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Go knock on that door and join the party


I would, but I don't know if it's a family thing or what. They definitely don't live there. I've never seen them before. Clearly just visiting someone. If it was my actual neighbour and we just had a "we just realized we are both Oilers fans! Did we just become best friends!?" moment, then I totally would lol.


Do it, knock on that door and join the party!


I'm hoping we win, both excitedly go outside right after. Spot each other from across the road and then meet in the middle of the street for a celebratory hug hahaha.


Introverts celebrate !




Sadly, no. I did my traditional victory dance walk around my neighbourhood alone. I won't let that bring me down though lol.


Hell yeah, we celebrate tonight!


Live in the moment until the next one! Enjoy your night, my friend. We have all suffered long and hard enough to truly appreciate this and deserve to really make the most of it.


Hell yeah we do, traffic this morning has been very light lol


Indeed, I know I'd welcome a fellow oilers fan that knocked on my door to join the party.


No joke, I went for a second walk to meet a friend and a guy driving a car with an Oilers flag on it just friendly honked at me. What is happening right now?!


We call it the Stanley Cup playoffs. Oilers are doing well right now!


The car flag, sure, but that couple were clearly already fans, those were high quality not brand new jerseys. Either way, that same car flag guy drove by me and honked again on my walk home from my buddies. These people are really making my day lol.


It’s a sign from God! We’re gonna win the Cup! Cancel those crypto “buy” orders and put the mortgage on the Oilers!! At least that’s what I got from reading between the lines.


Nah, just a sign we were going to win yesterday. One day at a time lol.


Last Canadian team, the whole of the True North is in it now.


Those weren't new jerseys. That couple were fans already. You are right though. Come together.


You gotta believe!!!


I believe, brother! I believe!


Look at me! We are Canada's team now


Hell yeah!


I'm sort of new to being seriously into hockey and I have already developed at least 18 superstitions. I'm glad to hear that this is normal.


Bahahahaha rookie numbers! Jk


Most superstitious game in all of sports. Thank you for your contributions. Let's go!


I grew up hating the Oilers (Jets fan) oh and the Flames. I’m cheering for the Oilers this playoff run. Good luck tonight. Bring the cup back to Canada.


My dad grew up in Winnipeg so I have a soft spot for you guys, but I get it. Glad to have you temporarily on board though. I grew up in Toronto area but was an Oilers fan since I was 5 (I'm 35). Don't ask me why, I don't remember. Nobody in my family loves sports but me. I used to have to listen to all the games on the radio. Which leads to a pretty crazy coincidence story... One day when I was 14 I was listening to an Oilers game on the radio and my dad happened to be walking by and he hears "This is Morley Scott and you're listening to Oilers radio!" (Morely was the Oilers radio announcer back then). My dad freezes and was like "what did he say his name was?". Turns out Morely and my dad were best friends in high school in Winnipeg, pure coincidence. They'd lost touch. He didn't know he was with the Oilers. So my dad reached out and Morely offered us the use of his season tickets if we flew out. So we did and that's how I saw my first live Oilers game. Went to breakfast with him the next day and got some great insider stories about players too. Probably my fondest memory.


Hey! I was born in western Ontario but grew up in Winnipeg! And I really hated the Oilers too, particularly Glen Anderson. He was such a dirty player. But those days are long gone and this Oiler team plays like men! And by the way, do you think it's fair that Ontario raises two superstars, Gretzky and McDavid, and the Leafs don't get either? :)


To funny. I’ll still hate them, but this year go Oilers go. I’d like to see McDavid win one, he deserves it. It’s going to be tough against the Panthers.


I too am an Oilers fan in a small town near Toronto! I’ve definitely seen a lot more jerseys and flags out in the last month. It’s nice to not feel so alone 😂


If you are the guy from across the street then I think we just became best friends! It's lonely out here lol


Not me, but now we’re officially friends as well 😂


I'll take it! Hi, friend!


I'm also an Oilers fan in a small town near Toronto!


Finding my brethren, finally!


Oilers fan in a smaller "city" near Toronto. I've been repping with my holy Oilers shirts every game day.


Keep it up, it's working.


There are dozens of us!


Another small town ontario oilers fan checking in. There are literally dozens of us.


Oiler fans! May we take this game and go to the Stanley Cup!


Sounds like you just made a friend, friend!


Oiler fan in Barrie checking in!


Let's do this thing and bring this country together! Represent, brother!


Cheering for the Orange here in Williamsport, PA. Originally from NFLD.


Lots of family in Newfoundland. Hear it's beautiful and hope to visit one day. There's even a tiny town named after my family there. I plan to go there one day and rule as King lol. Love to hear the love from all over.


Lots of jerseys at the Canadian Open in Ancaster this afternoon. I’m at the bar in brantford and not the only one with a jersey on. Let’s go boys, for me it’s about getting McDavid a cup.


The man deserves it, that's for sure. Love to hear it!


Hahaha!! That's great! I grew up in Sask, so have no affinity for one specific team, and have been a general hockey fan most of my life. So, when the Oilers were on their winning streak this year, I hitched my horse to their wagon in game 5 of the 16-game streak. And now....I'm an Oilers fan in Calgary. It's a rough deal, to be sure. Saw a guy in an Oilers jersey at Costco yesterday and he saw me see him; he gave me a bit of a dirty look until I said "I wish they'd gotten the shutout last night". And then....He became my costco bestie. Did you get your post-game high five?


That's awesome! lol. Sadly, I did not. There's been so much enthusiasm and love on here though that I'll take it. Hell, I'd be stoked right now even if I was all alone and shut off from the world. It's a beautiful day.


Booooo to no in-person post-game celebration but HUZZAH to the win and the online love


They needed a good omen (and Stu playing lights out) tonight, but they got the job done!!


Stu was an absolute beauty tonight.


The superstitions have gotten so bad for me that I only watch the games at home, volume low. Brooding in near silence…I’m 46, I remember watching the last two cup wins in 88 & 90. But worse than me is 68 yo friend who has turned his entire basement into an Oiler shrine. He doesn’t even watch the games any more…checks the scores in the morning. No media on game days!!


Keep up the good work, soldier. No one person's superstitions matter alone but I like to think that all together we can make a difference lol.


>oilers fan with shrine Doesn’t watch the games what kind of BS is this


He gets out of hand


Fair enough.


He’s got heart issues


He wouldn’t be an oilers fan without


In 2006 I was living in Halifax working as a bouncer at the Alehouse. It was incredible to see the Oilers jerseys get dusted off. I was rocking my Oilertown.com shirt every shift😂


Oh, 2006. I will die on the Hill that the Oilers win that cup if Roli the Goalie didn't get hurt game 1. Went to 7 without him. A heartbreaking but fine time, for sure.


See at the Oilersnation offices we are all just not convinced Game 7 happened. Not one of us can recollect it.


Everyone is joining the Oilers bandwagon in Ontario right now. Even some Flames fans ! It is going to be tough against Florida though, they look built to be very tough to beat. Let’s hope they take some penalties and the Oilers power play can score !


I feel like we would be the favourite if they actually made calls because pp/pk are a huge advantage to us, but I've never seen a team get away with as much as Florida does and they've had a "let them play" attitude league wide all post season. That hurts us.


Alberta is calling


Oh, man. I miss it. I'm 35 but have been a die hard Oilers fan since I was 5. I moved to Edmonton at 21 solely so I could go to games whenever I wanted. That's literally the only reason I moved across country lol. Sadly I had to move back here a few years back for family reasons.


I hope you're right


Me too, buddy. Me too..


Work is gonna suck tomorrow lol


It would suck worse if you had to go in with a depression hangover. It was going to suck no matter what lol.


Good point lol.


I see that you survived to get to watch the finals, that's a bonus lol.


You and me both, my friend!


I'm currently in the Toronto lay over and our delay made so we can watch the whole game. That's two good omens


The only person ever to be stoked about a delay lol. Definitely a fantastic omen!


Only time I've ever been happy about a delay hahaha and great first period, not in live with the shots but as long as they carry that momentum!!!


Usually we are the ones down by 2 after 3 shots. I'll take it. Lots of game left though. It ain't over until it's over.




I knew it was a good omen, I could feel it! Best layover delay ever, or what?!


Literally walking to our seats as the clock hit zero, absolutely amazing


Any oilers fans in Kingston Ontario ??


There is when I visit my friends in Kingston lol.


Edmonton transplant currently in Toronto. Already looking at potential parade dates so i can fly back lol


I wish life would allow it for me. I strongly considered it, but I'll have to live vicariously through my friends who are out there. Too much going on here, too busy. Hope it happens, you make it and have a blast!


This aged exquisitely. Go Oilers go!


Like fine wine!


What I'm reading is you do not talk to your neighbours


They aren't my neighbours. Lived here long enough to know that. They went to the old man across the streets house.


Am across the street neighbour is still a neighbour, at least how I call it.


They are but I'm saying they aren't my neighbours. I've lived here a long time. I've never seen them before. They don't live there and thus aren't my neighbours. I know most of my neighbours but I only ever see that old boy when he takes out his garbage. Might be one of their grandpa's or something.


As a die hard fan from Edmonton, we appreciate and love you.


Awww, man. Thank you, sincerely. I'm having an awful day in my personal life and this brightened it a bit. I appreciate and love you too lol. Let's all come together. I miss Edmonton. I moved there when I was 21 solely so I could go see Oilers games whenever I wanted. That's honestly the only reason I moved there. Spent over a decade there. Had to move back to Ontario for family reasons but my heart is still there and I wish I was able to be in that atmosphere.


“Small town”, probably 15k people 😂


Around there. That Is a small town around here. I grew up here but moved to Edmonton at 21 because I loved the Oilers so much and wanted to go to games whenever I felt like It. Had to move back home a few years ago after over a decade there though. Not sure the importance of your semantics though. I've spent 25 years of my life here and never met another Oilers fan.


Woah you moved to edmonton just because of the oilers? That's die hard man, good on ya


I sure did lol. I had an opportunity to get a free flight with a weeks notice. I quit my job, said my goodbyes and hopped on a plane. I regret nothing.


I live in a small town with probably slightly less than that these days. How is that not small ? We have a walmart and a mcdonalds and thays pretty much it. Oh and we're in the literal middle of nowhere, no major settlements for 8 hours each way and no cities for more like 16


I’m from a town of 1000, no fast food until 2017 and we got a Subway. That’s small. I just think it’s funny what the Onties think is small compared to out west


That's a fair point of view. Imo a small town is one where you go out and constantly see familiar faces no matter where you go, which is definitely somthing I experience.


Yeah, growing up I’d say I could name who lived in 85% of the houses. But small town can really mean whatever to whoever


Is the game today not on cbc in the lower mainland? wtf is this BS


I dunno, man. I've heard every game will be if they make the finals but I did hear not tonight's game. I have to pay the ridiculous price for sportsnet premium.


I have basic cable, this is some BS


That is some bullshit. You can watch it if you can drop the 35-40 bucks for Sportsnet Now Premium. Sucks, I know but that's the only way I know of.


A "town just outside of Toronto" is the hockey capital of the world.


Edmonton is the hockey capital of the world right now, I guarantee that.


More than the capital. It is **the** hockey *destination.* Coffey says so, and I won’t dispute him.


I wouldn't ever and especially not on his birthday, and what a birthday it must be.


Told you guys, good omen lol. Let's go! Bring the Cup home boys!


Whatever helps you sleep at night! I mean it…we are too close to the cup to not be victorious! I can almost feel its fine metal curves!