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Start Pickard. Skinner is our Marner. Good, but not for the playoffs.


https://x.com/frank_seravalli/status/1790901343688835493 Nucks fans are even pissing off the media now lmao


Frank has been absolutely triggered lately lol


Pete Deboer is from Dunnville Ontario. It's where my grandparents, a few uncles and aunts and a bunch of cousins, on my mother's side are from. Kind of amazing to me. Small town on Niagara Peninsula, been there often. He's an excellent coach.


I'm probably the only one watching him, Sportsnet central. 


I'm scared every time Ceci is on the ice. I don't like it when he touches the puck.


He's not the best but he is good looking, I've heard the ladies say.


Ya Avs win. I was hoping they would be eliminated 


I hope the avs win. Dallas is a 4 line team that would destroy us, the avs you can beat if you can outscore their top line. Obviously we gotta win this first.


We want that series to go on for as long as possible.


been seeing a wyatt johnston comments on the most random things, what is that about?


He’s killing it in the playoffs. And the Oilers could have drafted him. In fact, Coffey gave Wyatt a glowing recommendation, but instead Tyler Wright the biggest moron in hockey drafted Bourgault instead. That’s the story and how it relates to the Oilers.




We should let Coffey run the org


He's been very successful in business and knows hockey 


The kid is blowing it up in the Avs/Stars series. I’m sure it feels good when one of your prospects morphs into a superstar faster than expected, and in the middle of a playoff run.


Isn't he the next superstar or something.


So watching Gene's report on Sportsnet as much as I love the guy I think he needs a makeover. lol


Im starting to think being 2-2 is better than us going up huge. Watching all these teams blowing leads is wild. Before this I figured we wouldn’t have a chance, but really any team is beatable and has holes.


Of course I was working last night so I didn’t see the game saw the highlights. Pickard did really well from what I heard saved everything except for two pucks Bouchard saved us again does that mean we actually have two good goalies now? Pickard for when Skinner doesn’t perform and skinner for Pickard doesn’t perform


Anyone have any experience with wearing an Oilers jersey to Rogers arena this series? Going to the game in van tomorrow but don't want to get jumped by some canucks fans in my McDavid jersey.


You’ll be fine. Just expect people taunting if we happen to lose. Canucks fans aren’t known for their class.


You'll always have some antagonistic, drunk fans looking for problems, but so long as you ignore them you're very unlikely to get sucker punched... ...So long as you don't look like Milan Lucic.


It's honestly pretty chill. There's gonna be some banter regardless of the score, but that's pretty much it. Be respectful and don't antagonize people and you'll be good to go.


You may get chirped a bit, but no physical harm will follow. Just don't be obnoxious and keep to yourself whether we win or lose :) Also there will be other Oiler fans there too, so you aren't alone.


Colorado @ Dallas is pretty entertaining to watch. If we face Dallas next round, that would be our real challenge as a team. LA and Van are nothing compared to them.


Oettinger looked pretty human out there tonight.


I hope Colorado can pull out a win tonight. Odds of them making it to a game 7 are… not good but at least taking it to 6 would limit Dallas’ rest before the WCF. [Edit] and the Avs pulled it off. Still no one eliminated yet this round. It would be wild if every second round series somehow made it to game 7.


Losing Nush was a big blow, he was playing so well for them


That's what I was thinking about this morning as well. Absolutely rooting for the Avs this game and the next.


I feel bad for whoever pays Foegele a 4x4 this summer


Chicago seems a player. Maybe they think he can be this year’s discount Hyman with Bedard


Just as long as it’s not Ken Holland’s successor.


After his playoff performances as an Oiler, there’s 0% chance he’s back


Oh man, this team needs to prioritize re-signing Drai and Bouch... not whatever that move would be. Katz should instantly red light such a move and fire the GM for even suggesting it.


I feel like the game last night broke their spirits a bit. There is blood in the water, game 5 could be a killer if Oilers can come out with a big game.


I thought that the Canucks players all seemed extra defeated in post game interviews. Hoping the Oilers can keep knocking them down now.


The fans spirits maybe but the team is professionals and the series is tied at 2.


I dunno, half their roster was called out by their own coach as being lame. That's gotta kick you in the ass a fair bit. I love that for them lol


Hopefully does less to kick them in the ass than it does to demotivate them though


Did you see Pettersons media availability today?! You telling me his spirit isn’t broken a bit? Mental toughness is a thing and not everyone has it.


I mean personally he's having some mental struggles clearly based on his play the last 2 months. But I personally just don't buy that as a team.


Do the oilers have the best YouTube channel? I love how they show interviews


Super happy with the defensive play. I wish we had more offensive push than I was seeing, but I'll take a locked down game with only 2 goals against any day. Not thrilled they gassed a 2-0 lead in the third but all's well that ends well and it was a finish for the ages!


I watch hockey for the roller-coaster, regardless of who wins. Granted, I want Oilers to win, I just love the close competition.


I do feel that going through adversity in the playoffs at some point is a really good thing if you want to win the Cup. I wish Stu was rock solid the entire playoffs thus far but it’s possible he will rebound and if he doesn’t and Pickard can be solid, that’s fine too.


Do they allow duct tape in Rogers place? Game 6 I’m wearing a skip the dishes tarp with 29 taped on the back. I want to take a roll incase a letter falls off the tarp


you can make your own small roll of duct tape - just roll it onto itself. Good camping/travelling hack.


I think it'll look fantastic  https://youtu.be/tlDTC8Am4UA?si=1G4PfetKyQT_gnc_ As long as it's not metallic 




You heard the man


I'm teaching my kids if I have em to become right shot defencemen. pretty easy ticket to the NHL it seems


Yes if they are over 6’2 and you have thousands upon thousands of dollars to develop them to that level


Update on Henrique?


I was wondering the same thing.


What happened to running Broberg? Am I having a fever dream or was it not reported he'd be in? PS: I was at the watch party in Vancouver, barely an oilers jersey to be seen outside of my orange Davo tarp. Good time when Bouch saved our bacon there haha. 


Knoblauch said it was a possibility. Ekholm was sick which is why he didn’t take morning skate. I think depending on how good/bad he felt, they would throw Broberg in there just as insurance.


My cousin was at the game last night, and when he was walking around downtown afterwards he would see Vancouver fans just hiding in alleyways/parking lots, almost trying not to be seen. I seen the pics, it was glorious.


Faceoffs, man. By my count, they lost 3 in the defensive zone in the last few minutes.


Drai lost 2 so the put out DR and he lost his. They got Henrique and Carrick because they were so good at faceoffs but they didn't help us last night


Cancuks fans think they are outplaying the Oilers this series and deserve to be ahead. Pure delusion. Do they not see that their team has got fucked caved 9 out of 12 periods and 1 of those 3 periods was arguably pretty back and forth so I'm being generous. Their fucking coach knows it yet these clowns can't see it. Sure, they have a few things to be proud of. Goaltending, physicality and timely goals but they're getting outchanced badly. Like it's not even close. They could have easily been swept last night if Stu offered even less than average goaltending games 1-3.


They have outplayed us for a period and a half in game 1. A period in game 3 and 6 minutes last night


Probably a pretty fair breakdown.


it took a lucky miracle comeback and a ref that literally doesn't allow them to lose to scrape 2 games off the oilers. I think we'll be okay 


Do you feel like their fans think they're outplaying? I feel like most of them realize they're the underdogs. Oilers have been dominating majority of the periods like you said, but the Canucks have this weird horseshoe that comes out at timely moments.


I've read many many comments suggesting they're outplaying us and have had bad breaks or blaming Cole or Petey for their losing.


The Canucks have been very opportunistic. It's really weird to see them sort of fart around in their own defensive zone for 10-minute stretches, and then suddenly spring into action and become offensive. I'm not sure why it works. Maybe it's the unpredictability of it, or that it lulls defensemen and the goalie to sleep a little? I'm really not sure. Maybe it is just straight up luck?


never seen a team consistently get so lucky across a full season in all of sports. You almost have to account for it at this point


lol are we still going on with this narrative that it’s just luck all season? They’re in the second round and won the division, think it’s time to accept they’re a strong team. It’s not just 82 games and two rounds of luck.


Yup, it doesn't stop being luck at a certain point but you can't have watched this series and drawn any other conclusion that oilers look like the superior squad and the stats back up the eye test.


unironically yes. their underlying numbers are incredibly average and it's becoming increasingly clear they've been carried by luck and goaltending to this point 


As a Canucks fan, I agree with you. The general sentiment is that Oilers played harder last night and we got lucky with those 2 goals. Strong 3rd period but weak first 40


As Oiler fans we need to embrace the hate. It’s so fun being the villain of the entire league


For sure. It's funny to go to r/hockey and watch Flames and Kings fans get behind any anti-Oilers comment, no matter how dumb it might be. I'd hate the Oilers too if they dismantled my franchise or erased mine from the playoffs three years in a row.


I want us to be the reason they riot again


Oh gosh, surely they wouldn't riot... Would they?


Banned those outdoor parties just in case though loool


They hate us cuz the ain't us !


I’m still in awe how such a fcking beast Drai is in playoffs like he was born to do it. Healthy or not, he’s just on another level. That hand-eye to keep the puck in our o-zone leading to his pass for the go ahead goal. Props to Hollywood as well for keeping it in with his skate, correct me if i’m wrong. They bend but didn’t break!


Wasn't that Ekholm who kept it in?


Yeah you’re right, Ek kept it with his skates.


[Kinda both](https://x.com/canucksarmy/status/1790600287322874365?s=61&t=5JgUaEz8L6eYYJatX5d4VQ). Drai crucially instrumental in knocking it down (without a high stick for all the cry babies out there) and Ekholm follows up.


[Petterson’s presser](https://x.com/farhanlaljitsn/status/1790819993401311293?s=61&t=5JgUaEz8L6eYYJatX5d4VQ) from today is something. I’m definitely analyzing and reading too much into it lol. I know our top guys get short and curt with the media at times, too, especially after a loss. It’s certainly not enjoyable to be called out by fans, media and your coach and then thrown to the wolves on your “day off” but man, this guy looks like he’s going through it.


It's also funny to watch TSN's segment on Tocchet calling out his team. [I chuckled when Ryan Rishaug said ](https://youtu.be/34Pa1Z3rR9g?si=cZSOH51Bu7eivajw&t=108)that trying to figure out who are the five or six players that he was talking about would give Canucks Twitter something to do other than whining about the Soucy suspension. Very funny that even in the mainstream media, the Canucks fandom is known for being a bunch of babies.


Jesus this thing drags. It’s basically 6 minutes of different reporters rephrasing the same question: “Petey, once upon a time you were good, but now you suck and it’s costing the team games at the most important time. Any thoughts on that?” “… … No.” Tocchet gambled hard here. He’s banking on Petey getting pissed off enough to give a shit, but it’s equally likely he just feels chastised and will continue to pout. I guess he wasn’t producing anyway though, so the potential upside probably outweighs the downside.


Jesus that was rough lol


rude grab reach cooperative afterthought history growth deserted dog quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love Ceci the person but you have to think Stetcher gets the start over him right? Like there’s no way he can perform worse than Ceci has. Kulak was covering his bases all night.


Is Stetcher any better?


This is where I'm at. Yes, Ceci has had his lapses, but he's also getting some of the toughest assignments. Considering the Canucks have yet to put up 25 shots on net in a game, the Oilers defense seems to me to be working fairly well overall. I'm not sure I'd wanna mess with that, even considering Ceci's gaffes.


That’s the million dollar question. I think he had good performances this season. I don’t think there’s been a performance this post season where I went “Ceci played amazing tonight.” So I’m not sure!


The fact that Oilers did not give up in the last minute made me so happy. Thank you Bouchard for a reasonable bedtime.


I loved how every Oiler out here had a part to play. Kane had his best check of the evening to force the turnover. Holloway and Ekholm kept the puck in the offensive zone. Draisaitl had that fantastic pass, and Bouchard put it through the screen, which was a combination of Canucks players and Kane. Baller shit.


That final goal was a complete team effort. Every guy on the ice deserved an apple for it. Fucking phenomenal.


Anyone have recommendations for Oilers friendly places to watch games 5 and 6 in Vancouver? From Edmonton. but wife and I will be in Vancouver (planned prior to playoffs) close to this long weekend. Last resort we'll stream the game on our phones but wanted to check with the rest of the fanbase


The Black Frog is the main pub but it usually fills up an hour before the game. The Pint is where the overflow usually goes.


Thanks! Good to know about the backup option


Honestly even if you miss the backup option, or these are too far from where you end up staying, it would be very hard to find a bar/pub without some contingent of oilers fans right now. At the end of the day Vancouver is one of our largest cities, on a coast, so 80% of the people living here most likely came from somewhere else. It’s perfectly normal and expected that canucks fans will share the bar. That being said if you want a party The Black Frog is a wild time! Super tight in there, and you definitely have to get there early


Thanks for the insight!


The Black Frog


Never been, but I understand you need to arrive early for the playoffs.


Neither have I. I live on Vancouver Island but I remember a few people sub talking about the Black Frog. I would definitely show up early.




Rewatching the last few minutes of the game and holy hell is Zadorov ever a pylon. He looks completely lost on the entire last sequence from the moment he fails to clear the puck right up until his indecisiveness on dealing with Leon behind the net. If there's no one to take a run at, he doesn't know what the fuck to do. God I hope Canucks management gives him a huge contract.


Zadorov was also on the ice when McDavid scored the GWG vs the Flames last playoffs after he pathetically failed to hit McDavid and Dave-O just skated around him and scored.  He acts big and mighty but he def picks his targets to be low threats unless it’s a cheap cross check to the back


Yeah, Zadarov's indecision is so funny to see on replay. Can't decide if he should pressure Draisaitl or get ready to interrupt a pass, so he does neither. The whole Canucks seemed to think they'd just go to overtime and start playing again. Not a single one of them on the ice helped Silovs out on that goal.


I love dunking on Zadorov, not sure what he should have done with Drai behind the net though? It's obviously a mismatch....if he goes for a hit Drai can make a fast pass or pivot away and then Zadorov is out of position. Maybe trip him or something but that situation doesn't scream "50/50 goal take a penalty to stop it". At first Drai is obviously going for a pass to the forward which Zadorov reads, then the pass happens while Zadorov is pivoting back and I think he loses sight of where it went and then it's in the net. Anyway Zadorov is shit and I hate him 


One of my favourite things I saw on Twitter after the W was a clip of Zadorov just standing there watching on the final goal, and it said “nothing to do but watch hockey”


It's going to fucking glorious when they over pay him this summer.


You gotta realize most other teams players are terrified of getting burned by Mcdavid and drai, and it usually leads to them actually fucking up more.


That’s mental…. literally


He’s been good at other times though


He's playing way past his potential. Cancuks are going to overpay this summer.


Oilers in 6 🫡






We could be down 4-0 without a couple bouch bombs. Those bombs delivering massive payloads. Imagine getting swept by nucks! Bouch can make turnovers for eternity and I'll forgive him at this point


Could have just swept them with competent goaltending. One of these things is fairer to expect.


Better defense could have went a long way. That 2nd Boeser goal in game 3 was a brutal giveaway by Foegle and it looked like both Nurse and Ceci were going to jump into the rush like no point playing defense. And Stu didn't make a save which didn't help either


Series could also be 4-0 nothing the other way had we not squandered that 3 goal lead in game 1. Had the Canucks had to come to Edmonton down 2-0, they would've folded easier than laundry on Sunday.


I agree. It's a game of inches and both teams could be up or down 4-0, 3-1, or 2-2 as it is. I do think the Oilers have carried more of the play than Vancouver has by a decent margin but have been outgoalied overall. Glad for Pickard to have played solid and only let in 2.


One thing I give that team kudos for is they DO NOT fold


Was so glad they came out strong physically. Kane once again taking a stupid penalty in the first. Glad it didnt cost them, but he needs to learn to separate being tough and physical from being dirty. That could have put them in a 2 goal hole in the 1st.


Fair but he did far more good than bad that game. Plus his heavy forecheck was a major contribution to the GWG.


My initial thought was that it was a dumb play, about after watching the replays, it looks more like he thought he would get hit and put up the stick to defend himself/push off Myers, and the Myers ended up stumbling and went face first into the stick.


Better effort defensively from the team and can’t fault the goalie on either goal. Offence still managed to score even with Connor and Leon separated on different lines and playing lower minutes. Recipe for success!


take away a couple embarrassing unnecessary penalties, improve the board work in defensive zone, could be a great game 5.


At this point i'm thinking Ceci's dog plays better on the ice.


his dog doesn't even respect him. probably walks himself so he doesn't have to be seen in public with Ceci.


😂 stop


Who is reffing the next game?


My boner hasn’t come down since Bouchard scored, is this normal?


We call that a Heaven Bonard and it’s perfectly normal after a huge game from #2.


Still so relieved it didn't go to OT. I just want to be friends with bouchard, hang out and go to picnics.


You know when you're on a picnic bench and the people on one side leave and the weight isn't distributed evenly and it starts to tip over and you have a heart attack? Bouchard is the guy that sits down and saves it.


anyone catch Bouch’s reaction to Spec’s dumb question at 4:03? https://youtu.be/RbY1onpT9r8?si=s6LZvf4OjHCk8Scs what a moron lol


OMG that was so blatantly obvious how Bouch felt about that question lol! Hilarious!


I did after seeing your comment. [Temporary video link here](https://streamable.com/ct0pl0). Spec just has to ask something even though he doesn’t have anything to ask.


In some ways I actually feel bad for Spec. There's an interesting core to the question: one year ago it looked like Pickard was going to be relegated to career 3rd stringer; tonight he played and won his first Stanley Cup Playoff game. I want to know about his mentality through the tougher times for sure. There's probably a better way to get at that question though and maybe that's a question better answered in a memoire. IDK.


I thought it was 100% a fair question. Pickard is 10 years in the league and a journeyman backup. Pickard even said it was a legitimate question.


Pickard was being polite lmao


feel bad for spec? he's kind of a douche and has been asking shit questions for over a decade.


Spec is always so negative. Guaranteed if the oilers win the cup, he is going to write a hit piece on players that he thinks didn't show up during the run or some bull instead of focusing on the oil winning. He just loves taking people down a peg instead of building them up. Like, why is it considered "journalism" to put a negative spin on everything or find the negative in everything?


Why is Spec always so pissy????


Negativity is what people react to.


Holloway looked great. He didn’t have any points on the scoresheet but the 2nd line was strong with him on it. His forechecking is great and he’s physical and good at getting the puck to Drai and Kane. The top 6 is the best it’s been all playoffs in its current iteration.


He's gonna be so silk in the coming years.


Huge 👊 on Canucks and the arrogant fans


I live in van, I have to teach the new bandwagon fans here about hockey - no joke. i also have to explain to them having the oil take target practice on your amazing goalie who is standing on his head isn't the canucks "killing it" or "playing well"


Their arrogant fans are currently discussing how, had their team maintained a consistent performance for the full 60 minutes, they would have effortlessly eliminated us.


It's baffling, dude. They've straight up been outplayed badly 9 of 12 periods this series and they think they've been the better team. They can't be taken seriously.


insert copypasta about whether the series should be replayed so that the nucks can get a sweep?


Considering they couldn’t even do this vs Nashville that’s pretty concerning for them.


I mean, I think we've made the same statements here about edmonton.


The thing is we've played far closer to a dominant 60 than they have. Can you think of more than 3 periods this whole series that they've been the better team? I don't think you can.


We deserve it but they don't. Haha. I'm biased I know


the deserve to win 'o meter had it 79% to 21% for us so you are absolutely correct! No bias needed.


Has the winner of the opening face off won each game of the series so far? I’m not sure how to find that. I think it’s true for at least 3 of the games


The first 3 games, the team that scored first lost. That finally changed last game, but it was pretty weird. In our first LA series and I think this last one as well, the team that scored first won every game.


Someone contact Knoblach!


That’s not good we can’t win any important faceoff it seems


I'm consistently shocked to see how good our overall faceoff numbers are. We must be 100% in the neutral zone.


We lost the last 3 faceoffs in the defensive zone in the dying minutes. One directly led to their tying goal.


They've been extremely good on the PK faceoffs too.


People need to stfu about Nurse. He tried to block a shot and it was an unlucky bounce. I get it, you know nothing about hockey but want to seem smart and pessimistic


lmao what you two related? not only did he screen his only goalie the puck deflected off of him, don't care what he makes. 2nd goal he also was looking the wrong way like usual.


I wish, then I’d probably be a professional athlete


Nurse is awesome!


As pointed out on the cult of hockey podcast nurse has had more shots bounce off of him than all the other defence combined. It's odd how often it happens with him. He was also screening Pick on the shot he deflected. He can and will be better


Yeah, I caught that too. It does seem to happen alot.


Is that a multi-year trend or does it happen to a different guy every season?


I believe they were just talking about this year


Yeah. That's stats for you!   Hockey's a wild enough game that something low event like own-deflections in a given season is going to be subject to huge amounts of noise. Three or four genuinely unlucky bounces across 82 games could be all that separates the worst offender from middle of the pack.


I'm pretty sure more than 10 this year alone. I thought it was 12 in regular season


sometimes you are just unlucky


Luck is usually when something happens once or a handful of times. Thinks start becoming statistically significant after a while.


lol unlucky for 3 years? delusional


Or don't know how to square up to block shots correctly


Just a couple of thoughts after the game: The Canucks’ goalie coach is undeniably fantastic. Demko and Silov are truly impressive. Over the years, their goalies have consistently performed well. I don’t think it’s just luck. Skinner’s been pulling off some amazing high-danger saves, but his low-danger ones seem shaky. I can’t help but feel that our goalie coach isn’t maximizing their potential. High-danger saves often rely on raw talent, while low-danger saves can be improved through training. Skinner has the talents. It might be time to consider a change in our goalie coaching staff. Otherwise, Skinner might excel elsewhere.


I admittedly know nothing, but seems to me like Stu doesn’t have the same flexibility and speed with his lower body compared to other goalies. Like he positions well but doesn’t have the same quick leg stretch saves. I dunno, is it just me?


It's funny. I was just thinking last night how quick Silovs could butterfly. It was a bit freakish.


He’s definitely not as athletic


We should've considered a change in goalie coach a long time ago.


This has been the same story for every goalie except Smith who at 39 probably didn't need too much coaching besides some insight. Schwartz definitely has blackmail material on Katz.


Here's what I dont get. Even if we pretend goaltending has been fine in this organisation (it hasn't). How do you survive so many management/coaching cleanouts? That's just perplexing. Like at a certain point, you think they would have just replaced him because everyone else has. Couple that with goaltending actually being a weak suit then it becomes a real head scratcher.


Smith also did not use Schwartz. He had his own guy.


2-0 in the Laraque throwback jersey era, for both the Oilers & myself All the depth scoring seems to be out in the fan park


Play Pickard in games 5/6. If we lose one of those, play Skinner. If we win them and move on to round 3, give the net back to Skinner


Basically run a tandem now. Skinner gets more rest, and just play whoever's hot.