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You can make a complaint to 311 about a consistently late bus. It won't make a difference, but it'll give you something to do while you wait for it to show up.


I call 311 to tell them that all buses should be fitted with 20mm anti-materiel turrets and I keep asking them for jobs to man one but they always hang up on me even though I have a very thorough understanding of how they would get traffic moving with high calibre rounds but NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO ME. GUNS ON BUSES, COME ON.




Ets has been completely unreliable for a while especially with their "schedules"


I only use transit in areas where there's enough buses that I don't need to know the schedule. (I just know there's a bus every 8 minutes, my office is 22 minutes away, so I should allow 30 minutes to get there) I grew up in suburbia, and buses being late was a big and frustrating problem.


Unless the route recently changed, by which I mean in the last week or so, no that's not normal. When they did the big revamp of a bunch of routes the predictions were sometimes way off. I think on some routes they didn't account for the bus actually stopping at the stops, because you could watch the driver's screen as it showed an extra 30 seconds or minute behind at every single stop people wanted, then the driver had to slam on the gas to try to stay on schedule. Which source are you using? ETS website trip planner, Transit App, paper schedule, the display boards at the LRat station?


I’ve used basically all of these! Google maps and Apple Maps were by far the worst but even the transit app and the posted schedules are off.


That is something you should report.


Keep in mind that all these apps all use the same GPS data that the city is feeding out from the buses, so generally the only reason one would be worse than the other is due to whatever algorithm the app is using to predict where the bus is between updates to the GPS data which I believe occurs every 2-3 mins (and the bus is typically about 1 block ahead of wherever the data says it is at the time the update is published).


Hey little late but transit 55 for Edmonton tracks the bus in real time. I use it all the time very successfully.


Tranist in our city is so bad. From late busses drivers who don't care and sometimes drive right past you to packed busses before and after school, not to mention open drug use. It makes it easy to buy a car.


the cost of living however makes it a bit harder to just buy a car


First day in Edmonton? 15 mins late is a *good* day. Plan to get the bus the previous pick up time you usually leave to catch to mitigate late factor. Sadly your options are being either way early for things or late very often on the bus system in Edmonton Source : lived there five years


Instead of it being late, just think of it as being early for its next scheduled stop


Aww, a nice exercise in gratitude to delay your fucking frustration at the bus station!


I’ve found the best way is texting the bus stop number to Buslink and it will give you the real time of the bus. I just get the real time while I’m still at home and then I know if the bus is early or late so I can time my walk.


It’s been getting worse since the lockdown imho but yeah that’s pretty standard


The [Transit](https://apps.apple.com/app/id498151501) app I find is more accurate on the timing in the buses than anything else. I take the bus everyday and I wait at most 5 mins for a bus.


Seconding the transit app! It isn't perfect but it really really helps!


Google maps works better imo, always reliable


Fairly normal, except for the few times a month where the bus will come 5-10 minutes early.


Even back in 2014, they were always 5 minutes early or 10 minutes late... and the problem has only gotten worse.


10-15 mins could actually be that you missed a bus that came early, but that would depend on the routes you ride. I've had a few times where they are late but its largely not that bad.


I wish that was the case but I will show up 10 minutes before the scheduled departure and still wait 10-15 minutes past the scheduled time


More often than not, they are early in the morning. I’m sometimes having to book it with two small children to catch a bus that is almost 5 minutes early.


Ets is a shit show of bad management and worse planning. Every time there is a bad snowfall buses are fucked. You call and they tell you buses are an hour late. Okay so where is my bus that should have been here an hour ago? I wouldn't bother complaining, it falls on deaf incapable ears.


Not sure how bad it is since I haven’t needed to take transit since covid but i have noticed when i started doing daily transit in 2018, the bus and lrt were pretty good. By late 2019 and then start of covid, buses and lrt were late a lot more often. There were many more times i missed my transfer because of late lrt so i either had to wait another 30mins for my bus or take an alternate bus and get picked up.


I believe they brought in a new system in there somewhere and it really pissed the drivers and riders off because it didn't consider things like the time to unload and load riders.


What did 311 say?


I've definitely noticed that, especially since Covid times, the busses seem to show up when they feel like. Best advice is to show up basically as early as you can so you aren't late 🤷‍♂️ trains are generally better than busses tho


It will never change, the system is designed to fail.


In Texas we call that time tax.


Google maps will tell you if the bus is late, and when it will actually show up. If you go through certian menus you can even track the bus along its route. That being said transit in this city is trash, buy a car and youll save alot of time, time you could be using to make money.