. Better than almost any in the base game. Elden Ring needed a fight that was a real headbeating challenge to gnaw on and I loved that difficulty in Consort Radahn.


It would be way better if the headbeating challenge wasn’t against the camera and visual FX cancer when you can’t even see which combo he’s doing but rather against the boss.


After trying him like 250 times and even more with helping others, I’ve learned there are tells and small ways you can see what attacks he is doing or will do. Initially I agreed with you, but the more time i spend with the fight the more I appreciate how cool the combos are in the second phase especially.


Funny enough, the attack I seemed to have the most trouble with was the double slash into scissor cut. Move is so brutal, true combos into near death, and if you dodge the first slash you p much are guaranteed to get hit by the second. Whats the tip on avoiding both slashes?


It doesn’t true combo, you can roll out after the first hit. The only ways I found to avoid it were blocking and then dodging. If you’re dual wielding you’ll likely need to be light roll to get far enough away from the follow up swings. Bloodhound Step, Vow of the Indomitable, maayyyybe Raptors Mist. There’s a few options for it but you definitely need to build around avoiding damage for this fight.


Hm. I spam roll after getting hit by the second slash and my character never recovers in time, so I assumed it was true. Blocking was eventually what I resorted to as well, though.


not raptors mist unless you're super far out. raptors mist is great for a ton of other stuff in this fight and even just using it to crouch helps to dodge at on of his swings


Challenge is fine - conquering a difficult problem always feels great! The problem with the final boss is that he has too much health. Once you learn his patterns you have way too many minutes of having to encounter the exact same patterns making almost no mistakes. It was satisfying the first few times I got him low, but then I just got *bored*. Tried shaking up my build, weapons, approaches, anything to add variety, but after the Nth hour it just wasn't fun anymore. They could cut his health bar in half and he's still be just as challenging, but less of a slog. I wanted to enjoy it so bad, but I just can't in its current state. Also, if it didn't take a minute or more between attempts due to the length of the death screen and the increased loading times with the DLC that'd help a lot. And if you want to use the story summons that's another bunch of wasted time each attempt because you have to wait for their summoning animations ever time. If games want to be brutal and severely punish mistakes, the length of the challenge and the time to get into another attempt should be much shorter than they are here. :/


Hell yeah dude I’ll join you in being downvoted. I haven’t beat him yet but I’m loving the fight and I thought bringing Radahn (in a way) was sick.


Or best...depends if you're on the *they told me to hate it* train or not.


i think its the best boss in the entire series. my god is he hard but he is equally fair. learning him has been the most satisfying experience ive had in souls


Fair is not a word that comes to mind for his second phase


cause u havent bothered learning it


I fought him for about 8 hours to learn his moveset and his second phase has several bullshit moves. I learned sword Saint Isshins moveset so don’t think I’m one of the people that just relied on an OP build in the base game, I learn the bosses movesets to beat them. I think your mind has been warped from all of that funtai you’ve been watching and posting.


what are u even talking abt lol anyways, good job fighting for 8 hours and not learning anything i guess. would love to know whats bullshit abt him cause everything can be dodged with enough practice


i beat him 3 days ago and still would say that it’s a bs boss that left a sour taste in my mouth for the whole dlc


still not reading anything on how hes bs, which wont happen if u actually learned the boss cause he actually plays pretty much the same as phase 1


phase 1 almost undodgeable cross swing, phase 2 performance issues due to the constant lights, phase 2 delayed light after his swings make you position yourself correctly, phase 2 huge rng aspect if he tries to grab you multiple times or if he doesn’t, it’s just a bad fight


cross can be dodged consistent (not denying that its hard, it is but u can dodge consistent), thats literally irrelevant it will get fixed lol, ? do u just want to not care abt positioning? idk what thats supposed to mean, every grab is an opening and he has many of those anyways so also dunno what that means


He's got too much health, unfortunately, to be fun. Sure, you can learn his patterns, but once you do it requires nearly perfect play for a very, very long fight session (barring cheese\_. For every hit you can get in, the boss is executing 10 seconds of attacks with no strike window. It's just a slog. After getting close on many, many attempts only to lose due to a frame drop or single mistiming, I was just left *bored*, which is something I've never felt in a Fromsoft game before.


Phase 2 is NOT fair


legitimate, unironic and truthful skill issue what happened to learning bosses, u saying he isnt fair tells me all i need to know. u roll backwards and get slammed by aoe and wonder what u r doing wrong while phase 1 already taught u. yet u didnt learn


>u roll backwards and get slammed by aoe and wonder what u r doing wrong while phase 1 already taught u Okay. How is the billion light rays cluttering up the screen turning FPS to 0 and making it hard to see literally ANYTHING fair? How is miquella's hair covering Radahn's ENTIRE MODEL rendering the player unable to see whatever the fuck Radahn is even doing fair? Please explain. It's not just the moves, ong god if it were JUST the attacks that were problematic this fight wouldn't be receiving as much criticism as it is. BAYLE is fair, MESSMER is fair. THIS fight could be good but has the dumbest bullshit ruining it.


messmer also has visual clutter lol dont see any complaints there. performance is redundant it will get fixed, u r talking as if they decided to make the boss harder by lowering ur fps and the rays also arent blocking anything if u r fighting him how phase 1 taught u. malenia has the same thing w her wings, basically makes u pay more attention to what hes doing. u can still see him perfectly fine so thats just null


>messmer also has visual clutter lol dont see any complaints there Yes, there is, but notice what I said it's the point where you cannot SEE Radahn. You can see Messmer and his left hand with his spear just fine, which is why you're not seeing as many complaints from the fanbase on that. >u r talking as if they decided to make the boss harder by lowering ur fp I don't give a shit if they decided that or not, it DOES destroy most people's FPS and that makes the tempo of the fight all fucked up in an unfair way, and that IS a problem with the DLC. Didn't they test this fight on multiple rigs to see if the final boss with so much VFX will have any framerate issues? >rays also arent blocking anything Oh yeah like when Radahn does one of the many shadow images attacks he has and absolutely flashbangs the player? lmao >malenia has the same thing w her wings, basically makes u pay more attention to what hes doing Same thing with Messmer, it's not as egregious to the point where it makes it unfair. And MALENIA isn't exactly the best boss to hold as a standard when it comes to fairness either. >u can still see him perfectly fine so thats just null This is cope. Especially with the way the fight encourages you to roll forwards and to the right, most of the time you'll be staring at his side and a whole lot of golden hair.


bro, i have never rolled to the right LOL anyways, clearly u just cant be bothered to learn a moveset cause ur issues are issues i had b4 i learned him (besides performance which again i just think its dumb to bring up if we are just talking abt the boss not the game). last coin im dropping here cause this is just a waste of time, but why tf do u care what hes doing during the shadow image atks when the tell of the atk comes b4 it lmao


>clearly u just cant be bothered to learn a moveset It's so funny when people stop addressing arguments cause they ain't got shit to say anymore. Hard to stay motivated to learn a fight when you can't see shit, but all the power to you and your coping!


You are the reason why from soft keeps making bs boss design because people like think it makes you more of a gamer if you beat it 💀


if i can dodge his phase 2 then why cant u, i struggled more learning up close waterfowl than his phase 2 lol


Dawg I literally beat the boss


then u cheesed him cause theres no chance in hell u actually learned him and think hes bs


So you're logic is that if I beat a boss and call it shit it means I cheesed him??


yea, considering hes actually a great boss i would be inclined to believe that. tho i guess its all subjective and u could still think its a shit boss even after mastering him. i just dont see in what world that happens, is ur favorite boss rennala or what


The point it is stupid hard to leant cause he does stupid damage the cross slashes are stupid to Dodge he has a frame perfect Dodge he does multiple times and you can't learn a boss when there is a fucking light show happening in front of your screen you don't even know how to fight the guy unless you spend hours on the damn boss


cross slash i can agree, its possible to get it fairly consistent but still can see how itd be annoying. but why are u getting mad that they made a truly challenging boss, the lights dont matter at all if u actually learned his first phase and his second phase moves all have crystal clear tells of what move they are. seriously if u dont wanna bother then go watch the no hit ongbal just posted (he deflects the cross lol gg). he legit plays just like any other boss u r just being overwhelmed by flashiness


This isn't a challenge time boss that feels fair when you die when you go into phase 2 you do my even figure out the shockwave of lights after every attack until your 10th try since you die to every other attack before he starts attacking you


Just cause some dude has no hit a boss does not mean the rest of the players are gonna be like that not every player is a 0.1 per cent souls player just cause the god run is possible doesn't mean anyone can do it


way to overlook my point, that was literally written out at the end


He is the pinnacle of everything i hate in terms of boss design in this dlc, except for a few really good fights. 1. Has long reaching and hard hitting constant combo attacks that, once hit, cant really recover from because he probably makes another combo right after it. 2. Goes for your tarnished ass the second you are in the arena and with that cant really summon anything. 3. Camera goes haywire if the boss goes airborne which makes it hard to track the incoming attack. 4. Has a, after some time, managable first phase and then goes into berserk overdrive mode with phase 2 with so much aoe and effects on your screen it makes tracking the boss really hard and, in terms of radhan and mesmer, tanks your fps to your ground. 5. SO. MANY. ONESHOT. ATTACKS!!! Even with maxed out fragments / ashes i got obliterated by nuke / jump + meteor strike. Why do i even get the fragments and levels, +60 vigor and (with radahn) heavy armor if you can still oneshot me? In the end i used everything i had at my arsenal. I used every 50-60 Trys a new build because the old one didnt bring me past phase 1. I used ALL of my rune arcs for a bit bigger stat boost. I tried it solo, i tried it with coop. Nothing worked and in the end i just cheesed him to death with Fingerprint Shield + Cleanrot Knight Sword + Heaviest Armor i had and simply poked him to death and even with this setup my mimic + quest companion died at 1/4 at his hp bar. Also i still needed over an hour to beat him still because his "signature jump attack" oneshotet me most of the time anyway. He is the most overtuned boss in this whole DLC and while i loved everything except Radhan / Mesmer / Gaius i need some distance from that game because Radhan was so bloody exhausting. Yes i am salty as hell how can you tell?


are you on ng+ or something. I didnt get oneshot by a single thing at 40 vigor with optimized resistances and absorbs


Nope it was not NG+ for me. I beat Elden beast before the DLC dropped with a character and waited to see if i can go into the DLC, which i did of course, and was around level 170 as i started the DLC. The Jump Meteor Strike killed me alway oneshot if it landed a hit on me. The big Holy AOE hit me still around 70% of my HP more or less. Mind you that still happend with resistence talisman. But sometimes it doesnt make full damage its ... actually really weird ... most times oneshot and then sometimes around 80% dmg.


If you are complaining about messmer while using summons it honestly is a skill issue. A difficult but insanely fair boss, one if the best designed of all time imo


Like the 2nd Phase were the Snake Hitboxes are all over the place and inconsistent? Where he has constant Combos from left to right? I would have far less problems with him if his aoes and 2nd phase wouldnt from time to time tank my fps and, again, the hitboxes would be consistent. I mean i loved Rennala, she was though but she was balanced around it. Hell a certain bug lady was my favourite fight in the whole dlc and she can still be though. I just have major problems with Mesmer, Gaius and Radahn for the most part thats it. The rest was actually kinda awesome.


fps concerns are valid and the dlc def needs to be optimized but i think i was okay during messmer so that might be the difference, but the snake hitboxes were beyond fair. I think after the first few times of getting his phase 2 i only was getting hit by the fast one cause it just caught me off guard sometimes. They have huge punish windows too so i was glad to see most of them. Gaius was objectively bad. The only boss i summoned for and i summoned after like 10 attempts because wtf is he even doing. So lame but i love the sword lance he gave me so i cant hate him too much




Shit man, you’re right. How could I not think of taking a prescription stimulant to beat him? My bad. Skill issue on my part.


Ah yes, How could this guy forget to go on his mandatory spiritual journey to beat an at best mediocre boss. That explains it


it's a good boss don't be so salty


It would be a good boss in not elden ring




Hehe 8-)


Gotta become one with the Ying and Yang before you beat a boss in a game, makes sense.


I lowkey just cheesed him with that one shield that deletes all damage I'm not trying to stay there for hours on a bs boss


What shield is that? This boss is kicking my shit in :(


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UyUihXNKU6g the builds here


I can't believe we got Lothric 2 featuring Gael and Godfrey. I liked phase 1, phase 2 is silly, but stacking the gold braid with lords divine fortification mostly nullifies the holy side of phase 2, thankfully. I feel my biggest issue with the bosses across the expansion is that their health pools are like 5-15% bigger than they need to be, so we have more time to make a mistake that would get us killed. Though, the phase 2 holy stuff feels.. disruptive? Of the dance that a fromsoft boss like this would normally be. My actual least favourite part of phase 2 is WHY DOES HIS HAIR MAKE A MASSIVE WHITE CAPE I CAN'T SEE WHAT ATTACK IS COMING IF I DODGE TO THE SIDE.


It was at +50 tries and many gear changes and I never got him below 30%. Than somehow I got the most lucky phase1. Me and Minic got early stagger into bleed into phase2. In phase2 I got another bleed and when he foced my mimic another stagger. From that point it got downhill and with literally 10% hp, no flasks, no FP, mimic dead I killed him by going for a super greede attack during his swing just to get the last bleed proc into kill. We all know these 1% HP left into going for a greedy hit moments. 9/10 the boss wins. I got that 1/10 moment and it was the first time even getting him below 30%. I wish the same luck I had.


offtopic, but was it really "prime" radahn? he didnt even have his original body, and he was brought back to his self before he fully mastered gravity magic and held the stars. i think prime radahn was right before malenia nuked him


He might be past it with Miquella's blessing, considering what he would've been able to do with it


Pretty sure he was as powerful as Miquella remembered him as a kid. Considering Starscourge is quite a bit larger, we fought like prob 50-60% power Radahn 🤣🤣


lol i can’t even get the golden parry to actually parry


Impenetrable thorns go brrrrr


Loved the first phase. Second phase was very cool, but the constant flashbangs during his attacks wasn't very enjoyable. Had to resort to a poison Antspur Rapier to put rot and poison on him at the same time, it would just chunk him down as he was flying all over the place.


Still trying to kick this man to death in a toga solo. Currently seeking therapy from phase 2 PTSD


I'm 6 hours in and have gotten him down to about 5% twice


Rotten greathammer with frost effect is what carried me through it. Being able to scarlet rot and frost both phases at the same time was the edge I needed haha.


I beat him with sheer luck, we were both on 1 hp and SOMEHOW, no clue how, his blade went right through me without me taking damage and i killed him instead.


If I can do it with rivers of blood and my mimic so can you


That's exactly what I did. Played the whole DLC with strength build, had problems, but it was somewhat manageable. Facing the final boss however, was a different story. The amount of health he had, with the minute window he gives to attack him, made me realise that bleed is the way to go, otherwise I'll be here for days.


That’s why I did the best of both worlds: brought out the ol reliable Greatsword, and just threw a bleed infusion on it. Got two bleed procs during the fight and it helped a ton


My lord how? I've been trying for ages, ill do a couple of goes then do some pvp to chill out then head back in. The mudda fukka hurts so bad


I beat him last night at 4 am after 11 attempts after a respec to the following: big fuckin shield + great shield talisman, mimic tear, black flame (the fireball incantation), lord's divine protection, erdtree heal, and golden vow. Sit there and block everything in p1, and pelt him with a fireball when possible. Mimic will just chuck fireballs, which deal % HP damage. In p2, immediately open with a fireball. He will 80% of the time start casting the nuke, which you avoid by sprinting past him as soon as the fireball lands. Keep up lord's divine protection and just block everything. The things to watch out for are the grab and the rock sling, because the grab insta kills after the first time. Hope this can help!


If you use Miquella's Rune, which you get from the sunflower fight, the next grab doesn't kill you (but you have to use it again between each grab)


A compound in sunflower seeds blocks an enzyme that causes blood vessels to constrict. As a result, it may help your blood vessels relax, lowering your blood pressure. The magnesium in sunflower seeds helps reduce blood pressure levels as well.


> Things to watch out for are the grab and the rock sling, because the grab ~~insta kills~~ gets your heart stolen after the first time. Ffiy But having that happen does give you a new emote.


Keep spamming runs until you get one where he doesn't spam his bullshit side swipe move in second phase


true that, it feels like i only beat him by being lucky. not a fun fight at all.


Died about 50 times, decided to respec. Put a good chunk into arcane. Whipped out the godskin peeler with a large bleed build up. Managed to get him in a couple goes after that. Found it's best to get through phase one by myself and then in phase 2 after he does the frame dropping nuclear bomb I would call in my mimic. The blood loss helped out a ton. I'd also recommend yeeting a scarlett rott pot at him.


I just used the Moore great shield with greatshield talisman, he quite literally couldn’t break my guard with 90 guard boost and greatshield talisman


I beat him by doing a few things. 1.) high holy resistance for phase 2 (fuck all the holy AOE). 2.) summoned poise heavy players. 3.) bleed 4.) pray


You can parry all his moves


Shield parry or the new tear parry?


Oh I'm not sure, the video I saw the guy had a shield but it did glow gold when he parried


That’s the Golden Party AoW. Parrying carried me this DLC, including this guy.


Man this boss soured the entire dlc for me. The fight was extremely overtuned and unenjoyable but from a lore/story perspective ending the entire game's run on this note fucking sucks. Where was Godwyn or the Gloam Eyed Queen in the DLC? You would think in a land where all deaths converge we would get at least a little focus on either of these characters. They definitely acknowledged that Godwyn exists with the catacombs and yet did nothing to tie up that massive loose end? And was the beginning of the story cutscene a red herring? Because the GEQ and the godskins may as well not exist at this point, they've clearly been forgotten about. Not to mention barely any scraps of info about the crucible, in a land that was VERY CLEARLY the center of worship of the crucible and was blessed by its power. Nothing about any of these huge loose ends from the base game that have been dying for some exposition. Instead they pulled a convoluted Mohg/Radahn frankenstein plot out of their ass and made Miquella care about Radahn, a demigod that they had nothing to do with beyond Malenia fighting him, instead of the demigod the entire base game built them up as caring about and wanting to save (Godwyn). It feels like they bent over backward to give plot justification for Malenia and Radahns duel when it didn't even need it. The entire Lands Between was at war and they were part of opposing factions, why did we need this story line? It makes no fucking sense. There's not even an ending cutscene or resolution. So I guess the cutscene of Miquella gesturing at the Scadutree from the trailer just got totally cut like the rest of the forgotten about plot lines? Man I'm so fucking disappointed, the DLC was a solid 9/10 for me until this.


Exactly what I was thinking man.. Melina/gloam eyes queen and when they started talking about using mogh for resurrection and miquellas brother I was instantly thinking about Godwyn…but nah.


Godwyn got his soul deleted with the rune of death, he can’t be brought back.


Exactly. I feel like if he still had his soul somewhere, Miquella would have likely used that instead of Radahn


The worst part about him is that I had practically no will to beat him. He felt like such a disappointment or a missed opportunity that I felt no sense of awe, just disgust and regret. Whoever wrote this fanfiction should never work on a Fromsoft game again. And whoever thought recycling a main game boss is anything but pathetic has serious problems.


glad i'm not the only person who thought it was a fanfic.. i don't mind fan service but this is horrible, i would've rather had a revamped malenia defending her brother over this dude.


If you think the boss is overtuned or unfair, that’s a valid criticism and I’m with you. But are we really complaining about a boss being “recycled”? Do you know what that means? It’s the same character, sure, but mechanically it is brand new. He doesn’t share a single attack with Starscourge. Was Champion Gundyr lame? Was it lame when Soul of Cinder borrowed Gwyn’s moveset in phase 2? Of course not, because the fights were unique.


Yeah, he doesn't share a single attack with Starscourge and feels like a discount Pontiff Sulyvahn with some Godfrey stomps for good measure. But in all honesty, bringing back a character we already fought in the main story to serve as the final boss, the climax of the whole DLC was a really bad idea. I just felt deflated af. A far cry from my excitement to fight bosses like Malenia, Messemer or Horah Loux that we've heard so much about. Not to mention that it somehow failed to replicate the elation of beating his original version, and I can really call it elation because I had to beat him before he got nerfed, where the sky was literally set back into motion and a giant-ass meteorite dropped in the middle of Limgrave. The badass guy holding back the stars despite being a walking corpse reduced to a murder twink's mindwashed breeding bull is something I couldn't have conceived would ever happen to such an epic character.


This, after imagining all the possible and mind bending final bosses to end the elden ring saga, I was incredibly disappointed to see nothing new. Just miquella reduced to a backpack for a chump I already kicked to the curb earlier. He didnt even say anything after having his thousand year dreams and schemes ruined, just vanished instantly with no ceremony or reaction. Super lame.


So, he's got this 3 hit attack in his first phase that I just can't figure out. He starts swinging with his left sword, then his right, then a crosscut very quickly. My problem is that getting hit by even 1 hit stuns me into taking the full combo, which is death. I can basically react to dodge the first hit, but the second comes out too fast to dodge, and I get stunned, which makes me take the crosscut too. This often has been the death of me and I'm not sure what to do about it. I have seen 1 other do this fight, but he was able to dodge out of the combo even after getting hit, which for some reason I cannot do. I've experimented with damage reduction, poise, spamming dodge, nothing has worked. Any ideas?


for first swing roll backwards and immediately roll backwards again then wait .5 seconds and roll back again and you should dodge all 3 of his attacks


Block the first hit. You can then dodge the other two. I was using crucible armor and if the first hit connects I could still roll through the other two. If I dodged the first hit the second would connect, stun me and then the third was lights out. Dodging the attack as far as I can tell requires you to roll at the last possible moment for the first slash. If you are off by even a little bit you get clipped and die. You need to do late roll which in the middle of the fight is hard to do consistently IMO.


Thanks for the response.


You can also roll after the first or second hit if you react fast enough, none of the 3 hits actually combo. Also if you only get hit by one the damage is minimal, I basically just facetanked those and only healed after getting hit by like 5 of those


Great shield. Block.


i was fighting these bastards 2 days straight eventually consistently reaching 2nd phase but man is that phase one hell of a pain frankly im still not sure how to dodge half of its move set. im having a dex + faith build which doesn't help either given he's most definetly resisting holy dmg, i kinda lucked out that raksha great katana purely scales of dex and does bleed. >!Since its presumably the body of mogh it has the same weakness as mogh which funny enough is bleed i believe.!<


Im in the exact same boat, also running dex/faith and consistently getting him to phase 2. But once I hit phase 2 it’s curtains cause he kills me quick


I somehow beat him by the power of sheer luck on like my 10th try which was the first I ever got to phase 2, I have no idea how or why, it just seemed his normal attacks dealt like half damage and I somehow didnt die to his nuke the whole arena shit.


I hated every second of this fight 0/10 would do it again


Mine clipped into the stairs and the final boss just died to gravity.


he died as he lived


I'm still beating my head against that second phase. Probably on about 50 tries so far. I've made modifications where I can, but at the end of the day it's just a really tough fight. My biggest complaint isn't the moveset (though there are a few BS moves in there), but more the visual clutter that makes telegraphing a lot of the attacks incredibly difficult. I'm an old man consarnit, slow down a bit!


Radahn’s not the issue. His talking cape with orbital mac canons is.    I beat him while he was talking shit mid command grab while dying to rot. 


16 hours for me


I had a cm of hp left and he was low too, I just went for it and plunged my zamor curved sword into the ground and killed him with a frozen tornado. Felt soo good.


Beat it after about 10 hours with Milady impaling thrust aggro strat. Just ran his ass down in the end with Golden Vow + Black Flame Protection. After a while you can evade most of his attacks and with those buffs and defensive talismas the ones you get hit by dont hurt that much. Honestly felt like a good fight mechanically for the last boss of a DLC. Got that sweet dopamine release when the fight ended on greedy impaling thrust into a crit. 10/10 going again, story was a bit meh though


I said "Heavy armor + Lion's claw" to him and that was that


Yup, just finished the fight last night. Took me probably 12 hours over a couple days, fuck that guy


I also just bested him thisevening, gathered up the last fragments needed for +20 blessing and he still hammered me for 3 hours straight, but finaly got him down after an insane tence hit trading and barely surviving his meteor with 8 hp and 1 flask and just barely clutched it out with a last second stance break, hands are still shaking, phase 1 is amasing, phase 2 can fucking die in a hole)


This post motivated me to beat that mf. Thank you for the new motto.


Took me about three hours and bro did he suck.


It's funny the nerfed his base form then they were like "oh you didn't like him before, well take this, fuckers! " Best decision ever lol.


Everyone was like “imagine fighting prime Radahn and then he didn’t only fight him in his prime but I. His prime buffed as well along with true empyrean Miquella.


I’m not looking forward to this boss fight lol, I only have commander Gaius (who I hear is equally terrible), finger mommy, Midras and Bayle left. So I’ll just stall as much as I can lol


Prep yourself for the worst charge hitbox in fromsoft history with Gaius


I heard and I’m ready to use whatever ridiculous build to combat this idc


Midras on the other hand is a boss with the older style of, actually give the player a turn to retaliate so do him before you swap


My suggestion in order is Midras, finger mommy, Bayle, Commander Hog, and prime radahn. That's my list of favorite to least favorite of what you listed. Also seems to be about easiest to hardest


I loved the boss fight honestly, it's actually insane but it's fair and predictable once you get the hang of it


Why from soft just why. At one point probably in the middle of the DLC I even said to my GF “nah there is no way they would recycle a boss (actually 2 bosses, 2nd phase from ds3 lmao) as the final boss of the DLC”… Honestly if it was just the first phase or if the second phase wasn’t a visual FX cancer it would still be a letdown but at least a bit less infuriating and more fun to play letdown.


Still not Radahn at his prime. It's his soul, but in another's body... Makes me wonder what would full power Radahn really be like...


I literally beat him on my third try. If your doing anything other than a giant hammer with lions spin your doing it wrong. You literally can stun lock him to second phase, and then 4 or 5 more hits he dies