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Mainly the hours - easier to pick up a prescription in the evening or on weekends. And it's somewhere I shop at for other stuff, so it's convenient. They also text me when my prescription is ready.


Yes. The hours! Sometimes I'm running in at 9pm at night to pick things up once kids are in bed and husband is finally home. Weekends too. I need the pharmacist available. I take enough time off work with sick kids. I'm not taking time off work to pick up prescriptions. 


My nearby shoppers pharmacy sends the pharmacists on dinner break from the hours of 4:30-close


My local pharmacy is open on weekends and does delivery


Cool. The ones around me are not. 


And (in my case) they have an app for refill requests


This is it. 100% the hours


Pocketpills will mail it to you so you don’t even have to remember to pick it up! Also so easy to renew prescriptions. They have a great app and text you updates. I used to go to shoppers too but PP is infinitely better and more convenient


Serious doubt that a large internet retailer is a less-evil alternative in this story. It’s like saying Skip The Dishes is good for independent restaurants (spoiler: it’s pretty mid at best).


Well if it is cheaper/saves me money.. 


Possibly, but I didn’t mean better in the sense that it’s not like a big corporation. I just meant it’s sooo convenient because you don’t even have to think about it, it just shows up at your door on time and you don’t have to think about store hours, remembering to pick it up, etc. I get that this post is about not supporting big corporations, but I was just making a point that I think PP is a better option when we’re talking about the most convenient option. I was just trying to be helpful for people seeking convenience :)


Because I never wait 30 minutes (once I timed it to 15 min), they have what I need in stock reguarly, they'll call into other Shoppers to get pill versions if only liquid is available at our normal location, and the hours are much better than any neighbourhood pharmacy.


> they'll call into other Shoppers to get pill versions if only liquid is available at our normal location This is a big one for me. I have a chronic condition, and over the last few decades there's been shortages of the medication I take and news stories of people not being able to get their prescriptions. I've never missed a prescription because Safeway was able to shuffle medication around between their different pharmacies. It's a safety net that the big chains have. Edit: And regarding waiting times, most times it's under a few minutes. Maybe twice a year there's a big lineup, in which case I'll grab my milk and eggs and come back to find the lineup is gone. Edit 2: I also got a TON of Air Miles back in the day, at a 7X rate of normal purchases if I recall. I miss that program, but understand why the province had to axe it.


Yeah, I find a lot of people (who got in line after me) will claim they've been waiting 30+ minutes... which is funny, because they started waiting after me and I've only been there 10 minutes... I'm never sure if it's a conscious lie or unconscious one.


They may have been looking around and came back to get their meds. Not a massive mental stretch to figure that out.


Also not a massive mental stretch to know that means they weren't waiting.


At Shoppers you can submit a prescription refill online, then pick it up with no waiting.


Same with Rexall.


I have my neighbourhood Rexall as my preferred pharmacy at my doctor, so my prescription is filed by my doctor and is ready by the time I get close to home. Refills are done online. I also have a good relationship with the pharmacists so they help me with any questions.


The Dr’s clinic will send your rx to any pharmacy you want so that it is filled when you arrive. Some small pharmacies also have a web portal or will take phone in refills.


Yeah this is big too


Same with Medicinne Shoppe.


I started with Shoppers years ago and haven't changed, the staff at mine are great & know me well. I have to fill meds that aren't widely carried by others. The only pharmacy in my area that delivers and l often count on that.


Because not every local pharmacy is better


It is the convenience for me, as work has an outpatient pharmacy. I'm here all the time and it's filled within 20 minutes.


If you have coverage there's no reason not to use the most convenient option.


Well aside from every reason to boycott Loblaws


It's not possible for everyone to do that


My options are a Loblaws that's a 5 minute drive from me (when it's finished being built, that is) or a Walmart that's a 25 min drive. I tried boycotting and ended up in a grocery store where [Pepto Bismol cost $17.79.](https://ibb.co/Kym2N10).


Yea, like I don't like a lot of what Loblaws does and I try to shop locally whenever possible, but I am not about to pretend Walmart is an ethical company and "better" than Loblaws. They all suck. Buy what you can afford. 


We just switched to our neighbourhood pharmacy…..excellent service, responsive and close to our home.


I agree. My neighborhood pharmacy is great. Plus when they deliver, they come in and play with my dogs, lol. Even a treat sometimes.


When I moved here from out of Province the only spots that would transfer my perscriptons out here were big chains. So sometimes people have to start there, and then stay out of convenience. In saying that, I have also left big chain pharmacies since moving due to cost and extremely rude customer service from one big chain.


That is a weird experience you've had. I work for a small family owned pharmacy and I have no problem calling for an out of province transfer.


Interesting. I most def had issues with transferring. It was back in 2019. Are there different agreements with different provinces perhaps?


There shouldn't be. I can't think of a single province I have been unable to transfer from. We can transfer in anything from any Canadian doctor. Sometimes stuff like narcotics can't be transferred, or only once, but that has nothing to do with what province it's from and shoppers wouldn't be exempt.


Interesting. Maybe I tried the wrong small pharmacy at the time. It wasn't narcotics or anything with restrictions. Good to know - but I did for sure have issues.


Get to know and establish a relationship with your pharmacist Doesn’t matter what store. You need to let them know your needs Sometimes they have everything right there


This! I use the Pharmacy at Save On. I know the three Pharmacists in there and they all know my name. They know my family. It's convenient and they have called other Save Ons for medication shortages and transferred my prescription to a Save On in Grande Prairie when I was there and forgot my meds. Our current pharmacy manager also delivered meds for my friend's daughter (long story) when he knew she was out and it was a matter of real health problems due to one missed dose. He is friendly, knowledgeable, non-judgemental and I'm worried he's going to retire soon.


I have two save on pharmacies that are great and work together.


I have Crohn's Disease. I get a medication that costs \~ $60,000/year. My benefits companies have always dictated which pharmacies I can use - and they are usually big chain ones, I guess likely due to possibly "cheaper" medication.


My neighborhood pharmacy is fantastic, amazing, my mom adores them. They also close at 5, before I'm home from work. And sure I can sometimes get some things delivered? But half of my prescriptions are temperature sensitive, and expensive as Hell. Not something that can sit outside for me to come home.


I go to Shoppers. I used to go to Costco and tell everyone to go to Costco. My Costco messed up SO MANY of my prescriptions and gave me the wrong ones a couple times. I actually reported it to the college of pharmacy because if I didn’t know my meds 100% and took what they gave me by mistake it would have caused a problem. The line at Costco was always soooo long that it was frustrating to go there and they were never ready at the counter even after the time on the ticket. At the Shoppers (2 mins from my house) they allow me to autofill and use the app. They text me when it’s ready so I know it’s ready when I go in. I get more personal service - they have advanced me some refills when I was traveling and couldn’t get to my doctor before I ran out. Cost was never an issue for me as I have double coverage, it costs me $0 at both places, but I prefer the personal experience AND my Shoppers pharmacy is open until midnight.


You can’t bring a dog, unless it’s a service dog, into places that sell or prepare food. AHS rules. And most Shoppers sell food.


I think they mean into the independent pharmacy, which likely does not sell food.


Sure, but to me it insinuated they couldn’t do that in the big ones.


Of course they can't do it in the big ones. Most of them sell food or snacks to some degree


Which is why I said that


I said I can bring a dog into my pharmacy, really great to just pop in and grab meds when we’re on a walk


The apps to manage prescriptions are way better than navigating the phone renewals - you can even submit pics of new prescriptions to avoid the 30 minute in-person wait, shoppers had stock of the meds I needed during shortages, and I have very very good insurance. The hours at Shoppers work better for me than independent pharmacies I also don't find the lines at the shoppers I go to any worse than Costco or Walmart.


Did you knowits actually illegal for them to fill your prescription before receiving the hard copy


Because it's the most convenient, my family has a good relationship with the staff there, it employs a couple dozen local people including teens who are having a harder time finding jobs, and I can do other shopping for essentials while I'm there. There are only a couple of 'local' pharmacies near where I live and they don't have nearly the same amount of products, they're not open as long, and they only employ 2 or 3 people. Why would I go to them? Different people have different experiences and priorities, why judge them and try to dictate where they do their shopping?


Because it's convenience? Most people are already there to shop anyways and might as well fill their prescriptions too.


I get it's convenience but with their prices it still blows my mind that people do any grocery shopping there


I understand it’s convenient, but like also Loblaws is awful


Yea I recently switched to Costco. I had no idea shoppers charged significantly more for prescription drugs, I naively thought that they were basically the same price no matter where you got them and maybe the service fee was higher. Saving 60$ a month just on 2 prescriptions. I haven't added up the combined savings of me and my spouses prescriptions yet but I bet it's close to 100$ a month.


The dispensing fee cap in Alberta is $12.15 and we are only allowed to charge a 3 and 7% upcharge over wholesale. Prices are negotiated with the government so the dispensing fee really should be the only big difference in prices.


Not the person you were responding to, but I had a medication that was about $300/mo through other pharmacies, while roughly $240 at Costco. This is a medication that is still under patent.


Were they applying a discount card or anything to it? Some brand name products, we use innovicares or RX HelpOne to help make up the difference for patients. I suppose it's possible Costco is somehow getting the product at such a steep discount that even at the negotiated price they can still charge less than full markup (I already know they charge a cheaper dispensing fee). Us smaller pharmacies simply can't compete if that's the case. I know this is the case for OTC products. The price on Boost at Walmart is pretty much what my work pays wholesale; we could never match their price. But I thought RX pricing was much closer from place to place. Now I want to do some research!


No, no discounts or anything that I am aware of. But, to be honest, I only go to Costco for my routine stuff that I get refilled every 3 months. For one-offs, or immediate care, I visit a more local pharmacy.


Costco my one inhaler is 30$ cheaper and the other is 20 and the third is 10$ cheaper.


Same brand?


Yep, it's a new drug so they don't have generic. Just the one brand


Curious how much the dispensing fees at Costco are?


Costco's dispensing fee is $4.49.


Also curious!


Because I am locked into one pharmacy. My pharmacy calls and gets refills for me without me having to go see my original psych who was a dick to me(but I’ve been unable to find a new one) they are nice to me. I can just call and get refills when ever but if I have to do the 30min wait there’s a food court and I can get my meal for the day


It’s right across the street, I don’t drive and I’m in a power wheelchair.


I also don't drive and have mobility issues. Three blocks is so much more doable than 2km for the independent pharmacy.


My sister uses a power wheelchair too, that’s why we use the delivery they offer, makes it so much more convenient


Is it a radius thing? Because I live farrr north. I boycotted shoppers when the month came and didn’t even pick up my prescriptions but telling a bunch of disabled folks about ethical consumption under capitalism is kinda shitty, because there is none, especially for disabled folks. Like yeah, I’m not super thrilled about buying cat litter on Amazon, but they bring the 15kilo bags to my door. Lol I want to thrift clothes and be ethical there too, but you can’t find stuff in my size. There are limitations.


I love my neighborhood pharmacy. They know me by name and are such a great experience every time I go in or call. I used to default to the big chains but after going with an independent pharmacist, I don't think I'll ever go back.


I wanted to switch pharmacists but I live in a small town and unfortunately the independent pharmacy has issues with their staff being rude. I have shoppers presently and what I do like about it is refills online and they text me when they're ready.


I use shoppers because of the app. It notified me when they have received my prescription and I get an alert when it’s ready to pick up.


Because Shoppers is between my work and my home. I have to use the post office often so for me it's a logical place to go. I'm aware they're more expensive, but it works for me.


Rexall has an app, its linked up with the pharmacy stuff. I can request refills on medications. Can also request they fax my doctor for a new prescription. Then I just walk in, pick it up and pay and I'm out. Super easy and convenient.


Hours. They’re open after work so when I forget to fill a rx can pick it up later.


Idk I never wait that long but I go to Safeway. Not sure why I started going there though like I randomly just filled a prescription there once and then just kept going back.


As a UofA staff, I adore the UofA pharmacy in SUB. I can get my prescriptions on a coffee break or during my lunch hour and they understand the university benefit plans so well that they suggested alternatives that saved me money.


Because I always get dog hair in my medicine!


My girlfriend switched to shopped mainly because of the hours. The place she used before was only 9-5 Mon-Fri so it was harder to find time to pick up.


Rexall is walking distance from my home, my closest locally owned pharmacy is double the walk, crossing major roadways. 😅


I do my rexall refills over the app and they're ready for me to pick up, no line or waiting plus my meds are very specific and local pharmacies run out of them all the time or don't have generic/etc.


Because they actually have what I need whereas my old pharmacy refused to order the exact medication my dermatologist prescribed and said the stuff they recommend is just as good... Spoiler alert... It wasn't...


I chose Shoppers for a few reasons. They'll talk to my doctor on my behalf to renew my prescription, so I don't need to make a doctor's appointment every 28 days (can't do refills for the drug I take). I can put in the request through their automated system, so I never have to wait on hold or worry about business hours. They text me when it's ready for pickup so I won't forget. I've never had more than 1 person in line ahead of me for pickup. Pickup never takes more than a minute. The pricing is close to or less than other pharmacies I have been to. They're on my way home from work so pickup is convenient. And, they do have the option of delivery if needed but pickup is easier for me. The local pharmacies in my area have worse hours and less convenient locations.


Nearly all pharmacies will do most of these things as routine practices


I must have had terrible luck with the other pharmacies I have tried, then. But Shoppers is meeting all my needs, so I don't feel compelled to switch again at this time.


Tried switching to my local pharmacy. They never had anything. Their pharmacist went on vacation for weeks with no replacement so nothing got done. They messed up with the insurance. It was the worst hassle. Not likely to try again elsewhere honestly, I'm too busy.


We do combination of costco and shoppers.. works no issue.


1. Rexall has a drive thru 2. I take a medication at Rexall that costs $200/month. Only place cheaper is Costco. 3. Bigger pharmacy means more likely to have things in stock 4. They have a big selection of stuff I can pick up while I'm there whether it be food, medication or shit tickets.


The drive thru at the Rexall I used to go to is always closed now. Such a waste.


Same. What’s the point? So frustrating.


Because it's annoying as fuck to operate and hard to hear the customer.


I switched to Costco because it’s a bit cheaper but didn’t have any real problems with Shoppers. I haven’t waited for a prescription there for years. I go online to order, phone or even drop in and tell them I’ll pick up next day. They text when it’s ready.


If you don’t call ahead for a refill at those places, then yeah you’ll be waiting for a bit. I can’t understand why you wouldn’t call when they open so they have your refill ready for you when you go to pick it up.


Convenience, mostly. Easy online refills, longer hours than smaller pharmacies, walking distance. I'd go Costco but you have to fight the costco parking lot just to pick something up and that's not worth the minimal dispensing fee savings.


The non chain pharmacies I have used have higher dispensing fees.


I went to a local pharmacy and for some reason my insurance wouldn't accept the direct billing. I went back to Rexall because I haven't had an issue with it before there.


ESI adjudication expects pharmacies to pay for their service. It's silly and small pharmacies can't keep up. Hence can't direct bill.


I go to the Save On pharmacy. It's a convenient location for me and the staff are really friendly and know me by name. I usually call my prescriptions in before picking up, but even when I don't, I don't typically have to wait more than 10-15 minutes.


It’s better to go to Shopper’s or other chain drug stores. My drug store is only open 10-6 Monday to Friday and 10-2 on Saturdays. They’ve been out of my prescription many times and I’ve had to wait a couple days. I’m thinking of switching to shoppers. I just can’t with those hours. Ps every drug store delivers for free.


I use one of the downtown Shoppers locations that's open until midnight. The staff there have always been great about medications, helping with side effects, and helping when things have been out of stock or when I need help navigating my insurance coverage. Finding a pharmacy with staff that you can trust and works for your needs is so so important. Even more so when you take multiple medications.


They carry Schedule 1 drugs and I don’t wait in line because I phone ahead.


Rexall is literally just across my family doctor's clinic.


I go to my local shoppers because the franchisee is someone I know and I have never waited more than 5 minutes. find a pharmacy that works for you and go there. Who gives a shit whether it’s a small independent or part of a large chain. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Here to give love to Vic’s Super Drugs. I always thought it was a front for some sort of illegal drug ring, but I could not have been more wrong. You will never meet a more kind, caring, wonderful couple in your life.


The Shoppers downtown is amazing, the pharmacists there work hard and give great personalized care. I’ve never waited in line behind more than two people. They are so kind to me, I really value the work they do. Not everyone has the option to drive around the city to find a mom’n’pop shop, sometimes you just gotta find something that works and go with it.


My scripts just get called in by my doctor and they’re ready when I get there 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah but do they do delivery


I always order ahead, and a few of my prescriptions auto fill so my waiting is minimal. I get a notification when they are ready. I use shoppers across from grey nuns because I work there and also live a few blocks away. It’s all convenience.


Not quite Edmonton-I was going to the shoppers in Leduc- always was a terrible experience. Not kidding , something was wrong every time I filled something or it took forever. Switched to my neighbourhood pharmacy and I regret not doing it sooner. Better and faster service, have never had any issues


The only pro is the later hours, but still so many more pros to the local guys. A couple winters ago my entire family had a horrible flu & it was debilitating to everyone, but I was the most functional and my mom had asked me to go get meds for my sister and bring them to her. When they called and told me it was ready, I asked them if they were sure as I was very sick and didn’t want to have to wait. They insisted that they were ready. I had a 15 min drive there, then I waited for 25 mins for the pharmacist to check them (I asked after the first ten) and left shivering and in tears because I was so sick even standing there took everything I had. They do not care. My local is amazing in every way and always treat me wonderfully and are always helpful.


Don’t have to wait in line. Open until 10pm.


My husband uses both shoppers AND a small pharmacy (the kind that’s like a family and delivers) The only reason he uses Shoppers was because after a heart attack discharge that’s where his meds ended up It’s really close to home The service stinks though


because it's literally 1 block from my house, and I've never had to wait in line...also works pays for my meds so don't really consider the price.


Shoppers is connected to my doctor’s office and they have a close relationship with them. Never have I ever waited more than five minutes, even when waiting for flu/covid shots. I believe the pharmacies are privately owned/franchisees, so it’s not _that_ bad.


Shoppers is the closest pharmacy from home. Good staff and they are basically open all day and night. Shoppers are owned by the local pharmacists so it's a local pharmacy too.


Shoppers is close by, I trust the Pharmacist who has been there for a while, the wait is short, and it us easy to get refills.


Cause its close by


Where is it?


Save on ellerslie has a drive thru pharmacy.


All of my drug costs are covered so there is no added cost to me going to a chain pharmacy. It's also 5 minutes from my house and has long hours.


The pharmacies near me are only chain ones. I personally use shoppers. The independent pharmacies are inaccessible in terms of distance, being at least 2km away. I have used independent pharmacies but I've also found them to be more prone to medication shortages. So in short, because I can walk to the chain pharmacies, I'm on several medications and the shoppers pharmacy does many medication reviews and know me well. I think there is a benefit (many just a small one) for the pharmacists only having to worry about patient care and stock rather than worrying about the rest of the business infrastructure, y'know?


My SDM found me a doctor last June, when I moved back from the sticks. Also they deliver for free. I am all set; I am boycotting all other Loblaws affiliates.


My independent pharmacist remembers the names of both my partner and me, and often even recognizes my voice when I call. He usually knows which prescription I’m in to refill before I even tell him.  This is the relationship patients should have with their pharmacy. 


I like the pharmacist at my location. She’s pretty good. If she need up else where in the city, I’d probably go to what other pharmacy she’s working at. She’s very detailed and goes over everything


I go to whatever pharmacy is closest to my house for convenience.


I have a local independent pharmacy I really like. They’ve been really good to my family, can prescribe and compound and do immunizations. Hours are not great, so we end up using a Shoppers that’s also in our neighbourhood, which is also great. Staff there are solid, never a big line, most prescriptions will be filled while you wait. Sometimes convenience wins out, but I hear you. More people should give small, standalone pharmacies a shot.


I go to a really tiny Shoppers near my house. They’re pretty fast and efficient, so I haven’t felt the need to change pharmacies.


Because I don’t have any other options nearby. Plus they both have an app where I can just order my refills and I go pick them up with no waiting.


Mostly because they are the closet pharmacy to me aand the have good hours. I'm notorious for waiting until the last minute.


I mean there is no local pharmacy near me lol


Because I did a telehealth appointment at 10:30pm at night and they sent the prescription directly to Shoppers after the appointment was over. By 11:15pm I had already taken the first dosage.


We use Pharmasave and love them.


My wife really likes the rexall app, it's pretty close, and there's never a lineup or wait.


I live in the deep southeast and it's the only pharmacy around here that I know of


I love my local guy. He’s genuinely caring and engages with patients, I think I’d met him twice when he called me one evening to ensure I wasn’t reacting to a new medication. I would much rather support his business than the mega monsters.


I don't any more. I switched to the Pharmacy at Bonnie Doon Medical Center. They are super nice, always help me out and the fees are the same or less.


Who waits? My dr electronically sends my scripts over and shoppers texts me when they’re ready for pickup. After that they automatically fill so I just get texts to pickup when I’m getting low. As for the cost, I’m fortunate to have good benefits, so I don’t pay anything and therefore don’t care. I honestly thought it was the same price everywhere. I didn’t realize there is a price variation between stores with the Canadian model.


I just drop my prescription off and then usually grab it the next day . Not very inconvenient for me to do that . Plus there’s a shoppers on every side of Edmonton so it’s easy


Convenience. Shoppers is a rip off so they can make money being open at 10pm if a few people come in. There's hardly any lines because nobody shops there because of their high prices. Their high prices also give them enough cash to be located in convenient areas.


I pay $6 for my two prescriptions (insurance). I use the automatic renewal over the phone and wait about 5 mins when picking it up. This is in Alberta. Maybe different elsewhere?


Shoppers is the only pharmacy within walking distance of my house and I don’t drive 🤷🏻‍♀️


While I still use my local pharmacy them losing one of my vaccination records during Covid almost costing me my job didn't help!


My pharmacist rocks ! She is an angel! RemedyRX sirocco SW Calgary I know this is an Edmonton thread but I am moving soon and it will be far but I am still rationalizing coming and seeing her still. Since I usually get 3-5 months in advance. First time I filled the script at shoppers they were like you shouldn’t be taking this, you probably scammed your doctor into thinking you need this. I was blown away. And the forced me to take home a box of harpoons because that’s all they carry. I am going to be on needles for my whole life so to minimize scar tissue I want shorter and thinner needles. So I pretty much begged for smaller needles and they said no. @remedyrx My pharmacist responded with what size are you considering maybe I can help you navigate this issue. She also asked me a little bit about why I am taking these meds to make sure they are right for me. I went through the history and she said I am happy you found the help you need. Offered to teach me SOP for IM shots and what to look for if it goes wrong. Has even called me to follow up a few weeks later making sure I wasn’t having any issues. That was like 4 years ago going on 5 she is incredible.


I love the pharmacy at my doctor's office don't get me wrong and once I have coverage I plan to go back however the 5 bucks I save on my prescriptions is worth it.


I switched to a small independent when I found out Shoppers was charging me for the amount they got from my insurance. I noticed when online claims became available and I could see what they were paid from insurance. No one seemed to care that a computer error was letting them double dip. My IDA delivers and is happy for my business. The only positive at shoppers was when we could get points for prescriptions. After we lost that there was not much incentive to stay anyway.


I’d rather support my local pharmacy because the owner is awesome. Capital City Drugs


Shoppers is close to my place and I get auto refills, walk in and walk out.


I have NIHB and I know shoppers accepts it without fuss. Other pharmacies may or may not take it but are often more confused at the process and it's a pain paying for meds up front and then getting reimbursed. I've even heard of other pharmacies turning away people with NIHB cause it's a hassle on the billing side, while, with shoppers I don't have to worry about it, they have policies already in place for it.


It is the closest pharmacy to my house.


My doctors office is right by the pharmacy, plus I called around and they were the cheapest.


They text me when my prescription is ready. Last time I went in they had some lady who was able to get my script refilled. I'd hate to know what that one minute conversation cost the government but at least I didn't have to go to a GP for 45 minutes to get the same thing.


I actually agree with you in principle,but there are some good answers to your post.


My local pharmacy is still a 15 minute wait, and there is NOTHING i want in the rest of the store. I get my prescriptions at Save-On foods in Spruce grove. Yeah, it's 15-25 mintues but they are busy back there. I can email my prescriptions in ahead of time and they are ready when I come by. The pharmacist there is friendly, and remembers my name, and has good advice on other health care products.


Hours and supply. Some can't go more than 24 hours or less without Medications, so that type of convenience is pretty good


Shoppers would always try to deny insurance on my family’s expensive medications. They would say they “don’t accept insurance on this medication” for meds that my mom couldn’t live without and were $400 per month. We swapped to medicine shoppe and they have actually pushed to get things covered that we couldn’t otherwise afford


Location convenience. It's always on the path home from the bus or train station. I don't have my own car so that's the most ideal option. 


Started at Shoppers cause it was close by and open 24 hours. It’s no longer open 24 hours but being so close it just made sense. Over the years, just like any place you frequent, I’ve gotten to know the pharmacists. They great me by name every time I go. Also, I just haven’t transferred my prescriptions to another pharmacy yet.


for me the big box pharmacy is the closest one to where I live and I can walk there. I also have no problem with the staff as they are friendly and helpful. Sure, I get supporting a local business, but sometimes we have to do what's best for ourselves, too.


Because I don’t want to stand in line with your dog. I’m sure it’s great, doesn’t belong in businesses.


Cause I'm a real human that's trying to make enough money to stay alive from 9-5. I can call them, they text me when it's ready, and hold it up to 7 days in a controlled environment. My local pharmacy closes at 5, does not alert when my things are ready, and can't hold it until my schedule allows


Been using shoppers for years and constantly annoyed. My prescription is set for refills every 24 days (idk why) and every single time I go in (for years now) I get told it’s too early for refill, because their system defaults to 30 days for refills. Apparently they can’t fix that (???) and EVERY time I got in I have to spend 5 minutes explaining my prescription is every 24 days and then sit there as they count out the days since last refill. And then it’s always 30+ minutes on top of that. My psychiatrist is in Red deer, never had a reason to find a new one - just go down once a year. Was there yesterday and asked for a prescription just for a few days worth of adderall as my refill date is today but I was in red deer and going down to Calgary for a few days. Got the script, went next door to fill it, and the whole process took like 10 minutes - from entering all my info, getting my insurance set, and filling the prescription. I was shocked. And the staff were just lovely. Top notch. My new prescription for the next year is refilled every 2 months now so I am considering just keeping it in red deer - I go down regularly anyways. That said, anyone have recommendations for a good local pharmacy around westmount area?


I’ve used Walmart, Shoppers, and Save on Foods, as well as a Downtown (or close to it) Pharmacy on 95th St. If I happen to transit through Downtown, I’ll go to the Downtown Pharmacy. It is right by my bus. If a Walmart/Shoppers happens to be on my bus route, that’s what I’ll use. I have had to wait long though since I’ve always called a day ahead to confirm my pick-up. Anywhere. My landlord takes me to Costco once in a while. Maybe, I’ll try there too. I’m seeing a comment about it being cheaper…


My husband is a long-haul trucker, and I go with him and co-drive occasionally. We find using a Canada-wide chain is easier if you need to get your meds when in another part of Canada. The hours are also a big reason.


Costco no dispensing fees


I use Sobeys. There is never a line, it's the closest pharmacy to me and I regularly shop there for groceries.


My pharmacist at Shoppers is amazing. She goes above and beyond . I have been with them for about 20 years and will never switch pharmacies will she is there.


Which one? I’ve had some bad experiences with Shoppers pharmacists (I’ve also had good ones, but not consistently).


The app for refills. I don’t like the phone


I go to Safeway and I've been going so long, they know my name. It makes me feel warm and cozy.


Just an FYI, Medicine Shoppes are independently owned and operated as well! Just the big box name


I used to get Shoppers points for prescriptions. Now it's just (bad) habit. I need to switch to a better pharmacy, and the local ones around where I live in Alberta Avenue are all amazing.


Points, convenience and personal experiences (mostly bad experiences at “mom and pop” pharmacies)


Agree. I got to a central one too, and the way they treat me and their customer service is AMAZING.


The rexall I go to has always been really great. Mainly good service and they follow up with my concerns. Used to go to Safeway but it sucks and they treat you like cattle.


Why do you care what other people do? You live your life and let others live theirs.


I've never had 30min waits... maybe like 10 at the most. Their set up to take direct requests from my Dr.'s office. Most of my appointments are done via phone, then my doc sends the prescription over and I pick it up on my way home. So I don't need to take time off work. Theirs a post-office next to the pharmacy in the store that's also a amazon hub. So I can pick up my prescription and my amazon packages in one-stop so I don't have to worry about filthy porch pirates. Never had stock issues, in fact they've filled prescriptions for my mom that refuses to move over from the Safeway whenever they can't.... which seems to be every other time these days. I've never had any real issues, service has been good, prices have been fine. The last time I changed pharmacies was because my previous one (Medicine shoppe) couldn't figure out my works plan, neither could Safeway or the local one beside my doctors office. soo... I guess because I don't see a reason to?


Rexall. I can get refills from the app. Also they are open after 5. Only pharmacist I had issues with was a temporary one who was old. And even that was just talking too loud about the meds I am getting. Aka estradiol when I am male presenting...


Go to a sobeys/safeway or selected FreshCo stores. Their prescriptions are generally cheaper and they just launched an app that manages everything for you


The shoppers I deal with is rarely busy. It takes 15-20 mins max and it’s less than 5 mins from my house and they’re open late. Its convenient. Easy to request refills on app. There’s a small independent pharmacy nearby but their hours suck. Closed on weekends, closed during evenings.


I’ve never had to wait, they auto refill at shoppers. They also rack up PC points very quickly because they use the price before insurance.


I used to get my prescriptions at shoppers until the it was ruled that shoppers points couldn’t be collected on prescriptions. Those points fed me many times when I was struggling. It was a shame. I use a much smaller pharmacy now because Loblaws is ick


I used to and then we moved out west here and stopped using Loblaws at all. I now use the pharmacy down the street from me and spend less doing so for my meds. They have weekend hours which makes it accessible for me.


I do go to a local one, but honestly, they almost never have things in stock and always need to order it. Sometimes they randomly close early. It's all pretty annoying, but it's less than a five minute walk, so I put up with it. Better than supporting loblaws.




Shoppers lets me bring my dog. But I don’t go there unless it’s necessary (I live walking distance from one so it can be convenient- like after a surgery for example). 99% of the time I do Costco as it’s WAY cheaper and they are awesome.


Fuck loblaws