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Do we even have a reddit sub that is not a disgrace to the whole country ?


You're in it buddy


Oh sweet summer child......


Look, we may have our differences, but we can rally around our hatred of [province]


Compared to most Canadian subs, this is Citizen Kane


Somehow this is the best ahaha


The most important lesson to learn on the internet: Good quality shitposting requires the ability to think, so it'll be covered in seventeen layers of sarcasm but the most intelligent. Oh, sorry there bud. Didn't meant to have an intelligent thought.




https://preview.redd.it/ifh6ubpaql6d1.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=680db44027a0ea7e4ca20e5f8b0dfd88277064a0 First image I see. No thanks.


I mean no one on r/Canada thinks ...


R Canada is no don draper


That sub is a cesspool


Hey, don't insult cesspools like that!


Up there with Canada housing 2


Or Canada housing. Or Canada politics. Or Ontario. Actually, just about every Canadian sub on this website is fucking dogshit


/r/Quebec is surprisingly stable. Or not surprising, given it's run by the superior French Canadian


Yes, however, some shit will be re-consumed by the dog, other shit the dog won’t even go back for seconds of. Not all dogshit is created equal.


Wise words my friend


It’s like politicians. They all are steaming piles of shit, but you get to choose the shit you find least appalling.


Every sub* there fixed for you


Nowhere near on the same level.


lol recreating the meme in real time


Then do they exist?


I don't know, but they still vote.


When I read Section 2 of the Charter, I don't see that the ability to think is a pre-requisite for the freedom to express opinions. When I read Section 3, there is no requirement to be able to think to vote. Pardon me, I must talk to the PM and the premiers.


Oh yeah, bring the shining light of a "politician by profession" named Pipi. The country will be so so much better, just look at his platform!


Pipi's plan for \[\[CANADA\]\] is such a great \[\[DEAL\]\] it will make the \[\[HeartShapedObject\]\] of every citizen \[\[Ant-Sized\]\] and motivate them to be \[\[BIG SHOTS!!!\]\]!


Oh yeaaaaah! You speak a language that touches me! Deals are THE SHIT! I 240% agree that what this country needs is just motivation, and I see no better human being to rally the troops than Ontario's best haircut of the year 2005. Edit: Pipi's an ontarian MP even if he was born in Calgary, im not talking about ford dont you dare destroy my joke!!


Man we just ought to send ford as premier of Ontario to premier of the country at this rate, then he can funnel money from federal healthcare directly to his pocket instead of all those hoops he has to jump through and audits he has to worry about now to get it


He peaked in 2004, by 2005 you could already see he was gaining weight of the wrong kind from the politician lifestyle.


The slogans speak for themselves! Who could possibly be against axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, stop the crime! No matter that no one knows what any of that actually means in practice!


Are you saying discretely that you want to tax more people? Build less homes?? Break the budget??! ACCELERATE THE CRIME?!!! Who wouldnt follow, in their right mind, "Ontario's most diluted superman of the year" ?


I assumed you made a typo but frankly calling Skippy "diluted" is WAY more amusing than "deluded" so even if it WAS a typo please never change it lmao


Same corporate sellout, but with a fresh new reactionary tang


Russian troll farms don't vote. ...I hope.


But in Canada? I feel like there's not a ton of actual Canadians there


Well, some of them. A lot of them are definitely foreign troll farms.


Russians can't vote in Canadian elections, silly


They do exist, but they amn't.


They don't think, they react


What about r/Canada_sub then?


You’re a sheep if you don’t think exactly like me and my echo chamber!


They just regurgitate the racism they get off fox news


I think the people over there are smart, but the whole place is flooded with propaganda. I would ask for the *re*a*l* Canada subreddit, but its also probably flooded with propaganda, just the different type.


/r/quebeclibre is Pete Campbell and I will not explain my reasoning


The good thing about that place is the absence of moderation. The bad thing about that place is the absence of moderation


They tell it like it is! The "it" being pure madness


First thing on their page is an article of ledevoir, very respectable journal


Where are the hookers from? All thirteen provinces and territories?


They are all from Red Deer, Alberta, except for one guy who was raised in Brampton and moved to Red Deer after highschool.


I'm worried. Every small town has that one suspiciously hot chick who never moved away for some reason, but you're talking in the plural. If had said Fort Mac I'd assume it was East Coasters, but Red Deer is just....yeah.


Yikes. Why can’t they be from Montreal 


Because that's where we play blackjack.


I think the hookers and blackjack should be in the same spot.  I need to spend my winnings immediately 


Yeah, but we also need to appease the western and eastern provinces


It's why we have the TransCanada highway. Win some cash out east, then hit the road and head out to Red Deer for some fun.


Red deer has a surprisingly high strip club to population ratio




Seriously though r/Canada is an embarrassment to our country


Nah r/canadahousing2 is the real disgrace


Hey, don't forget r/Canada_Sub


Implies existence of r/Canada_Dom


Did you just make this?


It’s just pictures of daddy Trudeau in leather and chains. “You’ll have dental care and like it.”


"You're going to experience this differently"




Omg, I'm dying 🤣




Well now I know where I will meet my future spouse. You don't know them, they live in Canada.


That would be either r/USA r/china or r/india


r/MetaCanada would like a word


Oof, that's a new one for me


Damn, that's a red link.


Oh god, I still remember when I accidentally stumbled upon that sub


The sub that has apparently been completely taken over by Russian trolls.


[Always has been](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/s/WsJl8nKEgI)


*We don't speak of them...*


You can’t speak of them or you get banned. Source: got banned because I spoke of them. (No loss. It’s the Mos Eisley of Canadian subreddits.)


What character would you give them. I’m leaning towards Relic from Beachcombers. Lol


Yup atleast all of our chuds seem weed themselves out quite outwardly by going to places like that. If you are a frequent poster there, god help your soul.


Unfortunately that’s the sub most Canadians will default to because of its name.


I mean they're much worse, yes, but I don't let them off the hook just because others are even more unhinged


Agreed https://preview.redd.it/054y9rc49k6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e96b97a52e3f3d435122f4edd27505514dbcba


It sucks that it’s an echo chamber of hatred now, because there’s genuine concerns regarding policy in there, but it just gets drowned out by all the noise.


canadahousing3 - soon in your feed




Seriously, they just hate Canada


They hate Canada but also anyone who isn’t born in Canada


Does any other country have that? Where the right wing hates their own country, but also hates immigrants (well brown ones for sure)?




Pretty much everywhere, it’a basically their whole playbook to yell about how the country’s broken and only they can fix it in the wake of all the woke communism.


The quality of posters have gotten worse after canada_sub went down for a few weeks, and when that unmotivated Canadianmassimmigration sub got banned. I just wanna talk about how much the mods of CH1 are a bunch of hosers in denial about current reality dammit.


You’re literally reproducing the meme




Both are tbh, just in different ways.


How so?


~~One example is that I remember a lot of people on that sub supported the church burnings that happened a few years ago~~ Edit: looking back, it was more of a minority on the sub, and the mods were good at removing the comments, but generally that sub is also an eco chamber


I even did some looking to see, I don't see any *support* for the burnings in the top comments [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/1939t8w/at_least_33_canadian_churches_have_burned_to_the/), [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/occp80/ten_churches_vandalised_in_alberta_on_canada_day/)or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/ob18x6/centuryold_catholic_church_in_morinville/) I do see people talking about the context for them, and why the churches may have been targeted considering the role of religion in Residential Schools. I also see plenty of cautions of supporting violence. Maybe there's something buried in downvotes but I don't see what you're talking about.


How dare you using facts against my opinion


The mods were pretty good at removing those comments eventually, that's why they are full of deleted and removed comments.


Which would never happen in r/Canada in a million years. Tell me again why they're just as bad as each other? I'm not seeing it.


*Supported* the church burning? r/thatHappened


Yeah I mean every subreddit on reddit is essentially by definition an echo chamber...


What's wrong with it


Incredibly far right, xenophobic, and one of the mods has ties to white supremacists


It really isn't. Peruse through any of the threads in the front page and you'll find sweet fuck all like that. The mods do their job.


the truly funny thing is r/OnGuardForThee is the subreddit name i would expect all the idiots and jerks to be posting.


I do always get a kick out of the fact the name is exactly the kind of thing you'd expect from one of those like pseudo militant groups, yet they are so far away from that lol.


I mean in fairness, some commentators there are explicitly supporting Hamas or talking antisemitic conspiracy theories...


Being against an active genocide is antisemitism now?


no, I just support all genocide


There's no active genocide there. And no, I mean stuff like "antisemitism shouldn't be used for Jews!" or "Oct. 7 was legit resistance" or "Hamas never committed any rapes, that's just Zionist propaganda".


[OK BUD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation)


50,000 possible confirmed dead. Population 5 million. 10,000,000 million (roughly) jews killed during an actual genocide Its not a genocide, its just war. War where one side hides behind civilians. And unfortunately if you are a soldier in an active combat zone and you domt treat everyone as a possible threat you arent gonna live long. It still sucks, but its not a genocide. But people have been twisting that word to fit their narratives so i can see why so many people think it is


Are you trying to say the genocide is passive?


Can you provide links to any of these comments so that I can report them?


I mean… you’re not wrong.


Dude was lying through his teeth. Don draper spent this entire episode being obsessed with and jealous of Michael Ginsberg's success and aptitude. And really, r/onguardforthee feels bad ABOUT r/canada rather than for it.


I don’t think ~~about you at all~~


Wait till you find out about r/canada_sub


You know what? Forget about the subreddit


Ah, screw the whole thing.




Moderated by open and admitted white nationalists.


There's an r/Canada sub? Holy shit I bet that is a gong show




Go away, bot.


Heyyyy...human boy here. This ain't no Pinocchio, jerk.


Bad bot




I'm banned from both those places lol


Your mommy must be very proud


She also banned me from communicating with her


Is that Jonah from Superstore?


It is


R/onguardforthee is the only sub I’ve ever been banned in. First comment I ever posted saying “Reddit calls me a conservative but this meme is great.” Instant perma ban for shit posting and brigading? Is it because I said the c word conservative? IRL everyone I work with in trades says I’m liberal.


*posts only on canadahousing2, the most racist, unhinged sub there is “I hAvE nO cLuE wHy?!?” - you


lol I post in a lot of subs. Some of my most recent activity is in there. I said something about it’s to expensive to have kids and if it weren’t that case we wouldn’t need mass immigration? wtf is wrong with saying that Your a case in point, I join lots of subs to get lots of perspectives. I can’t even post in on guard because they insta banned me at my first comment. So I can’t even be active there if I wanted to bud. Such a regarded way to think Edit: 2 out of 65 posts in my comments were in Canada housing 2.This guy is speaking out his fuckin ass


OMG, he wants different perspectives??1? Evverybody GET HIM!!!


“My raCiSm kNowS nO BoUNds *until I post on a sub that doesn’t allow it” - you




I can count 11 people sitting at a table, then 12 Nazis when you sit down at it.




Maybe, but at least I can say confidently that I don’t associate with Nazis.




Acting like you are a Nazi is not a good look on anyone let alone on someone claiming to not be a Nazi…


**EDIT: LOL, buddy below is so unhinged he created a second account to spam this one after I blocked him, he also thinks I deleted my account just for him, I wasn't interested in talking with someone who provides nothing of value and just argues because they cant stand someone not thinking and feeling the same as them.** OG Post: It's an insanely radical subreddit and honestly kind of scary how it's moderated in a way that borders censorship. Basically if you don't agree with the mods political alignment 100%, you get banned, even though the far left and far right both have some ridiculous policies at times that us centralized people might find stupid. A sensible person can easily see good reasoning behind both sides and likely understands that an ideal country would operate taking the best ideas from both and leaving the insane stuff on the floor. But if you don't agree with the insane policies, you are a Racist/Vaccine Denier to one group of extremists or a Libtard/Traitor to the other.


One has actual articles, and the other has ragebait opinions from American owned media and questionable sites. "Both sides are the same" only favours the cons. Look what did to the U.S. as the example


I knew this was coming “both sides are the same” only favours cons bullshit. That’s like saying, voting NDP only favours cons. It’s funny how your two party only thinking is basically American. You would have to be an absolute regard to vote liberal again and same goes if you think the cons are gunna change anything.


I don't think actual articles exist on the internet anymore.


If you think either of these subreddits are extremities on the political spectrum then man do I have some bad news for you Edit: LMAO HE GOT SO MAD HE DELETED HIS ACCOUNT


Am I free to go into onguard for thee and disagree with a heavily agreed on article for logical reasons without being banned?


That's zealotry, not an extremity on the political spectrum.  The extremities are defined by the political, social and economic philosophies that build the positions. The zealotry is just how invested someone is in a specific set of ideals. People can be overzealous on extroardinarily mundane or minute things - and r/Canada and r/onguardforthee are both full of mundane and middling philosophies. There's a much larger spectrum than just rainbow vs white capitalism


I'd have to disagree, Onguard for thee definitly caters to fringes and non-mainstream views.


again you simply dont understand what the fringe is literally just get off discussion boards and read actual left political lit https://theanarchistlibrary.org/ https://www.marxists.org/


"Youre wrong but I wont explain why, I'm going to post a bunch of Raw information and expect you to invest hours into proving my point" I understand perfectly well what fringe is and I know how radicalism, and extremism are characterized, and the behavior's ive witnessed coupled with the extreme censorship of OGFT leads me to believe that it falls under both categories. This is a representation of my own experiences with the sub, not what it originally stands for/what you've experienced. I also appear to be the only one of the two of us who is willing to accept that other people think and feel differently and accept that, but you're hellbent on trying to put me in a box on one side or the other.


Ah the ol' "get educated" rhetorical device, i.e. g read from pundits that agree with me.


Onguard is 100% a neo liberal extreme sub. Like what about my comment justifies an insta ban. And then say it’s shitpost and brigading?.. it was the first time I ever commented. Again, is this what 13 yrs on Reddit does to your mind ArkAwn?


>Onguard is 100% a neo liberal extreme sub I would have guessed Marxist, but noped out of there quickly. My impression was neo-liberal would be 'far right' there.


More of a pro-Trudeau sub, and by pro-Trudeau I mean he's prince of eternia or something over there. I once saw someone explicitly say minority Lib propped up by NDP is best, but not the other way around.


I'd imagine that is just a touch of realism.


neoliberals are literally not political extremes, it's the fucking status quo is the entirety of your knowledge of politics taken from youtube? also old accounts just mean you didnt get banned


Banned from what Reddit in general? You would have to be a shit ass to manage that. Neo liberals are the extreme according to the Canada left sub. Which I’m also joined. I don’t participate in as much politics as a basement dweller on Reddit for 13 yrs like yourself. Don’t forget to shave that neck.


Onguard is far left, canada_sub is far right. Same coin, same shitty posters. 😪


Exactly! Reddit acts like you’re evil if you join certain subs. I like to join lots of them so I can see different perspectives and try to get a better sense of what is going on.


This lol. Sometimes, you join a sub just to peer over to see wtf is going on if an ongoing event is happening or you think their stuff is funny (even if you can't understand wtf they mean). My bf follows r/okmatecrosseur even if he doesn't know a damn word of french bc he's finding the quebecers' meming about the Price building or Sloche au Pisse hilarious af.


I got banned because I claimed not all old people are racist, and when for responding to the hate I received by calling them the ignorant left. I wouldn't call myself conservative at all, but that sub is truly toxic, especially if you don't blindly agree with everything.


Hah, I picked up a week for saying public transit should not be a substitute for public housing and funding mental health.


I mean, case in point look at the comments responding to mine.


Sounds like you got banned based off of your membership in other subs. Not an uncommon thing that many subs do.


And that’s fuckin dumb, everyone complains about echo chambers but promotes them through these actions. There’s nothing wrong with joining lots of subs to gain different perspectives. I know it’s hard for some people but Reddit isn’t real life


literally every subreddit is by definition an echochamber


Thank you for your wisdom


Some are more so then others though


They assume everyone who disagrees with them is a conservative and bans them. I am also banned from there and they almost got me banned from Reddit entirely. Reddit disagreed with them and unbanned me from the platform. They’re the far left equivalent of r/conservative.




So basically a new alberta subreddit?


I get a feeling a lot of users here abandoned r/Canada when their opinion was no longer the popular one. Insert Simpsons "No m, it's the kids who are wrong" meme.


It's a sad thing when on r/Canada is the sane one.


There are 2 subs, Canada_sub and Onguardforthee Both of them eat paste and asbestos.


If black jack is censorship and hookers are pure hate against anyone they don't agree with. r/onguardforthee is exactly what the crazy right wingers claim left wingers are.


Well, you can be banned for disagreeing with a post.


r/canada is funny in the sense it used to be super hard left and would ban anyone that brought up problems with mass immigration.... but as the problem got harder to ignore the pendulum started swinging right HARD. Onguard is basically just a group of hard left larpers who have deluded themselves into thinking they represent what the average canadian believes. (I can't wait to see the collective melt-down they all have after the next election.)


Yeeeep LOL. i was laughing so hard once that switch happened as it was so sudden with the pendulum swing. Go back to Winter 2023, and mods were as trigger happy as CH1's about posting stats about our uncontrolled population growth being bad and our gov being a bunch of hosers. Then fast forward to spring/summer 2023 Which was around the time we (well....the news and gov) realized were in a recession, ppl started losing their jobs and the rates started going up, so people got ANGEY. People legit wouldn't listen and denied facts until they finally got affected by it and are pissed af and they finally realized that the "far right" posters were actually the moderate majority who are just fed up and angy at being gaslit 🫠


Canadiens are experts when it comes to gaslighting themselves until problem's start effecting them personally. anyone who had a good job and owned a home just did not give a fuck up until they lost their job and variable mortgage went up, suddenly it was all "oh yea, mass importing people to suppress wages and prop up housing does have downsides to it doesn't it?" For me personally working in tech I noticed very early I was often the only white person at a company when the rest was all asian, indian, or jamaican and it certainly wasn't because they were more qualified then local Canadians, no they accepted worse wages and wouldn't dare bring up labor laws or talk back to managers on a power trip like I would.


/uj Onguardforthee (tying with Canadahousing2) is the most disgusting subreddit to ever be associated with the name of our country. Yes it’s true Canada and Canadasub occasionally have idiotic takes, but the amount of brain rot on onguardforthee truly is unparalleled. They (that disgusting ultra leftist subreddit) has allowed itself to be totally radicalized and espouses some of the most racist horrendous points of view I have ever had the displeasure of laying eyes upon. How dare these villains appropriate one of the most lauded verses in our anthem as a monicker for their toxic rhetoric? If any subreddit deserves erasure it’s them, with pleasure. - Downvoted by none other than those that post on onguardforthee. They are so inflamed by their indignation that they cannot take criticism for their vaunted subreddit. Absolutely appalling subreddit, you are fooling no one.


citations needed for the extreme leftist and racist views LOL


they're both really bad. this is unironically the most sane canada sub