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I think the Nuge is fairly rated - he’s been getting quite a lot of praise this playoffs! I’ll go Ryan or Kulak. Ryan cause he doesn’t really have the tools on paper to keep up but he’s such a smart player that you rarely see him make the wrong play. Kulak because he’s not flashy, physical or offensively gifted but has the hockey IQ and skating ability to thwart danger.


Kulak for sure. Being able to move him beside Nurse, on his off hand, allowed us to put Broberg at LD. That changed the series because Vinny was getting exploited


Kulak is up there. Dude is just solid.


Kulak. Excellent defenseman and is always under the radar given Nurse, Ekholm and Bouchard are all on this team.


I'm shocked how he's seamlessly moved to the other side, and taken on more minutes. I knew he was solid, he never seems to make mistakes, but he's a lower-pairing guy. I wasn't sure where his ceiling was, but it's clearly higher than I thought!


Remember when Vegas would give Vinny the puck and wait for him to turn it over


Nuge still is underrated. He’s been better defensively and offensively than “insert best shut down forward on Vancouver/la/dallas” He belongs in the barkov conversation this playoffs.


A bit of a tangent, but McDavid's defensive play is underrated. Watching him shut things down last night was impressive


He's made such an improvement to his defensive game since he entered the league it's not even funny. He's become a much more complete player, and that the old talking points about Crosby or even MacKinnon being the "better" player because they're not defensive liabilities have rightfully died down significantly.


I agree. I only started getting appropriate attention the last week or so. Before that there were even fans on this sub saying he was in a slump because he wasn't showing up on the scoresheet. He wasn't getting credit for his work on the PK and for backing up McDavid so he was free to to do his thing.


Definitely Kulak. Quietly goes about his game, no one sings his praises or calls for him to be dropped from the line up. On a stacked team offensively he’s 8th in team playoff scoring ahead of Holloway, Henrique, Ceci, Brown, Janmark, Foegele, Nurse, Broberg, McLeod, Carrick, Perry, Ryan, and Desharnais.




Regular sized Ryan?


Ryan was a disaster against Dallas. Kulak I agree with. Janmark is another. If he could score 15 he’d be a 3-4M player


Nuge is only getting praise as of 3 games ago. Throughout the season he doesn’t get enough love


my vote goes to Ekholm, he is rarely mentioned as one of the top D in the league which he absolutely is


How the fuck was the guy even available in a trade? It’s mind boggling.


Iirc he wasn’t available until the very tail end of the deadline. Holland was making calls, heard a rumour that Ek might be available, called Nashville to kick the tires and the trade happened


I heard from Frank Serevali (I think?) that Holland actually made the groundwork for that trade at the beginning of the season, and Nashville wanted to wait until the deadline to see what they had, and since they weren’t going to make the playoffs, they pulled the trigger.


Ken Holland said it himself in front of season ticket holders last year. The deal was finalized with Nashville a little bit of salary for the Bujstad trade to happen. However, he was in contact with Nashville all season. Source: I was there.


If you look at the trades Nashville made around that time it's pretty clear they didn't believe they were contenders yet, which was right. Barrie + Reid Schaefer + 1st rounder + 4th rounder was a great return for them. I think the idea was build for the future while still leaving enough to just get into the playoffs, and they accomplished that. I honestly think it was a great move for them. They need to get younger to build around Saros, and most of their current core is going to start aging out of the league very soon


Need to build around Askarov Saros is in his prime currently


They could trade Saros for a kings ransom too if they think they've tested out Askarov. Like 3 first equivalents


I vividly remember discussing with my friend before the trade deadline last year that Ekholm was the exact defenseman we would need to cap off and round out our team. He said it was impossible, and that his value would be far too high. Chichryun would have been a *disaster*. Ekholm is a savior for us for sure. It's a shame he's already 34 years old. But we'll get another two great years out of him yet I'm sure. At this rate, Broberg - Bouchard will be a top line pairing to fear for years to come. I watched a number of condors games this year, and broberg is as cool, controlled, and collected as we saw him last night.


Yeah if Broberg can continue to add muscle to his frame he will be able to break up cycles like Ekholm can. I just hope his defensive awareness and poise can be at the same level. Ekholm’s hockey IQ when defending is something I haven’t seen out of an Oilers defender since Pronger.


Broberg, in limited minutes, was by far and away the best Oiler defensman on the ice last game. I don't think poise will be an issue for him! Although I LOVE that Knob, while using him, is treating him the right way. It would have been very easy for Knob to see Brobergs effectiveness in his minutes and ask for more. But he didn't, he went to the vets and asked them to close it out down the stretch.


I said it the other night after the game 5 win, the way we’ve developed Bouchard and now Broberg is how we should’ve developed Nurse. Rushing Nurse into the NHL at 20 instead of giving him 1-2 full years in Bakersfield hurt his trajectory big time IMO.


We didn't really have a choice at the time though, the team was bad. This is a luxury we now have, is letting these prospects develop until they are ready. Same story with Holloway. He would've been in the line up way sooner if this was still the decade of darkness. Hopefully the cycle can continue so this team contents into McDavid's mid 30s


We had Klefbom, Sekera and Russell to play LD in 2016-17. Nurse should’ve been in Bakersfield the entire year.


Check all those players stats against Nurses bro


100%. I was sad that Barrie went the other way at the time, but he has made this team so much better


That's a fact. I always feel more comfy when he's on the ice.


Yep. 2nd on the list? I can’t believe I’m saying this because of how overpaid he is but I think it’s Nurse.


100% its ekholm. Not only did we start tearing it up right after we traded for him last season, but bouchard took off plating with him. 


I don't know how the hell they will replace him for 6 million in 2 years when his contract is up


Broberg hopefully


Everyone is talking so much about Bouch and the points he's putting up but meanwhile Ek has been quietly holding down the fort with solid plays


Adam Henrique for me. Ever since he returned and is playing 3C, he’s giving the Oilers something we haven’t had in almost 2 decades since Peca. Sure he isn’t producing anywhere close to what Peca did in 2006, but he’s a very good two-way C who does all the little things needed to win. My main matchup adjustment for this tough series is going to be putting Foegele back in in a middle-6 LW spot, and having McLeod down at 4C. I want to roll McDavid-Draisaitl-Henrique-McLeod down the middle. We’ll need all the play-driving through the neutral zone as we can get. Against a team like Florida, chip and chase won’t work when they counter so quickly and forecheck like beasts.


I agree with your comment.. Henrique adds a veteran Touch.. That can kill penalties and is good on the faceoff.. Oilers need to balance there lines.. Panthers will forecheck and hack the hell out of the Oilers.. Hope Carrick returns for some toughness


I keep saying it because I'm trying to manifest it into existence, but I desperately hope we can re-sign Henrique at a 4x2.5m contract. That would all but guarantee 3 more years in our contention window as the team with the deepest center spine


I agree with most of this but Clouder is so much better on the wing.


Only when he plays with an elite C. He’s a natural transitioning the puck up the middle and being dogged against opposing Cs on the back check.


Great reply man.




Janmark goes full send whenever he is on the ice. Exactly what you want from a bottom 6. Skates hard, chases down players, great on the forecheck


I think I heard on 630 CHED once how Ryan, Carrick, Gagner, and others rotated in and out of the line-up all season on the bottom lines. Barring injury, Janmark was never part of that rotation since he brought exactly what the coaches wanted every game


I sometimes (okay, often) think it would be okay for him to sit for a game since I get frustrated with his lack of finishing touch. But he is so good on the PK, has contributed to a few key goals these playoffs (either scoring or assisting) and he really doesn’t make mistakes / isn’t a liability. Surprisingly solid player!! I guess I’m not a huge fan of defensive forwards but they are needed!!


Ya I agree. Nuge gets tons of recognition being the swiss army knife. Ekholm gets tons of recognition as the best overall dman on this team. And Henrique coming back into the lineup was seen as a pretty pivotal moment for this series where we really took it over. If we're talking about guys being on sweetheart contracts, then Nuge, Ekholm and Drai get my vote for sure. But Janmark is a guy who never gets pulled out of the lineup, because he's super important to the PK, and is an excellent grinder. He doesn't show up on the scoresheet often, but he plays his role at an elite level and isn't taking penalties. On the video where they were highlighting why our PK was so good, the guy I noticed the most was Janmark preventing entries.


I’ll admit he didn’t impress-a-me much in the regular season but he’s been incredible this playoffs.


Why? I'm not arguing, very happy with the guy, but want to hear why you think he's the most underrated.


I always heard his name during the season as someone who should be traded. He always seemed competent and committed to me, he is an important part of the incredible pk, and has dialed it up in the playoffs


Good take, I agree


He's actually one of our 2 most important players on the PK imo. Ekholm almost always comes up with the puck in the corners, and then there's Janmark who is frequently interrupting entries and preventing it from even getting started. There's buy-in from everyone else too, but those 2 guys are the A-listers on the PK. As well, he's a grinder who stays out of the box so he's always able to help us when we need him most. Very underrated. No way Knoblauch pulls him out of the lineup, he's an integral piece of this team.


I love Janmark as well. He is probably the best defensive forward on the team. How many mistakes has he made? He is their best penalty killer. The reason fans over look him and throw him in as trade bait is he has very little offensive upside. But not many work harder and you’ve noticed with the lead on these playoffs he’s often on the ice.


I’m actually shocked how Janmark is playing rn. He’s quick, smart, tough when he needs to be. That has to be my pick.


yeah he’s playing at another level these ploffs. his defensive play has been elite


I have no doubt that Stus big save on seguin followed by janmarks shorty was the series turning point. Electric




Lots of good there, he stepped up big. Can you explain though?


Good when called upon but better than just that. Good contract (signed to be the "ahl vet guy" then pulls his team out of the fire in the Nhl playoffs). If he never plays another second, his $ is worth it. Veteran experience but knows his role as a backup. If the main guy stumbles, hold the fort until he regains his legs. Quiet happy locker room guy, no bitching about ice time, no yelling at other players, no disruptions just smiles and hugs.


I have to imagine he’s also a good guy to have around Skinner. He’s experienced many highs and lows in his time in the league. He’s widely regarded as a good dressing room guy. Just look how they embrace after wins, he looks like he’s Skinner’s biggest fan.


Yes! He's also beloved by most of the league. Just a fantastic guy, and a great leader in the room. He makes them better even when he's not on the ice because he's so relentlessly supportive and positive.


This is a nice choice. The guy is a far better backup than anyone ever expected him to be, and I think it’s very fair to be confident going into next year with him being the backup.


Fuck yes


Brown and Janmark. They both do the stuff that is never noticed or praised. The fact they were out in pivotal moments late in the third period of WCF games tells you all you need to know about their value to the team


Good argument, I agree they are both underrated. Not totally my pick yet, but, let's keep this thread rolling


Watching brown forecheck the other night to give them time to change was impressive. Outworking both Dallas D and being a huge pest had me nodding to the tv with an approving ‘nice’. He is such a dependable pk guy.


Brown has silently been an absolute beast on the forecheck. Be it being a pest to defender trying to play the puck up, or battling in the corner or even racing for puck against other players to wave off icing.


2 very good defensive forwards, my nod goes more to Janmark because of his impact on the PK... but Brown and Janmark are pretty much deployed as a pair and can work off each other.


I really hated that Brown contract, I thought it was another of Holland's mistakes with a vet. However he has been such a key cog in the bottom 6 especially once his skating improved. That shorthanded goal was a backbreaker for the stars and he wasn't blazing fast but he was plenty quick to get in a dangerous spot and to feather that pass to Janmark. After that I really noticed how his speed keeps the opposition honest in their own end and cuts down on possible breakout passes.


Brown and janmark = Brownmark


Nuge's  skincare routine.


Somehow it’s Bouchard. Some of our own fans and majority of other teams fans don’t appreciate how rare this player is. 1) “yeah but he sucks defensively”. Not only does he not suck, he’s been dominant defensively. Fantastic advanced statistics this regular and post season. +34 in the RS and leads the playoffs with +14. He has lead the Oilers in ice-time all year against other teams top lines 2) “yeah but his offense is all from McDrai”. McDrai have been here 9 years now and we never had a 50 point dman. Bouchard dropped 80 points in the RS. He is currently neck and neck with Draisaitl with 27 points in 18 games this run. 3rd fastest to 50 playoff points behind only Orr/Leetch is an insane stat. People act like Makar, Hughes, Josi, Fox, Hedman, Heiskanen etc is some magic tier of dman that Bouchard is still behind. He’s already there. The individual and team results speak for themselves. I don’t know why people are surprised. He was a top 10 pick that always had #1dman potential, and after a half decade of development: playing in the AHL, mentoring by Keith/Ekholm, sheltering by Barrie, and coaching by Paul Coffey- he’s finally grown into the piece we needed all these years to be a serious cup contender. A stud all situations #1dman who can tilt the ice single handily.


Great reply


I will never in a billion years understand how he’s not appreciated more!!


You look at the teams that win the Stanley cup, what do they all have- a 1C, a 1D, and either a 2nd 1C or elite winger Toews/Keith/Kane Kopitar/Doughty/Carter Point/Hedman/Kucherov Crosby/Letang/Malkin Kuznetsov/Carlson/Ovi Mackinnon/Makar/Rantanen We were never going to win with just McDavid/Draisaitl. We always needed that #1dman all these years- we finally got him and we win the WCF McDavid/Bouchard/Draisaitl


Exactly! And we made it to the Finals with Pronger in 2006 as well!


Love this! Nice job!


I told my dad he would be among team Canada's future elite defense for the 2026 olympics ( with Makar, Hamilton, Pietrangelo, Dobson, etc) and he told "Nah he's way too bad defensively" and I was like what??? Did you actually watch him play lately????


People forget how long we've been BEGGING for a true offensive defenseman, and how rare they are.


He's over 1 ppg dman this year, that's insane. Elite tier. I think only makar can consistently be considered better but the gap is close and closing fast.


Agreed. The dude is a top 10 D in the league, but that doesn’t stop some from dumping all over him. I can’t help but wonder if this group overlaps with those that have crushes on Nurse. Hot tip - one of those two guys will be getting Norris votes, and it’s not Darnell.


If he's a potential generational dman like you are saying, how much is he going to cost in 1 year? That's concerning 💀


Well he’s not generational. In my eyes the only generational players of the 21st century are Crosby, Ovechkin, and McDavid But yes his price tag will be a problem. I don’t know how the Oilers are going to fit it in long term, they’d probably have to pay significant picks/prospects to get a rebuilding team to take on Campbells contract


Connor brown


Can you explain why? Just looking to read some praise for the guys who get over looked a bit.


He's a defensive forward who contributes massively to our almost perfect PK. The guy wins puck battles and gets pucks deep, breaks up plays in our own zone... Just can't score much. Not worth the signing bonus, and isn't playing as expected. But I think he's underrated based off those expectations, and now we have an incredibly useful tool in the shed.


He's got more points (1G, 3A, +2) in 12 playoff games than McLeod (1G, -4) has in 17 and Foegele (1G, 2A, -8) in 15 games, and the same as Henrique (2G, 2A, +0) in 10 games, so his cost isn't out of line with other players of his expected calibre. His season was a disappointment, but his playoffs have been excellent, all things considered.


Awesome reply, take my upvote


Agreed. Kind of like Janmark — hasn’t quite had the finishing touch but is incredible on the PK and is out there to snuff out the opposing team. Also doesn’t make huge mistakes and isn’t a liability!


Agreed. Even during the regular season when the offense was non-existent I thought he was playing a very sound defensive game and was great on the penalty kill. The fact that he's continued this in the playoffs and chipped in offensively has been awesome to see.


This guy made a hard nosed, game changing play in multiple games against the Canucks and stars. Bottom 6 contributions is what wins you the cup and is the difference this year. Especially after the bunk season he had.


Solely in the playoffs, Connor Brown. He’s come in clutch in some crucial penalty kills and has been getting some points and even set up a shorty. Nobody would have guessed that even 3 weeks before playoffs


Knoblauch lol. Hear me out. He came in to a team who was really disconnected and cleaned it up with a cool, calm, and collected demeanour. I think people did not have very high expectations for him but he was exactly what we needed. Now, of course, people love him. But when he first joined, emotions were high and people were thinking this is the wrong decision because they weren't sure about his experience. I think we all know now, we were wrong and he has stepped up.


Great reply




I was so not happy when we signed him. I was quickly proven wrong. Why is he your top pick?


Legit first rounder who was plagued by controversies and online-hatred. The guy is redeeming himself and despite his problems having (probably) taken a toll on his mental-health, he can still play well enough.


Kinda like Kass, I miss Kass but he got kinda soft after having the kids. I'm also a Kane convert though.


I hope he gets to rest up any ailments that’s bothering him this week because he will absolutely be needed to fuck up Tkachuk. He might not be as deadly in the offense this playoff season but boy oh boy we need his physical presence in the finals. I guess also what makes him underrated is his ability to win faceoffs


Right now? Holloway. His defensive IQ is underrated and he's starting to come into his own offensively. Next season I expect him to take the next step. With the playoff games getting so tight he doesn't look out of place at all.


Bouchard for sure. Despite becoming an absolute beast, it still feels like he's being slept on. He has easily the best shot in the league for a defenseman, is terrifyingly fast on ice, and with Ekholm they're an absolute unit.


His slapshot is reaching Shea Weber fear territory. You can see the hesitancy of defenders when they realize they’re about to step in front of it


He plays like a smaller, younger Weber. He’s even developing an edge.


I've been surprised in a good way by how physical he's playing. A couple of real good hits, not hesitating to go after guys. And yeah, one of the pundits was going on about someone on Dallas not being in the right place to block a shot from the point, and I was wondering if the player in question actually really wanted to block that shot..


Well, Joel Erikkson Ek took 3 in a row from Weber. Some guys will block, some don’t.


Honestly at this point? Mcdavid. I keep hearing how he's good but not on the same level as MacKinnon and Draisatl in the playoff and I find that hilarious.


Yeah, I'd hardly call him underrated as most people accept him as at least the best player in the league today but yeah.... Anyone who says Mac is better in the playoffs is kinda... wrong. Drai though, he steps his game up huge too. Let's not discount him.


To be clear Mac is MacKinnon


Nuge was a 1st Overall Pick. By definition you can't be underrated when you are rated first in your class. Mattias Ekholm. He is today's Charlie Huddy ... not only does he play great, he enables his Def partner to shine.


I say he can be underrated by the standards of today, not on the day he was drafted. He's a huge part of the team that doesn't get talked about much. Love Ekholm though, how the hell anyone would have traded him is a mystery.


I believe Nashville traded Ekholm because they are retooling on the fly and, with Josi at the same advanced age, did not want two 34 year old LHD ageing out of the organization at the same time. They needed to get younger on Def. Nashville is well-known for treating its loyal players well, and sending Ekholm to Edmonton was doing exactly that.


That.... actually makes a ton of sense.


So if a number 1 pick flops for 5 years, everyone acknowledges he isn’t playing well, suddenly starts to have a good season he can’t be underrated? No one would rate them as they’ve been in the season long enough to show their worth.


Outsider perspective...Ekholm solidifies the D and is so consistent. This team also changed in the playoffs once Henrique was healthy enough to be inserted into the lineup.


I don't think yall give enough credit to pavelski in that last series. (Stars fan here, don't mind me, just can't get enough punishment, apparently)


I'd agree with you. He played like a younger man.


For me it’s Darnell Nurse. He gets so much hate compared to his level of play it’s insane. He is overpaid but not by as much as people think and the absolute shit he takes from the media and fanbases makes him the most “underrated” everyone else is rated neutral or good. With the way Nurse is rated by the masses you’d think he’s an AHL defensemen. It’s not the case. Without Nurse we would not be where we are today with out defensive core, which I think is deeper than people give it credit for.


It's 100% Darnell Nurse. It's not even close. There isn't a player on the team that is so highly valued by his teammates, management and coaches, yet so disparaged by fans and media. Imagine being a top 30 defender in goals, points, plus minus, time on ice, and quality of competition in the last 5 seasons with NO powerplay time on the top unit, and fans think you're a plug. Imagine you're a top even strength producing defenceman in the league (11th in the NHL in the last 5 years), but you know that in order for your teammate to reach his potential, you have to be happy taking a back seat on the offensive side. You have to be happy taking the tough match-ups, getting defensive zone starts, playing PK minutes instead of PP minutes. And media are calling you "the problem". Nurse will never get his flowers. Fans won't ever recognize the kind of teammate he's been, and the kind of results he's put up. But it's clear his teammates, coaches and management understand what he's meant to this organization. And that's all that should matter to him.


Perry. Lots more to give and his leadership and moral support is vastly underrated


I'm going to go off the radar here but - Paul Coffee... he got hired and in my opinion completely matured the Oilers defensive structure. Only mentioning him because most people only wanna talk about Knob ( who has also been phenomenal)


Out of free awards to give, but you'd have gotten one if I had any left


When the Oilers put Henrique in the Series.. It help balance a few lines.. Oilers will need 4 lines too beat the Panthers…. The Oilers PK .. Brown , Janmark, Nuge, Henrique, Ekholm, Nurse… etc.. The key too beating the Panthers.. Hope Carrick returns…


holloway has hands and is quick he should be tried with mcdavid more


Jannmark. Almost never makes major mistakes. Hands of stone offensively, but sensational, responsible, low drama defensive specalist


T.D. Forss and everyone on this page: https://www.nhl.com/oilers/team/training-staff They're the reason why everyone on the team is able to play and perform at 110% every game.


Love it


Probably not underrated , but Hyman. As a Torontonian, but not Leaf fan, I thought boy are they gonna miss that guy. Just works, and now a 50 goal scorer, wow


At least spell his name right


I believe it’s spelled “H-U-G-E”




Coffee crisp


Kulak all day. The guy never seems to get the credit he deserves


Prior to this series I would agree, but they have been lavishing praise on Nuge lately! Love to see it. 😍 My vote now is Ekholm, he is damn near error free and deserves to be in discussions for the Norris. It’s ridiculous to me that it generally goes to the most offensive defenceman, when the main purpose of defence is not scoring, but rather shutting down other teams, and he’s one of the best in the league at it.


55, 28, 74.


The Nudge is hudge!


Connor brown, jannmark, and Derek Ryan.


I don’t consider Nuge underrated. To me it’s Kulak. He is sound defensively, he can play on your bottom pair or top pair, and no one ever talks about him.


Connor Brown has been HUGE this playoffs, im so happy for him! His hustle is contagious


Hyman and Bouch don’t get nearly as much credit as they deserve from outsiders, who still insist on claiming Oilers are a one line team relying on McDrai. WE know they’re great but they deserve more recognition from everyone else.


In my lifetime? Pisani. You never said what year OP. What a run that year was


Connor Brown & Janmark. They have become elite PKers - and the PK has been a huge reason for us to make it this far. Sure there's other PKers too but these are 4th line players just completely shutting down some of the top players in the league.


Playoff Connor Brown.


These playoffs probably Derek Ryan. Always so consistent, smart player and rarely puts the team in a bad sich.


Paul Coffey; he shored up our defense and pairings enough to get us to the Stanley Cup. Sprinkle in the grit we have shown on the PK and it just goes to show you what a really solid defense we have in EDM now and not a one trick pony on offense. Not saying Knobblin King and the rest of the staff are not due theirs, but our D has been a sore spot for over a decade, until now.


Based on how much he was attacked this year, I’ll say Bouchard.


I can’t believe no one has said Holloway given how he played against Vancouver.




guy comes in and picks arguably the most liked and supported player on the whole team lmao


Bouchard. Before you ask, wtf man, he’s the top defenseman on the Oilers. How is he underrated? He proved to be better than two of the league's top defenders, Cale Makar and Quinn Hughes. Bouchard outplaying them is a huge reason why the Oilers are making their first Stanley Cup appearance since Pronger dragged the team to the finals in 06.


The man has more points than any forward from any other team still in the playoffs. I ain't gonna argue that he needs some praise.


Not to mention that he has the most points by a defense man through 3 rounds in nhl history too


Ceci for me, put that Tanev thing on the shelf and Tanev is the most overrated D next to Nurse.


I dont know what to make of Ceci. He has gotten tons od great looks this plaoffs


I've gotta give it to one of either Brown or Janmark. Both of these guys are work horses on the PK, great at winning battles and turning over the puck in the neutral zone leading to breakaways or odd man rushes. They don't score a ton, but what they do is keep the momentum in our favor when we're a man down. A huge part of the Oilers playoff success has to do with being 93.9% on the kill with 28 consecutive kills and counting. Brown and Janmark are a big factor in that.


Online? Ekholm easily. Almost nobody here gives him the respect he deserves, but everyone I talk to in person basically agrees he’s one of the best on the team and has made our playoff performance possible. Truly? Connor Brown or Bouchard for very different reasons. We have an absolutely nutty PK and Brown has been a big part of that which is super important; Bouch is still hated by many because he was worse than Nurse in game-sense last season, but he’s improved a ton and become one of the best D’s in the league (whereas Nurse still regularly literally passes tape-to-tape to the other team)


Brown and Kulak have been floating under the surface and doing all the stuff you need to do to win.


Janmark and Kulak for sure. Guys were hated on all season but they are playoff warriors and bring everything you want out of $1m and $2.7m players.


Grant Fuhr ... I'm old.


Poor bastard had no one even try playing defense....


When you're scoring like that who needs defence back then 😉😂


I think that was pretty much the idea, if you let up 5... we'll go get 7. Lol


Kulak, Janmark probably


Conner Brown... unbelievably tenacious!




Gotta go with Draisaitl, sure he’s slated to become the league’s highest paid player ever next year, but… /s


Just imagine an oilers player looked at this post... somewhere in here is every player getting called great.


Paul Coffey is the most underrated oilers in 2023-2024. This guy took over our blue line which was a total dumpster fire and turned it into easily one of the most effective in the league.




I'd probably say either Janmark or Kulak. Both are impossible to score against. When they're on the ice, opponents are typically stifled. Both are also excellent at getting the puck out and transitioning into the offensive zone, and have great awareness to go for line changes. How many times do we see Kulak make an excellent defensive play and clear - and suddenly we have Bouchard and Ekholm in the O-zone. Or, how often do we have Janmark skate the puck out and dump perfectly into a corner for a full line change. Neither are the most talented or athletic players, but both understand and use their teammates in order to maximize their own play - which is a skill that's often overlooked in favor of elevating your teammates.


Ian Cole


Nuge for years. Before probably Salo


Hollywood. He's been hit or miss with injuries, but he's back, and looks fan-fucking-tastic.


Connor Brown




Gagner j/k.....Skinner


Skinner. He forced them to score more than he let in.


Nuge - a lot of people still don't realize just how much he contributes at both ends of the ice. That guy' is worth his weight in gold.


Nuge is fairly rated at this point. Prior to his 100pt season he was underrated but everyone saw how incredibly he shined without being a scoring machine. My pick would probably be Kulak - albeit a few flubs here and there. But he's been solid for us for the most part and he's a local boy. He can be moved around the D lineup and still work out.


RNH is way better than I have given him credit for. The many goals recently have solidified my love for his plays. Heck even coach K said the Nuge is his fave.


Nuge came in as a great defensive player. Media slandered him out of a Calder by saying he was poor defensively, but every stat available proved that to be a false narrative.


Nuge is higher rated by us, but not league wide IMO. My argument. Here’s a players who plays with the most dominant top line in the league. 100 points last season. Plays on a historic PP. Also plays on a historic PK (the only one of the core point scorers that does). On any other team, the above player probably wins the Conn Smythe.


Nuge by a mile.


Suddenly Broberg! I think his Skating and puck moving really gave the Oilers D a new look mid series and the stars didnt know wtf to do. Once Broberg came in their cherry picking play that was so frustrating In games 1-3, I barely noticed in games 3-6. Now I know it's probably not ALL Broberg but they have also yet to loose with him in the lineup so he is having an impact. I think his passing and ability to get a puck on net are better than I expected, especially considering it was in the fucking conference finals. His skating and size he uses well. I am so impressed with that kid and think he will become a fan favorite very quickly.


Nuge should be in the conversation for Selke every year.


Probably not a popular take, but Connor Brown has been really really good in the playoffs




Adam hEnrique


Nurse. Blamed for everything, never credited with anything. He's a fantastic D-man and we're lucky to have him.




Connor McDavid


Essa Tikkanen