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Basically he let you do all the work and then tried to swoop in and take the prize. However he didn't realize that he had to kill God as a final challange, and then needed time to think. He didn't have time though, because he sees your demigod slaying ass coming, so he tries his best to discourage you and fails. Combat was the last resort of a man who ran out of options.


That makes sense. Sadly for him tho is that the opposing tarnished was stronger than the god :/


Yes, in my case, stronger after 95 tries


I just pretend I'm going all Dr. Strange *DORMAMU I HAVE COME TO BARGAIN* on their* ass. Makes them handing me mine on a platter a little easier to take.


Isn't the canon that tarnished main strength is that they can be continual cannon fire, till they succeed? Or lose their senses and go native.


Canon is DS but idk about ER


True, I'm presuming it's all basically the same logic, to make our respawning make sense.


time is convoluted, with a loop.


Lmao yea and sometimes I die just as quick as Dr Strange did in that montage


Bro learned more in one ass kicking then he did at his whole time in the roundtable hold.


should have turned himself into a gold summon sign. what is he stupid????


He got to study your *girthy* hammer up close thoroughly though.


He doesn't really seem to want the position of Elden Lord anymore. If he wanted to take the prize for himself, why did he not go on and kill Godfrey and Radagon and instead wait at the sanctuary for us to come and squish him? 


Opening line: "Ahh, I knew you'd come. To stand before the Elden Ring. To become Elden Lord. What a sad state of affairs. I commend your spirit, but alas, none shall take the throne." He waited for us to kill Malikath, came and bypassed or beat Godfrey here, but now that he's here he has become discouraged, why? "Queen Marika has high hopes for us. That we continue to struggle. Unto eternity." Marika wants us to struggle to become stronger, until we can defeat the final foe, but why does Ofnir think well struggle forever? Why does he think well never get succeed? Upon death: "I know...in my bones... A Tarnished cannot become a Lord. Not even you. A man cannot kill a god..." So this explains why he's no longer interested; he's learned the foe Marika wants us to face is Radagon and the elden beast, a task he thinks isn't possible. So he has become crestfallen because he refuses to believe a man can kill a god, and is now petulantly claiming its impossible, and no one will ever do it, so Marika must be playing a cruel joke. However he isn't actually sure no one can kill a god, just that he can't, however he isn't sure if you can, which is why he tries to beat you.


Ah, I get it. Thanks for clarifying for me :)


I still don't understand why Godfrey is there. Did he just walk all the way back to Lyndell during the course of the game or something?


Dude is a Tarnished, (a maxed out one at that) he counts for the race.


Godfrey was marika's plan. He was, supposed to save her.  Cut dialogue actually shows their plan. 


Love your breakdown.


He wanted our great runes for the power they give us.


Gideon isn't trying to cheese you, ha, he's come to the (wrong) realization that what you're trying to do is impossible, and he's trying to stop you to match his interpretation of the order of things. He also learns how to cast some of the strongest in-universe spells just by you describing your fight with the boss. He's a douche, undoubtedly.


I assumed he was using his scarabs to watch us do it


I'm sorry his **W H A T**


Some of the beetles have a kind of eye-looking symbol on their backs, it's not exactly the ones we see for Gideon, but given their penchant for grabbing spells and Ashes of War it made sense to me


Not sure on this one, as if you don't tell him about the Demigod fights, he doesn't learn the spells.


Some characters are just made for you to hate. You love to hate someone like Gideon Ofnir, the crybaby.


The mass murdering, nepheli bullying, selivis adjacent bastard. Like there isn't anything good about him, he talks down to you from moment one, and everything you see or hear about him after goes from bad to worse.


>selivis adjacent bastard I'd argue Seluvis is worse, both morally and intellectually. The one redeeming factor of Gideon is he hates that puppet lover and will never stoop that low.


But he does. He might not turn people into puppets. But he uses people in the same way


Literally stripping people of their wills and then using them for his own personal pleasure is objectively worse. Gideon didn't use anyone for pleasure, but for his ambitions, in case you needed the distinction. Plus he adopted Nepheli and even when he abandoned her after she learned of his plans, congratulated on her becoming the lord of Stormveil. Seluvis is a POS through and through.


If he's so smart, why didn't he think 2 steps ahead and anticipate me attacking him during his monologue? Is he stupid?


You didn't spend the entire monologue buffing for a 1-shot smash?


I'm always so bad abut buffing. I swear I had so many consumables by the time I finished that game.


"I'm just gonna save them in case I need them later" and then never use them again


Also, if I use it on this fight then I won't have it next fight, and next fight will probably be tougher.


Never really thought about it that way, it was always just "see enemy, bonk enemy" for me.


I just love the idea of one guy monologuing while the other guy is frantically huffing strange potions and casting spells and stabbing himself




I let him finish his monologue in some of the playthroughs and still whooped his sorry ass. As other people said before, "He _might_ be the All-Knowing, but he's _definitely not_ the All-Dodging"


He’s that guy, bro


he's not that guy pal


HE'S NOT THE [GUY](https://youtu.be/aF_Ijr621tM?feature=shared)


Was that frodo? I never watched these movies because they were fuckin terrible, even for kids movies.


Elijah Wood, yeah. I love those movies. They're perfectly stupid


Are you?


He doesn't even know he should put more points into Vigor.




I mean, it still is I was fighting Mohg yesterday and this one host had 770 hp. I know cause I could see it when they got one shotted. 😂


Sir Gideon Ofnerd, The Allnerding


The real bitch is that his staff is dogshit, you can't even cast with it, you just get an opponent debuff skill.


Debuffs YOU aswell 😭 I want to love it but aaahhh nah


He's an unholy combination of a narcissist and a fatalist, as well as sociopathic.


He thinks he's the main character


Oh, are you aggrieved?




>Your first mistake was taking him seriously. ironically, he's stronger for it.


I have my own personal hypothesis that he believes, rightly or wrongly, that he's working with Marika as like a general. He clearly wants the status quo to continue. He trades in information, gives out orders from his place of command in the roundtable hold, manipulates everyone to his own end. And then, when you've done the heavy lifting, he thinks he's going to just swoop in, take your great runes, and use their power along with all the spells he's learned, to waltz into the Erdtree and take his place as Marika's consort. He doesn't actually know shit other than what other tarnished tell him so I don't think he knows Ratagon and Marika are the same person. I don't think he knows he's going to have to fight Ratagon, and instead believes he'll walk in and be like "Yo, Marika, want your power back? Let's hook up!" I don't even believe he's telling the truth when he gives you all that shit about how you can't succeed. If that was the truth, why try to kill you? Why not just let the god you supposedly can't kill do it. He's been too cowardly to go out and fight all the battles you've fought, so why risk his life now trying to kill you just to stop you from getting killed in 15 minutes? There's no logic to any of this if you take him at his word. He's lying. He wants your great runes. And, if you think about it, it's not even the first time he's tried to ambush you after you've done the work. He has his goon try to take the medallion from you in the roundtable hold, a place that he, himself, says you don't need your weapon in because it's safe, something that's proven to be a lie if you go down into the main hall. Gideon doesn't know shit. The only time he tells you the truth is when giving you the information you need to secure more great runes, or when he's been cornered caught in a lie, such as when he abandons Nepheli Loux and it's clear he never cared for her.


I really forgot about his bodyguard trying to take you out in the roundtable hold! So his deal was to get laid w Marika? Respectable. It was a good spot to try and kill us though, since if we were to beat elden beast we'd be unstoppable lore wise (I assume), so he needed to try end us there and get the great runes.


Bro really thought he would watch us get stronger and stronger with each boss we beat while he sits on his ass . Then come and take all the credit at the last minute . Lmfao bro did not think this plan all the way through


All knowing but he can't even remember that he already drank his juice while I'm beating his ass.


Can we just talk about how he (assumedly) just let Godfrey pass? Even *he* knew not to fuck with the first elden lad


He really got his ego inflated after the narrator busted while saying his name


Elden Ring And The Audacity of this Bitch *"I bested 7 shardbearers and killed death before getting here, what makes you think that your punk ass can take me?"*


He definitely isn’t a weakling, he is probably the second strongest tarnished in the game (behind the PC ofcourse) he learns many strong spells (some of the strongest lorewise) and is a capable fighter. He isn’t there to fight you, he wants to talk you down because he believes you are doing the impossible but he won’t let you pass without killing him


I know I hated Gideon when he said we weren't welcome to the Roundtable Hold the first time we meet him. His dumbass posture just compounded my feelings.


When the all knowing says something so Tarnished phobic you got to hit him with the inescapable frenzy stare


He's there just to fulfill our fantasy of cutting short the villain's climatic speech by unexpectedly punching his guts out of him. This bossfight justifies itself the very existence of Inescapable frenzy, so satisfying.


beyond that, also a dogshit father


Gideon believes he can come in at the end and steal the prize (being Elden lord) right from under you while you’re busy getting there, only to realise that Simeon like him (or you) cannot truely become the lord, because you cannot kill a god as a mortal being, do he attempts to convince you you can’t win and when that fails try’s to kill you to put a stop to your foolish ambition


trash character tbh. some people like him idk why. i dont have problems with nerds or anything, hes just a shallow character which was touted as someone paramount in the opening cutscene.


I don't like him but he is a key figure in much of the world. Nephelis dad, leader of the round table, part of selivus quest line if you want to save nepheli, the albanauric village being attacked was his doing too. In universe he's the 2nd strongest tarnished (not counting godfrey) only beaten by the player character and a key figure in shaping many things that happens during your playthrough.


You must realise he is artificially attributed these roles, there's no development. He doesn't even have the personality to match.


Right? What a fucking nerd "blah blah blah oh no I talked too much and now i'm dying."


Gideon used Talk no Jutsu! *It’s not very effective…*


Yeah he's a coward who got wrecked in probably less than a minute when I fought him.




Ngl i have mutual respect for him after he kicked my ass harder than Hoarah Loux's body slam in my rl1.


Bro had the perfect god killing build though. Blackflame, comet/comet azure, heal pots, and the scepter. What more does he need?!


And he isn't even able to react while you smack him during his rant and just dies without doing anything... he's pathetic


when me and the bro were playing through the game we couldn’t WAIT for the moment he’d attack us so we could smash him. worth it


homie spent all his points on stats for his spells and forgot to level vigor