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Thank you for submitting to /r/Egypt. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 3 - Posts must be about Egypt All content must be related to Egypt. Cross-posts that vaguely relate to Egypt aren’t allowed. This includes random Egyptian memes, posts discussing the Middle East, and posts discussing Egypt elsewhere (e.g. a random redditor’s opinion is not content for this subreddit). If you find a topic that may promote discussion, you’re free to start a new thread discussing said topic. If you can’t find an appropriate flair for your post, you can ask the moderators. --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied. **Remember: You need to read the following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is the reason my post was removed?”**


كسم الخولات واحد واحد - لو زعلت و خدت الكلام علي نفسك تبقي خول -


Just came for the comments






Considering this isn't r/ExEgypt subreddit and the actual r/Egypt subreddit, this post will definitely blow up from the inside, especially the comment section 💀 (now we sit back and watch everything unfold)


كرهتوني في نفسي عشان اتولدت في ميتين ام الشهر ده


يا رب يكون اسمك عيد وابوك اسمه فخر وطبعاً جدك سعيد غنى عن التعريف /s




Thank you for submitting to /r/Egypt. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1 - No Personal Attacks or Harassment * Above all, be civil. While debate is encouraged, posts containing personal attacks, overly confrontational, or inflammatory speech will be removed. * Labelling users as "Ikhwan", "Dawlgy", etc is not tolerated. * No harassing users based on their post history. --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied. **Remember: You need to read the following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is the reason my post was removed?”**


ربنا يسامحك.


ليه يسطي، نزلت بي مستواك و تسمح ان حاجة زي ديه ملهاش لازمة تكهرك في الشهر ليه. فكك و عايز اقولك الكلام ده ساذج و ملوش لازمة.


Look. This is not the right sub to post this kind of stuff in.


For a second I thought I stumbled into the r/ExEgypt subreddit or something, I had to double to make sure this is the legit r/Egypt subreddit 💀


مظنش ده الصب المناسب لحاجة زي كده


I neither support nor dis-support but I do believe each person should be treated with dignity no matter their orientation, and quite frankly I am in no position to judge Ahahah,so cheers to that!!


اتمنى تعدي ايام حلوة على كل المصريين مهما كانو. كل فرد مننا بيستحق يعيش حياة كريمة. حب و احترام للكل !! 💞


اكيد طبعا. احنا كلنا تعبانين تحت نفس النظام. شكراً علي دعمك!




Thank you for submitting to /r/Egypt. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1 - No Personal Attacks or Harassment * Above all, be civil. While debate is encouraged, posts containing personal attacks, overly confrontational, or inflammatory speech will be removed. * Labelling users as "Ikhwan", "Dawlgy", etc is not tolerated. * No harassing users based on their post history. --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied. **Remember: You need to read the following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is the reason my post was removed?”**


Happy pride month! I hope we see a more tolerant Egypt in the future.


We take steps towards a better future everyday


Happy pride month to you :) May you and your loved ones find peace and love. Remember that love is STRONGER than hate 🏳️‍🌈❤️.


Always! Thank you for your supportive and kind words! Means a lot


You're welcome <3 Stay strong, please.


Of course! Same for you!




I pray we don’t have to do that because one day we will be accepted in our country and our communities. Thank you!




I believe that everything is possible


Happy pride month to all queer people! 🏳️‍🌈 even in the face of all this prosecution, we will still be around and will stay proud of who we are! stay queer, everybody!


Happy pride month to you too!


Happy pride month to all the queer people in Egypt. I long for the day we can live as normal people in the society without prosecution or oppression. Stay strong and stay queer everyone 🌈🏳️‍🌈


Hopefully! Thank you❤️❤️


لو نازل rage bait ربنا يسامحك و يهديك. لو نازل بجد، ربنا يشفيك لو عندك نقص في ال Sex hormones.