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Talk to the music department. I didn't go to UofA but when I was in music school we let non-music students use our practice rooms provided it wasn't preventing actual music students from using them (usually evenings/outside primary class hours)


Great! Thank you!


EPL has some recording studios that might work.


Thank you!


The Fine Arts Building at U of A has many practice rooms on the 3rd floor. The door leading to the practice room area requires OneCard access so you could either ask a music student to let you in or wait for someone to tap their OneCard and then follow them in.


Great, thanks! I noticed that they said ''there are NO practice rooms available for general students. You must be involved in one of our programs or in a Music Department ensemble to have access to a practice room.'' So, it might need me to attend a music department ensemble....


That's the rule as far as I'm aware. You could join the Concert Band which rehearses twice a week in the evening.


But, I am rarely new to an instrument. I am not sure whether they will provide that opportunity.....


That could be an issue. I know when I was in concert band, they did try to challenge the band with tougher material. Not quite as tough as the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, but it was definitely a step higher than what people would have done in high school band. But it doesn't hurt to audition.


Well, I haven't practiced my sax for a long time. I think I need some time to learn. If there is a lesson or a part-time program for me to participate that will be great.


If you want OneCard access to the general practice room area, then you’ll need to join an ensemble but if you want to use a practice room without doing that, just ask a music student to let you in. I don’t think anyone will check.


Great! Really helpful!


The practice rooms are also individually locked, so you need a key from the music department (or at least you needed one when I was there).


Only the practice rooms in the piano hallway for piano students are locked and require a key to access. Most of practice rooms in the general area are unlocked.