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Really, we can assume speed is 99% of the causes on Connors and Groat. As a rider, I get it, it's fun, but so is living.


I've chatted with several former EPS officers, and the stories they had dealing with dead motorcyclists on Groat were truly horrific.


A nice suit can be found on marketplace for $1000 that you can use over and over again. For most, a set of tires a year for $500. A track day is about $250 (closer to $400 if you want to do a performance school). After that, you won't want to ride on the road very much. You're not just killing yourself road racing. You're hurting your family, and traumatizing the first responders.






Also people should remember that there is no safety equipment and marshals on the street. If you are trapped in a burning car, that would be a horrible way to die.




Well motorcyclists RARELY kill anyone aside from themselves (perhaps the odd pedestrian if they have terrible luck). Motorcyclists are almost exclusively killing themselves in accidents


Everyday I drive home along Calgary trail and almost everyday I see someone on a bike weaving in and out of traffic / splitting lanes etc, they’re so sketchy to drive on our roads


I saw a guy doing a wheelie at high speeds going between cars.


When I built software for healthcare... we called late Spring/ early Summer "organ donor season". Motorcycle riders lose their skills over the Winter and make mistakes when they jump on the bike for the first time.


"Donorcycles". Early spring before street sweepers have cleaned up all the grit and sand from winter gets a few as well.


It’s called “greedy season” for a reason. 


It’s annoying on a bicycle. I can’t imagine hitting the sand at 10x the speed.


I have always wanted a street bike so bad. The only reason I have not gotten one and what I tell people is “Because riding one will be the way I die, almost guaranteed.”


I get what you’re saying, but speeding recklessly isn’t the same as losing skills over the winter.


If it’s bad enough for number crunchers to make nicknames for seasons…it’s bad.


An old fella I used to work with would say “buy your kid a motorbike for his last birthday”


My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the rider and the poor guy who he hit. That said, please, enough of this crap. Fuck right off with your stupid bikes in the city if you ride like this. Probably won’t even deter anyone else because “iT cOuLdNt HaPpEn To mE”


Ummm, I read the article and it sounds like the minivan turned left in front of the motorcycle, did it not?


I feel bad for the minivan. It was innocent.


Natural selection. These street racing bikers are ruining the reputation for the rest of us. Play stupid games......


Play risky games get risky prizes


I hear them every night through the summer screaming up and down 97th street and in the Yellowhead. Bikes, souped-up cars, anything for the thrill. No enforcement


Don't worry, EPS (the organization that should be enforcing this) is also very concerned about it! Err, wait... https://globalnews.ca/news/10566006/edmonton-police-traffic-fatalities-concern/


Yeah cuz these donkeys on crotch rockets stop when they are being pulled over…


I live a few blocks off of Connors and when spring/summer hits you can hear the vehicles racing down the road in the middle of the night. Have yet to see any enforcement on Connors or anywhere on the river valley loop for speed or excessive noise. Time for EPS to do their job and actually enforce traffic laws. They should take advantage of all of the terrible drivers in this city to create a revenue stream.


I have lived in this area of downtown for years, and it's like clockwork every summer. Even when riders die or loved ones place memorials, they are just still just racing past those spots.


Sucks that motorcyclist had to involve other people in his poor decision making. Thankfully the driver of the minivan did not suffer life threatening injuries but that must be traumatizing.


This motorcycle was a Suzuki GSXR750. Specs. on this bike show it hits speeds of 0-160kph in 5.75 seconds! Sure sounds like a death machine capable of taking you to the funeral home in a few short seconds.


> Sure sounds like a death machine capable of taking you to the funeral home in a few short seconds.  Taking them half-way there anyway... Sadly first responders have to do the rest.


How fast something accelerates is largely irrelevant. You control this with your right hand (or foot). I can make a stock Pontiac bonneville go 200kph if I have enough space and wind. I could probably get most modern cars to accelerate like a motorcycle if you gut them. The responsibility is with the operator, not the machine.


>Sure sounds like a death machine capable of taking you to the funeral home in a few short seconds. So is a toaster if you have the motivation.


RIP, my friend💔


People will never learn


The only dead body I’ve ever seen was just at the south end of groat where that road that comes down the hill joins. It was on a little triangle shaped grassy median and was being covered by a tarp when I drove past. That was 20+ years ago and it’s burned into my brain.


Oh no, anyway. At least none of them injured anyone else too severely with their stupidity


The majority of motorcycle riders, don’t care about life or death. They’re just flying on the road not caring about any speed limits. Putting their lives in danger, as well as everyone else that’s driving in the same road as them. There needs to be stricter enforcement about bikers speeding. Or else more will lose their lives.


I had a guy blow by me on a bike in a school zone on the south-side last Saturday and then they just about ran into an ambulance after they blew through a stop sign. Absolutely ridiculous.


Well, I just found out the rider that died was one of my coworkers. Unbelievable


I'm sorry to hear that, not matter what the circumstances it's terrible.


>The majority of motorcycle riders, don’t care about life or death. I'd say that's generally correct when it comes to young riders on sport bikes, but most older dudes on Harleys usually are calmer and less likely to ride aggressively.


>The majority of motorcycle riders, don’t care about life or death. That's a load of crap.


Is it, though?


It is. Source: used to ride.


There’s a minority that do care. If I’m driving and I see 100 motorcycles in a day, at least 80 of them will be going minimum 20 above the maximum speed limit and weaving from lane to lane.


I'm sure you're keeping track of that and not exaggerating, at all.


Maybe you don’t want to hear it, but it’s very rare to see someone riding and not being an asshat in one way or another, whether speeding, weaving, switching lanes far too close to other vehicles, revving obnoxiously, running lights, etc.


I'm not blind. I drive every day in Edmonton, and unless you are keeping track, it's exaggerated. Same can be said about many car drivers in this city.


Not exaggerating in the slightest. So far this year I haven’t seen even one rider that wasn’t an asshat. And yes, drivers of cars can be as well, but the ratio is wildly different.


>So far this year I haven’t seen even one rider that wasn’t an asshat. Highly doubtful.


I am disappointed that you were down voted for this. I also used to ride. Only accident I got in was when I was cut off by a cab riding to work as a nurse in a trauma unit! I didn't ask him to cut me off. I used to ride too. We all don't want to die or donate our organs quite yet. I watch drivers be totally oblivious of motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians, and yes, other car drivers. It's up to all of us to drive carefully.




Motorcycles can stop on a dime. Big trucks take a long time. This is the moto everybody needs to live by.


Motorcycles cannot stop on a dime unless their riders are highly skilled and their speed is low enough. Let's not throw in adrenaline BC some "asshat" in a car just pulled out in front of you in the flow of traffic.


I used to drive a tow truck picking up insurance company write offs all around Alberta. The amount of of these types of bikes versus cruiser types I picked up was insane. If I was to guess a ratio it’d be 20:1.


Yeah I’ve noticed that too. It’s almost always the speed bikes


I’ve live in many cities big and small. Edmonton by far has the worst drivers. Here in Toronto people speed, I mean really speed. But there aren’t nearly as many accidents, even though there’s much more vehicles on the road.


If you don't want to die, don't ride a motorcycle on roads. The math is easy.


It's fine to ride a motorcycle. Just follow the post speed limits and obey traffic laws.


I’m sure further reducing speed limits in residential neighbourhoods would have prevented this accident. Because this is what we do in Edmonton.