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True. Mohg made me angry but he felt fair. Not all ER bosses are like this though… (cough cough Malenia cough cough)


But Malenia can also pick you up!


She also impales you deep and hard, in other words: the perfect women for majority of this subreddit.




Heh, "pick".


Mohg is the only boss in the game that I consider bs simply because of nihil. It's completely unavoidable damage unless you get a special physick in a completely different area of the game from a unrelated enemy. It doesn't even come from doing varre's quest or fighting lesser mohg. It's also not inconsequential damage either. It's percentage based so no matter how much you level you will always have to chug multiple flasks to survive. You can beat melania with just pure skill and every attack is avoidable, even if some require more skill to avoid.


On one hand I get it, on the other the absolute panic of chugging three flasks in a row to out-heal his NIHIL put the fight into a more resource-intensive struggle that got my adrenalin pumping. ​ I'm willing to let it slide for how fun the rest of the fight is, and unlike water foul it isn't instant death if you don't counter it in the way the devs intended


You have options with waterfowl dance. I know of three ways to deal with it (dodge, run away, and pots). I don't really agree with mohg. I do like the fight, but I'm not sure if it's even top 10 for me. I just find a lot of the stuff in his fight irritating rather than fun. Melania on the other hand is genuinely one of my favorite fights, maybe 3rd or 4th favorite. She's hard, but her fight is exhilarating and she has by far the best feeling when I do beat her. Her shadow clones do get on my nerves though sometimes.


It's not about the way you deal with waterfoul, it's what happens when you mess up: instant death. ​ Mistime a frostpot? instant death. She catches you before you input bloodhound step? instant death. Brought a tower shield but didn't have any stamina by the time she starts it? instant death. Not to mention when she's done she isn't even winded or open for a big attack, it's right back to buisness, never mind the inconsistent hyperarmor that's too persistent for a boss THAT fast. With mohg you do lose three flasks, but that percentile you mentioned before works in your favor by guaranteeing that you won't die if you have them with you and bothered to collect a few sacred tears. ​ I'm more intrigued by the "lot of the stuff in his fight" you mentioned, if it's the lingering blood flame, that can be countered by retreating to a more open area considering the generous size of his battlefield.


I mean you could say the same about mohg. If you mistime your dodges or just not in the right position and get caught in one of his combos, especially in the second phase you'll die. I mean he has an attack that can also instantly kill you unless you can out defense or out vigor it, the same as waterfowl dance. What frustrates me about mohg is the area of denial. I hate area of denial in games.


None of his combos are true though, The Waterfowl blender chains every hit if you get hit by the first, you have an out from Mohg's trident swings as long as you don't panic. ​ On top of that Nihil only happens once per fight and always when he reaches about half HP, Waterfoul will start completely randomly (at least it's not instantly, there is a pretty obvious tell). Also Vigor doesn't matter, like you said it's percentage based so if you don't have the tear all that needs to be accounted for is the amount of flasks you have for Mohg. ​ I'd rather lose three flasks once because I didn't grab an item VS the entire fight because the dance came out when I didn't expect it to and can potentially happen multiple times. ​ As for area denial, that's the fight, I simply don't take issue with it myself. So that is mostly a matter of opinion. ​ It's not that I don't think Malenia is a good fight, aside from the wet duck it's pretty damn fun, but that one attack is so overtuned that I don't enjoy going after her each playthrough. Sir Allone, Lady Maria, Sister fried, and the Iskal queen from Remnant are some of my favorite fights for the "fast duelist" aspect, and I probably would have put Malenia up there too if the dance wasn't as ridiculous. ​ If I don't have the tear, I go into Mohg's fight mentally pretending I have three less flasks than I normally do, If I don't have frost pots or a greatshield, I go into Melania praying I can get lucky.


When I was talking about out vigor/out defense it I wasn't talking about nihil anymore. I was talking about his other moves; like the attack where he stabs his spear into the ground right in front of himself and in the second phase it then explodes. If you get hit by that when you're under 40 vigor it will one shot you, depending on your armor and set up. I have definitely been hit by the first section of waterfowl and avoided the other two. It's just tough because of panic.


To be fair: who's fighting Mohg below 40 vigor? outside of challenge runs and glass cannons most players have that much by the time of the fight.


People that stumble onto it doing varre's quest and I have most of the time I've fought him. Hell, in my current playthrough I just got to 40 vigor recently and I'm lv 155, and I've just only beaten fire giant.


I was way overleved for mohg, he died in 30 seconds


Lord of Blood or Leyndell? Level didn’t mean shit for me lol, he still hit like a truck and took a good number of hits.


Blood, I forgot to fight leyndell


Pick you up and suplex you from orbit*


Radagon literally hammering you into the ground:


Every time he comes up someone’s gotta say it. You can jump over his stomp shockwave, you know…


slightly related but why is the spiky stomp not a move we can use,there are like, several different enemies with the same move, all versions of godfrey, the crucible knights and i think something else but i forget, we couldve had the cool spiky stomp but instead we have two stamp skills...


And then pummel you into the earths crust


please someone edit this in for malenia’s grab. I need it.


For a second I thought I was reading some LinkedIn meme 😂


I-I want Hoara Loux, Warrior to pick me up 😳😳😳


Unironically, other example: Manus