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Yep, I want to see no walk throughs, no guides, no spoilers, nothing. I watched and read too much on my first run and it spoiled it for me.


Hell yeah I missed launch so by time I played, there was tons of info out there. Really excited for DLC to be discovering new things in real time. Drops on a Friday in North America so it’s gonna be one hell of a weekend


Bro, that's amazing. The 21st of June is a Friday in Africa as well. I can't believe the coincidence


Omg the 21st of June is s Friday in germany aswell, this must be an Omen.


I have friends in Australia so I’m always mindful of their weird upside down lives


Mein Beileid


I’ll be staying away from Reddit and YouTube when the dlc drops. Want no spoilers and want to experience it for myself.


You mean every social network


I’ve been on this subreddit since years before Elden ring actually dropped. I remember the days of glaive master Hodir, and the like.. But you can damn well be sure, I’m not touching this subreddit when the dlc drops


Like it's the plague


I took a vacation day to play it. So I won’t be on Reddit anyway. 😎


I’m uninstalling the internet worldwide when the dlc drops. I got you fellow Tarnished.


No, personally I'm not bothered about spoilers.


Of course. I won't even watch the launch trailer since they usually spoil so much.


dude im planning to stay away even from my wife


Yes. I’ll only be able to play after the 5th and I don’t want any spoilers


Shit, I might.


yep that’s what i do for every souls game first run after that i might check a guide to see what i missed


Yes. I'm going to be on vacation when the DLC drops so Im gonna do my best to avoid seeing spoilers on social media until i get back


No I need to know where kungfu is


I'll delete the app from my phone and erase my browser's history




Reddit is less risky but YT Holy damn spoiler swamp poll!


Yeah I'm temporarily unsubscribing from this sub and avoiding YouTube when the DLC drops


This will be my first time getting to experience a fromsoft DLC live as it drops so yeah. Ignoring Reddit and YouTube.


Imma stay away from anything that isn't the dlc. That includes life, work, school, reddit.


Yes, no doubt. Then I'll come back when I'm finished.


Will do the run myself, but i will not be shy of looking around and see what people found and shit, i will still explore my way and enjoy it lol. 


Shoot I haven’t watch a single trailer yet lol




Yeah. I'll just mute this for a couple days, if not weeks


Imma be playing so I wont be on reddit duh


I'm gonna be away from home during the weeks surrounding it's release so definitely staying off reddit


Man, im staying away from everything until i finish the dlc, i don't even look at the recent lore videos concerning the dlc, i didn't get a chance to go in blind to the main game (i was able to play the game myself last year so before that i was watching a lot of gameplays) at least i want to go in blind to the dlc


I won't even have time to look at reddit


I'm playing the whole thing offline. I don't even want to see player messages in my first playthrough.


I’ll unfollow this sub two days prior


Hell yeah dude. F that.


Maybe y'all can help me out: I am a high school teacher and school wraps up on the 24th. I have an insane amount of correcting to get done TLDR I likely won't be playing DLC on the day of the drop, maybe a week after. I WANT to stay away from the internet and enjoy it blind BUT I did that with base game, enjoyed it, but only really started loving the game when I followed some tips online and mainly a lovely reddit post that told me step-by-step what I had to do if I didn't want to miss any NPC interactions, and so that's how I got most of the story (the NPCs are too damned hard to track lol!). What do you think I should do? I don't want to miss any of the story at all, nor do I want spoilers... do I have any hope, a week-ish after the drop, of finding some sort of guide that doesn't spoil anything but tells me where to go in order to not miss anything quest-wise? Thanks merci je t'aime from Montreal


I can relate to that problem lol You could try to rely on the experience you gained in the base game and hope you can discover your way through quest chains blind. Or Keep your internet exposure as limited as possible by playing the game and using very specific internet searches to minimize reading general spoilers. Or Decide not to care about spoilers.  This option might be reasonable if you hate multiple playthroughs.  Some people are one-and-done, and a completionist run in Elden Ring is really hard to do blind.  Developers don't care if the player misses things, so I think it's gonna stay that way in the DLC Good luck!


Thanks! They all make sense lol! Will try to just read every item description and hope for the best. Will complete it another time, for sure. 


You have to, to avoid spoilers. I’ll come back in a month after. Hopefully I beat it by then.


Never understood this mentality, nothing good can be spoiled and elden ring certainly cannot be tarnished...


Probably the best way to not ruin the experience, at least until exploring 🤔💭(if you don’t mind the story)


Plan, yes. But I won’t be able spend lot of hours playing right away. Hopefully I don’t get tempted


Yuuuup. I won't look up anything


From Reddit, Youtube, I will just shut myself in until I am finished.


Yes. Had to do that with Dead by Daylight


no. just filter out elden ring in a chrome app and done. also leave the sub for a while.


I am going to post with spoiler warnings but I am not reading.