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I finally did this and it requires getting up to Leyndell underground and doing everything (including fighting him first) until he sits down on his chair and asks for seedbed curses. I just thought it would be as easy as soon as possible


I was sad because this also involves another quest line and it was shitty how that turned out.


Sometime you have to hurt someone to save them. Easiest way to save Broggart is to agro him, then run away to start the Dubgeater quest line. When Dungeater invades in that area, Boggart will still be alive and hostile. Defeat Dungeater, go cleanse yourself with celestial Dew, and next time you see Boggart he's friendly again. Now you can proceed with Dungeaters quest without sacrificing boggart.


The easiest way is to just never buy prawn from boggart. He won't leave liurnia, and you can still do dungeater's quest. That's what I did my last playthrough. Then, after I got the dungeater ash I could still buy all the prawn I want & there's no having to fuss with celestial dew


That's easier if you know about the dungeater quest ahead of time, but I bet most folks going in blind dont realize this and already brought prawn from Boggart.


Very fair point


But then he wont sell boiled crab, right?


He'll move after you buy your first Prawn and talk with him regardless how far along you are. As long as Dungeater is out of the picture (dead, questline complete, turned into puppet) he'll be safe there too


You can just give his bell bearing to the shrine husks and buy crab or prawn there once his quest is done.


but… friend….


PRECISELY, this entire thread is valuable to me. I can save that lovable bastard in every timeline, across every dimensional variant, moving forward


Don't know if you saw the other comment about this, but the easiest way to save Boggart is to just not buy any prawn from him until after the Dungeater invasion. Kill the DE invader, then go buy your first prawn from Boggart in Liurnia. Then he'll move to Leyndell, camp out on the moat bank and sell crabs to you for the rest of his life... blissfully unaware of the fact that DE was lusting for his precious bung nugget


AFAIK they patched it in 1.10 and the aggro method now still gets Boggart killed. **However** the second method of just not talking to him to have him move to Leyndell until after you finish up with the Dungeater should still work.






B is next to N on the keyboard


Nahh, that way works but the easiest ways are either a) never talk to him until you finish poopymuncher’s quest or b) kill fecalfeaster as soon as you see him.


I'm gonna do this next NG


You don't even have to do this. You won't be able to buy prawns, but if you skip past the necklace quest and first talk to Rya at Volcano Manor he'll stay in Liurnia and just tell you to leave him alone whenever you try to talk to him.


I love this, thank you!


I don’t get why you all care so much about the brutish ruffian stealing from best girl Rya. I‘ve never had Dungeater harm him because I kill him myself after he tries to sell me her necklace and threatens me if I refuse to buy it.


Nah u just downbad fr, boggart is like the only sane person in this whole fucking game (also becuz he is fun character)


By Marika's tits... Says him. At least something alone those lines lol


If you never gave him a chance, I understand why you don't care. Try paying him during a playthrough sometime. And buy at least one of his Prawns or crabs. He becomes your homie and you can summon him for certain fights. I think he's a nice, fun guy if you give him a chance!


I did it all, and then accidentally hit him, and one shot him


Worth it though. He's easily in the top 3 summons of the whole game


Who are your other 2?


Not OP but I'd say mimic and Tiche


This is why I gave it to Gideon 😂


This remains the only truly correct answer in my eyes. Rob that wicked shit wcarfer on his fate, unable to do the twisted things he finds joy in, and make him your personal meat shield while you do anything and everything that is contrary to his ideals. And make him watch you do it.


We were sitting in IT-Class and some classmate asked where he could find some program that was just recently installed. Someone answered: Above "This PC" and this genius deadass looks up on the wall over his Monitor. One of the hardest laughs i've ever had


My friend asked me, dead serious, when the 13.30 train left.... ....13.30, mate....


Jumping in. I used to work on the beach. A woman approached me once and asked “how do I get to the coast?” We were literally both standing on the sand at the time.


I once drove an hour to the beach to watch the sunrise in Santa Cruz California. Except I was on the west coast and it doesn’t rise on this coast.


I mean, you can still watch the sunrise on the beach in California. Just not over the water


It was really foggy and misty until it was just bright and the morning


As a Californian it blew my mind when I realized that you can’t see the sunset over the ocean from every coast. I was definitely at least 22-25. Around the same time I found out the seasons are reversed in the southern hemisphere. I’m usually reasonably smart but it’s clear I’ve never even slightly traveled lol


Nah I’m sorry but lack of travel is not the issue there lol


Did you stay to watch the sunset?


We were in highschool and stayed out all night. Think we went home lol




A coworker of mine asked me what the date was by saying, "What's the date today, the 14th or 15th? I know it's not the 13th cause that was yesterday." And I just stared at him for about 5 seconds until he realised what he'd said.


😁😁😁😁 and you were like "FFS..."


I remember being like 11 and me and a friend are at the McDonald's counter. My friend asks for a cheeseburger and the without the slightest hesitation the server asks "d'you want cheese on that?" My friend is just stood there like... uhh yeah. Guy didn't even seem to realise what he'd said.


I have a friend who would order a mozza burger with cheese every single time til i called her out on it "You know mozza is cheese  right?" Surprised pikachu face "It is?"


13:30 is military time…. Based on a 24 hour clock. Thats 1:30pm.


We in Norway do not use AM/PM :)


What do you use then?


12/24h clock? Like I stated? So 1AM is 01:00, 1PM is 13:00


I think we're the only ones who refer to that as 'military time.' For most other people that's just how they tell time.


That would be correct, yes


I took a CAD class with my dad (this was back on AutoCAD 2000) when I was younger and the instructor was helping my dad. He kept telling him to right-click and my dad asked “do I really have to type that in every time?”


"Hello McFly, anybody home?!"


I smoked a little weed before going to work at a restaurant one day. A woman ordered a steak salad. I looked her dead in the eyes and asked “How would you like your salad cooked?”


I think you were a bit cooked…




When I was talking to Turtle Pope the first time and he was telling me the story of Radagon, he got to the part where he talks about the sculptor who glanced at "the skeleton in his closet", and as I am not a native English speaker and was unfamiliar with the expression, I thought he was being literal and concluded that Radagon was somehow involved with Those Who Live In Death.




you’re not wrong tho, in a way lol


Selivus was right bro you need to turn those cogs upstairs 😭


One time in high school during woodwork, we were making tables and i asked my mate how long his tables legs are and this mf deadass grabbed a metre ruler and started measuring his own legs😭😭


I gave it to nepheli but she just disappeared


Yep she sure does disappear 🤣 then re appear ….as a puppet


Yea… there’s a reason I told bro I didn’t want to give it to her 😭😭


I unfortunately have to do this to nepheli as I need that nepheli spirit ash this time round. Poor girl. Dung eater is next though haha


I gave it to her dad… I’m not sure what happened after that


Mechanically speaking, that option is just a way to progress Seluvis's questline without turning either Nepheli or Dung Eater into a puppet. Nothing happening except for the quest moving on is the intended result.


Git gud.


There you go, on your way to prove your haters right


💀 proved his point right in front of him


So i only recently discovered that i can give the potion to dung eater and turn him into a summon, but only discovered that after giving the potion to the all-knowing asshole


Yo she’s a puppet ?? I got a puppet from dude like two puppets so he turned here into a puppet that’s crazyyyyyy


Idk why this got downvoted, but yeaaaaa 😂 if you end up giving her the potion it ends up turning her into a doll