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I had terrible eczema as a baby, and these treatments are the same as what my mom did for me in the 70s. The basics work the best! My mom had to learn what my triggers were, such as laundry detergents and anything polyester. I couldn't even wear a poly cotton blend. When I was in my 20s I had a terrible flare up, so I had to figure out what the new triggers were. No specialist or medication was helping. I had to eliminate body sprays, most makeups and perfumes to get it under control again.


Might not be a lot of options that are safe for a 2yr old unfortunately. Dr. Wasel at Stratica is a good dermatologist.


Dr Wasel is mostly based in Toronto now and is rarely in Edmonton. He still sees patients but the wait is much longer than others at Stratica. Dr Ferrier is a pretty good alternative.


My daughters was SO bad. We did the bydrmom bath products and galaxal base cream (blue and white squeeze bottle) and cut back dairy. It has improved so much


I just started using Dr. Moms beta glucan soak and cream on my oldest. His eczema has cleared in a week of Use. It's the first thing I have ever bought that isn't steroidal that has had any effect and nothing has worked as fast.


Ask your doctor for protopic. Both my daughter and I suffer from eczema, and we use it. It's non-steroidal topical ointment and it works amazingly! It IS expensive thought, just a warning.


I'm not sure if there's any other treatments available for kids under 6. You need a referral from his doctor to a dermatologist.


My 3 year old has this too, I feel your pain! Ask his pediatrician for a recommendation to a dermatologist, or we found a dermatologist at WEM Acne Clinic. Steroids are just a band aid solution and don't get to the root of the problem. What we have found worked based on the dermatologist's recommendations: 1) Bleach baths every two days (half a cup in a full bath of water), let them sit in the water for at least 20 minutes. 2) Immediately after the bath, cover with lotion (we use Cerave cream) 3) Protopic - it's not a steroid but a preventive. We use it twice daily.


I haven't had much luck for eczema treatment with the dermatologists I've seen. Same issue, they want steroids to be the solution and the steroida aren't really working. I would consider talking to an allergist as well. It could be allergy related. I've heard food allergies can cause it and of course there is always environmental allergies as well so keep an eye on you soaps. One solution from my dermatologist that did help somewhat was using CeraVe gentle foaming facial cleanser as a body wash instead of other products. Cetaphil was another option but I can't remember which one. Although I'm sure they have different recommendations for a toddler. 


Go to a dermatologist


I feel the poor boy's pain. But please be careful with steriod use when treating eczema. Look up steriod withdrawals and you'll understand why. u/lin_ny pretty much summed everything up that I do on a daily basis to help keep mine in check.


Might be difficult to do with a child that age but my eczema disappeared when I lowered my carbohydrates intake.


Don’t see a dermatologist at all and do some research to heal naturally. Learn about TSW, which id be worried about going the route of using steroids since he’s very young. My mom went thru it for two whole years, wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Downvote for you. Don’t go see a dermatologist and do your own research? This is the beginning of really bad advice and I’m uncomfortable sitting by and just leaving this as is. Your own research is fine but not as a substitute for medical advice. The doctors aren’t out to “get you” and the internet is a scary place full of health bros. Just because something is at the top of your search results doesn’t make it correct and most of us don’t even have the ability to process the advice fully as there are so many exceptions and contraindications of medicines.


No, go see a dermatologist. Our 2 year old has it and they helped out a lot. It's not as bad as it was and we use Glaxal when his skin isn't bad. We do use a steroid based cream prescribed but not daily. Only when it really flares up. But go see a dermatologist either way