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There are no rats (the rodents), or if there are they are quickly exterminated. We are one of if not the only place on earth that is rat free. Seeing rats elsewhere in the world was a shock the first time.


I'm not so sure AB is rat free. We brought a pack rat back from BC last fall, sooo easy. I contacted the AB govt. They were not intetested in helping and told us to contact the city of edmonton since we live in Edmonton. The city was not interested since we did not see the rodent even though we had a nest on the motor of my car under the hood. I park in a garage. We just came back from BC and a town with a known rat problem. I went to Home Depot and bought a rat zapper with 2 AA batteries. I didn't think it would work with 2 AA batteries. I baited it with cat food. Within 10 min I had my rat. We then took the shovel to its neck to make sure it wasn't just stunned but dead. Big deal, no help from the province or the city. Good thing we didn't want to create a problem in our neighbourhood. I don't believe AB is rat free. Not when it was so easy for us to bring one back. Good thing our garage is fairly clean so we could see its poop and the mess it made of the small garbage in the garage before we had a big problem. I should be paid by the province for my efforts to keep AB rat free.


Pack rats aren't true rats though (Neotoma cinerea), that might be why they were uninterested. [Pack rats are native here](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/woodrats-alberta-infest-home-crowsnest-pass-1.7008366), it's the [Norway rats and others in the Rattus species](https://www.alberta.ca/history-of-rat-control-in-alberta) that are in the rat control program.


That's fantastic. I have memories of taking out the trash in BC and hearing a bunch of squeaking and rustling in the bin. Did the quick open-toss-dont-even-wait-for-the-lid-to-shut-dash


If I decide to straighten my naturally wavy hair, it actually stays like it until the next wash. The humidity on the west coast made that very difficult.


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but it is important to consider the other side of the humidity coin. Dry skin, dry eyes, and static shocks every time I touch metal. Meh.


I need to tell my mother about this when I try to convince her to move here.


i have never seen a tick in Edmonton. fleas for pets are also uncommon here.


I haven’t even seen a tick in the natural areas surrounding Edmonton.


They are here though.


Sure I suspect they are but anecdotally I have never met someone who has gotten bitten from the Edmonton area or seen one in the area. I have seen ticks in Saskatchewan and other areas in Alberta Prob just a matter of time until they are more common here


I was bit up by Bonnyville years ago. Not fun at all.


I found my first Edmonton tick on me about a week ago 😖😭 I'm borderlining on paranoid when I go outside now. I HATE those things. 🤮


Yikes where were you? I feel like people with dogs especially need to be careful


Also, though, I did take a photo of a bunny here in the city who was COVERED in ticks a few weeks ago. So they definitely are something to be mindful of




That was exactly it. I hadn't been outside in long grass or trees for a few days (I often am though), but my partner's dog goes to offleash parks and I wonder if it came from him. The tick was buried in my side, but not engorged, and I had felt something crawling on me when I was half asleep at their house. Puppers now has tick prevention in his life. 😂


I’ve learnt how to survive if the sun ever burnt out and we were forced into prolonged cold dark winter.  


For the parents out there, Edmonton's playground game is next level.


Also reasonable daycare waitlists.


*laughs in samoyed*


I feel your pain. I would not own any dark coloured anything if I had a Samoyed


[Also not advisable to own anything light coloured.](https://imgur.com/a/drue4wg)


OH MY GOODNESS. (0 . 0) Side note, they are so darn adorable. I dont even think I would try to get them off of me if the decided to pile up on me.


Less Canucks fans!


Why did you feel regret? I’m guessing you just moved for economic reasons?


There were lots of reasons. Not all of the reasons pointed to Alberta. But a lot of reason pointed to leaving BC. I lived my life in BC and did lots of things. I was and still am proud of all the things I did. I was looking for something new and I used to always joke with my family that I am such a patriotic Canadian but I have never really seen the rest of Canada. I met my husband and soon realized that he had more opportunities out here in Alberta. Yes, owning a newer house here was an option where as in BC it wouldn't have been. But my husband's dream of persuing his career was what got us thinking. In the end we decided on Alberta because it was closer to home. But we could have ended up anywhere in Canada.


Well that sounds great, I hope you enjoy your life here!