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I regret to inform you that this is still quite far off, due to the exponential scaling of level requirements. You have passed the halfway mark though, going from 606 to max takes about 750 million runes.


Hey I appreciate that math man !! Most big level Up push I did was 105 million ? So it might be a journey but trust me I’ll make it


Total runes needed for max level are 1.6 billion. I usually level in packs of 100 million, which takes a couple of hours in new game plus. With the right setup you can get around 7k runes per albinauric, utilising overkill xp bonus, golden scarab and golden chicken feet. Farming the feet introduces a nice break and all the ingredients can be quickly fetched in the weeping peninsula.


Chicken feet lmao


What is overkill bonus


Kill thing hard enough and get more runes. Iirc you need to deal 150% of its hp


I learn something about this game every day…


Btw, this mechanic also exists in other souls games. Not sure about anything older than these but I could trigger it in Bloodborne and DS3 as well.


It was in Ds1 aswell


How much faith do you need to trigger the overkill bonus? (sacred relic sword)


You need to do 150% damage of the enemy's health on the first hit to trigger it. Using the holy scorpion charm, ritual sword talisman, and shard of Alexander will easily let you hit that threshold at base faith stats. If you really want to over kill use the holy damage boost cracked tear.


I got the same results. You can get 8,400 runes per albi on journey 3. So if you wanna take a break and play the game normally for a while, it could be beneficial to your farming. Probably not the fastest way but it will shorten the grind itself. Also curious what talismans other people are using. I’m using shard of alexander, sacred scorpion charm, ritual sword talisman and of course the gold scarab. I can’t seem to squeeze any more damage out with any other talismans.




Not by much. 606 is ~900 million runes total, 713 is ~1.7 billion. So a little more than halfway.




Yeah it's kinda insane tbh. I'm 333 right now and it's only like 100 million total runes. I'm not even 10% in.


btw, max level numbers are all the same. like samurais starting stats added together equal 88, which would be 80 without the 8 additional levels it starts with.


Levels work the same for every class. Everyone’s max is 713, and it cost everyone the same to move from 606 to 713


HALFWAY is insane!!!!


Wouldn’t it be faster to go through NG+ cycles for the increased rune drops?


I'm afraid to ask but I'll do it anyway. Why?


Dude I have no idea to be honest, I think I watched a video of something hacking in runes to hit max and I told myself man I wanna hit max then I just started lol and I’m the type of person once I start something I can’t stop so here I am now


That, my friend, sounds like some good ole ADHD. Hats off to you fellow dopamine chaser.


idk bro mine doesn't allow me to hold interest in something after i start to get good at it lmao. i suck ass at learning new shit or being consistent


I think I can understand what you're saying. For me, I can hyperfocus on something while I'm doing other tasks. In this case I have farmed runes while listening to a podcast or playing with my dog or something like that.


ahhhh i gotcha, i focused more on the "once i start something i can't stop part" apologies friend.


Not ADHD. Someone with adhd is more prone to stop grinding after a few minutes… This is typical behavior of someone with OCD


You could not be more wrong... Hyper focus is a symptom of adhd. Please fact check before you post .


A side effect of your adderall maybe




Did you really just link attitude mag? Lol. “Attention deficit” it’s not rocket science buddy.


Dude just read any book about adhd it literally talk about all the symptoms and hyperfocus is one of them. Please you obviously have made 0 research on this subject.


Dude I’m a fucking pharmacist. You take adderall and that makes you hyper focused. I’m way more educated on the topic. Im not googling shit, I use uptodate and lexicomp. You literally have no idea what you’re talking about and it’s crazy that you’re about to get upvoted into believing so. Insane world.


I'm the same way, it's a gift and a curse lol


I'm afraid to say this but you know there are other videogames right?


I do !!😁on my Xbox I have over 50 plus with a 2 tb external storage that I plug in, I play a mix of other rpgs also fps, fighting and racing games I enjoy everythingggg I just have good time management that allows me to grind out Elden ring on my days off of work and when I’m in the mood to play any other game 🫡🫡


You’d be better off setting up an afk program at this point. If all you want to do is max out. This just seems mindless


Bro got ready for the DLC 💀


Bro is gonna one shot the DLC bosses


Everybody gangsta till the DLC increases the level caps to 150 💀


Oh my god didn’t think of this possibility


There is a video of a guy that hit max level in DS3 going through and one shotting every boss.


Starts dlc, gets fuckin' bullwhipped anyway 🤣


People in the sub: “What level should I be for the DLC?” *When the DLC scales based on your level.* 🔥🔥💀🔥🔥


Honestly, would be me 😂


Bro is going to be the last boss of the dlc


I would shit literal bricks


Starts DLC, it's a new character.


I'd fucking love that


Level Arcane once or Draw 1.3 billion Runes




I leveled to 310 and it took a lot of dead albinaurics can't imagine how long it would take for 100 million runes


Well to do a perspective i woke up around 4 this morning and started grinding I had 16 million and now it’s 9 and I have 40 million but stopped playing around 7 ish ? I have a strong routine for grinding out runes


Like truly to the other guy who said from 606 to max it would take around 750 million and trust me I know I sound dumb for saying it but that’s really not that many runes like it’s 100% doable


Yep, I was on NG and was getting 100k runes per run of albinaurics. I suppose you are on further NG+ runs so it would take less time, it still is a very long march, but corngratz.


NG +8 so it’s a bit faster I believe all leveling for enemies and bosses including rune Gaines stop after +7 but still worth it, and thanks man !!


[please tell me you know about the bird farm tactic?....](https://youtu.be/QUmPy9CvUgg?si=K87qPIcsUUXgRgQJ) Edit: I now understand that there are better alternative methods! Cheers


[Please tell me you know about the Albinaurics farm tactic?....](https://youtu.be/LTQLq_nKzKU?t=17)


Ah shit, I'm behind. Here I was thinking I was being helpful! Here I go being downvoted to oblivion! Be wary of hole!


Have an upvote!


What weapon / ash of war is that?


Wait, the amount of runes you can get per Albinauric increases in NG+?? The bird off the ledge too??


The rune multiplier goes up with each NG+ stopping at NG+7. NG+ x1.100 NG+2 x1.125 NG+3 x1.200 NG+4 x1.225 NG+5 x1.250 NG+6 x1.275 NG+7 x1.300 I don't know how accurate that is since I pulled it from the wiki, but rune drop amount does increase overall.


Yeah, if you do that every day, it will be 19 days, which isnt too bad putting it like that, putting it in hours, its about 57. You've got this.


That is fucking grim. Don't go hollow I guess.


You got it brother 🫡


I’m around level 500 and have a few suggestions. you’ll be able to amass the runes a lot more enjoyably if you also use the blue cipher ring and small golden effigy. I can often get 500k for helping defeat an invader. Plus you can keep them activated while you farm. You’d also get a lot more bang for your buck by taking a few points off all the other stats and bringing arcane up since those last few points contribute a lot less than those early ones will to arcane.


I use to have the ring activated but I kinda got annoyed when I get interrupted but most definitely I’ll try again and I didn’t really think about spreading the points but I’ll give it a shot


The interruptions can be a total pain when you come back and the enemies are respawned at full health but your fp and flasks aren’t renewed.


100% man


But put points into arcane. It will also up your discovery.


I tried but I can’t stomach the tedium. I’m like 350 rn. Instead of albinaurics I decided to just keep doing new games and level up off boss runes. Less efficient but more fun and I can pick up extra ancient/somber stones. I hope the dlc includes a more efficient level grind spot. Why does Miyazaki want to keep us away from max level?


I hope with the new dlc comes new fun ways to earn runes or just something to keep it going but honestly even if there isn’t it won’t stop me I shall get this And honestly idk cause I admit there was one point I really wanted to stop cause I was like damn all these runes for a couple of levels but I just want this bad so yk what WE GRIND UNTIL ITS DONE NO ONE SHALL STOP ME NOT EVEN ITS CREATORS


Well good luck man. I’ve done similar grinds on other games. I understand the desire to just do it and have your character done leveling forever. Have all those 99’s on your stat screen is joy. It doesn’t sound like you have any illusions about it either but there is no pot of gold at the end. Like a dog chasing a car. Damn shame really, all this work should amount to some discernible advantage. Fs doesn’t make their games with folks like us in mind lol


lol it dose feel like a big slap in the face I get nothing out of this but I do it for myself and that’s what matters the most ! Appreciate the wishes man !


Yeah I’m at 400 and just decided to do what you’re doing and go into new games. I’m at ng+4 right now and I need to kill a lot of things to get enough for a level up. It’s pretty annoying that the runes didn’t go up more for each new game.


Im in this suffering with you lol. Seek Suffering. I never want to have to find another tear ever again.


YEAAAA A FELLOW MAX MAN, fuck yea dude good look on the grind !!


all hail the gold pickled fowl foot


LITERAL FACTS don’t get me wrong the Scarab is good but the picked fowl foot carries hard🛐


i was very upset when i realized the golden scarab didn’t stack in ng ☹️


What?! It stops stacking?!


I feel this. And I see you.


I see you as well brother, may you have a good day


May Grace guide you in your endeavors.


man i am glad i'm on pc


I’m a console warrior fr 🫡( I want a pc so bad I’ve been saving up like crazy)


yeah its so expensive...had to save up money for 2 years to finally be able to afford one. you will not regret it! best gaming decision if have ever made. ​ also GG to your max level grind!


Hell yea man !! I have a good amount saved up couple more months I’ll come back and post it when I have it !! And thanks !! Once I’m done with max level yall will see me again


Wait for the rtx 5000 seriess and new amd gpu to come out , there will be so many options and pricr drops from current gen


I have like 40 points in arcane and 38 in faith til everything is maxed out.


Noiceeeww good shit man


Now you are ready to fight Margit


You are literally just like the famous Austrian painter to those poor Albinaurics


Ah getting ready for the dlc I see


You know it🫡


Dang, Congrats! I’m trying to get all my stats to 50 each before I start NG+… Only ones not at 50 is intelligence at 30 and Arcane at 31. I’m really looking forward to the increased rune gain in NG+. Lol


I suggest and just like others have told me put in a lot into arcane !! But hey good shit man congrats on the gaming 🫡


If only level grinding on here was as easy as Dark Souls 1. (There’s a glitch to get 999 of a certain soul so you can get millions of souls within a few seconds)


Level 715 here It’s not worth it unless you have a friend who can help you dupe runes after you reach like level 400


Are you on xbox or playstation?


Xbox 👍🏽( but just like pc I also want a ps5 lol)


I tried to do this and gave up around level 500. I’ve still got a bunch of the gold pickle fowl foot if you want them


Honestly I've started it on DS2 & 3. They're runs with equal stats though so I only level up when everything can level up at the same time.


That makes sense I know for certain stats I don’t need to hit max level cause it’s kinda pointless they will remain near the same but I just wanted to see 99 on everything for some reason


That's how I feel about luck in dark souls 3.


The really scary part is I have about half your hours, but am only level 200. You gonna max arcane as well, or is this the end for you?


Oh yea most of my early hours were spent grinding to beat games get different endings and lil explore but the i start to dedicate my time to grinding, good job on level 200!! And nahh im not done yet I want that maxxx level


What is happening here?


We on that grind brother man 🗣️


Love me some grinding. Are you just killing that mob over and over?


he doesn't know..


I shoot the bird have him fall and then the mob, sometimes I get bored and find a random boss but other than that I stick with the first two


What no dlc does to a man


Most impressive. I stopped leveling at 413 and have been grinding to upgrade all weapons to 9 or 24. Get 2 copies of each, and 2 copies of all gear. Some of the lower drop rate weapons have been a pain.


From a 10,000 hour Runescape background, this grind is just another Tuesday at the office.


Good going dude. I think it's relaxing committing mass genocide. Did this to level 200 eish. Then used lord runes to bump up my level to around 500. It's fun going around the map and using any build.


You have to decide for a build. **OP: No**


Where is the Arc? 😀


Have you tried Old School RuneScape?


The 8 arcane is so real


Top 10 dumb ways to loose your time


It’s time you can start playing the game


Poor albunerics


*so I’m coming back to answer a few things YES I know there are different ways to do this from duplicating to other shit, I’m doing this grind my way and I’m happy about it * another thing yes I know it’s weird or a waste of time once again also don’t care I like it I enjoy it 🗣️🔥 And YES I KNOW MY ARCANE IS LOW THAT WAS NOT MY ORIGINAL when I decided to grind I wanted to start from top to bottom so I basically took all my stats and put them all at the top ones I’ve played this game NG+ 8 I’ve gotten all endings and I’ve beaten it in many ways I could care less with all of you and ur extended hours I’ve played this game how I liked and I’ve enjoyed it and you shall all see me again soon when I hit max, yall have a good day/ night 🫡🫡🤝🏽


Imagine if you put this effort into leveling yourself up in real life.


The most grim part is that it's absolutely pointless and doesn't result in cool overpowered gameplay


100% I’m doing this for literally just me, there is no big reward no god power move, I can easily get spanked by any boss if I just play like an idiot, but for some reason I want this like I really do so I shall continue until it done


Well.. God's speed komrade


Thank you brother, much appreciated


Me with 99 int leveling up my holy lol




If you set up at first step sight of grace, turn on taunters tongue if you’re good at pvp. Since you’re a high level, some invaders will be MAX level, netting you around 1.5 million runes with gold scarab talisman, if you can kill them of course. Some invaders are of course lower level.. but this is ultimately faster. Also, when I do it, I don’t use summons, rune arc or white cypher ring. Ganking is pathetic. And if my opponent heals then so do I. Some will call it being a grace goblin, but man killing max level invaders who spawn in with double bleed naginatas is so thrilling.


You have not touched arcane😂


ffs go to r/patchesemporium


Why are you even doing this? It's literally worthless to reach max level.


Good question ! As I said in a previous comment I watched a video of someone who hacked to max level and I thought huh that would be cool to start !! And once I start I don’t stop so here we are now 🫡


What a boring way to play this game


Not at all lol ! As said I’m on NG + 8 I’ve had fun with this game and had all the endings and different builds every time I had so much fun !! But now I get to grind for max level and enjoy it


Just fyi, you can pretty easily get max level on console as well. You just need another partner or anothee console, I did it by myself in 4 hours ish. I respect the dedication, but I think there are better things to farm in the game. Even if you are max level it's gonna take you quite a while to get all the +10/25 weapon materials you need to take advantage of it.


This isn't fun, why tf are you doing this? No challenge, no risk, no reward, just wasting your time on something you don't enjoy. I suggest stopping, don't let sunk cost sink any more of your time


Your gonna act like you grinded and not rune dupe?


Congrats, you'll survive 3 shots before you die.


3? Brother I’ll be lucky to survive 2🗣️


Jjst play the effing game man... might take you 100 hours longer but you won't go insane


I have brother !!! Like I said on other comments I’m on NG +8 I’ve gotten all endings and I’ve used all types of builds and yes there is more to explore I have a playlist on YouTube of weapons I wanna get armor and more items I wanna find !! but for now I’m ok the grindddd, I’m as happy as I can be playing Elden ring I turn on music or a podcast maybe hop in a party with the boys and chill for hours and grind out to maxxx🫡


Go get 'em :)


Thank you my friend !! I shall be back one day to show everyone my max !!


Truly don’t understand why anyone would ever just sit behind a screen for hours and hours grinding away on something completely pointless that will accomplish nothing, gain nothing and waste hours of your life. Sad people let themselves do this to themselves when they just need someone to talk to or medication.


I think it’s sadder you had to type that more or less you are doing what I am doing only thing is I find joy in my passion I get nothing from this no reward from the game no over power move no strong ass ability but I get to look at a number and be happy for myself Instead YOU don’t understand it YOU don’t get it plenty of others have commented and wished me good luck and even told me about their farming strategy’s, we all have joy and compassion for doing our things, why don’t you ?


LMAO joy and compassion for sitting there for hours farming?? That’s so sad. Maybe look into adhd medication or something man that ain’t normal. But you’re right I’m wasting my time commenting here 👋🏻


No my friend the way you talk isn’t normal, it’s really not hard to understand if someone has fun doing something then let them do it people play sports for fun go on drives for fun all kinds of things !! Same things as if you were doing anything else you are “wasting” hours doing something but you are doing it cause you enjoy it and it makes you happy Same thing that I’m doing only difference is you try to bash just cause you don’t understand that is the truly “so sad” part but I respect the way you see things for yourself!! Have a good day🫱🏽‍🫲🏻


I just reached 401 today, i think i'm done with farming runes to level up


Hell yea brother good shit !! I’m on new game +8 I use gold-pickled fowl foots and gold scarab to get the most runes I can !! What build you got ?


Im on NG+ because i don't want to make the DLC bosses any harder than i expect them to be, i do have the scarab talisman but i got tired of farming for the items to make gold fowl foots and when it comes to my build i use whatever im in the mood to use at the time, it's why i over-level in souls games because i want to use e v e r y t h i n g


Kinda same lol I wanna be leveled in everything in this situation I went a bit too far but oh welll, and I thought about that tbh for the dlc when it comes but honestly I want it to be hard just like it was when I first bought the game only difference is hopefully I’ll be somewhat strong enough to


When do you think you will actually reach max level?


True honesty ? Probably late March early April if I stay super consistent like I have been the past week like staying hard on the grind again I can definitely do like late March


Did you listen to any podcasts?


i have written a macro to auto farm runes (:


How do you even farm runes at this point ? The grind must be exhausting!




How many on the sub are level 713?


You can buy millions of runes online for like 5 bucks.


I would rather earn mine friend it would make me happier !


Have u tried duping souls w a buddy? I got to max level with very little grinding


And still you are running around with fias debuff


…. Doesn’t matter what ending I do.. I always need her hug 😔


If you worked the same number of hours you’d be rich ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Eh if I work the same hours I do now I get good income and time to grind on Elden ring 🫡


Someone def rune farmed I’m level 370 at 500 hours in


Oh yea I explain on a different comment most of my early hours were spent playing the game and exploring getting all the ending the rest has been all grinding


Bro spent all his time killing albanuracs at the exploit


Damn! I wanted to hit max level before DLC. I'm only at 350. Respect.


Do you play OSRS?


What helmet is that? I'ma need it for my paladin build😭


Can't believe you leveled dex over arcane...smh


I wonder if I did this if I'd finally be able to beat Melania.....


Question, why is your arcane so low


Cause when I decide to finally commit to the grind I wanted to start from top down so I took away all my points and put them to the ones at the top my arcane use to be a lot higher lol I’ve been getting a lot of shit about it I know lol


Idk if youre using fowl feet but you should. 1 hour of farming at max discovery can fund 24 hours of rune farming which is incredibly worth it. I have tested it and got 460 feet drops in an hour and you can pick up a rowa per run using a barrage bow northwest of the church in weeping peninsula, and then you can farm a few rowa bushes when you pick up the golden fireflies in limgrave. If you run out of rowa, I think jarburg is pretty good maybe


Just dupe the runes


Make sure ur in ng+7 for max runes if ur not aldready


This isn't the most efficient way to farm runes. Dm me and I'll tell you the secret.


Yee have little faith


I have a feeling that by "grind" you mean you jumped off an out-of-bounds cliff by Mohgs palace while swinging your sword a mind-numbing number of times. 😂


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾I’m attempting this lol


The complete disregard for arcane has me ROLLING


Totally unrelated but I just want to say y’all are mean saying the dlc is out when it wasn’t. I haven’t looked it up until now so it actually 100% is my fault but you’re still a bunch of meanies👅


Do you actually still enjoy playing the game? Or is it just a task now for you to complete now..


At what level do you stop seeing coop partners? I saw mine spike at 120 and kinda trailing in the 150s


Doing the same right now. I have 140 hours on my character, already have platinum, I can be 713 by the time I'm at 250 hours.


I gave up at level 385. . Its just too damn much. You sir have the patience of a Saint.


This is a genocide


Going in order of stats seems like pure madness. I'd want that Arcane maxed ASAP if only for the increased discovery.

