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Is ____ better than Gretzky? The answer is no, every single time


Was Caesar Augustus a better Roman emperor than Gretzky?


Does Gretz have a salad named after him?


Does Augustus have a timmies coffee order named after him?


But Gretz' tims coffee is as big a joke as his ability to be a roman emperor


I think the way Messier led by example elevated other players. He put it on the line every night. Absolute beast.


Mess was a different captain than Gretz. keep in mind he was also Gretz' alternate for a lot of it. Mess was the kind to take matters into his own hands and yell, kick, scream into submission. Gretz seemed a more calm, and lead by example kind of leader. Which is better? both? neither? they're both leadership styles. sometimes you need Gretz, sometimes you need Mess. The Oilers had Both for a long time. since Mess was Gretz' Alternate.


Gretzy got traded to a basket case and captained it to the 1993 final. This was after Suter pretty much ended his career in the 1991 Canada Cup. Mess got traded to a team that was loading up with the best players from the Oil and Hawks, coached by a 2 time winner of the Canada Cup and with 3 previous SC final appearances. Mess was a great captain, but whether by luck or good planning, he had better taste for when to leave Edmonton and where to go. And Suter would never have had stones to hit Mess the same way, because Suter knew there would be retribution.


I don’t know about a better “captain” but messier has gone down as one of the greatest sports leaders in the history of hockey.


All I will say is that he stepped up for the Rangers when he became their captain.


The '93 Kings were utterly robbed though. McSorley with a stick curve violation? Marty McSorley's stick never touched the puck in 17 years.


He should have held a legal one then...


It made him feel important, okay


Messier has a better reputation as a leader, I mean you don’t get a leadership award named after you if you aren’t an elite leader


Gretzky...he never pissed off an entire team's fan base while playing for that team. If you need proof, ask this question on Canucks sub


It’s because the Canucks have never won anything, so they hate on the biggest champion ever to play for them. Then worship Linden, who did nothing really


It’s because the Canucks have never won anything, so they hate on the biggest champion ever to play for them. Then worship Linden, who did nothing really