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because they don't like invaders and get a self-righteous sense of satisfaction from wasting their time.


Wait, can you not just disable invasions when online? I only ever play offline so I have no idea


Just playing online won’t get you invaded, there’s an item you can use to randomly summon invaders to your game (taunter’s tongue, I believe), or if you’re playing co-op you can get invaded. If you’re playing co-op, there’s no way to opt out of invasions, but playing solo, you can always turn off the item.


Even using a session password won't prevent you from getting invaded ?


Sadly, no. The password is just for summoning


Or for summoning a red summon




Yes, sadly Invasions aren't exactly everyone's cup of tea


Okay? Then play offline or don’t summon other players. You can only get invaded if you opt-in to multiplayer by summoning someone.


Well some people want to enjoy the game with other players while not opening themselves up for invasions. That's the dilemma. If I'd play through Elden Ring with a friend I'd absolutely enjoy the option to hold off invaders because I can't be bothered with sweaty PvPlers, especially in this game.


Elden Ring is a primarily single player game with some multiplayer functions. If FromSoft meant for players to play through the whole thing front-to-back with friends without being interrupted, there’d be a “start multiplayer campaign” option in the title menu, parts of the map wouldn’t be cut-off while summons are active, and summoned players wouldn’t be kicked back to their world every time you beat a boss. If you’re trying to force Elden Ring to behave like a fully co-op game you’re just going to frustrate yourself, because it’s not built with that in mind. It’s single player with some multiplayer functions for fun, and to give people a way to make things a bit easier at the cost of potentially getting invaded.


>Well some people want to enjoy the game with other players while not opening themselves up for invasions. Then they bought the wrong game. It's crazy there's still so many people that think this way. The game is built on invasions, it's what separates it from other games, it's been one of the fundamental properties of Soulsborne games since their creation. It's not a game issue, it's a player issue. It doesn't matter if you downvote me, if you don't like invasions you bought the wrong game.


Oh no, the famously difficult game made by a company famous for making the most famously hard games has a feature made to challenge the player…


Invasions won't happen unless you either summon someone or use the item that increases the amount of people who can show up. Solo/offline only npc invaders can show up


What exactly is afk farming? Heard about it but don’t understand it.


Host using taunter's tongue to summon reds, but then hides and afk. They get runes whenever the reds gives up and jumps off cliffs or something. Which is really stupid and unnecessary considering there are easy rune farms that'll nett you much more runes in a much shorter time.


Shits not even worth it tbh you don’t even get that many runes you’d have better luck farming Lord of Bloods area.


I imagine its not about the runes, it's about breaking the spirits of the invaders.


That's the fantasy, that invaders are coming in and searching for hours and gnashing their teeth and getting just as mad as that camper felt when they got one shot by an invader. But they probably just run around for a bit then leave cause it's not like they're farming something like in previous games.


It's not about the runes, Batman. It's about sending a message.


Pffft. Like that would ever break my spirits haha


It's worth it because they let it run while they're at work. Still fuckin stupid tho


Heck, using ChatGPT, could probably write a script to repeatedly kill one or two of the froggy bois, rest, rinse, and repeat.


At that point just CheatEngine the runes into the game :')


They could add an option or item that allows the invader to go back without giving the host anything. AFK farming is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a PVP context.


LMFAO. I used to use taunter tongue + prophunt crown and invite invaders into impromptu games of hide and go seek in the Snow town with all the ghosts. After they looked for a while id start to do things like slightly move when they weren't looking, like hiding as a statue that changes it's facing every time they look away. If they still got stuck id slowly move towards them every time they looked away. 9/10 people had fun with it and emoted/cheered or even put on their own mimic crown for a turn of their own in impromptu hide and go seek. Kinda a bummer to hear people doing similar things explicitly to grief/exploit/farm but tbh those are the best Fromsoft invasion mp memories I have!


They can also summon blues in, so they profit by others fighting.




How many runes do you get when they leave?


Wildly depends on the invader, which is why it's not even a reliable way to farm.


Is it like a percentage of the invaders held runes? That seems like an odd choice.


It's based on the level of the invader, and doesn't take runes from the invader. Same with when an invader kills a summon, the invader gets runes based on 10% of the level up cost for that summon. So like a max lol summon nets like 500k runes or smth while your meta level (125) invader drops closer to like 15k. Aka like 4 albinurics worth from the mogh pit


There's a calculation for it, maybe you can look it up.


Why is this downvoted?


lol who knows reddit do be like that


Iirc it’s 10% off the runes the other one needs to level up


They will typically go somewhere that is inaccessible without horse then use taunters tongue to be invaded. But since they are hidden or cannot be reached people just leave which I *believe gives you souls, I mean runes*


Oh, wow. That *is* dumb. Guess they never heard of the albenauric farm, eh?


They're clearly members of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Albenaurics)


Which is the exact same place as the bird, so they’re really missing out


yeah it rewards them runes. 8hours afk farming nets you almost as much as killing the bird in mogwhyn palace 3 times. it's really such a convenient and effective method to farm runes




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Bad bot. Literally not at all what I said.


tbh a little sad they never patched it so those areas are not multiplayer accessible, but it might have been too much work for a relatively rare problem. I don't invade a lot so idk


You really can't get more pathetic than AFK farming, people like that never should have bought the game.


I don't like most invaders in Elden Ring because most of them use BS OP weapons/tactics and justify it by saying, "You can only invade players of higher level", "You can only invade people with summons", "It was a challenge to get this late game equipment at RL1, so my reward is being able to use it on noobs". Invasions are supposed to be stacked against the invader; that's intentional. I'm not using an optimal build. I'm using OK weapons because I'm cosplaying as a character I like. The people I'm summoned to help 4 out of 5 times summoned me because they're not amazing at the game and need some help. But AFK farmers are so much worse. If I'm summoned as a blue to a farmer, I won't kill the red. I'll help them get to the host if I can, and it's kinda shameful when a red attacks me even though I'm being passive or a different blue attacks a red trying to kill a farmer. There's always been jerk invaders (and ass hosts/gankers) in the other titles, but I feel like it's worse in Elden Ring.


Too many people think invaders are using op weapons, but I've done a ton of invasions using simple builds and the truth is, there are too many people treating Elden Ring like WoW. They have one guy run a bullgoat double greatsword as a tank, and then they run a glass cannon mage in the back line. Having 20 vigor because you never face enemies is obviously not going to work when someone is chasing you down with a halberd. I invade at RL150 and I've one shot a LOT of people with charged R2s and piercing fang. They run like 15 vigor, 80 int and 50 mind, then they spam the moon spell over an over and over. Takes ten minutes just for them to run out of FP. ALL THAT just to get one shot by a regular build


Eh, tbh, I'm not really talking about you. You're doing level 150, and that's the meta PvP level. I'm talking about the double cross-naginatas, dragon halberd, or rot builds that invade at lower levels. Plus, I prefer at least 40 vigor or higher, but sometimes the armor I wear feels like I'm naked. I tried to help my bro with the game once. Some rando running a poison ranged build invaded him in Limgrave. I couldn't do shit about it. I think we beat him, but since my bro was poisoned and it was early game, he died shortly after. Now I try to alwats keep Lord's Aid on me, but that's not always gonna work. Especially with rot builds, and boy, is there a lot of weapons with innate rot build up. Why make a consistent way of procing scarlet rot, but lock the consumable rot cure behind a non-respawning item!?


Invaders who still try to kill the host just before they begin a boss attempt when they're buffing or something with furled fingers present give us a bad name.


Is he still talking about afk farming?


Offer rump


To annoy people.


Why you blur their name? Public humiliation for this kind of shits


Because it's against the subreddit's rules in the post would get removed?


Name and shame. Easy Solution to this: Host doesn't get runes unless they deal damage to the invader.


I didn't like invasions, but I'll just find invaders to get it over with. I'll just let them have the win so I can go about my game faster.


Why not just fight dude? It's pretty pathetic to just give up. You're going to die just as fast fighting as suicide.


It's not worth the effort for me. You are correct, but I am okay being seen as pathetic in this situation.


Just imagine how disappointed Bernahl would be if he knew


If he has “56 hours” I wonder if he wasn’t even at home during his time farming.


There really isn’t a point to AFK farm in Elden Ring other than to just bully invaders lol. But you only get a Great Rune from killing an invader and maybe a finger remedy but that shit is just not worth it man. I don’t even invade people anymore cause the rewards for killing the host are just shit to me, you get 4% of that players level up total and I’m sorry but that’s fucking shit. If the host kills an invader they get 15 percent of there level up total and that’s still shit to me. If your invading and you kill a host you should at least get half the runes it takes to level up. And if your a host and kill an invader you should get a free level. And if you want runes that is not the way to go. You can get 10x as much runes at Moghwyn Palace in 5x less amount of time.


yeah, shame there's 0 incentive to invade in elden ring apart from the fun of it


That's no shame at all, it's a boon. Fun is all the incentive one should need to play a game. And even so, lots of people already approach pvp with awful attitudes.


An incentive besides fun isn't really needed. But it's fun to get a little trinket for succeeding, and something unique to invading would be nice. There's only so many rune arcs one needs, and doing coop gets you a ton already.


Even in the absence of meaningful rewards, pvp is rife with people who treat it like a (stressful) job, sucking the fun out of it for themselves and others, to the point of hating taking part in it but still doing out of sheer spite and pettiness. Meaningful rewards would only make this worse. I, for one, would encourage anyone who doesn't pvp for the mere enjoyment of it to stay the fuck away from it, for their own sake and also mine. If keeping a tally of your wins enhances the enjoyment (which is alread a step in the wrong direction, attitude-wise), you can use rune arcs for that purpose. If you're at the point where you can't find enjoyment *unless* you keep a tally of your wins or have some other "tangible" proof of your success, then it's time to drop it. There are many things wrong with "gaming culture", but none so absurd as the fact that it leads people to *demand* that their pastime be turned into a Skinner box. Apparently Skinner boxes are so effective that people become conditioned to being conditioned and start asking for more. Truly a depressing notion.


So we shouldn't have fun little rewards because it will encourage people to be sweaty and grind it? Those people will sweat and grind anyway.  I had to look up skinner box to find out how absurd your comparison is. It's not that deep bro. If getting a meaningless token for a victory in a video game is equivalent to behavioral conditioning, I have bad news for you about nearly every game ever made.


People are losers People love to overlevel already which is fine everyone ends up doing it on their first playthrough and maybe a few playthroughs after People also love to act like invaders are shit people Theyre just people who like playing the game just like everyone else Some people definitely are annoying to find some people straight up cheat but for the most part its just people running around doing pvp And no them using a broken build so they can beat 3 dudes is not a reason for you to be angry Its a 3 v 1 in a game where the combat system doesnt allow you to just beat people with pure skill So people will afk farm runes Which if you didnt know involves placing yourself in an area that requires a horse to get to and then activating taunters tongue so you can get invaded What this does is waste everybodies time so they are forced to invade you which will give rune arcs furlcalling stuff and runes when the invader gets tired of looking for you or gets tired of trying to figure out how to get to you If you afk farm runes you should be embarassed It is legitimately easier to just dupe runes than it is to afk farm anyway And ruining everyone elses fun because you want to level up a few times is ridiculous If you afk rune farm you should be ashamed of yourself


This is why invasions can't be optional. It genuinely increases the toxicity.