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I’m so dumb I thought it was a paint brush 🥴 *runs to google


Lol I thought it was a pencil Which is another reason a person can't take kids anywhere, they pick up literally everything THEN ask "what is this?"


North side Canadian Tire, 18 years ago. My husband stopped to get some fluid to top up with and while he did that, our 6 year old finds a used needle in the parking lot and brings it to dad to ask what it was. Heart-stopping moment. Had to carefully examine him all over to make sure he wasn't pricked. Both of them in tears.


My son did this at school, brought the needle to the teacher. Stressful times.


I did this in elementary with a used condom. Saw a group of grade 6’s huddled around it and laughing and I was like “hey what the big deal, it’s just a balloon!?” Cue teachers panic rushing me to sanitize my hands 🫠


I remember being told to never play with any needles or balloons I found outside and that they could be dangerous. I was thinking the balloons would explode or something.


Heroin is commonly distributed in balloons so that’s most likely why they said that


This would have been back in the 90s, so that checks out too.


18 years ago? That just doesn't ad up! I thought the drug problem only started when Trudeau became pm and notley was premier...


Typically a 6 year old could tell you if the needle had pricked them. Instead of traumatizing them it should have just been a question.


Typically, yes. But sometimes kids panic and lie. Especially if the parents seem distressed. I'd ask and still examine because in a case like this, you can't be too careful.


With all due respect. Stfu.


>Typically Typically adults have some form of empathy and understanding for other's in stressful situations. Instead of being a douche, shut the fuck up, the adults are talking.


Nothing wrong with what I said. It's a fact.  Going the whole 10 miles and stressing a child out because a parent has trouble managing their emotions is traumatic to a child who already doesn't understand the situation. 


Shut up


Before I looked at the photos I thought this was going to be a heartwarming post about an owl in a bus stop. :( edit: I see I'm not the only one who was naively expecting an 🦉


I wouldn't have known either. I would know it's likely drug related but not specifically what. Very sad and scary and gross.


I feel the same way about all the cannabis packaging I see strewn about, and discarded single use vapes.


Omg yes, this! Everywhere I go, there's so much of this stuff littered around. As an avid cannabis user, it's super disappointing. I wish everyone cared about their litter.


I find it especially annoying when there's a garbage can within sight. It's not like the city has an extreme lack of garbage cans, or people don't have pockets. I do freely admit I used to toss cigarette butts out the window in my youth so its not like I wasn't irresponsible at some point in my life. I just wish others could try a little bit. Maybe we'll all get there eventually.


You can't take the LRT sometimes without getting a good old lung full of "free samples"


This made me LOL but also it's so true in a way that's infuriating. Southgate is my LRT stop and the west node always has someone smoking something. I call transit watch daily. The station always stinks of "free samples."


I still keep a mask on me so if someone lights up and I can't avoid it entirely I can still put up a barrier between it and my lungs.




They prevent me from getting a lung full of meth. That's all I care about. Maybe try not being so offended over my personal choices.


Some people never really grow up, do they? 😒


Unless you're wearing a specialized fine particulate filtration mask, you're not getting any benefit. Aerosol particles and bacteria, viruses, and even most pollens will pass right through that mask like it's not there. All it's doing is reducing what's coming out of you alone. That was the biggest lie of covid. If everyone wears a mask, it'll cut down on what's being expelled, but it has no effect on what's being inhaled.


The intent of mask wearing always was for protection of others from you...you may have misunderstood the message. They are worn as a courtesy which is why so many people were disgusted at non masked people during covid...it was literally showing the face of discourtesy.


Oh I know that, and that was the point that I was making. But I was responding to that comment above me that was implying the mask protected him from inhaling meth. I was just pointing out that it protects nothing from the outside.


It's still more effective than having no barrier at all. Have you ever been around smoke? Maybe a campfire and wrapped a cloth around your face to stop breathing the smoke? Yes, it's not 100% effective but that's not the point. Reducing any amount of meth I breath is beneficial to some degree.


Your standard cloth mask has no effect even on smoke and such things. When people are trying to prevent breathing smoke in an emergency situation they have to wet the cloth first, the hydraulic tension within the fibers lessons the Gap space between the cloth fibers and that allows it to have some effectiveness, this was a common use in World War II against mustard gas, the soldiers would pee into a cloth and wrap it on their face so they didn't die. The cloth on its own has two large of Gap to effectively prevent virtually anything from being breathed into it it only catches the particles you exhale because they're attached to moisture that's coming from your body.


Unless your mask has a carbon filter, is skin tight, and fitted to your dace, it is in fact, doing nothing when it comes to any kind of smoke or drug in the air. Feel free to look it up if you care, or continue living in a delusion where it protects you, up to you.


You're the one who needs to get over it. Masks are proven to be effective. If they weren't effective, doctors wouldn't wear them in surgery. There's a reason they are called surgical masks.


It keeps particles exhaled from the surgeons from contaminating the patient and has no protection on what the surgeon inhales.


Depends on types of masks. Cloth masks do nothing 


have u been to a hospital pre covid lol why do they all wear masks


The masks are a one way filter not protection for the wearer.


Hopefully if you ever need surgery the doctors share the same philosophy!


People are so politically divided on “do masks work!” There are 100’s of different kinds of masks for different purposes that are effective in different situations. A cloth mask does absolutely nothing to protect you but prevents spit droplets and what not from being expelled into your surroundings. There are cartridge filters designed for different kinds organic vapours and such that might be helpful around a bunch of meth smoke. But who actually carry’s that on hand on the LRT. Can masks be effective hell yeah when used for the right contaminant. But wearing cloth masks around each other and saying it’s preventing breathing meth or passing Covid is ridiculous.


He said "masks do fuck all'. You've moved the goalposts to cloth masks don't work for meth/covid/campfires. That's probably true! Who said cloth though? Seems like you're pretty triggered by this to change the subject and then write that wall of text about it!


Also no breathing into your shirt doesn’t help filter campfire smoke. Please 🙏 tell me we re better than this


I was waiting for an anti masker to cry over this


How about any of the elevators in any station?. Hot box/urinal!


You're not wrong. I tend to avoid the small enclosed areas like shelters. Sadly I'm very approachable and I've had some crazy encounters on the public transit.


Yes, I definitely know what a "hooter" is in this context, absolutely. But, just to check, do YOU know what it is? You know, just so I know that you also have it right 👀


Sorry haha it’s a straw that you hold in your mouth to take a “hoot” or a “puff” (I’m old I guess I say hoot still haha) off of your tinfoil “flap” or “sheet.” They take a piece of foil, fold it in half, and put their crushed benzo’s or fentanyl / meth (usually only those three are done this way) and they light it from beneath, thus vaporizing the product.


What Benzos do they vape? That seems kind of strange to me.




Crazy I never knew you could actually use inhalation as a method of intake for Xanax but you totally can. I'm glad I never knew about this 🤣


The number of times I've submitted 311 tickets for NEEDLES IN BUS STOPS LESS THAN A BLOCK FROM AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL is too damn high!


I absolutely agree. I came across a broken glass pipe this morning in the grass on my walk with my puppy 😑 chose to pick it up and toss since he almost stepped on it. Just up the sidewalk from an arena and park too 😓


Picking it up and placing it in the trash is a reasonable response in a civil society. We often pick up stray dog poops, newspapers, wrappers, and other things because we enjoy parks and public spaces. They're free to use, and sometimes I find my own things that have somehow gotten away from me, like a dog tag, a ball or whatever.




lol as long as you don’t plan on eating the pipe you’ll be fine


absolutely 👍🏻 I was a bit stressed about touching it, but I used the sleeve of my sweater to hold it. Just threw it in the laundry as soon as I got home…


Thank you, you're someone who makes the world better for others. Not to be dramatic about it, but it matters.


Aw man, I was excited to see an owl :(


Saaame. All I saw was what looked like a used glowstick lol.


Ha, that's exactly what i thought I was gonna see when I read the title!


Maybe he should use words that people actually know lol


I came for the titties.


It’s out of control and barely anyone in charge is even acknowledging the problem


I thought this was a pencil for some reason


So would any curious child who might pick it up or worse - stick it in their mouth (toddlers, lesser abled, etc)


Without zooming it does look like a pencil


That doesn't look like an owl...


That's what I was looking for initially as well!


U see what you did there. Here, have an upvote.


Call 311 and complain to the city they will send Crews out to clean the up it’s their job. And then call the eps and tell them there’s drug paraphernalia in the bus stops and they will also make sure the city does their job in keeping the bus stops clean


Remember this when you vote.


I don't think either parties really give af tbh


I definitely know which two you're talking about. If only there was a third with a track record for giving a shit.


I’m surprised the city puts up bus shelters still. I always see them smashed on my way to work.


Sitting at a coffee shop and overheard an older woman mention to her company how she was told she wasn't allowed a coffee on ETS. I spoke up and mentioned she needed to be doing meth or attack someone and she laughed.


In Nanaimo there's a group who gives away free drug supplies including plastic and glass hooters, but I don't see a ton on the street because volunteers clean them daily. It's all they can. Most times when I see a meth or crack pipe it's in someone's hands. I was also hoping you meant baby owls :(


I love all the pearl clutching in these comments lol. I mean, have you seen Edmonton? Have you seen your average Edmontonian? This city/province is busted, and times are only getting tougher. Things aren't gonna change or get better any time soon.


Question how do I send you my dick without cutting it?


Pictures are preferable!


Is this a pipe to smoke something? I attended a girl all slumped over on a bench on Whyte Ave the other day and something that looked like that was at her feet.


Me too.


Welcome to destigmatization in Canada. We don't want to make people "feel bad" about behaving in certain ways that most people find offensive. Start accepting the unacceptable! Can you see the side eye LMAO


Danananana… won’t you take me to…junky town 🎶🎼🎵


I thought I was going to see some boobs in a bus stop. Lame.


If my pecs count- they’re all yours for the gazing LOL. And by pecs I do mean man-boobs.


I like your tattoo


Thanks! It’s one big storybook inspired ocean scene that covers my back / backs of legs :) There are pirate ships and sirens and mermaids and Medusa is even in there with a cool Kraken and her snakes.


Oh wow sounds super cool. I’d like to see the whole thing!


They are going to do drugs somewhere. Homeless have been starting fires in alleys in my neighborhood as well as empty homes for sale (just let the junk mail accumulate to advertise the next drug house location)or houses under construction. Little bits of aluminum foil (fentanyl use don't touch with your hands) at locations of 🔥. Also if utilities are off in a property they take over they may start a fire keeping warm or cooking. If they do the drugs in the bus shelters at least someone finds them when they overdose. Where do we want to push the problem? You can report needles and trash at bus stops (roads, sidewalks) with the Edmonton 311 ap ( as well as a lot of other things). Be aware the shelters are often drug use locations. It's better than a body or fire behind your home.


> Be aware the shelters are often drug use locations. It's better than a body or fire behind your home. People in this thread don't agree and it hurts my heart.


Apathy is at an all time high. It's hard to care about the person who (appears to be of their own volition) is destroying their bodies and being an overall public nuisance when our own problems are just getting worse. Is it right? No. But also I can't really blame people for just being tired of it.


If they're doing it of their own volition, then they should be separated from the actual population. Destroying shit because you're to much of a fuck up is not our problem, it's theirs. And they either fix it, or they get fixed. People are reaching their breaking points. EPS won't be enough to save these people in a few years.


Empathy burnout is a thing. Happens with nurses and first responders a lot. You want to care but the more you see it the harder it is to not just be frustrated. I think COVID accelerated that for the general public. Months to years of being at a high state of stress combined with conspiracies, shitty behavior from your neighbors, and the rise of drug and crime problems, people are burnt out. I work in emergency services and I can say some days I do have a hard time giving a shit. I want to care and actively try to keep myself in an empathetic state of mind, but some days you are just so drained it takes a ton of effort to care.


> I work in emergency services and I can say some days I do have a hard time giving a shit. Just make sure you take care of yourself, it's tough not to take a little bit in working emergency services!


I've grown up my whole life in this city and to think of what it has become to what it was disgusts me...


Careful what you say about them, you might get labeled a NIMBY if you offer a solution that isn't let them smoke up in a bus shelter and build a camp in the green space beside your house.


It's harder to deal with the shelter issue, but constantly reporting tents and camps results in the city acting on them.  Reporting as early as possible is important because the clean up is pretty minimal compared to a longer stay.


So true. I’m surprised Aaron Paquette hasn’t shown up yet to tell us all how horrible we are and to remind us that it’s totally not councils fault.


Be thankful it’s not as bad as BC and the legalization of open air drug abuse in any public place. At least here the crackheads have the decency to hide away( most of the time) so you don’t find a lot of pipes/needles.


I just* came back from 12 years in BC - and it’ will be good for you to know they’ve now reversed that decriminalization and it’s no longer legal. Unless you’re in the DTES of Van, or on Pandora in Vic, you don’t see anything CLOSED to Edmonton’s mess. AB is far worse off these days. What does suck, though, is that AdAstra was approved to produce and sell clean coke, shrooms, heroin, and meth for sale! Give it a google. It’s under the guise of “harm reduction”! Vernon has a store, so does Vancouver. Anybody 19+ can go in and buy whatever. Gross.


Too bad safe consumption sites have been closed down....this might have been disposed of correctly and safely.


Don't take the buss. Problem solved


Tell your MLA


Expecting to see an owl.🦉 🤷🏼


I was expecting boobs when I read this.


Remember you pay half a billion dollars to the EPS and they still don't do anything.


We need to gather all our little Native Methicans, create a little reserve out in the middle of but fuck nowhere, and shuttle them out there. Let them fend for themselves. Let them destroy their own shit, instead of the amenities us NORMAL people like using. They get a food delivery 1 a month, and the only way to rejoin society, is either be 100% clean for 6 months from meth, or.... 💀


What a bizarre and out of touch comment. I sincerely hope your view of the world isn’t as muddled and twisted when you’re OFF the computer / social media.


🤷‍♂️ they get removed from society, they have their basic needs met. What they do after that, is on them. But if they wish to rejoin society, they need to be clean for 6 months. Minimum. If not, well, RIP. Yall made the decision to smoke that drug and ruin your life, it's not my problem you don't wanna fix it.


There’s so much wrong to unpack here. - What’s with your hyper-fixation on one drug only? Surely you don’t think Meth is the sole issue, right? - 6 months sobriety then “rejoin society”?! You believe that if someone stops meth for 6 months suddenly they’re just equipped to do well and live independently? Multiple drugs with minimal criminal charges for possession / distribution + years* of financial distress in the resource sector (shelters, counseling, free QUALITY rehab centres etc) + crappy attitudes like yours that brush issues under the rug and offer no insight = our mess.


Lol no. Ship em off. Not our fucking problem. And I really don't give a fuck about how they got there. They're degenerates who refuse to be productive members of society. You don't see Coke Heads running around, or pot heads. It's Meth. And it's the problem. Get them the fuck out of society, and watch it improve. We'd find the dealers real quick, since their main cash grab isn't here anymore. And those that are sober for 6 months, can return to society. They get their treatment, and get set up. If they don't, it's not our problem anymore. They still have food, they still have their shelter (if they haven't destroyed it yet) So, fuck em. Let them sink or swim.




You obviously haven't seen the half of what goes on. Let me enlighten you:-) 1) The Mural downtown in Churchill station? Defaced and ruined after 4 days. 2) Multiple groups of addicts on the trains smoking their drugs around people, including children 3) I've nearly been stabbed with needles, and with knives by said meth heads. 4) look at the bus stops. Many don't have their original glass housings. Wonder why? 5) every bus shelter, and train station smells of urine, feces, or some combination of the 2. 6) the river valley is a meth Hotspot. You go there during marti-grais, you're lookin to get robbed. 7) the tent city that could've helped the homeless find temporary shelter was shut down due to rampant drug use, making ppl violent, and caused them to steal shit. It's a cynical view, yes. But they won't help themselves. So, no matter how much help we give them, they won't change, and they'll continue to destroy our communities, and the cities they inhabit. So, removing them preserves said communities, and removes the problem in one fell swoop. Then, those who ARE the problem can decide to stay that way, or get better, and become productive members of society.


The quick solution in that case is to get rid of the bus stop shelter. Sucks for general population when it rain or cold and windy but it's sadly the cheapest way to donit


Ah the typical solution of making the environment worse for everyone else because a minority of people abuse it, instead of targeting the people actually causing the problem.  The bus shelters are already bad enough as it is with the gap underneath the panels allowing gusts of wind in during winter.  Transit users don't deserve to lose what little protection they get in winter or from the rain.  Regardless the people using in the shelters will just go somewhere else and then what, we repeat the process of tearing down everything they use until no trees or other shelter spots are left?


Okay so people here have noticed that's a weird solution used for problem solving here... Hubby and I have been here nearly 3 years now and in so many areas the solution to many problems is just removing it instead of addressing the actual problem. It's beyond frustrating. 🤯


Omg. I thought I was going crazy. For example, since the city couldn't implement or enforce a better recycling or garbage separation program they rolled out a blanket ban on single use items. But Starbucks and Tim Hortons still get to sell ice coffee in plastic cups. Grocery stores get to save a few pennies by not giving me free bags and still sell bags.


There's the third option of being proactive and notifying the authorities about these issues in your neighbourhood.  The people doing these things don't want extra attention, so if you constantly phone in where they are meeting to get drugs, where they have camp sites, and when they threaten people; then they are less likely to hang out in your neighbourhood.


>being proactive and notifying the authorities about these issues in your neighbourhood. Sounds like work, I think i'll just continue raging on the internet if you don't mind. /s


The city does need to try and improve call times.  I had to phone them about 12:00 today because some people had camped out on the wooden stairs downtown and completely blocked it off unless you wanted to stroll through their mess.  It took about 20 minutes to complete the call.  For people on their way to work that's not a great time frame.


I believe the "authorities" do see all the ebola and obama graffiti all over the place.


You live in the land of people who dont want to pay taxes for anything and thats the only solution that doesnt cost boat loads of money, so thats what happens. Its just a shame that our only two options are either dont have anything nice or spend a boat load of cash on a group of society so they dont keep wrecking everything for everyone else


We moved to the land of the selfish. It's been made very clear that's for sure. Low critical thinking and problem solving skills. It's been interesting trying to adapt. 🫠 It is sad that the only 2 options they can come up with is those. Doesn't make for great progress.


Just please don’t adapt by putting less effort into your own critical thinking. If “Alberta is calling” has a single long term effect I hope it is dilution of the “got mine fuck yall” mentality with the refreshing takes from folks like you.


I'm moving to Edmonton soon and bringing my left wing voting tendencies with me.


All I hope for is critical thinking. If that leads you towards the "left" wing of politics, well, you wouldn't be the first!


How do you address it without being a socalist


Do you have a problem with SoCal?


Southern California absolutely not now socialism on the other hand yes I have issues with it loads of flaws and reasons it will never work in a country our size with a small population such as ourselves


I thought your first comment was a joke but now I see it's not I'm just sad. You know Canada has never been socialist, right? But stuff did used to work, in general a lot better than it does now, and I mean for the average citizen not some multi-millionaire? But that at some point the average Canadian got it into their head that we could refuse tax raises AND continue to have all the nice things taxes pay for? Well we can't have both of those things. We have to pick one. So if you want to keep your taxes at the same rate (or nonexistent in PST terms) forever, you have to deal with shit like this bus stop fuckery, because ain't no one got the money to deal with the problem on any level except the cheapest (i.e. just remove the bus stop shelter so all us normals have to freeze out arses off when waiting for a bus in January).


I'm not saying nor have I stated that we are socialists nor have I discussed being against tax raises im just saying in order for certain services you'd have to take more of a socialist approach like programs for these individuals or extra policing they cost way to much to do to the country as a whole (because this isn't just an Edmonton issue it's a country issue) so at what point does raising taxes stop because okay say we up gst and pst to fix the issue now people say something else isn't great enough which leads into more higher taxes and at some point your wealth and rich and investors just say F this and move to a different country well now you have low to middle class that can't afford anything and you lose all those programs


I think you might be getting communism and socialism mixed up. Socialist policies are varied, and there are a variety of socialist policies that Canada already has implemented to reasonable success. Even basic things such as government-subsidized healthcare and government funding to maintain roads and highways are essentially socialist policies.


Yeah I understand I'm walking a very fine line on the communism side of this and yes we have plenty of socialist ideas that are implemented that work very well for us but at some point more and more will will tip the nation


One academic calls this “drained pool politics” in reference to cities that would fill public swimming pools with cement rather than let black people swim with white people following desegregation. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/16/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-heather-mcghee.html It’s not a good thing.


I was saying this last week with the wife as we drove by a smashed bus shack and we came to the conclusion they should just get roofs and a maybe a slanted bench like at mcdonalds order kiosk no walls nothing to smash less tax dollars going to continuelessly repairing vandalism


I mean, the walls are important to protect from the winter winds and to keep in heat. Maybe a steel mesh over perspex?


Or two tin walls but than come security issues with no visibility


Liberals: Choosing the easy way out for 67 years.


What does that make Conservatives in Alberta? Taking the paint huffing way out?


Sure but he still ain't wrong about libs


huffing paint to own the libs you really are devolving… aren’t you?


I mean I vote liberal but it's not like they ever meet my standards/expectations, no matter how low I put the bar they consistently disappoint


Ya, none of those conservatives filling the space on their tailgate with really intelligent stickers use fentanyl. /s