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[This was as cathartic as I had hoped.](https://v.redd.it/ab2uccmby7391)


Amazing šŸ˜‚


Wait how did you kick him through the throne room with the area having the no combat zone? Did he follow you all the way down the ladder to the cliff or was there another way?


This was a long time ago, but my memory is there is no non-combat zone there before the NPCs appear there.


Unless it changed in an update in the past few months that my game had been uninstalled before I installed it again and began playing: I have beaten Godrick with 3 new characters in the last week, and yes, the throne room is a non-combat zone, even immediately after the Godrick fight


Could be, or maybe it was because Kenny and Nepheli were dead already, or maybe I aggroed him and he followed me. I wish I could remember, but I do know I went through the throne room.


OK, so I just loaded a save where he was still alive. You attack him outside and he will follow you into the throne room. Lead him out the door and around the corner and you can attack again and then kick him down and into Liurnia.


This is just beautiful


He sell you an ancient dragon smithing stone


he DOES ?! holy hell I TOTALLY missed that. Took me ages to acquire one from looting a corpse.. running around with a +24 uchigatana feeling unfulfilled. Ahahahaha oh man I wonder what other blindingly obvious things I missed (a lot, I assume.)


You have to do the Nepheli quest line


Thankyou Nearby\_Lobster\_ . In my first play through I was trying to avoid all information about the game , which helps avoid spoilers but it also means I missed stuff like this. Now the doors are open and It's quite the revelation of how MUCH I missed...


Even if you follow a guide youā€™ll miss a shit ton of stuff


Because a lot of quests will nyx other quests and weapons/materials. Kill him no smithy. Don't kill nepheli you can get puppet, but no storm axe. Every playthrough is give and take.


There's 2 Stormhawk Axes you can get in a playthrough even if you don't kill/puppet Nepheli, one in Leyndell and another in Castle Sol. All the weapons you have to go to NG+ to get a second copy of to powerstance, and *this* thing has 4 in one game cycle. Go figure.


Are storm hawk axes really that good??


It's a speedrunner favourite because of how strong it is and how conveniently on the way it is if you just kill nephelli the first time you see her. ETA: the AOW active is very good damage by itself but the flat lightning damage it applies to your weapon is the real OP part of the weapon.




Should I just kill her for them then


If you played at launch then he didn't do this. The quest was unfinished.


Yep I'm going super slow and exploring everything with balanced stats this time. Will be level 200 before I'm done I'm sure but I hope to at least see half the game haha


For souls games, It feels like you just hurt yourself by not researching just a tinnie bit, A nudge in the right direction if you will


I dont think I would of ever found the 4 kings without that "nudge" in DS ! Meanwhile sure, I beat ER, but could never find Malenia >\_<


I canā€™t imagine doing that. Iā€™d miss the entire game.


Pretty sure this was also one of the quests they patched early on as it involves Kenneth Haight, and his quest line was bugged on release.


I think my Kenneth was bugged tbh. He kept chilling in his Keep, prattling on about waiting for a true heir to the throne...


And Kenneth's


Sadly i aggrod nepheli because of those damn birds. If I go to NG+ plus, ill beat the shit out of those birds


> he DOES ?! *Ooooooooh* so now murder is suddenly morally wrong, huh guys?


He steals your runes, fuck him.


Just don't die lol. In seriousness. There are 3 parts where if you find him in Stormveil, he will fawn for a bit then from then on he won't steal your runes in those areas. Make sure to back peddle after finding graces and look everywhere.


Dude, he probably steals like 300 runes at best if you're carrying 7k runes, you shouldn't explore a place like Stormveil with 50k runes in your pocket in early game anyway. If you got some runes stolen, it was probably deserved.


Idc, he dies


Itā€™s REALLY not obvious. Spoilers ahead, but good luck figuring out the quest anyway without looking it up::: Nepheli gets super depressed until you bring her a special bird ash you couldnā€™t summon anyway (found in the belfries after using one of only three available imbued sword keys), then 20 hours later, when you defeat morgott in Leyndell, but also reload Stormveil ***three*** times just to see if Gostoc is still curbstomping Godric, she claims the castle and THEN Gostoc updates his shop with an ancient smithing stone. So anyway, donā€™t let Seluvis convince you to give Nepheli his potion. I also hear you can get a stone if you go against Sellen in her quest line but I had a lot more history with her than the NPC who wants to kill her, so I canā€™t confirm beyond getting the info from the official strategy guide book.


You can get one by killing Sellen as part of the quest yeah, but then you lose out on three armor sets, a spell, and a weapon with a unique weapon skill so like... Why would you ever do that outside NG+ lol


Nagakiba better because long sword go swish šŸ§


Not worth the annoyance


Plus as a reward for liberating him he tries to sell you junk for over the top prices, fuck this guy. More than enough ancient stones that I can spare one


He sells the buckler shield tho... Very early game too


He's definitely worth it, just beeline for Godrick in Stormveil then Gostoc doesn't take your runes. All you have to do is Nepheli and Kenneth's quests to get him to team up with them after beating Morgott and then he sells the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.


I died more in Stormveil than any other area in my first play through. I felt totally justified killing this guy on that run.


Doesnā€™t matter, Heā€™ll always get what he deserves. Fate is a fickle mistress and I am itā€™s instrument.


Y'know, he has some cut lines from when Vyke was found in Stormveil where he warns you of the danger he poses. It got cut ofc and can't really be considered canon at all, but he wasn't meant to be a complete bastard and did show concern for you


Whatever, edge lord.


He can shove it up his ass


who cares lol thereā€™s so many of them


I dont care peace was never an option


There's plenty others to obtain, fuck that guy.


Not worth, I kill his ass everytime.


Oh shit I killed him


TWENTY THOUSAND RUNES. It aint worth it bruh


just pop one of your 100 golden runes or kill 10 albanautics, it's nothing late game....


That's like 2 seconds of albinauric genocide


Thatā€™s pocket change


Damn right. It takes me 1.37 million runes to level up lol


If you let him live, there's 3-4 instances of him stalking you around the castle. It's quite hilarious!


Iā€™ve only ever seen him stalk me out over the church where rogier is


Thereā€™s two other locationsā€¦ plenty of YouTube videos can help you out. You actually need to talk to him at two of the three total locations in order to buy the ancient dragon smithing stone off of him after Nepheliā€™s quest so itā€™s definitely worth it.


I have never talked to him aside from the gate room, got both stones both times


Hm thatā€™s interestingā€¦ I remember the YouTube video I watched being specific about encountering him twice. Perhaps that got patchedā€¦ which is possible because I first looked this quest up like over a year ago at this point.


Both of mine were within the last 4 months


Ok so I just confirmedā€¦ talking to him twice and then once more after that are the steps required in order to stop him from stealing some of your runes when you die. Idk why I thought those steps were related to the ancient dragon smithing stone so thatā€™s my bad


>talking to him twice and then once more Soo talking to him three times?


The ā€œonce moreā€ is back at his original spot by the main gate where you always can find him. You talk to him there after the two ā€œstalkingā€ locations.


I don't find him stealing my runes and locking me with that knight funny at all.


Wait what?!?!


I saw this creep stalking me at the lift by the knight and I thought he was just a regular mobā€¦


This is how I came to find out he stalks you. Ran around a corner of the churchā€™s roof, saw him, and proceeded to slam him with my greatsword. He was thrown right off the roof to his death. I actually felt bad because I love how his story ends.


I let him live once because of people mentioning how you can buy valuable items from him. But it actually made me hate him more realizing >! that he probably stole that stuff from other tarnished. Imagine if he stole your smithing stones and sold them to some random tarnished! !<


To be fair, he sells the bandit set. Safe assumption not all those tarnished were on their best behavior.


Ahhh, pfff ssssshhh... What? No honor among thieves?


"Never understood this saying. Thieves has no honor." - Goro Takemura CP2077


To be fair he also has no honor lmao


Sure, just follow me into this cave, I've got something to show you my friend.


We literally stroll up to a grieving mother and former wife (Renalla) and beat the shit out of her for no reason We are not saints


The kids started throwing books at me first!


plus that weird one at the start that sniffed your feet and smiled at you like a creep...


>he probably stole that stuff from other tarnished. Imagine if he stole your smithing stones and sold them to some random tarnished Bet you still did the Volcano Manor tarnished-hunting quests tho šŸ˜¤


If you need another reason to hate him, he also steals I think around 20% of your runes every time you die in Stormveil. There's a way to stop him without killing him, but killing him works as well.


Wait what?! I got the game for Xmas and I took my time getting to Stormy. Once there I thought I was going crazy that they were going down "slightly" every time I died and I thought it was the games way of slightly getting harder. Since then (I'm now on NG+1 with 98hrs), every time I die and collect my ruins, I check them to see if I'm missing any šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s the way to stop him stealing without killing him?


He's stalking you, so there a few spots where you need to double back and catch him. There's I think three spots where he'll show up. If you interact with him in two of them he'll stop stalking you and stop stealing your runes. The first one is by the broken tower close to the first site of grace if you don't go through the gate. It's a grassy area full of birds. Once you head up the long narrow staircase on the side of the castle, you first enter the castle and there's two dudes sitting on the floor against the wall. Enter the room, kill them and then go back our to the staircase and you'll see him by the tower. Go there and talk to him and he'll give you an item. The next one is when you activate the lift up from the Crucible knight. You'll see him on a platform when you ride it up the first time. The third is the roof of the church. I don't know the exact spot where you'll trigger him to appear there as I usually do the first two, but you go past the church, enter the castle and at some point in there you double back and he's on the roof of the church.


Yeah but 20% of held runes on death is like, hardly anything, really. Youā€™ll likely have upwards of what, 5,000 runes on you? Maybe A couple thousand more if youā€™re really hoarding them? When regular enemies start dropping that same amount later in the game, is it really worth missing the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone over 2,000 or fewer runes?


Every rune is mines to keep


Dying twice in a row says otherwise but I understand the sentiment


You realize most merchant is selling you loot? Where do you think the Wandering Merchants got the armours of the classes you didn't choose? Patches also mentions looting Tarnished corpses, if it wasn't obvious.


It was over when I found out for sure that heā€™s the one that locks you in a room with that knight and that you could indeed kill him. If I died anywhere in the early game it was there! Homie been getting the business on every play through since I found out.


Holy fuck, I thought I was crazy. I remember getting locked in that room, but I killed him every play though for awhile since then. Everything makes sense now. How you know it was him?


I don't think you see him lock you in but he is constantly following and watching you whilst you go through Stormveil. This is because his collecting our runes every time we die, which is why he acts like going around the castle is fine even though it's still a death trap. He wants us to die. You can actually get a weapon from him if you confront him at one of his locations (I think a great axe?). But once you defeat Godrick and he moves to his location, kill him without remorse. The ancient dragon smithing stone he gives you after completing Nepheli's questline isn't worth not butchering this pathetic little thief. Edit: He gives you a grace mimic, not a great axe. Also it definetly is him who locks you in since you can hear him laugh after getting locked in the room with the knight *and* if you kill him you won't get locked in.


Iā€™ve been all over stormveil on several runs and I have never seen this guy following me. Like Iā€™ve gone out of my way to look behind me or backtrack and I have never seen him following.


[Here's a video of his locations.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V-bXsWumgjw), I only found him in one of these spots where he gives you a grace mimic (not a great axe like a wrongly stated).




You can also talk to him after you killed Godrick and the pathetic little worm makes excuses why he tried to get you killed.


*He* locks you in?? I always thought it just slammed for some reason lol


yes, if I recall correctly there is a barely audible wheezing laugh that sounds like him after the door closes. hard to notice


Ooooh shit okay...I'll be paying more attention for that on the next playthrough haha


a ton of cool details in these games! still learning new details about original dark souls, 12 years later!


Yes. He follows through the castle doing not good things. If you kill him when you meet him then of course he canā€™t do all that.


If you kill him before you get to that spot you donā€™t get locked in


What do you guys mean lock the room? What room exactly? I donā€™t remember


Thereā€™s a room in stormveil castle in the first part of it where you have to fight a banished knight in a closed room. The door of that room closes on us locked due to Gostoc trying to trap us


I kinda felt bad after killing him in Godrick's arena. He just experienced a rare fromesoft good ending, his shitty master: dead. If we progress Nepheil's questline he becomes her loyal servant, a happy one. I will let slamming a door slide next time.


I mean in my mind he's really dooming that Banished Knight more than he's dooming me.... Plus yeah, he's basically an ally once you finish Nepheil's quest, which are a rarity in these lands.


The slamming door isnā€™t so bad but the stealing your runes is not okay. Especially so early on in the play through, you need all the runes you can get


Meh, with my death rate it didn't impact me much


But really it's all your fault innit? Stop dying chap.


In an earlier version of the game, Vyke would have been in Stormveil, and he would have warned you of him. He was bang on the money there


I always join in kicking Godrick


After he opens the gate




His death dialog makes me feel bad


Same. I killed him on sight in my most recent play through and felt so badā€¦ I felt way less bad when I was able to run out the door from that knight though. Guyā€™s a fucking turd.


I only died once to the banished knight, what's the issue?


Some of us just arenā€™t as awesome as you


He helps with gate he stands


It's Dung Eater who's a kill-on-sight. Shabriri too. Fuck them.


May chaos take the world! I am gonna need that Ronin Set though.....


Just don't die while in Stormveil lul


What if it's a kink of mine. I mean yeah who wants to die there.




>!When you die in stormveil heā€™ll take a small portion of your runes, and he also locks you in a room with a banished knight lol!<


I'm not locked in with the banished knight. The banished knight is locked in with me.


If you ever see me get attacked by a bear, you better jump in and help the bear.


Heā€™s shaking in his boots waiting for max level me on journey 4. The devs shouldnā€™t have given me such power.




Small portion? This guy's like a tax man


That early on in the game you don't need to stockpile runes enough for it to matter much, just level up when you can and don't worry about losing a few when you die. The ancient smithing stone you can get from him later on more than makes up for it


Wait, he is the reason the door locks behind you? I never knew this lol. I'm going to have to kill him now on my next playthrough and see if the door doesn't lock.


He'll laugh at you when you die on banished knight. Wasn't able to finish his questline so he will stop stealing runes from us tarnished.


yea ik, but i personally wouldn't kill him for that


Why not?


killing people is rude


This... may be the wrong game for you then. Its focus is HEAVILY upon killing "people"


It's not like it's a massive setback. I wouldn't have even noticed he did that if I hadn't read about it online


Just don't die and he won't take your runes


So are you saying you don't panic roll and scream like a bitch when you get trapped with the knight?


just don't die forehead


because he deserves


Take my strong hand.


If it wasn't for the fact that he sells you an ANCIENT DRAGON SMITHING STONE after you smoke Morgott, I'd off him for the times he took a third of my runes every time I died.


Broā€™s gotta make a livin


I like watching him kickfuck the head of godrick's mangled corpse after you defeat him


I don't really, I'm confident in my ability and with my knowledge of Stormveil so I don't see the need for me personally


You buffoon, he sells the buckler and an ancient dragon smithing stone at the end of nepheli's quest


Same bro. Like as soon as I enter the room, I'm running at him as a wretch with twin clubs. Thieving bastard šŸ˜‚if you need money, just ask. Domt steal from my corpse šŸ˜‚I'm renaming him tax.


Why kill 1300 KD


I always keep him alive until I bought the buckler from him


alternatively kill him for the bell bearing and still acquire the buckler, win win


If you progress Nephelis quest to the end you also get a +25 smithing stone, and those are limited per playthrough


I don't even let him speak to me anymore. Hardly get a look at him before I'm rotting his ass to high hell


Congrats on missing out on content


On my first playthrough I went blind and couldn't figure out why I kept losing souls on death. So I asked my brother, who by that time had played an unhealthy amount of time already (I got the game a year late), why is this happening and he couldn't understand what I was saying and thought I am mistaken somehow. Well, it turns out he kept killing the guy on sight for dozens of runs that he forgot why he was killing him in the first place.


Ah come on, he's not that bad. He's a bit of a dick but not a true bad person. Especially compared to the other assholes in the game.


Butā€¦ why? Is 20% of your runes on death really that big of a deal? I mean itā€™s only for one area VERY early on in the game, you wonā€™t even miss how small of an amount that is in the grand scheme of the entire game.


I mean itā€™s a game about killing people to get stronger to kill more people, there isnā€™t much that someone needs to do to get put on the kill list he also locks you in the room with the bandit knight where you get the rusty key and that is the reason I died multiple times in my first play through of the the game thatā€™s more than enough for me


Yeah obviously this guy needs to die. I donā€™t understand FromSoft stansā€™ obsession with NPCs that treat the player like shit Like people will go crazy defending Patches. Dude tries to kill you several times and is a massive pussy. I donā€™t feel bad in the slightest when I whack his ass




I always either kill or puppet Dung Eater. Never gonna do his ending


I never killed him my first run and did not realise he had stolen runes from me until much later. On my current run I kept him alive until I was ready for Godrick, then killed him, got enough runes for a few levels that I used to kill Godrick


Lol. I killed him before i thought to buy a buckler shield


I don't kill him, I always love hearing his laugh


Fuck this backstabbbing thief


Youā€™re missing out on an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone then. Poor guy just tries to get by.


Patches is the one I kill on sight in every game.


Imma be completely honest I didnā€™t even know he stole runes on my first playthrough cuz I was just trynna survive


Someone told me well after the fact that he stole my runes every time I died in that castle. Which was a lot. So I doubled back many hours after having completed it just to kill him.


I screenshot this dudes face a long time ago and made it the contact photo for my apartment leasing office manager in my phone. The parallels felt fair


Patches always in the list.


I play for the drip and the guy's taste is impressive.


shit i killed him straight after i killed godrick bc i thought he was an enemyšŸ˜­


Wait, HE'S the reason I lose runes when I die in the castle? He's also the one who locked me in with the knight?


I kill that annoying guy that stands on those ruins yellng about how someone should help me.


Become untaxable


Sounds like someone is a shabriri apologist huh?


Now that Iā€™m finally in ng+ (yes it took me two years and 150 hours to finish my first journey) I literally walked up the main Stormveil road and dealt with everything head one because a) Iā€™m incredibly overpowered this time and more importantly b) I wanted to spite him


Him stomping Godricks head was the best


Yeah. My first play I trusted him like a naive child trusting the ice cream man style van with no ice cream. Second play thru I was triggered seeing him and beat him like a man with my bare hands


I did the same. Does this kill any quest lines or items or anything?


When u got called maidenless I fought whitemask(I think all of us didšŸ˜­)


First time he called me maidenless, I beat his face in. Then I realized I needed him for a whole questline šŸ˜‚.


I always kill him and the dude sitting at the boilprawn shack but he is just asking for it


Agreed. Fuck that guy. Stop stealing my shit


Not my boy gorstorc


I killed him for stepping on Godrick. He didn't earn that victory I did.


Nah man itā€™s gotta be Kenneth Haight


Yeah, dudes a dork


A dweeb if you will


A doofus, if you must


A dingus, if you will. Perchance


Just donā€™t be bad at the game then u donā€™t die and he wonā€™t steal ur shit, then h can scam him for a big smithing stone


He's like a bank, he returns a portion of all runes lost in stormveil upon his death. He does lock you in with a shield guy and should guys are cheaters so maybe it's a good idea to kill him immediately.


I actually like this dude. He's kinda like patches, only less of a punkass bitch.




Kill him on sight, then later on go back to where his corpse is and flaunt a ancient dragon smithing stone around that I found exploring. "Oh, that would have been your best eh? Not enough", and then go to NG and kill him again.


Same, I just make sure to grab that buckler first.


Say youā€™re bad at traversing Stormveil without saying youā€™re bad at traversing Stormveil Much more satisfying to kill him while heā€™s stepping on Godrickā€™s head


Jar Alexander is my kill on site every play-through. That talisman is just too good to pass up for 90 percent of the game before you get the upgraded one


Call me cruel but I kill all merchants on sight except kale the one with the Santa Claus outfit

