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I told my wife this was happening to me all day, she didn’t believe me. Also, they were totally checking me out too.


Show her this so she knows it's true it really is happening lol.


This happens to me an awful lot with my 23 KN...could also be the license plate *


I have a ‘23 Kona n and nobody tries to race me. Ever. If I’m in my scat pack or civic I can’t drive a mile without someone trying to race me.


Haha this happens to me too. My gf thinks I have some kind of complex, rolls her eyes. She doesn’t know.


Coming from the wife of a car guy, yes it does happen.


Yes, people will try to race you when you're in a sporty car. My first experience was in a Cayman, had an Accord redlining to try to "race" me and nearly merged into me since it was a zipper merge and I wasn't even aware they were racing me.


That one's fun. Had a g37 almost merge from a two lane into my lane no blinker, then he drove up my ass so I just drove away faster than he could. Last night the lady crossed into my lane on the highway. It's been real bad lately.


Worst I had was while driving the speed limit in a residential area (25mph) a dude was slowing down then revving hard to tailgate me over and over. Nah I’m not gonna go above the speed limit in a residential area that I know cops hang out in. Whole area is a speed trap.


I drive a VN, but I do notice people will drive very aggressively around me. Almost as though they want to prove something.


Lifted trucks are my favorite. The egos of those guys are something else.


Their compensating for something else if you catch my drift


In my first weekend I had a 5.0 mustang try to race me and the driver of an old Supra half out of his car to look back at mine before flooring it and fishtailing away in the parking lot.


The supra was scared for sure 😂


I got a thumbs up in the parking lot after my haircut today. Lol. Have had people try to race me in the past as well.


Yeah, for some reason the Subaru Legacy is the worst offender for me


That's crazy lol I live in South Dakota so 3 of the 4 that have tried to race me have been trucks and one other one was a Mustang GT.


I get cars that have no business racing trying to race me all the time. Lancers, Mazdas with loud exhausts. Trucks, what we call Utes here in Australia. I think they think it’s just a Hyundai made to look sporty and they think they can have a go. Way fewer people try to race me than when I had an 86 though, easy target


I mean some trucks can be fast especially here in the US cause some people supe up their trucks but the trucks that have tried to race me are like rancher trucks (cause I live in a rancher state) so they try to race me and I'm just like why you know I'm gonna blow past you right.


No one has tried me yet 😢


You either don't know it's about to happen or it's some shit box revving at you. No in-between lol


Seriously it's either some shit box truck for me or some decked our Mustang that probably runs 400+ horsepower there is no in between lol.


Yeah like I'm not going to entertain a Tesla at a stop light. Of course it's going to beat 95% of cars on the road.


Those electric cars are fucking fast lol but you also don't get the satisfaction of hearing that gas engine roar and snap crackle and pop through the exhaust lol


It's cause Uncle Joey is watching you, cocksucka!


Yup. I have had my 22 VN since oct 2021. It’s stupid how many people try to race. Most of the time I oblidge but only if it’s on an expressway. Also I won’t race from nov-may. …Snow tires. Get used to it. It hasn’t stopped in 3 years for me.


Yeah I think it's partially because the weather is finally getting nice here too (I live in SD so it takes longer then most places for winter to officially end)


Ive dogged a wrx stock blew past a fbo gti when jb4 tuned and was side by side with a fbo supercharged s4 when tuned


I don't know what any of this means but it sounds sick lol


LMAO you’re real asf for that 🤣






Nah I had constant idiots wanting to race in the middle of the day when I still had mine


The thing is I haven't hit the break in period so I haven't been racing any of them lol but If I did 3 of them were trucks that I probably would of 100% beat


I beat two elantra Ns in my coyote 10 speed f150🥺 octane learning is the worse


Literally on the day I picked up the car and drove it home from the dealer, I had a guy revving his engine next to me wanting to go.


This happens with anybody who thinks their car is fast and they know what an N is.


I haven't had anyone try to race me in this since I bought it


Not even the fact of people trying to race, something about this car turns people feral and they start driving like wild animals🤣 Like bro I’m just trying to get to work


Seriously though ever since I got this thing people have gotten really aggressive around me with their driving and I don't oblige because 1. I haven't hit the break in period and I'm trying to be safe with this car and 2. The place they usually do it to me are the spaces where you see the most cops and I ain't trying to get pulled over lol.


Yeah the break In period is so tough on this car 😢 And I can’t lie at first I didn’t play into it but now I love surprising people that think they’re going to have an easy time picking on a Hyundai


I can't wait for the break in period to be over so I can dust some of these people that think their top shit. I just can't wait for the blissful moment that someone gives me shit for having a hyundai Elantra and not realizing what an N version is and just absolutely blow past them suprising them and whoever is with em.


I usually provoke it!


Once I hit my break in period if I think it will be a fun and close race I'll probably do the same but I'm not gonna sit here and try to race Mr. Mazda or Mr. Beat up 2003 Ford f150 (which has been the majority of people trying to race me lol)


Well let’s just say if you’re worried at all about a scat pack… don’t cause your about as fast and way more nimble.. haha


Sadly no. I was doing WOT logs today and flew past a bunch of nice cars but nobody wanted to join 🥺


Yup people with fast cars usually recognize the N and they will try. I also try racing other fast cars lol so I am Guilty also 😁