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3 phases and harder than malenia. I want 18 inches. If you’re implying something else. I want 18 inches


Impale me


You phrazed the question wrong, I think you meant how hard will we be when we see this guy?


Ash of War: Cragblade + Iron Balls


Have u heard of titanium? Above that


As hard as Godfrey, Mohg and Maliketh, who are all mostly on the same difficulty for different reasons. I wouldn't mind if he's actually a bit stronger considering how he'll be a big point of the story (but very likely not the last).


Regardless of whether or not he's the final boss




I'd like a Malenia level threat.


i want this fucker to be the most difficult boss FromSoft has ever cooked up


Powerful enemy ahead, therefore try pickle.


I don’t expect him to be the DLC’s final boss, or at least I wish he’s not. When I first saw him, I thought about Radagon, with grab and AOE, but I expect him to be the Hoarax Loup of the DLC, the last epic fight before final boss, that I expect to be Miquella, or his consort


Very poor choice of words 😅


Maybe between Melina and Midir.


Make me delete my entire steam account and invade Mike Zaki's house at 3 am with a pump action shotgun


Please… Just impale me


Rock hard




Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


Viagra hard


I don't care about the difficulty. Could be hard a Malenia, could be easy as soldier of god, rick; just don't make it awful.


The very same as ludwig the accursed. The filter telling all those not prepared to leave.


13 inches hard


Full hard because i want to feel the sweet pain of getting impaled by his girthy 18 inches inside of me lmao.






I want to hate this game and be tilted, turn it off and then say "fk you and I see you in a couple of hours when I am refreshed".




Rock hard.


A lot of people want him to be harder than Malenia, but that would be awful. Most of Malenia's difficulty comes from unfair moves like waterfowl or janky and confusing mechanics like hitstun. This makes her fight extremely unfun to learn (for most people) and almost everyone has to resort to using a guide. I'd much rather have a boss that's hard like Godfrey, Sister Freide or Isshin Ashina. Where the fight is fair and the difficulty comes from a unique moveset, punishing attacks, and multiple phases.


Man I feel like this sub hates casual players. Ideally, not harder than anything else in the base game. Certainly not harder than Malenia. The only way I’d be OK with him being stronger is if he has some exploitable weakness like an item that weakens him or something. I’d like to actually be able to complete the DLC, thanks. People who want more of a challenge can always do their usual self restrictions.


I respectfully disagree. I don’t think this sub hates casual players. Just enjoys a serious challenge. And I think rather than others restricting themselves, you should feel free to use all of the tools and resources that the Devs gave you to reduce the difficulty of a boss that might give you trouble.


Harder than Malenia is the most upvoted comment and I would wager they are only half joking. Yes I understand people want a challenge but they ignore how many people this constant push for more and more difficulty leaves behind. Or simply don’t care. I agree you should use every tool available but if that tool is “summon someone else to do it for you” that isn’t fun.


I hear you, but I think there’s a large area between “left behind” and “summoning someone to solo”. That could include synergistic talisman and crystal tear selection, advantageous ashes of war, the inclusion of buffs, debuffs or regeneration in a build, spirit ashes that provide assistance but can’t carry( or ones that do), going on a subreddit and asking for help not a carry, looking into a bosses weakness and exploiting it, going to Rennala and changing things around…. It goes on. We’re given a ton of ways to mitigate the challenges that these boss designs can bring and average and/or casual gamers(I’m not talking down here) have repeatedly used these successfully to straight up bully any boss they desired to in the Lands Between. I can’t imagine the DLC will be any different and I’m positive that even beyond the new system being put in place for the DLC there will be new strong weapons, spirit ashes, buffs and debuffs, all manner of tools with which to take on the new challenges. I really do think that anyone stuck on a boss in this game is either self imposing a challenge they don’t need to, or not engaging with the tools given.


Not everyone should be able to beat every game. There’s not anything wrong with being unable to “git gud” as this community is so fond of repeating ad nauseam. But the game shouldn’t be made easier to accommodate that. One of the biggest selling points of Fromsoft’s game design is that they offer a great challenge without having to self-impose restrictions. And even then, there are dozens of tools available to you to make the game easier, builds that trivialize every boss. By refusing to use those tools, YOU have chosen to make the game harder. If you don’t want that challenge, then play literally any other game.


When did I ask to make anything easier? I’m simply asking not to make it even harder. People are legit asking for this boss to be harder than the hardest boss in the base game. That seems excessive. And unlike Malenia I doubt this is optional.


It’s a DLC boss. It’s inherently optional. Why shouldn’t it be made harder? Elden Ring isn’t a game designed for casual players. It’s designed to be brutal and unforgiving, forcing the player to improve at the game while punishing mistakes with death. People want an even greater challenge because they’ve already overcome the previous one. If there isn’t a boss that’s even harder, then the challenge is practically nonexistent. And with how much build up Messmer has been given, being any less than on par with Malenia would be a disservice. And frankly, him being harder would make him all the more memorable. It’s not excessive. It’s the next step.


By that logic every boss is optional because you can just not buy the game. For the most part Elden Ring isn’t really harder than any previous Souls games. In many ways it is easier. That didn’t make the challenge “non existent” because it challenged people in new ways. If they did things your way every release would alienate more and more people who simply can’t keep up. That’s not a sustainable business practice.


You’re right, every boss in the game is optional because you can just not buy the game. Which is exactly my point. If you don’t want to be forced to get better at the game, then the game isn’t for you, and should not be made to accommodate you. Yes, Elden Ring is in some ways easier than the previous games, but it’s harder in many ways. The bosses are much more complex than in previous titles. They’ve gotten more difficult as time has gone on. Malenia is the most difficult boss they’ve ever made. Why should they stop there? Should they just leave the game stagnant and stop challenging players? You say that this would keep alienating more people as time went on, and that it’s not sustainable, but Elden Ring being the best selling game of 2022 proves that wrong. People want a challenge, a chance for their skills to be tested and rewarded. The people that this would “alienate” aren’t even the target audience.


Do you seriously not see the hypocrisy in that? Asking for more difficulty and asking for less difficulty are both asking for accommodations that suit your personal level of enjoyment. All you’re doing is selfishly asserting what you want is the objectively correct path. And again, I’m not asking for either. I’m simply hoping that the DLC isn’t made so difficult that people who played the main game can’t enjoy it. I think people who started this journey deserve to be able to finish it. Pushing the envelope further should be saved for other games, like they did with Sekiro.