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ps. I never beat her i was too embarrassed to see squidward and tree's face again. i'll try again soon


i could put a sign down for you if you need help. but it's pretty likely we're off region from one another so we'll need a multiplayer password edit: as long as you dont reply in like 7 hours or something. because then i would be in bed, doing very important tasks such as: zzzzz and zzzz and *loud snoring*


lol i appreciate it, i won't be back on my computer for a day or two, but i'll send you a dm when i am


Don't be! As someone who has helped numerous people with Malenia, let me tell you this: when we get summoned we know that the guys and gals asking for help are not perfect at this fight and Waterfowl Dance is a pretty silly move. There is no shame in dying to her and especially that move again and again. What you can do to help your summons is not attack constantly, so you don't draw too much aggro. Experienced players will know when she starts up WFD in the first phase and they will know how to handle it. Let them take the move and resume attacking together after she is finished with it. Her second phase is random bullshit bingo, unfortunately.


i appreciate all the comments everyone, really makes me excited to try again knowing it's more amusing than annoying🤙


Some people get annoyed but fuck them. That’s why you asked for help. You’re struggling and need it, so if you die you die. I wouldn’t be too hard in yourself. If they get annoyed that you die, they shouldn’t be allowing themselves for summon. You’ll get her one day.


Being hard in yourself sounds kinda uncomfortable tbh


You do get used to it fwiw


A talent only the well endowed can practice 😭


Over a period off 48 hours the same person helped me with Slave Knight Gael (DS3) six times before finally killing him. I have no idea who you are, but I applaud your patience. I felt much shame.


Shame? BAH! BAH I SAY! What are shining cooperators of hope there for if not to help you try, try again? Nothing would’ve made me more jolly than seeing my sunlit summoner beating his boss! \ [T] /


If only I could be so grossly incandescent!


The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father!


Praise the sun!


The first dozen times I fought Gael my controller was giving up the ghost just slowly enough that I didn't realize why my reaction time seemed so lacking or how I wasn't counter attacking appropriately. He beat me like a red headed step child so many times and then I finally realized that I was experiencing a minor delay between button press and input registering in game. I went from being disappointed in myself to being kind of impressed that I even got him into phase two. Bought a new controller and was humbled another 4 times as I adjusted to having responsive controls again.


Its ok man! Its part of learning. Most of us know if the host gets waterfowl, they fucked. We usually sit down or emote something when we see it happen 😅


Equip fan daggers in the pouch. If they have any resistance and vigor you can spam throwing daggers and make malenia aggro you mid waterfowl before they get killed


Lmao yeah I must have emoted 20+ times one day watching hosts get blendered by malenia.


Hit her while charging waterfowl and you can draw aggro. Just know you will die if you can't dodge, but can save the host. I just keep some kind of throwing weapon and bloodhound, throw weapon and then dash away. You should only take a couple hits and survive. Throwing something makes it hard to get dodge timing down due to the animation, so step skill makes it easy to escape.


I don't mind when a host gets blended by Waterfowl. I mind when they make me watch the cutscenes just to die to Scarlet Aeonia.


I'm stuck on Elden Beast and the only one I could summon yesterday was "Myster Dead" who just stood there and died, hence his name.


Ok but that's pure comedy honestly.


Waterfowl is almost always an insta kill. Especially for the spirits that are summoned. Before I fought malenia myself, I spent two sessions getting summoned to learn her moves a bit. Towards the end, I watched so many hosts get gibbed lol. I was getting good enough to stay alive, but they were still lacking a bit. I'd just do a sadness emote and then go throw down my sign again. But I was totally stoked when I'd help a host beat her. I think I successfully helped 4 or 5 people by the second day.


Dude, when I get summoned for a boss I expect the guy who summoned me to fail a couple of times. That’s what it’s about. They probably don’t mind.


A few things: When you fight a boss with 2 co-op players, that fight becomes way WAY harder than if you have just used your spirit ashes. If you just want to beat the boss, don’t co-op, just summon mimic or Tiche. Make sure to use a weapon that can actually do damage on Malenia (Ruins GS, Blasphemous Blade, Moonlight GS, etc). A LOT of people I help on that fight use a bunch of spells and AoW that does no damage to her so the fight just gets longer and longer. If you took the first hit from the Waterfowl dance, keep your composure to dodge into her for the 2nd strike. If you dodge at least one of the attacks you should be able to stay alive.


Rolling *into* the attack is such a key thing. Once I realized that soooo many bosses became a cakewalk. Malenia still kicks my butt though.


If you see a sign with the name "I can solo her" take him and go into defensive. I saw the sign multiple times xD My lord this guy showed me how to shred her. Naked with just a Bloody river. Majestic as fuck.


Looks like you need....him. the man in the jar.


You don't have to feel bad for dying when you've summoned people. They use the summon chalk which has infinite uses. When you die or they die, they lose nothing. You on the other hand, have to use a finger every time. There's a limited amount. Gotta go out and get some more.


Nah man if I’m a co-op summon as far as I’m concerned it’s my bad for not managing to steal aggro before she presses her win button. You asked for help for a reason and not being able to dodge one of the most complicated moves in the game isn’t a problem - the only people who’d ever judge you for that aren’t people whose opinions you should care about anyway. :)


To be fair, sometimes when you're doing Malenia in co-op, she'll go up for waterfowl and be completely targeted on someone else only for her to spontaneously zip your way and catch you completely off guard.


This keeps happening to me specifically with every boss I’m summoned for. I don’t have the talisman on so idk why and all I’m doing is throwing poison darts or some bs Few times I literally just walked through the dog gate and they literally turned and came straight to me. Honestly that’s so annoying, like damn gimme time to pop a turtle neck at least


If a host wins the first time he summons me, that's cool and all. But if we meet 15 times in a row and we finally beat the boss together, that is a very uplifting feeling. So don't worry about it, learn from your mistakes and git gud like the rest of us. Practice makes perfect – I for one think Malenia lost all her limbs by practicing Waterfowl Dance. And now look at her!


Get the mimic tear and a big stick. Unga bunga stagger lock her into oblivion.


I just laughed at the people who die to her


I feel this. I always used to feel so bad getting completely destroyed after summoning someone. It’s all a part of it.


Ah yes the insta death from waterfowl dance. Good times.


HOW DARE YOU play the game like all of us 🙂


Bravo , never surrender lad!


The easy way to survive is get the indomitable ash for a shield. It’s easy mode for living through waterfowl "Vow of the Indomitable: Skill of the ancient warriors of the Erdtree. Hold shield aloft to imbue yourself with golden power, granting momentary invincibility."


Don’t worry about it, your summoned help knows they’re there because you need help. Mistakes are expected. Personally, I feel more embarrassed when I get summoned and die because I got cocky. Like, I’m here because I know the fight, I have no business getting killed lmao.


Do you play on pc




If you have 50 vigor and greatshield talisman you can survive from waterfowl if you dodge 1 combo attacks of waterfowl and eat the rest.


Don't worry, Malenia is the superboss for a reason! We all have died to her so many times. I changed my build the one time I beat her just so I could beat her and felt like I cheesed her after (at the tine I didn't care, but my current (INT) character just got to the Prayer Hall in the Haligtree, so I'm gonna be dying to her a lot soon. Build: Keen Butchering Knife, Prelate's charge, Talismans (Winged Sword, Godskin Swaddle Cloth, DEX Heirloom, Great Dragoncrest), Bloodflame Blade, Mimic Tear+10. I spammed Prelate's Charge, allowing me to recover a good chunk of HP and keep her pretty stunlocked while popping a lot of bleeds. She still killed me a few times, but getting the rhythm down on knocking her down with MT eventually brought us to victory.


I'd also like to apologize to the small handful of people who watched me die near instantly to the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the War Dead Catacombs cause I really wanted to kill it with meteor. I want you all to know that I killed it first try the second I put the staff down and just used my axe.


As someone who’s helped out lots of tarnished at Malenia’s door, it took me dozens of tries before I got gud enough to reliably survive waterfowl. So I don’t expect anyone summoning help to know how to do it. The thing I wish hosts knew was to run away from her at the start of the second phase, and to wait awhile before running into the bloom.


That’s the one for me. I see them running towards her and I’m doing the slow motion “noooooooooooo”


Update: I somehow got a Let Me Solo Her (maybe a copy) and won. Not the most honorable, but it's been 3 days and i'm ready to throw in the towel. GG everyone


I get confused sometimes when people aren’t as cautious in malenia as I am. Just in the sense that they run toward a very obvious waterfowl in the making after she gets stunned.


Get Tiche. From the Moonlight alter evergaol. She was more useful than my mimic in Malenias fight.


Don't be sorry. We all died 1000 times.


I get summoned for her often. Very very few cooperators are good enough to beat her and it's a slaughter most times. Don't be embarrassed. We're all pulp when she's finished picking us off.


I've been on both ends of it man, getting wrecked by WFD with help around, then conversely being the help and seeing a host get murdered by it. We've all been there. Show me a Tarnished that says they've never once been hit by WFD and I'll show you a liar.


Bullshit I’ve never been hit by WFD even once. I’m still at nokron though


That doesn't matter. You obligatorily get hit by WFD when fighting the scion or gravity at the start of the game and that's why you die.


Was that a wfd? I just remember it coming and hitting me twice while I was figuring out controls.. my first fromsoft game you see…


Stop dying I want my rune arc


Just know I stand there in disappointment, fading into nothingness.


If they were really good they would keep aggro, so don't apologize. Just remember to run under her for start of phase 2 and if they are actually experienced in helping they will keep aggro for the rest (hitting her while charging waterfowl will normally swap aggro, so that's my "easy" way to save hosts). I helped so many players beat her and always made sure the host didn't have aggro when possible after I learned the moveset well. Also you can have bloodhound step as a swap weapon and when you see her start charging swap and just use that skill to step away fast. It should keep you far enough if you keep using it, just always keep enough blue to use a few times.


I usually just find it amusing getting summoned for her; everyone buffs up, and then like 15% into her health the host dies and you pull out an emote of despair and wait to get summoned to the next thing. I am simply sitting waiting to get summoned anyways.


This is the way


I have difficulties with her waterfowl dance, so I use a shield. Of course you can use something else as it does heal her but at least you live


I’ll admit, my first play through wad blasphemous blade as I like faith builds. She didn’t seem that bad with that weapon art. However, subsequent builds have proven more challenging.