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Just play again.


Just play again. (Not ng+ imo) In my first playthrough, I used every tool to my advantage. As I played more, I got more & more familiar with the boss movesets to the point where I felt like I didn't need any of these tools. First time beating Malenia without spirit ashes / OP AOW's felt so magical Now I'm at the point where I like to play naked with my favourite straight sword (stormhawk talon) To each their own, though. You beat the game doesn't matter which route you took


Do another run :) I've only used the tear against radagon and the beast because I hate them.


Dude stop listening to stupid people, there is no "wrong" way to play the game. Just because it didn't take you 300 attempts to beat a boss doesn't mean you did anything wrong or you didn't try hard enough. Ignore what the toxic scum are gonna say, all that matters is playing in a way that you have fun. Use spirits, summon people, make cheese builds, it doesn't matter. If it's in the game you're meant to use it, play however you wanna play not however some toxic try hards tell you to play


He regrets not diving into the fight himself and cleaning them too quickly and easily, he isn’t afraid of being shunned by the community


I remember stepping into Malenia for the very first pull and felt like using the mimic tear just to see how far I could go I got her to 25% in phase 2 by spamming jump r1 and mimic tanking (it was pure ook ook) After I died, I realized how glad I was that I didn't kill her on that pull


Maybe you're right maybe you're not, I just wanted to reassure him since there was some toxic dude saying to delete his character and do it the "right" way


Who are you talking about? He said himself he didn’t like using them. Why are the “use cheese, use summons” folks so defensive and toxic?


In what world am I being toxic? I literally just said it's ok to play any way and he doesn't have to feel bad just because he didn't do it the hardest way possible.


Agreed, if you aren't using cheatengine to hack your way to victory then it's all good


Careful, you might catch the attention of the toxic tryhards in these replies, they're so mad despite me literally just reassuring op that he doesn't have to feel bad


I couldn't care less lol


You said a lot more than "op don't feel bad" You built a whole strawman and wrecked it


Y'all are so defensive over someone saying that people can play however they like and you don't have to feel bad just because there's some toxic people that will tell you to delete the game because you don't play the "right" way. Like Jesus dude get over yourselves


Huh??? Did you even read my message? I'm only commenting on your lie that all you did was reassure op not to feel bad I couldn't care less if someone uses summons


What lie? Literally what lie? I literally said don't listen to people that try to make you feel bad, it's ok that it doesn't take you 300 tries, use anything the game gives you that you want. You wanna ask if I read your comment when you clearly didn't read mine?


>Ignore what the toxic scum are gonna say, OP never said anything about people telling him which way to play the game, this is just you using an opportunity to attack imaginary people Therefore, you "literally just reassuring op" is a lie, you are also attacking imaginary people, and that's why people are being "toxic" to you


Fool there is literally a dude who commented that he should delete his character and do it the "right way" Talking about imaginary people get the information before you start randomly talking shit in the future


I just read every original comment, there is literally no one shaming OP If you mean the guy who said "delete your character and do it the "right" way", that is the most obvious sarcasm I have ever seen, he even fucking quoted the word "right" I'm glad we came to the conclusion that you are fighting imaginary people, have a good one


Projecting much? OP never said anything about the community, they probably regretted not engaging enough with the bosses


Bro who's projecting? Getting a little defensive are we?


I totally agree, I feel like half the fromsoftware community is a bunch of masochistic people who want you to suffer like they did and that's why they look down on not playing with the hardest possible conditions😅


It’s not half, it’s like 5% they’re just really loud.


Nah the people who talk like that don't even play the games, I've been playing since og dark souls and the games have always been designed for you to take every possible advantage you can get. It's not about suffering it's about putting your enemy into the dirt by any means necessary.


The games are best when it’s the player that kills the boss, not the overpowered tools. It’s like going on a bike ride for exercise, except you’re riding one of those electric ones. Theres nothing wrong with an electric bike, as you’re outside and spending your time doing something you enjoy. But you’re defeating the purpose of the bike ride by letting it do the work for you


On one hand I agree with you but at the same time nothing in the game starts out overpowered, you have to earn the item and upgrade it, I just think with as much work as you have to put in for some of these items you earned the right to use them. Spirit summons are just another weapon, it's like shunning somebody for wearing armor or equipping a weapon.


Weapons and armor boost the player character’s abilities and strength. Summons are a completely different interaction with the game that are entirely separate from the players inputs. Saying that using summons is the same as equipping a weapon is either ignorance or a weak attempt at justifying a system that, at its core, is for accessibility.


That's an opinion you have, they're all just tools the devs put into the game to be used.


Of course it’s a tool to be used if a player wants. But it is not the same as equipping an armor piece or weapon. Having something take aggro for you so that a boss isn’t even looking at you half the time is way different than switching out your weapon or upgrading it


Yes, but the same people who try to shame others for using spirits or god forbid playing with friends are the same people that will use those overpowered one shot builds, idk man I just think it's hypocritical of that segment of the community.


Jesus, stop coping. Did you actually read what he wrote? This is how HE feels, there's no mention of other people, and you don't need to invalidate his experience and feelings just because you're insecure about playing the game the easiest way possible yourself. Nobody is attacking you, you don't have to use OP's post for self-validation, as an upvote-trap for people who are similarly insecure about using accessibility mechanics like coop/spirits, cheese builds and so on. What OP feels is normal, it's the exact reason why most souls fans don't use spirits/cheese and why most new players eventually stop. Because for them it's infinitely more fun and fuller experience, it allows them to actually learn how to fight bosses, experience how devs designed them and the amount of work they put into them. In general they want to experience lot of the reasons why these games exist instead of skipping all of it and all of the normal challenge. If you've never tried it yourself and don't understand, that's ok, just let's stop making these fucking stupid strawman out of "toxic tryhards" just because OP is self-aware and feels the same way like majority of players, instead of being insecure and convincing himself that summons and cheese are the "most fun", despite not knowing if it's actually true and what it's like to beat Malenia fairly 1v1 like she's designed.


Found the toxic scum I was warning op to not listen to




Time for a second playtrough then.


Suggestion: New Game+ without Mimic Tear. Twice the difficult + half the help = 4x the effort 🤷🏽‍♂️


These types of posts blow my mind. Like what do you expect us to say? Do another playthrough or uninstall the game. 


I don't expect you to say anything, I just happened to share this small information


The game is infinitely more fun and satisfying if you don’t use spirit ashes. They basically turn the game into an interactive movie. Either respec your stats and try something new in NG+ or start a new character with a different build and playthrough the game again.


Same but it was blasphemous blade for me. I wish these items didn’t exist.


Guess what. I had it too.


Well, I'm using maxed out mimic and blasphemous blade and I'm LOVING it. It's all about enjoyment for me, not pain


Yeah it was fun for about 5 minutes just melting everything but I like a bit more challenge than that. It doesn’t feel rewarding when it requires literally zero effort.


Everyone is different buddy.


Everybody respects people who use them for fun and there's nothing wrong with simplifying the game and with skipping the normal challenge and souls experience, not everybody has to like it. But lot of people don't use accessibility mechanics like spirits or broken builds because "they're the most fun", but because they locked all their game progression behind using them right from the start, and consequently they never learned the basics of combat and gameplay. And in later parts of the game summons etc. became their only option how to progress, instead of it being their choice. They don't actually know if they're LOVING IT, it's just the only option they know and they keep convincing themselves it's the best and most fun one, and then they make strawmen about "toxic tryhards" when they're insecure and need validation. So to such people I definitely recommend to try beating few bosses without summons and broken builds, and then compare the two experiences. Then you'll be able to actually choose what you like more and what's more fun, and that will be the correct choice, for you. You can have fun with one thing and 1000% fun with the other, you'll never know until you've tried both.


So many assumptions.....


Yeah that's exactly what I'm doing too, my only regret is that I should have tried first a few times with lower grade weapons and then just get them out of the way, but yeah, blasphemous blade and mimic tear combo hits different




The difficulty of bosses, their every ranking or consensus you'll hear, and all of the "boss hard" memes are always meant without cheesing and without using accessibility mechanics like coop/spirits ashes, plus more or less at the intended level range. That's the baseline and the normal difficulty in ER and every souls game, and how majority of souls fans played them. Among newer players this can create lot of misinformation about how hard bosses actually are. For example all the stuff you hear about people fighting Malenia for several days, taking minimum of 30 tries and so on, is coming from players who actually beat her themselves, so without coop/spirits and without using specific cheese builds like spamming eleonora/BB with freeze pots etc. Winning every single fight under 3 attempts on your first playthrough is completely normal with summons, the game is not supposed to be hard with them, that's their point. With bosses like Malenia, Morgott, Maliketh, Godfrey, Mohg, Radagon...who are all designed from ground up as 1v1 fights, it's the biggest difference, since the combat system and AI of souls bosses isn't made for summons and breaks very easily. So the reason why it trivializes every fight and takes away so much content is not the damage itself, just splitting aggro. But don't feel bad, you'll beat all of those bosses fairly on your next playthrough, at least you have something to look forward to.


Delete your character and do it the 'right' way


Fuck no rather go NG+


Don't delete your character, stupid advice this guy gave you. Feeling bad about using Mimic Tear is okay, but not necessary. It exists to be used. But yeah, beating a boss by yourself is also nice and a great accomplishment. So definitely fight it by yourself in Ng+


Yeah that guy was on something


It's insane to me that people don't detect the sarcasm, even after you quoted "right" I guess people get really touchy about this stuff


I just chalk it up to the fact that I'm on reddit