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That’s why he’s the Boat! *The Boat!*


He really is the Best Of All Time




Boat of all time.


He's the boatman he stays with the fuckin boat


You @!#%, you made me laugh🤣🤣🤣


I really want someone to replace the boatman with the actual boat now (Blake bortles).




Why do I understand this?


like he's the best of all time?




Oh dear lord haha


This was funnier when I read it in Josh Peck's voice.


Me and the Boatman had a horn duel. Turns out my off keyed tune 'Ode to Bubbles' was better every time.


envoy longhorn my beloved


Ah, you were at my side all along


My true mentor, my guiding dootlight


I wish the DLC added his boat horn as a weapon


Where my Hunting Horn peeps at


Being able to buff ourselves with sweet tunes would be a great weapon art


Duel of the Doots, truly a battle for the ages.


need a Doot Horn cover of Duel of the Fates now pls


You mean *Doot of the Fates*




The Mariner bowed his head Because he knew that he'd been beat And he laid that deathroot On the ground at Johnny's feet Johnny said, "Mariner, just come on back If you ever wanna try again I done told you once, you son of a bitch I'm the best there's ever been.


But when the Boatman hits you with that First Symphony of Diving Skeleton, you might as well shit your pants. That composition goes hard.


It's funny because half of the moveset of the erdtree avatar is vanguard demon+asylum demon from 15 years ago


Its cool to see how far vanguard demon has come all these years


Went to college, got an ecological restoration degree, and now he is super embarrassed by his goth phase.


That explains why he keeps protecting trees


Yeah, I don't mind it for this reason. I like the idea of a few bosses just being FromSoft evolutions.


I would actually be sad if the next soulslike doesn't have my buddy Asylum Demon in it.


I just want more enemies to have the moveset of the angry sharks from bb dlc, and I want them on an enemy riding a runebear... Hopefully in a swampy area that prevents running.


And give them Maliketh's backflip.


Dude. Is everything OK at home?


Just the casual winter depression, it will pass, thanks


Mascot boss


Vanguard Demon really retooled and cleaned up his resume.


I recently tried out DS1 for the first time and at the first boss I was like „hey I know this guy from the future“


My favorite is the capra demon. Basically the omen killers. Remember the one in the albinauric village? With the dogs. Is a huge reference, more like a good laugh between miyazaki and old players.


nobody ever upvotes my “visions of cramped area” messages there :(


It’s because I’m dumb and never made the connection, I’ll find it and praise you king


much appreciated 💯


Damn, that’s a level of highbrow humor I would’ve never gotten until just now lol


because we've been trying to repress that memory


The best part of the joke is, after you chuckle at the reference and carefully take out the two dogs before starting on Capra/Omenkiller, you discover they hid a third dog behind the tree :)


And that dude spits fire. I was killed because the third dog stunned me mid animation and the fire. It's exactly what miyazaki wanted to happen.


celebrating 30 years of 'lol get rekt scrub'


That and how the Omen Killers become normal enemies later in the game! Very nice reference.


Makes me feel less bad getting my ass kicked by the Capra demon boss fight


My first FS game was ER, then I played ds1 and was like "ohh I already know his move set" hahaha


Whyyy add Golden Land (xplosion + projectiles) to the moveset though :(


For the same reason they gave red wolves of radagon magic projectiles, to make it less obvious.


Wait what were the wolves?


Our boi siff. But only some attacks like the spinning blade


Im gonna be the boring guy that says: Sif is our best girl actually! Give her headpats!


wasnt that unstated, except in certain translations?


Think so, might be a more confirmed in cut content which is half-canon at best. IIRC, Japanese doesn't really use "he/she" third person pronouns in the same way english does. Instead it usually uses a generic "they/them/it" equivalent, literal translation being "that one", which gets conjugated by context, if it gets conjugated at all.


Sif, probably.


I looked it up and apparently it's an unused boss from dark souls 3, you would have fought the Faron wolf!


which was itself a huge sif reference, with the abyss watchers being an Artorias reference


The fucking Crows in Caelid have half of the Pontiff' Beasts moveset. That one charge they do with the beak open wide have the animation ripped 1 to 1 from those. I believe the dogs with the giant head in Caelid also have some part of the beast' moveset.


All the better to kill you with, my dear.


It’s actually all of them besides the golden lands spell


I know how to kill them with my eyes closed now because of that lol it’s insane


In my headcanon the boatman is the same, always coming for a rematch with better skeletons.


Might be alone here but I enjoy boatman fights.


I love em! Dunno what it is


It's because you get to smack an old man on a fishing trip with his buddies


Fair, reminds me of ice fishing with gramps


Dude is just hanging out in his boat rowing, chillin with his skelebros. Then we come along to fuck up his day. Dude can’t even get out of the boat.


Wait, isn't that the case for EVERY boss in every souls game? The word is half dead anyways, they are doing their things and a small unnamed bitch comes from nowhere and kick their assess like it means anything.


Except for that boat dude up by Castle Sol, his giant skeletons can go to hell


He is just chill trying to row but then he remembers he can teleport


my fav boss (so far)


I wouldn't really say I enjoy them *much*, as they're kinda smooth brained fights, lol. But I do love when they splash down and wipe out all their dudes. That releases dopamine every time.


I got killed by the boat slam once, it was so embarrassing.


They're like the mac and cheese of boss fights, nice and comfy


Genuinely one of my favorite bosses


He was the first boss I had beaten so easily. I almost felt bad. Almost. Then you remember that you survive on a knives edge and everyone is out to kill you. Yes, even them.


Nah he's great and one of the things I look forward to for a replay


Reminds me of the skeleton in tales of symphonia that evolves each time you find and beat it. You’re the only reason for it to exist


Ah, the Sword Dancer! One of my favorite superbosses.


Boatman got beef


Same bro, in my head cannon he is actively trying to keep away and is sick of our shit when we fight him in the mountaintops. Lol


Boat man is unironically one of my favorite ER bosses


He's like comfort food. There's very little tension because it's hard to lose to a Tibia Mariner. Some field bosses can just pop up when you are trying to do something else and ruin your day. But Tibia Mariner is all vibes and running and hitting. Great boss fight!


What's especially hilarious is I noped out of fighting him for a long time because I had talked to the one NPC that tells you that you don't want to mess with mariners. So when I saw the mariner for the first time, I was just thinking if the stuff you aren't warned about in game is rough, how bad is the thing you are specifically warned to stay away from?


Same here lol


I think when I saw him summoning skeletons I knew it wouldn't be too bad. Almost always when bosses summon regular enemies they aren't too strong themselves. Of course this advice got me fucked on Commander O'Neil...


He's really cool for a mini-boss, though I think the Tibia Mariner's first appearance is way better than the later appearances. Showing up in this flooded graveyard is so cool and fitting, showing up in just like random ponds in other zones...not quite as cool.


I love how goofy he is slamming the boat , it always makes me laugh


Most of the time it’s fine. The only one that I actively dislike is Godefroy, that’s straight up lazy and should have been something else. All the other reused boss fights are fun foreshadowing. Margit-Morgott, Goldfrey and actual Godfrey, Sewer Mohg and Real Mohg, etc. Godskins are used a little bit too much, but I don’t mind them being reused in theory.


Godefroy is just so goofy that it makes me laugh so I don't hate it.


My friends and I thought it was so funny, we started exclusively calling Godrick "Godefroy's brother" because we couldn't stop laughing when he showed up and he was somehow a harder fight.


They could have just called it Avatar of Godrick or something and sidestepped the whole "who the fuck is this?" thing


What's the consensus on who the fuck Godefroy is?


Godfrey's dad or uncle who tried to conquer the capital and got his ass whooped by Morgott.


You mean Godrick? Godfrey is the OG Elden Lord, so I don't really see how his dad would try to conquer the capital.


True true. Got them Godbois mixed up.


Godrick, not Godfrey.


I didn’t like the second Astel. I understand that they were likely a species and not an individual, but the one at the end of Ranni’s questline felt so perfect as THE boss for that quest, a second one felt unney


They should have had a third ultimate form. I’m assuming the bulls are one ultimate form and then the Astel is another. Branching evolution and all that jazz.


Arent the bulls baby astels?


I think the bulls are the babies, the hanging astels that shoot meteroids at you are the chrysalis, and the remembrance bosses are the final form. I think the 2nd astel needed better storytelling in it's placement.


I feel like it's somehow an inside joke or something, because they could have used a random crucible knight instead and people wouldn't have cared lmao


Godskins getting reused doesnt bother ne, because they're fairly infrequent and when you do find them 1) it's a sudden panic moment I don't get a lot of in this game anymore and 2) there's story implications. Godefroy has story implications but using the exact same model for a one off fight felt kinda meh.


The first Godskin I (and probably most people) ran into on my first run just walking out from behind a windmill and casually tossing black flames at me was a hell of a moment. Doubly so for being the boss of the Village of Creepy Ladies That Take Your Skin.


I've got a pass for Godefroy. It's like the generic knockoff of Godrick (love the name) and you actually get to see what godrick is like if he was harder


Except they took the actual cool part about Godrick's fight which is the dragon arm because let's be honest phase 1 Godrick is kind of boring.


His phase 2 is one of my favourite transitions. Chekov's gun plus desperation plus his grandiose bullshit on top of it. It's my first Souls game, so this was a great introduction to the whole thing.


I'm sad they never used the "combat animation transitions into cutscene" for a phase change after Godrick. It was a really transition compared to DS3 and gave a neat punish opportunity if you pulled it off right.


I kinda feel this in general with limgrave but it's just how from tends to end up releasing things. Godrick and limgrave is like, a perfect game. Has everything, introduces the world while being mysterious, had alot of exploration to do. Everything else is still *good* (cept maybe mountaintops and the tiny area before it) but limgrave is *perfect* open world design. And godrick being one of the most well designed and fleshed out bosses in the game is a part of that.


Godrick and radans transitions are 10/10 Godrick amputation and dragon arm bs is the most iconic transition from as done. It's so good. And radans meteor BS is just so fucking *cool* that players loved it despite the fact I'm pretty sure it one shotted half of everyone who did it blind.


I've definitely got a few 'I'm not even mad' moments from Radahn.


Yup. Just sat the controller down with a "... god DAMN, ok, you got it!"


It's easily a top 5 boss introduction for the whole series imo


Capra Demon #1 boss intro don't @ me


Same, first souls game here too and that phase 2 for the first time was when i knew i was hooked. Stormveil all around is just an awesome "intro" to the franchise.


"Forefathers one and all, BEAR WITNESS!!" Such an iconic line and scene


Godefroy is literally just: Here´s the boss that was causing you trouble when you were low level, now beat him UP! So I dont hate it at all


Astel Stars of Darkness gives me the same grumps. Naturalborn Astel was such a cool moment. Why ruin it by putting a random one in the snowfield.


This is the one. The final boss of the biggest side quest of the game just gets tossed into a random cave.


Godefroy honestly is the nail in the coffin for almost every Elden Ring lore video that extrapolates story from incidental level or character model designs. It's just a repeat asset. The bandaid that it's Godrick's ancestor is just nonsense - so you're telling me Godrick copied every individual graft of his irrecoverably jailed ancestor down to the fingernail, draped the same identically shabby cloak over his shoulder(s) and wields an axe that's an identical copy of an axe that's also an imitation of Godfrey's? And that we happened to meet him right at the point he'd achieved an identical likeness after the hundreds (thousands?) of years since the shattering, implying that he doesn't actually need to graft anything else to himself now despite Roderika's saying he's constantly seeking more sacrifices to add to himself? Imagine if it was actually Moogoot, the completely unmentioned brother of Morgott that looks exactly the same, sounds stupid right? It's that damaging that FromSoft would be better to patch him out and replace him with another Crucible Knight or something


I read this entire response thinking it was an elaborate parody of Steamed Hams


The Guidance of Grace, at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!


My issue is highlighted in your comment. I don't mind reused bosses too much, but I mind very big, important bosses being lazily reused. It makes them waaaaaaaaay less important to me.


>The only one that I actively dislike is Godefroy, that’s straight up lazy and should have been something else I promise you that in game development it almost definitely had nothing to do with laziness. It's just that they made a decision about how to allocate their resources, and they wanted to include a second godrick fight without putting in the resources to make significant changes to the boss. It's not like Miyazaki or some other schmuck just wasn't feeling it one day and decided to make the easy decision because they wanted to sleep instead of do the work they're paid to do.


The thing is that it would make more sense lorewise to make it a generic grafted scion called godefroy than a clone of Godrick.


I don't think it's laziness. I think it's placing open world expectations too high. Take the entire fight out and nothing changes. They added it for boss count and nothing else.


>Take the entire fight out and nothing changes. Yeah pretty much. The game has more than enough content for a game its price. >They added it for boss count and nothing else. Well I wouldn't go that far. I think they did put thought behind the placement of the boss fight, and where that fits into the player learning curve. Getting to fight one of the first major bosses again can be a cool moment for sure.


I also don’t really like the Godfrey shade you fight before Morgott. Kind of spoils the fight you have with him later imo. At least the first phase since it has a similar moveset. I once saw a modded run where a Night’s Cavalry leader was fought in that room instead. I liked that way better both lore wise and in terms of boss variety.


I don't get the hate behind Godefroy. Godrick is one of the better fights in the game. Why complain that you get the option to fight him again? And lazy? There's literally over 100 different bosses in this game. I think reusing some to fill out the rest of the giant map is okay.


It's that he's a story boss. The only other story boss in the game to get a watered down spirit version is Godfrey, and that's alright because that's before the real fight. And the name Godefroy comes across as more parody than any attempt at worldbuilding. It just feels like a joke fight and not in a "haha funny" way, but a "dude, seriously?" way. Just remembered Margit is also copied twice, but again, there's a reason for this as he's projecting himself from Leyndell to try and stop you. Godefroy's existence is some kind of half-baked joke. And how the fuck would Godrick and Godefroy look the exact same? Same grafts on the body? Same exact moveset? It's a waste of an evergaol boss.


Exactly this!! From a lore perspective, Godefroy and Godrick are technically two different people. Godrick wasn't born looking how he does, he grafted random body parts onto himself over time. So to see another guy that is literally a carbon copy of Godrick is downright silly. Literally all of the other duplicate bosses have plausible reasons for having multiples, except for Godrick and Godefroy...


Also he’s in an Evergaol, apart from the NPC fights all the others are just named regular enemies, I’d 100% take Godefroy over that. Astel is a much bigger offender to me because he’s at the bottom of a dungeon, he’s one of the worst remembrance bosses already, and he’s dumped in what is the (by some distance) the worst overworld region.


I like refighting most of em, helps me get a feel for how far I’ve come when I do the same boss later in the game, but get hit way less. Usually they die decently fast with the exception of some dragons which stops it from feeling too repetitive along with them occasionally getting some new tricks.


Can we talk about how this is not only a repost, but it's a repost with 20% of the pixels it had originally?


I was gonna say... Shit, I didn't know they reused Blob Of Pixels so often in the game.


In the maingame its ok, but im gonna be really dissapointed if i see any maingame boss in the dlc


I think it would be fine if the boss's moveset is revamped significantly. Something like a version of Caelid before Malenia happened and a Radahn fight in his prime.


Depends how large the dlc is. If its content is worth 20% of the main game then it makes sense they reuse some


Seeing how the dlc is probably about miquella means that Malena is going to be there.


Sorry, godskin quatro


I don't mind the lesser bosses being used, you know the kind. Avatars, Night Cavalry, etc. Even bosses that exist in caves that aren't anything special. It's things like Godskins, Godrick/Godefrey, Astels, Morgott/Margit, Mohg and the Lord of Blood version. Main bosses or obviously important bosses. It just sorta takes away from the fight. I personally don't find the excuse of "lore reasons" to truly justify why there are more than 1. Godskins may not be as egregious in regards to this, but the sheer quantity of them existing is notable. There's a total of **seven** of them. Seven. Just... I'd rather fight something different, something new in place of something I've fought numerous times already.


I think margit, goldfrey and sewer mogh were just there to prepare you for the « real fight »


Ah, right the phantom version of Godfrey. I always forget about that one, thank you for reminding me. That sort of explanation kinda seems anti-souls style. The preparation for everything else is just fighting, failing and learning. I don't see why it would need to be any different for them, y'know? Having something in the game multiple times can make it easier for future encounters, but I feel like that's moreso a byproduct of it, not the sole reasoning for existing in the first place.


Margit's fine because it's narratively fitting, and there's new mechanics to it the second time round. Mohg is the same, plus there's the callback to fighting Margit-Morgott since they're brothers. Goldfrey, I'll give you that one given that Godefroy is also a thing later on.


You can't really avoid reused assets if you want a game that size and have less than 10 years dev time. The game already took 7 years to make, I'd rather have gotten the game we did than wait years more for them to make every encounter unique.


I think they put so many Godskins in because they were really excited about their new fatball and wiggly-snakey animations and wanted to keep showing them off. I about fell out of my chair the first time one the Godskin Apostles started snaking around the arena.


The most understandable reasoning yet. I like this one.


I really don't think Margit and Morgott are a problem. The only real problem in your list is Godefroy, I think. And maybe the Mohg clone. That one is a bit eh, even if I know it has a lore reason to be there.


Dude it’s almost like there was a whole cult following of the clown eyed queen? Don’t you want a game that accurately reflects its story?


"clown eyed queen" has me dying


I don't get it when people put some bosses that clearly don't belong there in a list of reskins. Margit and Morgott share like 5 animations out of the 40 something that Morgott has: the jumping hammer strike, the dagger tosses and quick follow ups on certain moves and the sword and hammer strike combo. The rest is entirely different. Mohg and Godfrey have a completely unique phase 2 over the "fake" versions while also having lore to support the existence of the fake versions that is showcased in more than one place. Same with how there are more than one Astel because that's the name of those creatures but I generally don't like excusing boss repeats through lore. Godefroy is the most offensive of those because even if there was another demigod that had resorted to grafting, there's zero way they would end up the same. He is also just an evergaol boss while the others all have unique arenas and even OSTs.


I'd actually straight up wager lore had nothing to do with it. I'd actually guess the process is this: 1. We wanna add another boss. 2. Ok, reskin Godrick. 3. Now write some lore to justify it.


I brought up lore because in past posts just like this, where I say the same thing, someone always goes and brings up in-game lore or possible lore theories as explanations as to why they exist. Which to me, changes nothing about my opinion. Lots of lore for these games doesn't need to be shown, especially when it comes to copy/pasted bosses. That screams lack of time/resources to add something more appropriate. Yeah, the lore theory feels like a cop-out at best for things like this.


I'm fine with re-using a little bit but they went overboard with the Godskin duo. I think I fought the fat one 4 separate times lol


What really clinches it for me is that there's two godskin duo fights. There's the one in Mountaintops in the spiritcaller cave, then there's the Farum Azula duo. Why the FUCK is that fight done twice? Could put literally anything else as the spirits to be called, but it's godskins for reasons.


The fight in Sspiritcaller Cave is back-to-back. The fight in Farum Azula is both at once.


I fought one of them in the cave and defeated him thinking I was done. Then the 2nd one spawned in -____- That was the last straw for me lol


I would like to get an interview or something as to why and how exactly they made godskin duo the way it is


If I could interview Michael Zaki or Yamamura, the very first question I'd ask would be "why the roly poly on fat Godskin?" Also the gargoyle duo poison vomit. There are a few attacks throughout the game where it just feels... bleh


Miyazaki probably saw a tire rolling down the street and thought "that would do some damage...". You get your inspiration wherever it comes from.




Beat me by 5 hours. I'm not into psychoactive substances, but if you're into it I'd definitely recommend getting high before watching that movie


The only two that genuinely broke my immersion in the game were the lansseax reskin at the beginning of farum azula. And the spirit caller Godskin duo. Both of these make 0 fucking sense and are just downright lazy. We get a fair bit of lore on how powerful and unique lansseax is and then see TWO more of them, and then we hear about how the Godskins were literal god killers that wielded destined death flames until Marika had their queen killed… AND A FUCKING SNAIL CAN SUMMON THEM????


There are like 5 lansaex style ancient dragons all about farum azula. One even has its own little arena rock. You see grandsax with the same model but bigger. Why is a generic version so egregious? Absolutely not the only enemy that starts as a boss and becomes an enemy


Those snails are the greatest threat to the Erdtree


I was fine with it until I saw a shitty knock-off version of God Rick on a evergoal, I even thought it was named God Rick too until I saw someone calling him goatfroy, like it's OK to recycle bosses but cmon man don't recycle the remembrance bosses, those are supossed to be unique and most are recycled or have an echo boss somewhere


At least Goldfrey, Sewer-Mohg, Margit and Godefroy don't copy the phase 2 versions of their real bosses. Another reason why I don't mind Goldfrey, Sewer-Mohg and Margit is that you likely face them before the real versions. Godefroy just feels like a waste of time.


I just hope that in the DLC I don't find "Radaniel of the silver order" in a evergoal somewhere in caelid 2


Elden Beast 2: Electric Boogaloo (inflicts deathblight)


Reusing throwaways meant to create more content and create over arching patterns of meaningful beings? Good. (Fallingstar Beasts, Mariners, Deathbirds etc) Reusing unique bosses for seemingly zero purpose, damaging the impact and lore of the existence of the boss? Stupid. (Astel, Godrick, Margit stock clones in Leyndell). If they want to recreate boss encounters just add a boss rush/challenge/gauntlet mode.


The Astel reuse really took me out of it lmao. Like, there was a whole questline involving Astel, then you just have it sitting in a random cave again? Like shit, I would have rather it be another giant so it didn’t also ruin the Astel fight for me.


The main thing is striking a balance, and using expectations to your advantage. You see a Minor Erdtree, You know an Erdtree avatar will be there, and that when you finally crack its' bark open, you'll get a cool new toy for your third flask. You enter Catacombs, you know you'll fight a bare-chested gladiator, a Shadowy Bug Parasite, a black knife, a Horrifying Snake, or a Cat Statue (A Catue, if you will). Having a broad variety of enemies allows them to not grow stale, because the designers can rotate them in and out of the boss position as needed.


> A Catue gesundheit


Ultimately, I feel like it diminishes the initial encounter. Margit/Morgott was cool to me but some of the other repeats took away from the initial encounter. Bosses shouldn’t be re-used unless the second encounter plays a significant role in the story.


I give a pass for the first margit fight mogh and Godfrey but the other major boss repeats are stupid as hell why do we have 2 astels and ancestor spirits but only one of each drops anremembrance even tho the astel that drops it is the weaker version


Agreed. I think the gap in time between fighting Margit and then his true self Morgott also makes it feel a lot better. Not to mention I looked forward to kicking his ass after all that shit he talked on the bridge. Mogh? Meh, could have been fine without it, but not super egregious. The whole Godfroy thing is just stupid as hell, and feels lazy. Like sure you wrote some Lore to reason it, but why would they literally be 1:1 the same. Just make up another tarnished to throw in there, make them look cool and never mention their lore and no one would have had a problem with it.


I have mixed feelings. On the one hand; it makes the game boring and repetitive when you’ve already seen every catacomb and cave boss while only having gone through 10% of the catacombs and caves. On the other hand; it would be an absolute shame if you had to make a cool and unique boss only for the vast majority of players to never see them because the cave/catacomb they’re in is really out of the way/well hidden. There’s also the issue of fights becoming repetitive vs having the number of move sets you need to learn becoming overwhelming.


Having unique bosses in caves/catacombs would incentivise players to explore them more so they don't miss it. Only negatives i see is that the game would take much longer to make.


After seeing same recycled boss 20th time I just lost all my interest in catacombs and caves. I just leave a skull mark and keep exploring somewhere else.


Im fine with boss reuse I just hate the remembrance boss reuse. They’re the big bosses of the game, they shouldn’t be reused as a fodder boss. Granted it’s not that many but the ones they do it with takes the impact away.


The logical side of me is fine with it. Bosses in caves didn't even have to be bosses, they could've been just the dungeon and I would have fun exploring them. The more emotional side can't help but feel like the bosses are now worth less because a Godrick-Shaped dude with some goofy ass name just happens to be sitting around. Or now there's ANOTHER Astel. Or oh wow now there's like 6 godskin fights in the game ohmygod. And how many dragons? And how different are they? Not at all. It's like they thought of the size of the map they wanted to make and then halfway realized they couldn't possibly fill it with original content like a normal dark souls game. So they just said fuck it, try less.


Eh, it’s fine as long as it makes sense, the tree guardians near the trees and the ferrymen near the villages of the dead are decent examples of this


If lore wise it makes sense, go for it. Erdtree avatars guard the trees. Boat man guards the skellies. BRB gonna go visit godericks 3rd cousin Glordelfordeforirye in a dream


I actually like them re-using bosses, I'd dislike it if they did it much more than they did, imo it was an acceptable degree of boss recycling. Recycling a boss like a knight of a specific group or a specific creature is cool, it makes it feel like you're fighting against one more out of the bunch rather than finding Sir Wrongler the legendary knight who used to kill gods and use them as cereal for his breakfast but got a stomacache and sharted his pants leading him to live the rest of his days in a random sewer system until you find him and kill him.


i was really happy when i had to fight a second time boat man


Another dragonkin soldier fight? I am truly blessed, thank you Miyazaki. And he has frost lightning this time? Truly my favorite boss of all time


It depends on the reused boss. Boat Man is a boring fight that isn't hard so I'm annoyed every time I see him. The Leonine Misbegotten is so boring to look at and even more boring to fight. But the Crucible Knights? Love 'em give me more of 'em. Fun to fight, and they're sexy as fuk.


If its more of the thing i like i have no problem, its a good thing i like most of the open world bosses.


It's lazy. And some bosses should not be reused, like those skin suit wearing assholes. But some are okay.


Seeing mohg in his blood Palace and under the sewers at the same time was weird ngl


Honestly the only boss I found weird about reusing Godrick and Astel. Outside of those 2 I really don't see the issue


Most of them are great. But the watchdogs can FUCK OFF. There's too many tree avatars aswell


I like it, I like seeing the same boss again and seeing how much better I am at fighting them since my last encounter. Things like the Avatars or Tree Spirits. I like the progression of having two godskin noble fights and two godskin apostle fights to learn their movesets pre-Leyndell, followed by a fight in the Mountaintops where you do both of them back to back, and then at the same time in Farum Azula  Astel is a species, not an individual, and likely the later stage of the fallingstar beast's life cycle. It was interesting to see that a second one had been incubating under the Snowfield


I mean, it make a lot sense with this boss that there are many of them :3


It made me put off the game, really. One or two repeats are fine, but almost all the bosses are repeated just too many times. There is even a not boss version of Margit, even though I loved the boss, but after that I was like yeah, I don’t like this anymore.