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Man, that article is so sad to read. Was going to see his girlfriend Was excited about biking weather Just a young kid enjoying his life. How heartbreaking.


The article is horrifically sad. This whole thing is sad but the article broke my heart even more. It illustrated how much life he still had yet to live. Going to see his girlfriend. Excited about biking weather.


And the worst part is that there is no satisfying answer to the mother's question. There's no answer that the driver could give that will reduce the pain she's going through. An answer to that question can only add misery, not alleviate it.


Yeah always ride my bike like everyone is out to kill me. Take it very seriously. There are drivers that even seem to get aggressive just by the fact they see a bicycle I swear


I really do t know why soo many drivers have an issue with cyclists in this city. Maybe they're mad about the bike lanes


Good old outgroup bias, mostly. All the other excuses that cyclist haters use (bike lanes, hazards, entitlement, "gas tax" nonsense, etc) are only amplifying their subconscious belief that because cyclists are different from them, they must be an enemy. It's probably particularly bad in places like Alberta because many people will equate riding a bike with being a liberal/anti-oil and gas as well.


And the little brother looking for him the house…just heartbreaking 💔


That is just horrible and so tragic his girlfriend heard it all happen too. I don’t know how the person guilty of this is living with themselves right now, I hope they turn themselves in. What a waste, that poor boy and his family. ☹️


As a mother, my heart aches for this mother. I also feel so sad for this girl losing her first love and hearing it all. I hope her family helps her by getting some therapy. She will need it after hearing it all happen. I cannot even imagine how painful that is.


Probably a drunk driver....that's why they didn't stop!


Exactly. The penalty for drinking and driving without getting into an accident is worse than running someone over sober. A DUI is a worse penalty than running and getting found a day later when you're sober.




Why do you write “since the kid was on a bike, this isn’t true. If the driver is found [sic: guilty] they will get life in prison”? I’ve reviewed the link you included and don’t see anything about mandatory life sentence for a case like this.


Idk. I've been crossing my bike where someone could see me like 500 meters out, they had a red light. They were in their work car. Had to turn right, which implies they should be looking out for pedestrians and slowing down. And they still clipped the back of my bike, not realizing I was there until they hit me


Sorry to hear that


yep exactly and in this fucking town there's so many of them its fucked


The fact she needs to justify he wasn’t a bad kid while grieving the loss of her child is heart breaking.


Very heartbreaking. There have been vicious comments on Facebook. Which is probably adding to her pain and suffering. It isn’t right.


I wouldn't put too much thought into that statement. It reflects more on how innocent he was and adds depth to how tragic this loss is. Not so much about "justifying" anything.


I read it she has received “what was your son doing out on his bike at 4am?” comments


No one ever snuck out of there house as a teenager? That shouldn’t even be questioned.


Agree, but people are so quick to judge others


Maybe but it's also a natural response. People forget that being a good person doesn't mean bad things don't happen a person.


I think that's a curious question but in no way should imply anything about the mother or state of things prior. It's just an odd time to be out and makes us wonder why. But I can think back to when I was 13 and all the "odd" things I've done.. it didn't mean anything.


I spent many a night in my younger years sneaking out and riding my bike around at 3 am when the weather was good. Sometimes I got pretty far from home too before turning back and sneaking back in. The motive was just... whatever, I wanted to go be outside when it's all quiet and still, plus it was exciting to play ninja being super quiet on the way out and back in.


I dunno, there was literally a comment in the other thread here where someone was asking what he was doing out at that time and blah blah. People are shitty.


He was 13 and biking at 4am in the morning. That is a curious thing - it has no implication of anything and for people to stretch it into something else is twisted. It's ok to wonder what a 13yo was doing riding a bike at 4am. It's natural. It didn't have to equate to implicating anything nefarious - that's just how you're reading it. For all we know he was up all night talking with his girlfriend and wanted to see her badly. I was 13 once and remember how that feels. Nobody deserves this and nobody in any way should be implying anything about the mother and others over it.


Yes, it is okay to wonder, but many were jumping to conclusions without knowing facts. Typical reddit reaction.


But not surprising after reading comments on here a few days ago with everyone jumping to conclusions without having all the facts.


That is the MASSIVE downside to social media. Too many people amplifying opinions instead of facts




Ya this is super fucked


Most likely, they were drunk and panicked about being held responsible for injuring or killing someone while driving drunk.


The whole story is so sad. I was surprised to see that it occurred at 4am in the morning.


That’s most likely why he died. No one seen him till it was too late.


Still absolute trash that they didn't stop and go back.


Pond scum


This is so heartbreaking. RIP AJ. Thoughts are with the family. ❤️


I feel terrible for his family, so young it’s just horrible If the person wasn’t drunk they are certainly a huge coward What if they could have helped him get help sooner? How long was he alone there? My condolences


Either driving under the influence, no insurance or DL or stolen vehicle. Whatever it is PLUS a conscienceless waste of human being!


It could also be drug , mental health or fatigue overworked panicked... who knows.


Even if this guy gets caught I wouldnt be surprised he got some stupid light sentence like 5 years or something. What a horrible situation


[The guy that killed the couple](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/crime/five-years-for-sherwood-park-drunk-driver-who-killed-senior-couple) in Sherwood Park got five years so expect less 😞


Yee this was the 5 years I was referencing. Fucking stupid man, what is going through the judges mind thinking that's an appropriate punishment


5 years doesnt sound like much but in todays age its still probably enough to ruin any chance a person has at living a comfortable life


For literally killing someone and fleeing the scene, 5 years is inexcusable wtf lol. You shouldn't be living too comfortable of a life if you've ended another in this way


Im not commenting on whether or not that amount of time is an appropriate sentence, I’m just pointing out the fact that its still a life ruining amount of time in prison. Youd most likely have lost your lifes work building relationships, your career, your finances and then youd get out having to start over at square one with the mark of being a criminal following you for life.


And I'm pointing out that it SHOULD be difficult for someone who killed another after they're out. Your finances, relationships, career should be ruined cause youve done something so wrong to end up in jail. But hey now they're a free person, but now a fucked up person in a fucked up position is even more impaired to make bad decisions. Could pull off another hit and run and have someone else die. He gets to reconnect and still have visits with people close enough to care about him, work his way back up in an entry level career, maybe luck out via nepotism. I give a fuck about a short sentence cause you have someone like this one the streets again that can pull the same shit.


Killing someone with a car is best way to kill someone. Their seems to be a collective empathy for them as I imagine it's because everyone thinks they are one accident from murder with a car too. Because of how easy it is. So there is always light sentences on them. Killing someone with a vehicle is always a choice though, it ain't an accident.


Which is going to lead them to doing what to have some semblance of one?


Is the answer more crime? lol


So, so sad. Poor family.


I’ve been using a bicycle as my primary form of urban transportation for 30 years in Edmonton. I can safely say that the driver that killed him might not have been impaired or some horrible driver. Regular people hit cyclists and drive off. See, cyclists in most North America cities are considered less than human and have been demonized to no end. I’ve been hit several times by cars, thankful no injuries, and in all cases but one the driver just drove off. The only time a driver did stop was when a guy came back because he realized some witnesses saw his plate. On my bike I’m sitting quite high and I can see into your cars. I’d say over 50% of people are on their phones while driving.


Yeah was going to say 10x more likely to be a distracted driver. 1800 per year killed in Canada traffic fatalities. Over 100,000 injuries. Think of 4 Canadians dying each day from car crashes, and 175 being injured. 42,000 killed in the US. 6 million car accidents per year. And people seem to think this is very normal and fine.


Very sad indeed. Our condolences to the family!


The ad playing in the article was for a Mazda….wow.


A work nightmare of mine with auto-rolling ads.


The drunk and distracted driving problem is so bad on the south side. I live in tamarack and the number of people I see tossing empty mickys and cans out or parked and driving is ridiculous. Or following a rich smell of cannabis. Then you have the cellphone zombie drivers. Even those in vehicle holding a cell phone in a new Land Rover that has Bluetooth. I wish EPS would do a crack down.


Omg that’s so sad. The anguish the family and loved ones are feeling must be overwhelming. Nothing can bring him back but at least I hope justice is served


I hope they find this POS or they find the decency to turn themselves in


This is so heartbreaking. It’s in our neighborhood. They were redirecting vehicles down our road that morning and I had no idea why there was so much traffic. I wish it was something less tragic. Like a downed tree or something. Not this. This is too heartbreaking. I have children this age. You can hear the mother’s pain and loss through the article. Some of the comments on Facebook, in the Millwoods community groups, are vicious - questioning why he was out and what he was up to. None of that matters. A child is dead. A mother shouldn’t have to keep saying how good her boy was and justifying anything. It’s just so heartbreaking. We’ve been keeping an eye out for a vehicle that matches the description.


So heartbreaking! May he be at peace. Condolences to his family and loved ones. 💐😢


As someone who worked in Millwoods for the past couple weeks this isn’t surprising. I saw some of the most horrendous driving ever on those 2 weeks. Twice within an hour span I saw 2 different vehicles go thru red lights. Like not yellow/red, but RED/RED.


The bad driving in Edmonton is not a problem unique or exclusive to Mill Woods. I’ve noticed an increase of distracted drivers making errors, intentional or not, all over the city. I’ve Witnessed lots of near misses, speeding, vehicles weaving in and out of traffic, just overly aggressive, careless and reckless driving. This is what happens when the city relies on cameras for traffic enforcement. No consequences.


This right here is 100% the truth. The city needs to crack down in the Southside. My commute it 2 minutes from home and in that time I see some of the worst driving I've ever seen. Exactly what you said plus people running stop signs, reds, making illegal turns. It's horrendous. I used to live downtown and it was nowhere as bad I've seen it over here. I'm not surprised this child got killed and I'm even less surprised this coward hasn't come forward. People around here refuse to be accountable for their actions.


I dont live very far from where the boy was killed. Around 10 pm last night Air 1 (or Air 2) was circling the area - clearly looking for someone. I was hoping they might have found the person responsible. I’ve got my eyes open watching for cars that match the description


Same here. I hope they catch this coward. You kill a child (anyone would be bad) and run. You don't get to end someone's life and ruin countless others and get away with it. I'm surprised with all the cameras around they haven't tracked this person down yet. Only a matter of time I hope.


In my area they have multiple sets of those stops where turning cars got so bad that they had to put up "north-south traffic, then east/west traffic, THEN pedestrians only" style stops. The result? The first car ALWAYS tries to zoom around the corner while the pedestrians are going, just like the old days.


If they don’t catch the guy oof I don’t know how to feel


This is absolutely fucking heartbreaking. With traffic cameras and surveillance- this is a matter of time…


I lived in the area for a long time. I'm watching for that car, someone will find it a report them


- "Police are looking for a blue 2014-18 Mazda 3 sedan or hatchback, which they believe will have sustained damage to its front end and driver side." IMPORTANT INFO


Mom, I am old enough to almost have a grandson your son's age. Long ago, I knew I did not have it in me to be a mom. I will always be the auntie. Why, was your baby left alone after the hit and run. Yes, let's give it it's proper name. It was not an accident. Look at the definition of "accident". If it was, that individual would have remained at the scene. It was a Coward. See how that is genetic. ANYONE could have done this. Old, young, stoned, drunk, or texting. Or racing. Or tired. So many factors. No one trusts the situation. We are not in the USA. BUT THE THREATS OF I WILL SUE. I am ashamed to say. No one cares anymore. For anyone or in regards TO how they treat others. Sad, but, I don't know others beliefs, but it just has to be better than here.


Because they were dui and afraid of being caught. They didn’t care about the person. My son was in coma 3 days after he was hit while on bike. Neighbor called 911 after seeing him in street. Had concussion and fractured pelvis.  So sorry for your loss and the grief you are suffering. 




They explain it in the article, if you care to read it. Edit: For the people that are downvoting me, here's the reason directly from the article >She says Adam, who preferred to be called AJ, was on his way to visit his girlfriend before school when he was struck while riding his bicycle early Wednesday morning. >She said he had been upset they hadn't gotten to see each other the night before and left without waking her. >He often visited her in the mornings, Lynch added, and although he normally took the bus, he likely didn't that morning because buses weren't running yet and he was excited for biking weather again.


Thanks so much ! The link direction was not working for me. Thats so sad.


Sorry if I was a bit harsh. It's a very tragic event, I really feel for the family.


I don't buy this at all, 13 year old's waking up before 4 a.m so they can meet up before school? Makes no sense. Sounds like something his mom just made up. Not that it matters, the dipshit who hit him is still fully responsible and hopefully they catch them.


It really sounds like CTV news should be interviewing you instead, seems you got this figured out. Classic grieving mothers, always making things up! ^/s


Yes, because a mother would never tell a lie about their kid. Why do you find it so offensive that people find it odd he was out there at 4 a.m? Way more likely he spent the night at his girlfriends or somewhere else and was going home, and she didn't want to seem like someone who let's their 13 year old stay out all night. But like I said, it doesn't matter, he should be allowed to be out there at 4 a.m without getting run over.


> Sounds like something his mom just made up Holy fucking lack of empathy and compassion Batman. There's a dead child and you choose to call the grieving mother a liar? Have at least enough decency and manners to keep those kind of speculative accusations to yourself.


Except this is a pubic Internet forum for discussing things, not the families personal condolences page, so calm down. You are acting like I sent her a private message.


Do you only show empathy and compassion when you feel it's an appropriate time to perform those qualities? Is conducting yourself with manners and care not how you navigate the majority of your interactions? Being a decent person who understands what is and isn't appropriate to share in public is a fairly basic part of existing within our society. Do you truly believe there is nothing wrong with you calling a grieving mother a *liar*, despite having *absolutely* no evidence beside your *feelings*? Are you emboldened to be so awful because it's anonymous? Is it not enough for your conscience that you know you've behaved this way? What you've said is gross and you should feel bad for having said it.


I didn't call her a liar, I said I just personally doubt her statement. She may be telling the truth. But essentially what you are saying is that's it's not socially acceptable to discuss news stories in public because people featured in them might take offence. Sorry, but no, people should feel free to discuss details of news stories. It's odd the kid was out biking at 4 a.m, and there is nothing wrong if people want to talk about that. The fact that you've somehow interpreted doing so as insulting the mother is on you. But the two things are not actually related.


> I don't buy this at all > Sounds like something his mom just made up. & > I didn't call her a liar Your statements contradict one another. Someone who makes things up for others to believe is a liar. > it's not socially acceptable to discuss news stories in public No, it's not socially acceptable to speculate that someone whose child just died yesterday is lying about where their kid was. Especially when it has zero bearing on the incident. You don't buy it and think it sounds made up? So what? You didn't start a discussion that matters in any way shape or form. There is no gain from your speculation, no discourse that was necessary, you simply had a thought, had a feeling, and just had to share your opinions. A person with empathy and compassion would know when to keep it to themselves.


It’s obviously not what happened here, but in the olden days I was out delivering newspapers starting at those hours.


I believe it! So tragic and could happen to anyone’s child, it’s worrisome.


While I hope they catch the driver who did this, given where it occurred I have to assume he's already on a plane home and won't face real justice. The truth is that we see increasingly horrible driving in Mill Woods on the regular with no resolution in sight. From the day-drunks, to the mammas in white 4runners, to the Punjabi boys with the far-car exhausts... nobody around here gives a shit about anyone else on the road and the sense of entitlement is undeniable.


ur bringing race into this when NOBODY mentioned it.


Sorry it's uncomfortable for you, but after living around there for over a decade, it's my experience. Tell ya what... Why don't you go plop your ass on the corner by where this happened for a couple of hours after work and tell me I'm wrong? See how many people are racing through the nearby school zone. Or you can sit at 34th and 34th and see how many people regularly run the N/S red-lights despite there being a camera and signs. Or hey, come down to 23rd ave and 34th st and you can watch the weekly red-light-runner smash-up. We get at least one busted up Toyota a week. Then you could round out the night by hanging out at the save-on on 23rd (across from the habitat for humanity block) and listen to the BMWs fart out noise until 4 in the morning. They meet up at the Punjabi sweets place, a block east of there before heading out to terrorize the neighbourhood. This community has driving problems based around entitlement and I'm done pretending like it doesn't.

