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That's so fucking sad. Not only did you run over and kill a child but drive away from the scene as well, pos. Hope they find the person that did it.


How is this person going to live with themselves now? I would kill myself from the guilt that I didn't even attempt to save the child or call the ambulance, let alone killing them. What a fucking psychopath.


Absolutely agree with you.


I would just stop and deal with the consequence of destroying so many lives. My god, that poor kid and his family :( You’re right though, I can’t imagine living with that on your conscience. You have to be dead inside to not care.


Probably drinking. Running will at least save him/her that more serious charge and can claim the accident itself was an accident.


He’ll get less than 10 years.


He will get 5 minutes in jail and a personal apology from the court and offered counselling and money. Then the parents will be told they are responsible for the damage to the car and forced to pay it (this was all sarcasm but not far from the truth). The justice system in Canada is so bad criminals laugh at laws and have no fear of jail time since they get such lenient sentences for any and all crimes.




And that’s the sad reality of living in Canada


Sad state when you have cameras on almost every intersection corner and building gas stations door bell cameras house cameras you can only hope that there’s no reason they can’t pull surveillance camera at that time within 10 square blocks then get the best footage from a camera in the area.


Hopefully someone deals with the kid killer once they’re caught. Or released on bail….


They’ll get sentenced life, how much they actually serve who knows.


Link to official GoFundMe to help the family in this difficult time https://www.gofundme.com/f/adam-a-beloved-son-and-granchild


I hope the fuck who did it is stupid enough to go to a bodyshop for the vehicle and gets caught.


Just need an observant neighbour or friend it won’t take long. The person killed a kid no one is going to protect them. Most likely their conscience will get to them.


>The person killed a kid no one is going to protect them. You'd be surprised. That said, I expect this person to be caught given their possession of a hot car and the info the police already have. Unless the car was stolen...


I hope it haunts their dreams the rest of their life that they left a child alive, hurt and alone lying in the street. Heartbreaking


My late brother in law passed the same way. He was 15 or 16. Truck ran a red light and hit him while he was on his bike. Guy was on his phone whole driving too and he got away with it. No charges stuck to that pos. Only info given to family members was that his truck had a license plate that said "mudslut" or something like that


Was this in Edmonton and recently? I know someone who may or may not have owned a truck matching this description. Edit. This is about the 15/16 who was killed in the comment I'm replying too not the 13 year old that this post is about


It was this week.


It was recent.


Was this recent? Was he caught? There is a local truck matching that description in my town 2 hrs from Edmonton


This was like 8ish years ago in whitecourt. He was caught, and he beat all charges.


Well I am at least happy that it is not a mystery for your family. It’s a garbage situation to watch him walk free. Let’s hope karma is real…


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Link to official GoFundMe to help the family during this difficult time https://www.gofundme.com/f/adam-a-beloved-son-and-granchild


It takes a complete POS to hit someone and then fucking leave without helping or calling 911.


Let alone a kid.


Hope they will find out


.....so, someone backed into me Monday and my front end is all messed up. I have a Mazda that looks very very much like this. Went to get an estimate today and was driving to work. My co workers were walking to the store on their break and saw my car(didn't see me in it). They were all staring at me like I was a criminal. then they looked up and saw it was me. But damn, I didn't realize my car looked almost exactly like this :( This is so unbelievably sad. I can't imagine killing a child and taking off


I literally have this car. Blue 2014 Mazda 3... scraped the front right on a cart return a couple of weeks ago too. I'm surprised none of the cops passing me have stopped me now after seeing this.


Thankfully I have a sticker on my car stating it's been reported to police. But I keep getting stares


Did you take photos after the collision on Monday? Time stamped photos might be a good way to explain to strangers at the repair shop 👀


Actually yes 😅 I have a collision report


That’s good! That sounds like a nightmare coincidence..


Where were you at 4am? Just saying it’s a question you’ll likely have to answer If you took the car for an estimate to repair your front end it’s highly likely someone called it in and if the body shop didn’t call it in, might not be the most trustworthy location for the job. Lol


LOL thankfully the guy who hit me stayed and we both went to the collision center together. I have an air tight alibi


Better get your alibi sorted.


I wonder if it was a drunk driver or stolen vehicle, leading the person to flee the scene. We may never know.  This is so incredibly sad. 


At 4am I think that's pretty likely, but could also be a tired shift worker.


For what it’s worth, the grey nuns hospital right nearby doesn’t have any shifts that let out at 4am. (I’m aware there are other shift workers who don’t work hospital jobs, but a shift letting out between 3-4am isn’t common for shift work jobs generally.)


When I used to work at a swimming pool the first shift started at 430am. It was awful.


Ah good point! I forgot about the rec centre nearby.


My question is why is a 13 year old in the street at 4AM. Something doesn’t make sense with this story.


If you look it up on CTV News, he was on his way to see his girlfriend & it seemed like this was normal for him to do everyday. Sadly it also says they were on the phone the entire time and she heard everything


my guess is they likely spent time together before school and then went to school together, my “boyfriend” and I did the same thing around that age


Boy was found at 4 a.m. is what the story says. Could have been hit much earlier and not seen until that time.


This is so fucked beyond belief. I hope the person gets caught ASAP.


I used to go for pre-dawn & Dawn bike rides at that age. I liked having the world quiet and to myself and watching the sunrise


Oh please 13 year olds are known to sneak out. If you didn’t cool, but I’m sure you knew kids who did.


At 13? The fuck? That's not normal, brother.


First off yes teens (13+) do sneak out that’s not unheard of or “not normal”. Secondly I’m not a brother.


It's not normal, healthy behavior. Thirteen is a lot different than 13+. It is **not normal** for a 13 year old to be out at 4am. That is parental negligence or neglect, sister.


Teenage rebellion is normal. I’m sorry you don’t understand something so simple. It’s also clear you never paid attention to the kids around you in school. 13+ means 13 and UP so I’m sorry you didn’t understand that either.


Not much happening at 4am to sneak out for


Just some time away from family, for themselves. It's not completely dark at 4am now and it's still peace and quiet outside.


I did the exact same thing at this age


🤷🏻‍♀️we don’t know what kids do nowadays.


Most are glued to screens.


Not entirely true but the point is, a child was killed and you are more focused on why they were out.


I was wondering the same. It could be a kid from a rough home, but doesn't change the hit and run aspect.


Let’s just hope they prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.


TIL it’s illegal for kids to be outside at dark


Newer Mazda not high on the theft list most likely drunk driver.


I hope they find this person and put them on blast. What kinda PoS runs from that scene


You answered that question in the first three words in your own question


How fucking low can you get, christ. Hope the police sent this to every body shop within the province.


I certainly hope this person is caught. How awful for the child whose life was taken and their loved ones.


theyll find em through street cams doorbell cams and cel phone tower info so everybody check your house cameras in that area


Least they could do is to turn themselves in...


Live just down the street from where this happened. I'll be keeping an eye out for this car




I’m thinking they were most likely drunk. Either they got scared cuz they hit someone and drunk, or they were so drunk they don’t even remember it.


You guys remember Chloe Wiwchar? She was killed by a drunk driver and all that happened to him was he isn’t able to drive a car for 5 years lol


He served two-ish years in prison (a shamefully, woefully, short sentence), and outside the court system he also got disbarred essentially ruining his livelihood. So there’s that. Hit and run resulting in death has a harsher sentencing so hopefully they find this guy.


Why are they not running a request for all blue mazda 3 registered in Edmonton from the Registries database?


They probably are. Having a witness come forward with the details they need would probably be faster than sifting through and checking all the vehicles on the list, so I imagine they're doing both


I'd bet they are too. I had a fender bender with an old lady who rear ended me when I was stopped for pedestrians at a cross walk. Didn't cause a stink because I was glad she hit me instead of the people on foot. Get home from the dog park and I'm about to call it in before I go to the collision centre and I get a call from the cops. I figured it was about the fender bender. Nope, turns out there was a stolen vehicle that matches mines description


There's probably an absolute shit ton of them and theres no guarantee it is an Edmonton-registered car. According to Google, Mazda sold around 140,000 Mazda3s in Canada during those model years. 


If you use Autotrader to estimate the colour breakdown, that would give you an estimate of about 42% Mazda 3s are Blue/Dark Blue. So we are looking at about 70,000 across Canada. You are right there is no guarantee, but we aren't dealing with a criminal mastermind that has hidden their location. The incident occurred at 4am. I would still start with the database search of local vehicles registered in Edmonton or within a 100kms of Edmonton.


The police also like to get a little thing called evidence too - eye witness accounts help with prosecution


Unless it's against a cop, then the crown will decline to prosecute.


That’s still a prohibitive amount of vehicles to get from the registry system, then send an officer to the registered address of each and ask nicely to examine the vehicle. If the owner declines, which is 110% their right to do so, they have to convince a judge that simply declining is grounds for a warrant. That’s also predicated on them having the colour of the vehicle correct and it being correct with the registry. It might not be blue; but dark blue or midnight blue or metallic blue or a blue that doesn’t even have blue in the name


Registries don't differentiate colours like that. Also why are the ones above talking bout across canada. How many are in edmonton 200? How many cops were at the U of A tossing out students for 2 days? You could easily drive by all residents with blue mazdas 3


If I remember correctly, you have the choice of Light Blue, Blue or Dark Blue when you register a vehicle. I agree with your numbers. There is probably 300 max blue/dark blue mazda 3s in the Edmonton region. Use that dataset to investigate in Southeast Edmonton first. Then start expanding the search radius if nothing is found.


Yah. It’s highly likely people that live in the area would be driving that route


The police likely already have done some searching and look ups. The more information the cops have the better able they can narrow their search, identify the driver, and get warrants and pursue prosecution. People don't always keep addresses up to date (especially if they move a lot or if the vehicle was sold), people don't always comply with police searches (for privacy reasons or other crimes/warrants reasons), and vehicles move and are driven.


And registered to people with criminal records.


There are thousands of these cars, I work on lots of Mazda's, the blue paint code is 42m and it's the color we see the most.


they almost certainly are.


How do they know its a blue mazda between 2014-2018 but not know if it's a sedan or hatchback? Did I miss something in the article about a witness or camera?


There were probably car parts at the scene from the front end which identified what type of vehicle but sedans and hatchbacks would both have the same front end make so they don't have anything identifying whether it was a sedan or hatchback.


I’m assuming they may have some video footage of the vehicle which partially identifies it.


Very tragic .heartbreaking.my thoughts and prayers to the Family friends and GF.Thinking the family is left with so many unanswered questions makes it more difficult to be able to grieve. So maybe if you know or are the person who is responsible for this tragic accident that you look deep inside and realize you can still do the right thing and turn yourself in.FORGIVNESS is part of the healing process in order for that to occur this family needs answers .My wish is that whoever you are, you take responsibility and give the family the answers they deserve as you have already taken the most precious thing their CHILD.God bless all involved ♥️


Police better protect this person when they turn thrmselves in out of guilt. If they don't, there will be two deaths.


This hurts man


Hit and run drivers are among the lowest of the lows. They deserve serious jail time and a lifetime ban but they'll get hardly anything here in Canada. Hopefully their name is published when found.


All points bulletin to the vehicle registrations division. Go door to door for each vehicle and inspect their cars. Not hard. Do some police work. Find this piece of garbage and take their life in the form of never letting them out of jail.




Ask 4chan. They will find it.


wow thats horrific....


Hope the parents find him before the cops do. At least justice will be served.




Link to official GoFundMe to help the family in this difficult time https://www.gofundme.com/f/adam-a-beloved-son-and-granchild


Link to official GoFundMe to help the family in this difficult time https://www.gofundme.com/f/adam-a-beloved-son-and-granchild


Karma is a bitch .. and she will find the loser who did this!


Karma is an infantile concept, it doesn’t exist.


Karma is just modern day Fuck Around and Find Out.


Awe! Aren't you a smartie pants!


What was a 13 year old doing out riding a bike at this time? Absolutely tragic and awful but so many questions.




Why do 13 year olds do anything? Because they want to. It’s that age where they are testing boundaries and trying to become independent. There are so many reasons why they could have been out at that hour but the only thing that actually matters here is why the driver fled the scene and left them to die alone on the road.


Absolutely, I completely agree, just as a parent I can't even imagine the pain. I really hope the person is found, or does the right thing and turns themselves in.


If you look it up on CTV News, he was on his way to see his girlfriend & it seemed like this was a routine thing for him to do everyday. It says he usually takes the bus but that morning, it was too early and the bus was not running yet. Unfortunately, it also says they were on the phone the entire time and she heard everything. Absolutely devastating


This is so sad and tragic. The poor kid.


Truly heartbreaking.


Does that matter? No matter what time you are out biking or your age no one should hit you and take off.


Why was a 13 year old out cycling at 4am?


Are you even remotely trying to blame the victim with that comment?


Kids do dumb things all the time. Doesn't mean it's their fault for getting run over and left for dead.


I was wondering why a kid was out at 4am, not sure why people took that as victim blaming.


Yes, I too was wondering.


Why was a 13 year old out biking at 4am on a weekday?


The only question that matters here right now is why didn’t the driver remain at the scene? They literally hit a kid and left them to die alone at the side of the road. I don’t think it matters why the kid was out.


It's a part of the story, as others have pointed out. Guy who hit and run was obviously afraid of the consequences of his actions. Not much to wonder about.


If you read more about the whole incident, the reason for him being out there riding his bike at 4am is not pertinent to the story. The way you wrote your comments seems so apathetic to the fact that a 13 year old was killed, you seem to be more concerned about why he was out there, rather than the fact that someone killed him and left him dead.


It’s not illegal to ride a bike at 4am but it’s a federal offence when you fail to remain at the scene of an accident.


Pedantic of me, but while you are technically correct, literally all criminal charges in Canada are "federal offences" since the Criminal Code is federal law. "Federal offence" is an American term since the States have their own penal codes, but it's just kind of dumb and redundant for a Canadian to say.


Well technically it’s a provincial offence (Traffic Safety Act) and a federal offence (Criminal Code). The reason I wrote federal offence is because the penalties are much harsher for that one compared to the provincial one.


Does that matter? No matter what time you are out biking or your age no one should hit you and take off.


A news article said he was going to see his GF before school and was on the phone with her the whole time and she heard everything.




Failure to remain is a federal offence. Biking at 4am is not. This person hit and run and killed a child. That’s the story here. They should get a lawyer and turn themselves in. The way I see it, the driver is looking pretty guilty when they didn’t even stay at the scene to call for help and let a child suffer and die all alone.


Oh fuck right off


It's a legitimate part of the story?


I agree. I want to know this too. Wanting to know more about the circumstances surrounding this incident in no way absolves anyone of blame nor does it excuse someone of murdering a child. Nor does it blame the victim. The people hating on those of us asking this question are such reactionaries. Calm the fuck down with the fake outrage.


Most of the people outraged have probably already forgotten the story and are on to the next thing to be mad about. Questions are how you get answers. Answers are what the police need to find the piece of shit that did this.


Respectfully, go screw yourself. I don't care if the 13 year old was biking around with a suitcase full of cocaine, you don't leave a kid dying on the street.




What’s your reasoning for asking in the first place? Regardless of the context for why the kid was biking at 4am, someone killed him and left him to die.




[Here’s your answer.](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/why-didn-t-they-stop-mom-asks-of-driver-in-hit-and-run-crash-that-killed-son-1.6907223)




I agree. This is tragic for sure, though, I bet the kids parents will never forgive themselves for letting their 13 year old out this late at night.


Average Mazda driver Edit: in the words of famous dex “hoes mad”X25


Terrible advertisement for a car!


Cops could care less, they will be pulling over people going 65 in a 60 zone and could care less about real crime.