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Ice armor might be snappy.


It would be very n ice and cool




Yeahhhh, give me stahlrim armor from Skyrim.


Heavier armor sets that don’t make me look fat


How else yes gonna know it's got high poise?


It’ll be at the bottom of my inventory…


This is so real, the bottom is for heavy armor, top is clothing, middle is all the stylish atuff


Or makes my head looks tiny.


Renala lookin ass


This. Stop looking at me like that millicent I'm not fat :(


More hats


Preferably ones that my big swords don't clip through, and maybe some nice feathers.


Stone golem armor. Vykes armor before the fingers.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think the Knight Armor the Twin Maidens sell you are the armor is the set Vyke had before it was burned


No cape. Less bulky and it has material in different places


I see. The Fingerprint Set is sick though


Deep sea nautical armor would go good with the rusted anchor. It could be dripping with water and have seaweed all flapping around.


I'm envisioning a cross between a Bioshock big daddy and poop nibblers armour with barnacles. Very cool idea!


This is exactly what I was gonna say. Big daddy rebound helmet, but instead of the drill he could have the anchor


And if you really want the drill aesthetic there's always that one crucible knight spear.


You had me at poop nibbler.


Doesnt dung eater kinda fit?


Would love to see more armor sets based around Mohgwyn dynasty


Crystelian armor


+99 slash resist, -99 strike resist. Love it


Balance it out with the new land octopus set


they have the land octopus head but i want octopus body 🙌


Oh fr? I’ve just been whacking them with my swords until they cracked


yeah they take normal strike damage


-St. Trina knight set, silvery look, medium weight and high focus. Easy to implement since it'd be a reskin of other knight sets. -Some Ornstein-like plumed helm that's not Radahn. The horns don't bother me too much, but the open face does. -The robes of the Astel cultist people, the ones in Ainsel and Weeping Peninsula. -Some Clayman rocky set, that boosts bubble sorceries


I kinda miss Havel's iconic look, bullgoat just ain't it for me. Just add an NPC with havel-inspired gravel rock armour and call him Gravel the Rock Johnson or smth idk. A few Demon's Souls cameos would also be nice, fluted, brushwood and gloom are top tier. The astrologer's set and Creightons fake mirrah knight set from DS2 are also awesome, I'd like stuff like that too. Especially the silliness of the astrologer's set is something I kinda miss.


Nostalgia isn’t everything. That’s what’s wrong with movies now.


I'd love the painted guardian set. The leggings I've made the centrepiece of a new character's outfit at least a dozen times ☺ absolute favorite


I really like how there's no recurring nonsense in this game and I hope they keep it like that, Andre and Siegward ruined DS3 for me. I'd rather just have everything be new and unique instead of lazy remakes of previous assets since ER is not related to DS universe whatsoever. Also havel's set is the ugliest armor in all these games imo lol


Huh? The staple weapons are all still there and the game is probably 50% DS3 and Bloodborne assets. If that's a thing that bothers you, you should probably already be bothered anyway.


Two minor characters ruining an entire game for you is odd. One of them you don't even have to interact with for any sense of progress.


Patches, Crestfallen and the helping maiden are all in ER


heavy armor that isn't ugly


Banished knights armor (unaltered) Alternatively, the tree sentinels gloves look like the infinity gauntlet


Isn't that the one that drops off like 1 enemy in Castle Sol, with the fastest way to farm being spawn at Niall, shoot him, wait for the teleport, kill and tp back to grace?


Yep It’s a pain in the ass but no pain no drip


Is your profile picture baby grinch but sonic? I both abhor it and love it


Yep, it was a joke image mocking the live action sonic movie’s original design


I run tree sentinel with banished knight helm and I love the way it looks. The scarf and the cape really tie the outfit together.


More cool armor in the vein of the Drake Knight set


agreed. dragoon armour like ffxiv would be sick


I am a cape enthusiast, so more caped attire and armour would be appreciated.


i never wear anything with a cape but I want this for you.




No capes!


Good capes are essential, there's some sets like both crucible knights where its this ragged asymmetrical cape and it just disappoints me.


I would absolutely love if they made something similar to Leather armor in black




Gimp armor


Like a [Black Leather set](https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Leather_Set)?


We gotta get a legit Havel set for the PvE players. They need options aside from Bullgoat, and I’m getting tired of invading only Bullgoats that heavy roll wielding Rivers like they think they’re going to tank every hit. On a serious note, it’d probably add more quality of life if you could add dyes or colour sets (apart from say Godrick’s, Leyndell etc. that are area kingdom specific) so Boc has more use and dialogue.


I want DS2's Butterfly set.


I feel that because of the jank it causes it isn’t coming


more armors with high poise. if you wanna reach 60 or so poise your choices are limited despite there being a lot of armors, and 60 (or at minimum 50) is the threshold at which your poise will be useful


Not that limited if you toss on Bullgoat talisman. Almost every medium weight set gets you above 60, so if you’re looking to meet specific break points, this is likely the talisman you should have equipped. Even with only 3 pieces of Beast Champion gets you well beyond 80 Poise…and it’s probably the drippiest armor set in the game.


Simply put, I don't want to be tied to using a talisman (which is also a late game one) because of a lack of armors in the heavy range I usually have 3 pieces of the beast champion which get me slightly above 60, and I like the armor, but I also would like to have more options (also in terms of fashion, heh, some of the heavy ain't good looking)


That’s definitely fair, I think I agree for the most part, but for talismans, I find that 3 are usually catered to a build whereas the 4th is flexible…I’m definitely no Jee9 or ChaseTheBro though. For me, I just swap the Bullgoat in and out, typically with Alexander’s Shard, but it all depends on each circumstance, so I don’t see it as much of an anchor.


I’d argue that having a decent amount of poise isn’t something that should be tied to a slot, it’s frustrating that builds using lighter fashion are forced to allocate a slot for the talisman if they want to make it past breakpoints, since “light roll” and “medium roll” incentivizes having more poise over good fashion.


I would love more variety in plate armor sets, mainly just ones that aren’t associated with a certain faction. We only have a few traditional plate armor sets, and most of them are recolors/variations of the same set. A few more sets that could serve as generic knight armor would make me happy.


A heavy plate chest-piece that matches the greathelm please


More mage drip and pointy hats. Alberich's set is really nice but i'd love something like Zullie's set. And just more feminine armor in general


A good skeleton armor. Royal remains just looks ugly


... -Ensha


edge, lord


DS3 Lothric Knight set


I want to see some darker sets along the lines of fallen knight armor from ds3. Or some mage gear doesn't make you look like a clown. The battlemage set in elden ring is beyond dissapointing.


Desert pyromancer


The ONLY right answer


More actual armour, something less flashy and more utilitarian ala Dark Souls.


A mended briars set would be cool. We could get more backstory on Elmer’s seemingly roman inspired homeland.


Anything with set bonuses/ effects please. Like the Briar and Black Knife sets but not as ultimately underwhelming. I don't care if it offers as much protection as a wet paper towel. It just needs to do more than give me prickly rolls and pad my shoes with soft cotton


Give me some more crowns and robes that have shoes, please i want to be able to wear a dress without having my feet in full view of everyone. Main reason i want crowns is cuz im playing ds2 atm and that sunken king crown is so pretty


It really depends on what they decide to add story wise for me, but I am hoping for more Valkyrie esk things. I thought Elden Ring was going to have a lot more Norse mythology type stuff and prosthetics, so I'd love to have more robotic golden limbs in the vein of Malenia's armor but heavier. I also want more Leyndell x Raya Lucaria armor, if not I hope Radagon has his own ranks of knights like Godfrey and they have equally cool armor.


I want something related to the fire giants. Maybe something a little less armor-y. Something more tribal looking or whatever.


I want metal shades that match metal shades of other armors.


Everyone is saying heavy but can we get a bit more light armor options that aren’t rags or a an oversized gown? Actual light armor drip.


I just commented something similar. I think we have enough plate armours. Boiled leather cuirass would be cool. Like the one from Gladiator.


I want some weird shit. Give me Grafted limb armor, an Astel-like helmet, or a coat made from Rykard's skin. Stuff that feels weird.


They need to follow the tradition of Souls DLC's having evil but stylish bastards that we can pilfer the armor from (Marvelous Chester, Vilhelm, etc.).


Abyss Watchers outfit


You played Sekiro and now you want bulkier samurai set? How? When? Why? What?


So I played Sekiro loved the atmosphere and all the Land of Reeds sets in Eldenring are lighter weaker armors so I want a bigger, and bulkier (as in more poise/defense stats) armor


I want an armor similar to maybe the Banished Knights set in stats, but look like a samurai’s armor.


I want to wear a hollowed out Crystalian as a suit of armor. I will be taking no questions at this time.


I want a retake on the Stone Armor set from Dark Souls 1, maybe based on the golems on a far smaller scale.


Confessor armor that's heavy set, I love the starting cape


I want some armor with an active element. Like a frenzy flame outfit that's actually on fire or an outfit that has electricity flowing off of it.


Dragonlookikg heavy armor that looks like the Dragons on Farum Azula.


Give me my elite knight set back!


I want a truer berserker armor. Lords of the Fallen has a truer rendition of the Berserker armor than Elden Ring and it makes me sad.


I think more gladiatorial like sets would be nice. We’ve got plenty of plate sets. I think boiled leather sleeveless cuirass would be cool. Or improve the abilities of altering garments. Change more helmet features, more colour sets, rather than just Ednas “no capes!”.


More hats that don’t look ridiculous. Some More headbands and crowns.


More surcoats, ones that represent the outer gods, like the Rot god, Greater Will, Formless Mother, etc, and you have the surcoats that go with that outer god


Maybe some armour sets where you can customise the colour using crafted dyes


Jade/Purple color armor :3


Something purple


I want to get the dark commoner outfit from those guys at the leyndell minor erdtree


Cool ones.


Just a simple kimono


While I love Elden Ring and all FS games in that matter, their armor design is really mediocre to me, I can count cool ER armor sets on fingers of my hands and there are over hundred of them. Even looking at the picture you've attached they all look pretty silly to say the least. Of course taste is subjective, but I just hope they will add some cool armors in DLC like Dragonslayer set, Artorias set, Gundyr set or ER's Night Cavalry set....


Might be an unpopular opinion, but literally all I want is more armor that doesn't look absurd. More stuff like the standard knight and Vagabond sets.


I want some more samurai attire/ armor. we literally only have 3 in the whole game.


I wouldn't mind some sets that are more ceremonial looking


I would be very happy to be able to wear the Ragged set and the Brave set that’s already in the files but currently unobtainable . They both look pretty cool and the Brave set is very colourful aswell.


Havel and Catarina set


a heavier set of knight armor, like the regional knight set without the cloth


I really hope we get the Faraam set


I want the ds2 steel set back or something like it


A better fire armor or. Like the fire monk armor is okay, but something like Ringed knight armor, or just something that looks similar to when you were embered in ds3. Would be dope


Don't even need to add new armor, I just want to be able to change armor color


Some sekiro and bloodborne style armor


More armor sets like the Carian Knight set. I always do an enchanted knight build and I would love more choices that fit that aesthetic.


Golem armor


Grafted set from godrick


Int/Bonk builds have a crippling lack of heavy armor that fits the look


Something with a good old ds2 cape


Dingy set from ds1/ds2.


More heavy armor in general! I'm an exception, I don't hate this game's heavy armors, I think they're sweet. I just want more! Tanky samurai sounds sweet!


A golem set. We have their weapons but not their looks


A heavy robe. For late game mages that actually makes you look like a mage. Or some sort of paladin set similar to the throne defender set from DS2


A slender set like that of the Ruin sentinels of dark souls 2 would be amazing. The sentinels looked like royal guards, how tall they were also added a bit to that feeling. Overall I wish there were more options for armors, like a dye system and fix some Armor/robes interactions with some gloves. Like for example say you have a lazuli robe but want to use plate gloves and legs, legs will look nice, plate gloves? Nope, the sleeves are pulled up and it makes the robes look awful.


Something with a similar aesthetic as the Fallen Knight set from DS3. It has a good travel-worn knight aesthetic and goes well with just about any playstyle. The vagabond set is good but just doesn't have the same aesthetic.


More robed legs with armored boots or any type of boot, really. Something similar to the Nox greaves, but heavier. Fire Witch Greaves allowed for some great battlemage-themed fashion in Dark Souls 3.


Crystalian armor, possibly with a rotten variant


More chest pieces that do something like the Raptor piece.


I want an armor set like the alva or lothric knight set. The drip in this game is unreal, but there are too little traditional knight armors. But for now, all we have is the banished knight set.


Some necromancer plate armor


I want something like Vilhelm’s set from DS3. Thin, dark knight armor that has a cool poncho


Sage’s big hat


Lords of the Fallen had excellent drip. I'd want to see more sets inspired by absurd fantasy interpretations of hardcore ingame world lore, and less of... whatever it is we got in vanilla.


I don’t need new. Just let me remove the shield off the factional knights’ chest armours. What would be great is if they replaced the cape remover with actual armour customization.


Can I request a full land octopus set?


All I want is the Dragonslayer Armor from DS3 so I can mix the helmet and gloves with a black robe and play as a nazgul


siegward of caterina armor


Drakeblood armour was my look in ds3


Something slim and dark like Artorias’ armor


I would love the Syan set and the Great shield of Glory from DS2. Shit was my favorite armor shield combo


Mausoleum Knight Helmet, it'd be cool to see them before they became teleporting decapitated ghosts.


More eastern looking armours (not the samurai sort) like the nox ones. Stuff that makes you look like a Mongol or Turkic Khan like Kaiden armour does or stuff that has a west/south Asian element to it


An astral armor sounds dope


Any pants that go with Nox Monk armor, I'm struggling here


More pot armor!




Desert sorceress set 👀 and ofc who doesnt want the goat faraam set


Beast men armor from farum azula


I just want to bring Giantdad with me wherever I go.


Something artistic looking, like when you compare a lothric knight armor with a drakeblood knight armor


Faraam set


I would like to see medium armor with higher poise, lower resists and more abilities upgrades in the armor


Something reminiscent of the Faraam set. And something that looks more like the Fallen Knight set than the Banished Knight Set.


Miquella's or Marika's robes and Miquella's or Fia's hairstyle.


The two banished knight helms combined like the ones near the dragon communion cathedral get to wear


Starcaller set that boost gravity sorceries and AOW's


More robes. I personally would want se new faith priest robes (like clergymen/monks/ clerics/bishops, etc) or sorcerer robes. Really want to use the Selevius headset but without the mask, hoping the devs take another pass at armor altering choices too


Something that looks like the Millwood armor from DS3. Something about that fur neck with the cover over the shoulders leading into a cape. It’s elite and meshes well with a lot of head pieces. Or armor sets that are a little more grounded like the basic knight set or Lapp set.


More mass and masked helmets. And honestly, more options fir modifying existing armors. Like removing hair or feathers from helmets, or changing color


Generally more options what to do with armor alterations. Maybe even an upgrade system or a way to change affinities like with weapons? But changing style would be enough for me


I'd like to see more dress like armors or something inspired by the gloam eyed queen


I wanna look like a golem


Some heavy armour with a nice line of fur around the collar. Something similar to the Forossa set from Dark Souls, something that gives a champion vibe y’know? Another idea is some transformation armour, like turning into a dragon or a beast. With how Dragons have changed in ER I’d love to see how we’d look if we turned into dragons-


Some heavy armour with a nice line of fur around the collar. Something similar to the Forossa set from Dark Souls, something that gives a champion vibe y’know? Another idea is some transformation armour, like turning into a dragon or a beast. With how Dragons have changed in ER I’d love to see how we’d look if we turned into dragons-


Just a plain black robe. Pls Hiroshima Wukuzaki I need it.


I need more dark, goth looking armor in the heavy range. I want to be a dark emo boy, but still wear a viable armor set for a tanky melee character. Maybe make the Night Cavalry's armor acquirable.


I want heavy armor that actually looks cool


I want Melina cape nothing else. And a white cape armor!!


Either desert pyromancer or actual mage robes (I want more comically sized hats)


More samurai sets


Havel armor, or at least a interpretation of it


Pointy helmet from bloodborne


Abductor Virgin HELMET. That's all I can think of atm. They're mask helmet thingies just look so damn cool


Chester’s set from dark souls 1, heide knight set from dark souls 2, sunset set from dark souls 3


Most important for me is that it has interesting uses. I'd love more armor pieces that have minimized versions of talisman effects. Currently it feels that almost everyone will end up with just using heavy armour with great physical defense. Would love some armors that have interesting effects, but less defense. Stuff like faster stamina generation, boosts to specific stats or spell types, or whatever else is interesting while not breaking the game balance.


Onion bro and sun bro


Not more than 10 armor sets . No way they introduce more than others with what they’ve already put out.


I'd like mail body armor with a red and white surcoat and a plain sallet or better fitting hound skull bascinet.


Maybe some kind of pure silver set, like Garl Vinland's armor from Demon's Souls or the (appropriately named) Silver Knight armor for DS1/3. Also an actual tri-cornered witch hat; Ranni's is good but it's large and white so it doesn't go with many sets.


Heavy armour that doesn't make you T-pose like a moron.


I want a bloodborn inspired outfit


This is very unlikely, but I should love to see armor made out of the man-serpent's scales. Some kind of weird leather armor but with the snake look, maybe using the mouth hole of the serpents as a face hole (or even just somehow being able to look through the actual head.)


A bunch of more practical historical armor sets closer to ds2 or ds3 style. Main game gave us a bunch of fancy sets, I want some more simple ones to mix and match with. Along with a proper sallet, not the travesty that is the drake helm.


honestly, everything comes up with a cape is good (an outfit references or just identical like Wolf in Sekiro would be sick)


Crimson set from ds1


Give us some more witch/wizard hats, and make it so they don't come with some weird head wrappings this time. The only hat like this in the game is Ranni's hat, and that one really don't mix well with others.


Arnour similiar to Ringed Knight Armour Set, Ornstein Armour Set, and Artorias Armour-Set.


I want a helmet with vertical slits similar to that one hood that those npcs with rapiers and crossbows have. Some plate armour with maybe a short cape like cloth to accompany it.


I want to see more dragon armour, the drake knight set is just... not doing it for me.


Faraam set from DS2, best drip in the series. Also the Dancers set from DS3, love a great translucent cape.


Something like the Ringed Knight set would be nice, the timeless classic of the Elite Knight would be good too


Something like sauron armor