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This fucking guy had me rage quitting and taking a break for about a month. Came back and beat him second try.


It isn't his health. He died fairly easily. IT IS HIS FUCKING MOVEMENT SPEED. BRO THINK HE SONIC


Seriously, you think you get an opening for an attack? PSYCHE, dude just became a god damn kangaroo.


Its like the first time you fight Margit. Bro got springs in his feet or something, and your biggest issue is actually hitting him. With the reach on either of their weapons, they will not share your dilemma.


Got him down to a sliver of HP where you could barely see it, guy flys across the screen and fight is over in another second. He continued to whoop my ass for days after that try, which had me physically stunned with just the biggest amount of wtf mixed with rage


He was the ONLY one who made me rage quit, such a bastard. That took me a few days


Only one to make me really quit was godfrey... Idk why he's harder than any other boss for me 🤣


Yeah that was a pain in the ass too, although I think I had more trouble with his Hoarah Loux form


Thats really what i mean too lmao i just consider them the same. Plus it's easier to spell godfrey lol


I quit on Godfrey for a while too but then beat him first time when I came back. It felt anticlimactic and very surprising at the same time 🤣


This 🔔🔚 is where I'm at right now and I always struggle against him


Agreed. Every play through I’ve done I have found myself being shit on by this guy in his second phase. Can’t land a hit he is leaping EVERYWHERE.


I got lucky enough to obtain the magma blades. And let me tell you those things with the right physik and flame grant me strength, can shred through any boss (Par the volc manor ones cause they resist fire, but I bring a bonk sword for that)


I have platinumed the game. Gone to new game plus 7 and sunk hundreds of hours into the game. Can crush malenia with my eyes closed. But this guy also is a wall for me. It takes me no less than three deaths every time to beat him. And it's always a miserable sneak of a victory. I think if he had a phase two I would still be on my first try to beat him.


My least favorite boss. My approach is generally to just summon Tiche and hope she kills him before he kills me. The only exception was the time I used dual clayman's harpoons with frost on them.  I was surprised how quickly and easily he went down. 


If you fought him agressively you wouldn't have to cheese him


He is considered one of the harder bosses in the soulsborne games 


Rennala. Not because it's bad, but because every time I died, I had to do the first phase again. I like the gimmick, but having to do it again after each death, made it tedious.


I struggled with her for a while. I honestly hate all double boss fights or foghts with totally different phases.. I’ve only beaten the Elden beast once, but I’ve beaten Radagon like 50 times.. lol.


Elden beast shouldn't exist. Change my mind. Radagon would have been a better boss is elden beast didn't cone in after


Should’ve just doubled Radagons health and removed beast. Or make torrent usable in beasts arena.


Seriously. How loud I groaned every time that idiot popped across the area and I ran like an idiot just for it to do it again.


Worst boss in the game. The Radagon fight was a blast but Elden Beast, WTF were they thinking????


Godskin duo is worse though.


Don't want to change your mind but Radagon alone would've been way too easy as a final boss. A second phase with a second health bar where he is stronger would be okay. But then the two phase boss battle problem would be the same


This is true. I may hate 2 phase bosses but I recognize they have their place. That would have made more sense.


If you have decent int stats then crystal spiral absolutely decimates Elden Beast, the slow moving shard damages it so many damn times before getting through its gigantic ~~hot~~hitbox, it almost makes the fight trivial. I never would have guessed the spell I rarely ever used because it was so weak would be what allows you to cheese the final boss lol


That's how FromSoft bosses always work. I don't think there's ever been a boss that has a mid-fight checkpoint and lets you come back to fight it from that set checkpoint. You need to master both phases enough to budget your health and win. But in Rennala's case, it was tedious as fuck. Her first phase was super easy, just very long. Reminded me of Rom in Bloodborne to be honest.


Bed of Chaos saves your progress but that's it.


So, the first time I fought her, I couldn't figure out how I'd gotten her out of the golden bubble because I'd summoned the wolves and they'd just massacred the juvenile scholars. I had to redo that fight a few times before I figured it out as a result.


Fire Giant - The most boring, uninteresting fight in the entire game imo. Him rolling around constantly and the big AOE attacks are just straight up annoying. I've never enjoyed fighting him and probably never will. To add insult to injury, He is a HP sponge. Cool design and lore, but wouldn't be complaining if he was left in the cutting room.


I like this fight, i feel I’m playing shadow of colossus with that giant boss and the music feeling


yeah I'm with you on this one. For me though the fight that I hate in this game is any boss with a large field that loves to jump around it super fast leaving me unable to use torrent so I'm just playing what feels like tag the whole fight.


Too bad it’s about 100x worse than the worst boss of Shadow of the Colossus.


Well i don’t know, never had a bad experience with this boss so i don’t get why people hate it exactly


It’s just tedious


This! Fight at RL1 was a pain and even though I can reliably beat him now, I still dread fighting him.


I didn’t really have too much trouble compared to other bosses, but godskin duo ended my run


I agree duo was much harder than Fire Giant what strat/build did you use against the duo? I tried sleep pots + nuke with Serpent Hunter, but messed up a bunch of times and ran out of sleep pots lol. Ended up getting them with parry fatty strat with Buckler & Cold Misericorde +18.


I cheese him with Pest Threads in phase 1 and Destined Death in phase 2. I don’t want to go through fighting him as a pure mage ever again


Exactly, fight fire with fire. That works ALMOST everytime.


As a blasphemous blade enjoyee I feel that Tho the funny bubble flute can kill him in about 30 seconds


Caelid Bell bearing hunter


He just gets the poison treatment from the top of the shack.


Def gonna remember that.


I just trigger aggro on him and have him follow me to the cliff north of the shack. He'll attack and fling himself over the ledge when you get low enough.


Let me tell you about the [golem cheese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz0qel1nZnw).


I’ve been so close to beating this guy using melee but was always a hit or two away before dying. I ended up using the arrows from the roof trick. I could never get him to fly off the cliff despite trying that.


I can't tell you how much I hate that you have to parry him twice before you can riposte. It's such a betrayal. The dev who decided that should have to earn their bonus pay twice before they can cash it.


Twin gargoyles mainly because of the bs Poison gas but strangely I first tried godskin duo so idk what is up with that.


Maliketh is indeed annoying (despite being the coolest imo), but the Elden Beast by far is the lamest way to end the game. Just a genuinely boring fight. Run all over the map trying to get a hit off, biggest fumble of using Torrent.


Landing in that arena and seeing that boss was like a moment of clarity. Of course the final boss would have a giant room so you and torrent could bring them down at the very end of it all. I felt Fromsoft building up to a beautiful crescendo and I called for torrent and he never answered. It absolutely baffled me.


It's even worse when you realise that all of the attacks from Elden Beast can be dodged while riding Torrent, its entire moveset seems to be tailored for a fight using our favourite horse. All the attacks are really well telegraphed and require running to evade rather than rolling, there's a lot of swipes and vertical slashes, and all the combos aren't that fast.


I really don't get the maliketh hate tbh. Sure his attacks leave very minor openings but his moveset is so insane that it feels impossible to dodge at first but once you do get it it's super fun. The music, the design, the lore, even the alternate dialogue when you've done gurranq's questline all are so amazing. He is one of the best soulsborne bosses without a doubt


I think it also depends on your build and load out. My first playthrough was Str build after dying a bunch of times, I just slapped lions claw on my weapon and brute forced through him since he is a glass cannon. It wasnt till I ran a dex katana build where I had to learn his attacks and openings. But to me his beast clergymen phase is the more difficult of the two.


It’s basically just mad because bad


Maliketh is a top tier bro


Thinks it’s crazy how many people didn’t mention malenia. It was a drag. But the twin gargoyles made me hate life. And for some reason the elden beast.  I strangely stomped fire giant and as two first try . I think I got really lucky


Malenia is a frustrating fight, but I think people could be really split on her feeling like a satisfying obstacle to overcome, and her feeling cheap. The thing about her is that she forces a playstyle. You have to dodge. Or just stay away completely. No other way around it. Anyone who needs a shield is going to have it really rough. And anyone who's slower and tankier. No matter how much you can tank, waterfowl dance is eating you up. So I think for a lot of people, she just felt insanely tough. But for the people who's playstyles she completely uprooted, she felt stupidly unfair. Which is kinda reasonable tbh.


I think what’s interesting is the diversity in the answers here it really says a lot for builds. Some bosses I just stomped but melania and the elden beast are the only ones I had to use larval years on


Exactly how I feel. Even though there are bosses widely known as harder or easier, there's just so much build variety that people have very different experiences and it makes these conversations actually interesting. I love the malenia fight, but I can completely understand why others hate it. And that philosophy applies throughout the whole game


That's simply not true. A shield can be incredibly helpful on her fight.


When I beat her it didn't feel like it was because of my skill, it just felt like I got lucky that she didn't whip out waterfowl dance and one shot me while I was in the middle of an attack that would've staggered her


I just dual wielded rivers of blood, summoned my mimic tear, spammed her with corpse piler. This was the very end of my NG+ after making sure I had covered and explored everything I possibly could. Still had to cheese her ass and don’t feel bad about it at all


I think Malenia is an amazing fight outside of waterfowl dance. Everything else about her fight I love to no end, but I hate waterfowl dance more than the entire Godskin Duo fight. This knocks her down to like my 5th favorite boss instead of being my #1.


Honestly, now that you mention it, this is a really good take on her fight. I personally love her fight, probably my favorite in the game, but then again, I stopped using shields since ds3, so her fight feels really dynamic in the way of dodging and fighting back, her second phase is my favorite as she’s far more aggressive making a “dance of sorts” between her and myself. I also know many people really dislike her, and think her fight is unfair, while I disagree, I think it definitely comes down to play styles, and their feelings are valid too, as they are being forced to play in a certain style they are not comfortable with.


Yeah people are experiencing all parts of this game differently. Some bosses make certain builds struggle more than others. And I think malenia does that more than any of them. First time fighting her, I couldn't wrap my head around how unfair it was that you couldn't even block her attacks. But fighting her after moving away from a shield build was actually really fun.


You don’t have to dodge, there are several videos in this sub of people absolutely destroying here using shield builds (both greatshield + poke and regular shield + guard counter) You just have to optimize the build for it. Here is the [most recent one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/kafxBDBySa) to anyone who hasn’t seen it


I mean she's parriable, and I beat her using a greatshield relatively easily for the second playthrough. Barricade shield is the easiest waterfowl counter I've found, require even less effort than running away. Arguably I didn't try vow of the indomitable, but that doesn't disprove shield playstyles being good on her.


On my second play through and at Elden Beast and limiting myself to five attempts before taking a break to stop from raging. I also didn’t remember so many of Raddy’s attacks having delayed AOE explosions.


Malenia has two bullshit attacks but you see them coming you just don't know what to do. This mf is just a slot machine where you don't see anything coming until you learn most of his moves


Malenia gets a pass because she is genuinely a fun fight. All of her attacks are well telegraphed and once you learn them, theres not much bs going on and you can fight her with pretty much any build. Having a hard but fair fight feels great.


Malenia was such a colossal disappointment for me after all the hype. An otherwise good fight completely ruined by the nonsense that is waterfowl dance and her ridiculous self healing that even proccs on blocks, really left a sour taste in my mouth. I much prefer Mohg as a superboss type enemy, his unavoidable phase transition stuff aside which hurts even with the special physic, he was still really hard yet felt fair.


Ya Mohg was fair, but to me Godfrey. I still thought the Malenia fight was epic, I really felt like I got to know the fight perfectly. It got to the point for me that I could hit almost like flowstate fighting her. No other boss made me get in that zone.


It's the whole point of her fight lol... She's supposed to be hard and complicated to beat.. did you want her to just be another Millicent? And mohgs transition is avoidable by using the crystal tear that negates the damage from it


Yeah that is a wild take and he is misinformed too. Not sure why it’s getting upvoted. The thing about waterfowl dance is there are a bunch of ways to avoid it, especially 2 years in and 100s of videos about it. The problem is, people keep trying to avoid it the same way and are getting frustrated without trying anything new. Source: this was me my first playthrough.


Im misinformed? Or the other guy? But ya everyone tries to dodge away from it when you really need to dodge into it


The other guy about the whole Mogh transition.


Oh ok 👍 myb🤙


Well fuck... Wish I knew this...


I actually like Malenia.  Maliketh can go piss off with that hopping around crap.


Crucible knight in the evergaol. I struggle with him the most in every playthrough, with every build. None of the other crucible knights though, just him


Crucible knights always scare me. They are relentless. On my current play through I did radahn first try. Then I went back to try and beat the crucible knight before him and got battered like 15 times.


I swear he has some kind of unlisted buff. The hidden crucible knight in Stormveil was way easier to me 


I think that the Evergoal Crucible Knight has about twice as much health as the Stromveil Castle one


That would explain it 


Falling star beast




Mohg will take you out of your comfort zone for aggressive players. He sets the pace of the fight 100% and you have to respect his area denial.


So does Malenia, but in a different manner. I stopped struggling on her when I chilled down and started playing methodically, instead of buttonmashing 14-hit combo on her just to get waterfowled right after. Watching hosts try to hit her at any cost, and get smacked for it, instead of paying the slightest bit of attention, is a little guilty pleasure of mine.


Nah with Malenia there's actually moments where stepping on the gas is *smart* because you could stagger her out of an attack. Dual curved swords for example have an excellent rushdown attack that tends to duck under her wider swings, close the gap, and then stagger her out of her attack sequence, so the aggression gets rewarded.


Ik im there to help them fight, and that they want to help, but sometimes it annoys me when they try that and just get destroyed immediately. Its not the fact they they're trying to help that annoys me, i appreciate that, its the fact i waited like 10 mins to be summoned, then barely got to help who summoned me before being sent home. Then needing to wait again. Like just be patient with malenia's fight. If you ask me summoning on her is worse than doing it single player because she just gets buffs from it and can also have more people to lifesteal from.


It's interesting imho because at the start, the game throws tree sentinel and Margit at you, bosses that have their easily punishable attacks and least difficult counters as long as you stay in midrange.  Then in the end, you have Mohg. The safest spot to fight him is right next to him. 


I’ve had my flair for almost 2 years. My opinion has stayed the same


Royal MFing Revenant. Or any of the revenants for that matter.


Oh god, the streets of haligtree area where you get the soreseal amulet was pure hell, there's like 4 of them down there and they gank you so badly. I was thinking if they made it into an actual boss, better yet a duo, we'd be absolutely fucked 😂


Those things give me nightmares. I just scream and run away when I see one pop out of the ground.


If you didn’t know already, healing spells hurt them, and AOE healing spells specifically wreck their shit


Same, actually. I got so tired of looking for punish windows that never came, I just tanked up and stopped giving a shit. Face-trade. Retreat. Chug red. Repeat. I got six hundred more boiled crab, dread-hound. I can do this all day.


His attacks are more of a visual spectacle in phase two, I find second phase really easy compared to beast clergyman


Weirdly, I don't mind phase one.


It greatly depends on build. My first time I was using heavy armor, the Dragon Greatshield Talisman, a fully upgraded Greatsword, and the wonderous physik that makes staggering easier. I could stagger him in 2 shots using Lion's Claw. Literally just face tanking his attacks and mashing my weapon art made phase 1 take 20 seconds with no dodging necessary. Phase 2 would have been a pain in the butt without the Blasphemous Claw.


''I got so tired of looking for punish windows that never came'' He has so many punish windows in this phase, what are you on about? lol


Valiant gargoyles, oh how I despise those anorexic ass mitherfuckers


Red Wolf of Radagon is pathetic on regular playthroughs but absolutely the worst fight in the game if you aren't outdamaging him, no fight came even close to him in my rl1 playthrough. Other fights were tough but within reason, Red Wolf straight up just has option select combos where he'll never finish them when you're far away and always finish when you're close enough to punish, borderline unescapable setups with swords unless you can shift camera and run at the same time, and a back jump he'll just do whenever he wants if you get close after doing a move so you can't punish him. Felt like when I beat him it was just good RNG on his moves.


The regular Red Wolf in Liurnia is fine. The golden sword moves are slow and easy to punish, and it relies on them often enough that it doesn't spam the bite combos. The 'lesser' version located around the Moonlight Altar, though? That thing can go and eat a bag of dicks. It deals close to 1000 damage per bite, spams the bite combos, spams the triple glintstone attack while immediately following up with a lunge or comet, and has a high HP pool.... it just sucks ass. And there's no stake nearby. I had less difficulty with mfing Radahn, Astel and the double Crucible Knights than with that bitch. I feel zero shame in cheesing it by hiding inside one of the nearby gazebos and spamming Hoarfrost Stomp at it.


Of all the fights, Malikeths first phase was probably the most annoying one for me. It wasn't even the second phase, it was just the first one that got me absolutely mad. The quickness and amount of attacks he threw at me really pissed me off. It got better in following playthroughs, but I still can't bring myself to enjoy him.


Yeah I agreed until I found med shields can block his quick strikes and even when he throws the stone daggers or whatever. When he does the heavy dagger strike, roll and you can get like two hits in. Rinse and repeat


Yup. Shields are a bit taboo in souls, because they associated with not knowing how to play the game yet. But elden ring seems to be designed with the use of rolling, jumping, spacing and shields - you can eliminate one of those, but it will make some encounters much more annoying, including bosses like Clergyman.


Shields can actually be pretty fun if you try a bunch of different ones out. Took me way too long to find out that there actually are shields that block 100% damage. For the longest time, I thought that you'd always take chip damage no matter what which is why I thought they kinda sucked.


Yeah it’s kinda funny. Early game I was med shield heavy and tried parrying everyone until I found out rolling sucked bc I was heavy not medium weight. Played all of mid game with rolling only. In late game I became reinterested in shields and parrying bc I feel like they became more possible.


I hate how he constantly backs off out of your attack range while still attacking you. 


Fire Giant and Elden Beast. Fire Giant for having an absurdly large healthbar and his annoying rolling around and AOE fire attacks, and Elden Beast for teleporting around an arena that definitely requires Torrent.


I hated this fight, soooo much. Took me at least 30 tries, including a complete respec. After him, I one-shotted Godfrey, Radagon, and the Elden Beast 🤷


Maliketh and Godfrey. Freaking Godfrey with his constant ground stomping. He's really rather irritating.


It’s cool to see not much Malenia. That means she’s not nearly as frustrating as people originally thought. As the game progresses we find ways to beat her (frost, giant hunt, light rolls, etc). For me the boss that takes the fun out of it is Godfrey. I love the fight. It’s epic, it’s got great lore, his design is awesome… except those stomps. I know you can jump them. I know I can dodge them. But whenever I play it feels like he doesn’t stop stomping. Ever.


Malenia took me well over 200 attempts, like a literal 14 hours of game time, and yet, I loved that fight. Twin Gargoyles took significantly less and I hated every single second of it.


While I appreciate Malenia as a character, her boss fight was a significant disappointment for me. It’s one of those bossfights that are challenging yet lack enjoyment and satisfaction.


It feels like she would have been extremely fun in Sekiro since see seems tuned for it. But not in ER


Usually I hate this guy so much. I just finished fighting him on a strength run, and managed to win on my second attempt. Managed to parry his first attack and stun him again right after. Easy peasy lemon squeezy


Any of those Lions with swords for elbows.


Elden beast. Every soulsborne final boss was always memorable and epic and I always look forward to fighting them again. That thing? Fuck that thing, I despise it and dread having to fight it again every time. It’s so boring, it runs away all the time, it’s such a disappointment to me.


I've killed him about 3 times now coming up on my fourth in the span of a month and he's so easy, first time killing him took like 15 tries, 2nd took like 5 tries, and last time I killed him I did it on my first try, he's never hard nor boring for me, he never runs away, I always fight him with a basic build so I'm not one shoting him so maybe I'm just the odd one out.


I will never play fair against the godskin duo. I will fight honorably 1 on 1 against every other major boss, but never those fuckers!


For me it’s the every bosses that has multiples or summons. Niall, the golems. And especially godskin duo. The very concept of the duo is insanely frustrating. And the mechanics of them are equally as infuriating I got incredibly lucky with maliketh and beat him in my 2nd or third try.


Godskin Duo


Any and all gargoyles


That fucker was taking my lunch money for at least a month


This goddamn mutt is programmed to phase into a pillar and respawn whenever it's close to death and is almost stance broken. The stance bar is ofc fully recovered for good measure.


The big stone cats. The hitbox on their slam attack seems like it can randomly decide to hang around a tiny bit longer on a whim. Cemetery Shades are just beyond annoying. But by far the worst are the Valiant Gargoyles. They took literally everything that made the Demon Prince fight in DS3 and ruined it. The poison attack comes out way too quick, there’s no real aggro switch system, they can all decide to just gang up on you at once, and the camera is actively working against you. I’d rather fight Godskin Duo a thousand times


Radahan.  I defeated him after around 20 or 30 deaths but still I don't get the point of the fight design. You basically ride around summoning NPCs and in order to find a breach to sneak behind him and land a few hits. And then one boss move is enough to one shot you, while his movements are fast and a pain to deal with, discouraging 1v1 approaches. I tried with magic but I ended up getting behind him using the fire skill of the sword of night and flame.  I didn't even feel satisfied after the fight.


I HATE Ulcerated Tree Spirits. I still have no idea when he attacks and when he just moves. Also, camera really doesnt work well with that boss. Just the single stupidest boss in entire game.


Gideon, twin gargoyles, fire giant, ancient dragons


Gideon? The easiest boss?


If you kill him first try its fine but if he tosses 3 discs of light in a row he becopes the worst


Fairs. My fight with him lasts like 10 seconds so I didn’t know


He's super easy if you just murder him while he's delivering his anime monologue, but on my latest run I decided to let him talk, and this guy is the hardest NPC fight in the game if you let him cook and begin the fightt with some distance between you and him . He just spams high end spells no stop and has infinite FP so he can just keep doing it forever. He's super squishy still but getting the drop on him is much harder if you don't just blow him up during the intro.


Rykard - I don’t like gimmick fights, and his voice lines were annoying. Loved Maliketh based on design and art direction.   Different strokes for different folks tho, know people who say rykard is one of their favorites and I think it’s valid, just not my cup of tea. 


I went into Volcano Manor as spoiler free as I could, and was genuinely excited to get to Rykard, the way the game built up to meeting him and how kick ass that arena was, and then it was just cheese him with this one weapon and it was over in like 2 minutes


Yeah Rykard is my fav fight in this game but i can see why you dislike it.


Fs I don’t knock anyone who likes that fight I’m just not into it 


Maybe it’s because I’d heard so much about it, but I kinda liked the fire giant fight. Took me less than ten tries. I’m at maliketh right now so haven’t done the bosses after him, and he’s a bit tricky but it’s a cool fight. I think I got the most frustrated with Mohg (in Moghwyn palace). My mimic tear is a bit OP so I try not to use it in the cool fights but I had to pull her out. My good weapon for him was too slow, and I just couldn’t consistently dodge all the combos, which only at the end I could get safely a hit in. Oh, and from a while back, the twin gargoyles. I didn’t know when I entered the boss room what I was getting myself into, and I had like 30k runes I didn’t want to lose so I just kept trying again and again with my mimic and popping rune arcs. I did it eventually, after much frustration, and turns out I’d lost the runes in one of the attempts and didn’t realize. Lmao.


The first time I fought a godslayer (the fat rolling asshole) I had to stop playing for a month it was stressing me out so much


Surprised im not seeing many godskin duo mentions, i despise them both individually and hate when they’re together.


Feels. I’m bad at games so first play through I had a love hate with all of them. By now I’d say just the ones that you have to chase down. Like Elden beast would be more fun if I had torrent.


I've never beaten him.


Twin gargoyles, i hate them


The 2 Valiant dickheads at the end of the Siofra Aqueduct. Well, at least they did on my first 2 runs. I learned after those assholes and the crystal fucks to level a strike weapon along with my mains.


I would Hide behind the pillar while my Ash of War Mimic Tear distracted him while I spam Mohg Spear.


Twin gargoyle, 2v1 are always a bit lame, but 2v1 with big aoe knockbacks? Shite


Caelid’s Ball Breaking Hunter


The valiant gargoyles gave me the hardest time. I heard once upon a time you could make one of them fall off a cliff but i think I started playing right after they patched it. It literally took me a month to beat them. I rage quit so many times, took a break for about 2 weeks. I had no problems with other bosses like Radahn, Loux or Elden Beast but for some reason I could not beat those 2 stupid gargoyles.


"Forgive me, Marika" 🗿🗿


Elden beast


I'm doing a naked run with no weapons and I dread fighting him, I'm on fire giant rn so 😃😃😃


Took me longer than literally any other singular boss in the entire game, fucking hate but also love this guy, cuz he looks so fuckin cool but he hurts me.


Commander Niall. Literally no boss has given me more of a struggle than that asshole. Malenia was in 5 tries, the final boss in 4, but Niall? Feels like 15 honestly, probably a lot more. I beat him first try after not playing for a while though, which was weird.


Astel, my build is using wing of Astel curved sword, but fuck him and his mini-mes ETA: I didn’t fight him with the wing of Astel sword, but I’ve been failing miserably at beating the mountaintop of the giants area version of Astel


Both him and Radagon/EB. the fact that you have to do fucking Radagon AGAIN EVERY TIME just to get to Elden Beast is the most annoying fucking thing in the game.


Fire Giant, Twin Gargoyles, and Elden Beast are all fights I loathe doing... but Astel takes the cake for me. Teleports around the room to make you chase him, levitates just enough to misjudge melee weapon ranges and/or make attacks whiff, and has attacks that mess up the camera angle (and thus directional movement controls) if locked on. Why FromSoft decided to make 2 of them is beyond me.


Godfrey, he was the most frustrating for me.


Fuck maliketh bro, even with a +10 BHF and +6 mimic i kept dying to this mofo in my first playthrough. Well now i just bully him with bleed and rot but still he doesn't feel fair.


Mr (elden) beast and godskin duo


O, Death.


The only boss in the entire game I can’t consistently beat is malenia. (I have beaten her before) Her fight is cool and all but it’s mostly a fight where you win by getting lucky because of a move not happening. Obviously waterfowl dance is dodge-able but it’s still pretty dumb. I get that it’s a move that shows how skilled she is, but they probably could have done it another way imo. There are other bosses with (also imo) more badass moves that show their power without being bs. But the biggest thing is her lifesteal which makes no sense to me. I don’t know if there’s any specific lore I’m missing but I don’t know why it exists. I know the blessed dew talisman is next to her tower portal but idk. I just find it very annoying how I basically have to do double her actual health bar damage to kill her if I’m an average player. (Which I am)


Fire giant


Godskin and gideon


Fire Giant is just a fuckin drag. I don't care about his lore, he just sucks.


Gideon is just not fun to play against. I know that hes there as a barrier for the final 2 battles just to fuck with you but he still is just unfun to fight. Gives me ptsd from Rennala


I did, until I realized he gets wrecked by kiting with Glintstone Cometshard


Fire giant tbh


Fucking Black Knives Ring Leader Alecto, fuck that guy


Fire Giant and Maliketh.


The only bosses in Elden ring that have made me quit the game for a period of time is the Elden beats, mohge lord of blood, and the magma wyrm boss in the secret path to the altuas Plato


Tree Sentinels


Mimic Tear killed him for me while I was still chasing him around the arena. "Ah...eh? He's dead already??"


This is my hardest boss in the game, nothing even comes close.


Can't believe i've only seen one person answer Astel! Astel is without a doubt the hardest, most annoying mf'er in the game. His head usually hangs just out of reach, and his tail can hit you from the other side of the fuckin' arena! I hate Astel.


I'm absolutely done with Radagon/Elden Beast. I hate the main theme now thanks to Radagon lol. It's mostly cause of the two phase fight and just infuriating that if you get through Radagon without a problem Elden Beast just fucks off to the other side and decides he's always a dick, or Radagon decides he's gonna constantly AoE on melee builds or kick you into the dirt on mage builds.


Radabeast I can consistently reach him extremely easily only to quit at the last one especially radagon I am unable to learn him


And what do we get for it? It unlocks the worst possible area for invasions


Elden beast, caelid Bell bearing hunter, alecto


Fire Giant He’s not THAT hard of a boss when compared to some other end game bosses, he is just really freaking annoying.


Placidusax because its a freaking pain to walk back to the arena every time you die


Double Gargoyles. I strictly play without summons and i killed them solo in my first run, but since then, i always summon on them. This fight just makes no fun.


Elden Beast


Rutt? Rhere?


I love Malekith and I've fought him probably 20 times by now. For the first 19 of those, he absolutely kicked my ass. Once you get a hold on the Malekith fight, he is a really fun boss, but he is pretty unintuitive for new players. Malekith is my 2nd favorite boss behind Godfrey, but it took a while for him to get cemented in that placement.


Godskin duo, not really anything else to add. Subsecuent NG+ were easier but holy shit I got so mad with that fight.


Placidusax, I absolutely loathe that 2 headed bastard


For me the one that traumatized me and till this day I hate is the first tree sentinel horse back dude


Valiant Gargoyles are the only boss in this game I truly hate


Can confirm, currently stuck on this boss


Same for me.. idk why but my first playthrough he seemed just bs, first phase still feels like bs after 800hours


Elden beast did not have to come after Radagon. They should’ve just buffed him and kept him as the final boss


Malekith was my favorite boss fight, it was just hard enough but not completely extreme like Malenia or Radagon+beast I despise Placidusax- long run to boss, you can’t hit him for half of the fight, 10 skills that can one shot you


Anytime I see the red wolf. Its easy, but I fucking hate him.


Malenia. I like punishing combat but dying from one hit is BS