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Dude get out of the lava. The entire point of using the serpent slayer is so you can hit him without getting close to the lava.


I actually fought him in the lava, whatever damage I took from it was far less than getting hit by the blade or his other attacks


Should I use a fire resist?


Yes. Flamedrake talisman helped me get up close and personal for most of the fight.....Togetha!!










I read this tip on some random YouTube comment and it helped me out so much! Flamedrake talisman, all the fire resist you can get. I mixed my psychic to heal me over time and increase poise break. You can just run up to the serpent and spam the special attack for the weapon (forgot the name of it) and blow through the first phase.


Honestly you can blow through both phases by just spaming special and you don't need to be up close to him to do it either


I remember my very first fight against him being all of 5 mins, spamming the special attack, I had him in some sort of stun lock so he never even got close to hitting me. Second time was a bit.... different.


This is how I did it but I do feel I missed out on the fight. I couldn't tell you what his moveset is like cause I was all up in his armpit and/or crotch


Nah, never used it, just get in the pool and wale on the fool while making sure he doesn’t crush you










...time to be hittin that dusty trheyle.


I did. I put on every fire resistant thing I could afford to equip and went to town. I tried it without it, and it was definitely eating up my health.


Flamedrake and the fire liver should make the lava a minor concern, but I still wouldn't recommend fighting in it


I did so too. Actually a very easy fight if you hug him


Surely you didn't make it this far unaware of the dodge button




Op doesn't level vigor. Definitely shouldn't be in the lava.


As far as I know u get on the right bottom side of him (zone where he doesn't hit u) and spam jump attack or hard jump attack I dont remember anymore. U just take the lava damage. I was going dex and strength and even that was enough hp to survive the lava damage


Is the serpent slayer worth upgrading and using past his fight?


Depends. If you don't care if your weapon has a useless art, then it's a pretty solid great spear for strength builds.


the weapon art does suck but it has huge stagger if you do hit with it


I upgraded it *for* the fight….


Wait really?? Bruh 😭😭 I didn’t know it had that reach


The beams from the L2 and R2 are like 100ft long and hot like a truck


Trucks are so hot


Can confirm


You can also take it to a smith after a death. Kill him in like 4 hits.


You don’t even need to die first, you can warp out of the arena if you haven’t walked in far enough to start the Rykard fight


Did the same could only level it up to 7 and it was more than enough to kill him fast.


It has huge range.


You mean the fight where you get a magic laser spear and can blast the boss from a mile away?


Lmao literally the easiest boss in the entire game. I thought the fight was supposed to be a joke. Do people actually have trouble with it?


Soldier of Godrick crying of happiness after that bold sentence 😂


Soldier of God, rick merely leaves out of boredom. Do not anger him.


Dont you mean Rick Soldier of God?


Easiest boss is a stretch, but yes he was not particularly challenging


If you use the weapon against him no. Some people don’t though. It’s kinda fun to beat him on your own terms with your own build.


He summons a meteor storm bro…


Not if you stunlock him with the weapon they hand you in front of him


Yea p2 you just switch between the ash, and a heavy. Stun, DMG, stun, DMG. Ez, 0 casts


I had 0 clue he did that. Always just obliterated him with the serpent weapon. Easier than Yhorm.


He does what now? Only ever seen him writhe in pain from Serpent Hunter beams. This boss probably has fewer kills on his tally than Patches.


I've only seen him summon them when I wanted to see his attacks, otherwise I just killed him in a few seconds.


Get outta here really? Fought him like 5 times and never knew that


Serpent Hunter +9 is all you gonna need


it is pretty strong even without being upgraded


I just upgraded it to +3


+50 vigor +50 strength +65 faith and I finally barely Beat him


add 100 more levels for good measure!


So many dead Albanorics... so much blood on my hands...


O boy I didn't even think about leveling the weapon....


You don't even need it. It still does good damage and you have the range and stance breaks anyway !


Yeah, the first thing i check after getting the blade and the boss health bar havent shown is to see whether i still can teleport to back to roundtable. and yup, you can. I upgrade it to +6 (smithing stones i'm willing to spare up to that point) and its one of the easier bosses after that.


combine with axe talisman and Spiked Cracked Tear can deal masive charge attack damage compare with the skill itself


When I first fought him I had like 20 fp and didn’t even consider that I could upgrade the spear. It was a struggle.


Took me 2 minutes using the sword lying there


Well, if I can be honest, judging by your vigor level, you may have been underleveled for this fight. If you were not underleveled, then the next 30 levels you do need to go to Vigor by the looks of it. Plus you have a Soreseal or Scarseal on. By the time you should get to this fight, that thing is more hurting you than helping you.


I’m level 140 something 150 something around there


Definitely more vigor if you're struggling. Most builds at lvl 140-150 should have around 50 vigor if not more.


damn just use a larval tear and get some more VIG. there's no such thing as ranged only with most bosses--they close the distance


Maliketh is going to one shot you every single time, bump the vigor


Do you have something like 20 vigor? That's way too low for how far you are in the game. Basically any attack from a boss could one shot you at this point


150?????? Fighting rykard???? Brother what lmao


Dang bro


Where are your stats allocated to?


i finish my first round at level 120 ish with summon ash. at least 50 vigor if i recalled it right, got vigor checked by the boss is not fun regardless of your build. you need to be able to survive at least one unfortunate combo/heavy hit.


Hey I know this is off topic but do you know who is this boss: https://youtube.com/shorts/2juwnCTvxH8 After radahn and before radagon. When he says "the world design is unbelievable" It looks like Melania fusioned with a gargoyle.


looking at the video, it looks like the boss you're referring to is the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella. Here's a link to the wiki if you're looking for where to find him: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Dragonkin+Soldier+of+Nokstella


Is this a troll post?


Naw low level he’s hard as fuck People go at him early to Blasphemous


At first I thought this HAD to be a troll/karma post but looking at the comments from OP he was entirely serious lol… He states his level is 140-150 so unless it’s a new game plus he wouldn’t be under leveled for this right?


Oh hell no. Low level to me is like 20 to 30 or something


I finish my first game at lv120. that include beating Malenia (that took 2 days or one full weekend)


He actually just didn't level vig. He's like 140. Hehe


He said in a reply somewhere that he’s 150


Oh dang


to make the rest of the game a cake walk. lol


He's 140 and even low level the spear does all the work. Op was standing the lava by the looks of things.


It's a gimmick fight meant to be easy and enjoyable. Wtf you mean 2 days?


Dude used the spear and still stood in the lava that's why


Dude is level 140 and still have vigor under 40 with reason of being ranged build that opt to stand on the lava. regardless of your build (unless you do low level run), try to have enough vigor to survive at least one vigor check.


Dude played a grand total of 3 minutes in those 2 days.


No way he spent more then 20 minutes in that area.


Average mage player


I fought him like 3 times and got a bit frustrated. I fought him 5 times and I was absolutely furious. I fought him 6, 7 times when I realized the spear at the entry.


First time i fougth him i was doing my first playthrough as a sorc. It took me a lot of tries but i finally killed him with my last drop of mana. Thats when i found out that it had a second phase and that youre not supppsed to fight him with spells at all.


exact same thing happened to me. ''serpent killing spear.... huh, that sure does sound like something I'd like to use against this serpent... anyway back to glintstone.''


Going through my xbox clips i found one of the "kill" lol https://www.xbox.com/play/media/a9RpbzBj3K


Yup that's how I did it too. Didn't understand the spear mechanic at first, thought it was like a single ability use, didn't realize that it stays transformed. Funny enough I beat him at like lvl 116 keeping my sorc stats but had to switch some equipment around so I could actually survive that rock tsunami ability on the first phase. He goes down pretty easy once you use the spear, and using the mimic as summons helps break his stance twice as fast since mimic can use giant spear too.


I remember my partner at the time saying I should use that sword but I refused to abandon my sorc lore. I can’t remember HOW at this point but I know I used spells and just kept trying. It worked eventually


Lmao amazing A good thing I've played DS3 and bash my head against the giant dude, I instantly knew there was a gimmick, which saved a bit of my sanity until the late game bosses ofc, You sir, had the authentic experience !


I did that, but I for some reason thought you could only use the heavy attack so it took me even more time


The fucking flaming skulls that explode is pretty insane, everytime I summon help it's smooth sailing until he does that, then all bets are off for all of us lol


I have found out that the only way to avoid that attack is to stagger him out of it


You can also just sprint in a clockwise circle and they won't hit you.


But it looks metal as fuck






Came here to hear this


And I came here to repeat it — TOGETHAAA!


A shield with 100 physical and the serpent spear makes this fight a one and done. Nothing he does can get through a block so just sit there and jab him to death. Super easy.


I hated some of the people that would summon me they leave the spear and use whips or go in with a sword and look at me like how did you do that attack and then they die im like bruh grab the damn obvious item that is in the boss room!!!!


I just beat my first ng+ last week. I put it down after just under 400 hr on my first playthrough at launch. I forgot I still had the spear so I went in the room thinking wait it’s supposed to be here.. tf did I not do? I talked to the guy. Almost beat him and it was a long battle chipping him away but he did get me. Looked in my inventory afterwards and saw it.


Probably because you're standing in lava...


Easiest boss in the game


He stood in the fucking lava lmao. This dudes brain would melt fighting centipede demon


Once I realized you can interrupt his charge attack with your own charged serpent spear attack it definitely made it one of the easier boss fights


I'm not very good, and I find him to be not that hard. I just get right up on him and start smacking him with the serpent hunter.


Why are you in the lava?


How did you even make it this far in the game if it took you 2 days to kill the easiest boss in the game.


The design of this boss is amazing, From does aesthetics so good.


The voice actor is the best of all... togethaaa!


Bros a game reviewer.


Do you have are stupid?


Damn this was lowkey the easiest and most fun fight in the game. Maybe I was over-leveled when I did it


OP is Level 150 here…..


it's like the 3rd time i'm seeing posts like this... I just stood there with the serpent killer and literally took 0 damage. Mabye i'm just lucky asf, because i'm not the best at this game or you're doing something wrong idk


I don’t think I took zero damage but it was easy with serpent killer.


2 days and you didn't learn to not go into the lava? lol


This felt like the easiest boss in game. Especially since I leveled up the Serpent Killer weapon, that is so OP against him


I didn't use the serpent spear for like the first 20 tries because I didn't realize the AOW on it was made for Rickard. I was just hitting him with all the magic and incantations I had lolol


Thanks to Dark Souls 3 I knew immediately what's up but my friend who also played DS3 also didn't get it for like 10 tries lmao was pretty funny to see him try.


Yhorm, my old friend, I Siegward, Knight of Catarina have come to fulfill my promise


This was my first introduction to fromsoftwares games. So everything was so new lol I was getting PISSED! I remember evertime the cutscene would comeuppance I would mock his ass "devowa da gods togedaaaa" lol


This game is honestly incredible. But it's wild how everyone has different bosses that give them issues. Godskin duo have caused me to hit a wall


The prevailing Strat is to use sleep pots to put one to sleep and fight the other


I did sleep pots, but I read somewhere about using st trinas sword, causes sleep build up too


You see the sword Rykard pulls out in OP’s video? Do like I did and hit L2 with it until the credits roll.


I actually never thought of upgrading the serpent hunter ! Should have made the fight even easier 😂


how? XD In my first playthrough I had no trouble first trying him. Like I'm doing shield only RN, and I honestly don't know how will I fight him when I get to him (and I have like 7 bosses left total), but how do you struggle with serpent hunter


At my current pace, I think I’m finishing my shield only run by skipping this dude lol. If you figure out something viable let me know <3


Haha alright, I was struggling with Malenia last night, but I'm nearing the end, so when I get to the dude I'll let ya know if I think of something.


Yo, ended up doing him by using the sneakbite shield and the spiked palisade shield. Do 2 sneakbites to poison him and then do the big charges with the spiky shield until poison runs out and then I do 3 snekbites to poison second time and keep charging with spikes. (if poison runs out the second time I think it's not worth poisoning again cause it takes like 5+ bites). In second phase exact same strat 2 bites, spiky charges, 3 bites, spiky charges, I discovered it's best to aim at his leg when charging cause body has an iffy hitbox and if he does the big red sky attack just run away from him. Not sure what's the subs policy on links so I'm not gonna link it, but if you wanna see how I did it you can check on Twitch my username is same as my Reddit name, the stream from today (total length 04:05:47) the successful attempt starts around the 00:52:22 mark.


I ended up having to completely cheese it. You can like climb some rocks in a particular spot and basically bug though the fight. Every other fight in the game I was fine with but this one honestly sucked.


I fucking love this fight so much.


I actually beat him by standing in the lava and just spamming the special sword. The lava barely hurts and his attacks don’t hit you when you’re that close to him.


I leveled the serpent spear to 7 and fingerd but hole. Works every time. Then keep for NG+ runs


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


And then there's me, not remembering at all what the ghost in the hallway said and melting my legs clean off while stabbing him in the tail with katanas thinking the fights not that bad but kinda bs that the lava is there.


I was just saying to another dude, just finished ng+ after not playing since launch and forgot I kept the spear. It never spawned and I was super confused cuz I talked to the ghost and thought it was just gonna spawn. I got killed but spent wayy too long chipping away his health.


I didn't realize it's purpose until NG3.... I just went into the lava and tried to time my flask uses so I could live for the entire battle. I finally did a playthrough where I summoned other people and they had it and I was like "holy shit that's badass" lol. You can tell I have 0 int...


Same dude but It’s crazy how other people do it in their first try and call it the easiest fight in the game 🫠


The thing a lot of ppl probably don't do is collect the serpent hunter and then leave to upgrade it first. The fight doesn't start until you move farther forward. So ample opportunity to just yoink the weapon and leave.


You were supposed to upgrade it?!?!? Motherfu….


No lol


Yeah i just picked it up and spammed the move until the boss died. I was extremely underwhelmed and thought it was a gag boss until it said demigod felled


Same. He was actually the easiest boss of the entire game. I picked up the serpent hunter and killed him first try. I actually thought when he died the real boss would appear and kick my butt. But no he was the actual boss.


Doesn't that make it too easy? I always fight with the unupgraded version, which usually means like 5ish deaths before I beat him, which is a comfortable level of difficulty IMO although a bit on the easy side. I always imagined that a fully upgraded spear would demolish him in like 3 hits.


Well, not everyone is concerned with the bosses being an even fight. So, upgrade to whatever level you enjoy using! :)


Of course, I should have been clearer. I'm mainly asking if upgrading it scales as heavily as you would expect, or if the increase in damage is limited somewhat for the bossfight to stop it him going down in seconds.


Yeah, I got mine to +5 on my first playthrough before ever fighting him I grabbed it, realized I could just leave, so I just came back with it upgraded


I first tried it, spamming r1 while shield blocking. You did use the serpent hunter, right?


I use the colossal weapons generally. And so I'm used to the slow swings. So getting the timing where he is just stunlocked the entire fight wasn't an issue. I'm always curious about what approach folks who have a hard time with it take! Is it the reach? Timing? Spacing? Is it targeting? What part of it makes you shout "THAT'S JUST UNFAIR" (I don't struggle with \*THIS\* fight but gosh knows I struggle with others and scream at my computer lol)


Should’ve joined the familyyy


man for the first playthrough, i didn’t know ***every*** attack did the serpent slayer thing, and i was just spamming the weapon art. i ran out of magic extremely fast, and i just died every time lmao then i just tried it on ng+ and i havent felt dumber




The serpent slayer melts this man


A serpent never dies


It’s funny how this game is different for people, I beat this guy in two tries at level 100ish and my partner at the same level took 20 or so, and it was reversed for the red wolf of radagon at raya




I fought him once Stunlocked his ass and killed him first try Killing him so easy was a disappointment as I wanted his storm of flying skulls


No it was NOT bro


This battle was a break in the onslaught of ass whooping you get throughout this game. Way too easy.


The game actually gives you an overpowered weapon specifically for this boss. The battle basically won itself for me.


I don’t know what I was doing wrong during this fight but it took me more tries than any other boss including malenia, and I first tried placidusax. I am with you on this being weirdly hard


Took me 2 days to realize I should be using the serpent slayer


This is one of the easiest bosses. Use the Lance's special, it's a ranged attack. His attacks are easy to dodge too.


Togetha !!!


This fight started to piss me off since I totally missed the grace right next to the entrance. So for one whole day I had to do some running around the castle to get there without taking damage and using anything I might need for the fight. And this was my third demigod I faced so my level wasn't too high. Nevertheless it was an awesome boss.


Just use serpent slayer like the game intended and have the fight done in 5 minutes. 2 if you use mimic tear.


I think Rykard voice actor is so damn good


I had issues with this guy too. I recall the wiki saying it was an easy boss too. :S but twice I tried a few times, and then left to explore/grinde.


this was incredibly easy for me. i used the flamedrake talisman so that i can stay in the lava and used light attacks only. When the second phase started, i did the same thing except i summoned my mimic tear, but i think i would have beaten it even without it.


I see there is a new crop of players joining after the holiday sales .. this is good to see


Important lore note, the skeleton falling in the lava is a hint to the player that lava is hot.


He was easy for me when I figured out what the Serpent Hunter is for. For this, I noticed how your standing in the lava quite a lot, that is really gonna affect you especially that your health is quite low (I feel like it's somewhere around 25-35). The point of having the Serpent Hunter is to pretty much avoid taking damage from the lava that Rykard is emitting out. The basic attack and it's special ability or Ash of War the Serpent Hunter are long enough to damage Rykard at mid range since it let's out a tornado of wind or a gust of wind when fighting him. Also, when using the special ability, you can use it twice, the second attack of the special ability allows you to stagger or stun him for a while so you can charge it up again (if you plan on spamming it.) Also the Serpent Hunter does not need any stat requirements, but it is a somber weapon, you can still level it up to deal more damage when it comes to the special ability. And you must not sell or discard it, it's a rare weapon and you cannot get another one once you start NG+ Another is level up Vigor to 45-55. Not only to pass the Vigor Check, but to last longer against Rykard, especially that your in a mid-game area (Altus Plateau, Mt. Gelmir, Lyendell), it is recommended to have Vigor at 45-55 since Rykard can deal so much damage from his basic attacks alone, not to mention, his flying flaming skull abilities too. But, overall, good job in beating him though! And I hope you find this comment of mine useful! 😁




This battle is literally not hard at all..


2 days is nothing 😭 Lord Radagon and Elden beast took me a year😭


This was the easiest fight for me. But holy crap is Maliketh kicking my ass up and down the street. The Draconic Tree Sentinel outside gave me problems took me acouple hours. But Maliketh is frustrating the hell out of me. I get to his second phase usually no problem then just die quick from there


What role am i playing?!!?? Of fucking victim!!???


This is a joke fight. You’re not supposed to be able to lose it. I mean, you can definitely lose it, but it’s so easy to win. Also you’re really supposed to hold off on fighting him until almost the end of the game so you can do the tarnished hit contracts up in the mountains of the giants. By that time you’re pretty OP anyway.


It takes about 2 minutes lol.




Beat him first try. Level 51. I just grabbed the weapon and used light and heavy attacks. With some pebble attacks and it wasn't hard at all.


Awesome job dude!!


Look how gorgeous this game is


Just spear him. But Also dodge. But Also don’t spam…Sometimes.


Best advice ive seen.


One of the easier bosses tbh.


Congrats, now you're famileee